Esin Esen Assoc. Prof. Dr. It is not affiliated with an institution
Publication 4 Review 3
4 Publication
3 Review

Research Fields

Translation Studies Japanese Language, Literature and Culture


Associate Professor Dr. Esin ESEN, is a Japanologist, who specializes in Japanese language and literature, translation from Japanese and Japanese women’s literature (Nara-Heian Periods). She applied cognitive poetics and relevance theory to develop a method for translation of reader responsibility features of Japanese language into Turkish. Her PhD is on the Man’yōshū – the reader responsibility approach and cognitive poetics theory. She translated Murasaki Shikibu Nikki into Turkish from classical Japanese and Sasameyuki by the famous Japanese writer Jun’ichirō Tanizaki . She has been translating since the 1990s [Japanese, Spanish and English, Classical Japanese, Turkish (native)]. She also teaches theoric and applied translation courses at university level in these languages. Founder of Kotodama Istanbul book project themed Japan in Turkey and Turkey in Japan. Editor of “Shaping the Field of Translation In Japanese↔Turkish Contexts 1-2” the world’s first academic books on Turkish↔Japanese translation.


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