Issue: 38, 10/28/21

Year: 2021


The basic aim of Art Journal is to contribute to world of art through the publication of academicians and reserachers spending effort in art.

Art Journal accepts studies in Applied Arts, Stage Arts, Plastic Arts, traditional Arts, Art History, Theory of Art, Art Criticism and Music Science and other studies directly or indirectly related to art.

At the beginning of the article, the Turkish title should be written in bold, all letters in capital, 11 font size and centered on the page. The English title should be just below the Turkish title and all the features should be the same as the Turkish title, except for boldness. Sub-titles of the article should be written in 11 font size and bold, and only the first letters should be capital letters.
If the article is produced from another study such as a thesis, presentation, etc., the explanation about it should be given in the form of exponential representation and in 8.5 pt after Turkish title.
Author / Authors' Information
Right below the title, the name, surname of the author/authors, title and the institution where she/he works, her/his current e-mail address and Orcid number should be included. Orcid number must be entered separately for each author. It is not possible to publish the works of authors without an Orcid number in our journal. Format of the author/authors information should be given as 9 pt, centered, only author names should be bold, surnames should be in capital letters and 1 line spacing. As an example, the template below should be considered..
Prof. Dr., Atatürk Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, Temel Eğitim Bölümü
Prof. Dr., Atatürk University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Elementary Education
Turkish and English abstracts should be between 150-200 words. Then, key words consisting of at least 3 and at most 5 words should be added. Abstract and Keywords should be created with 9.5 points and 1 line spacing.
Article Text
Articles should be sent in the format given below. Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the article template, spelling rules and referencing rules will be rejected at the pre-check stage. The responsibility in this matter belongs entirely to the author.
1. Articles should be written in Microsoft Word program, uploaded to the system and page structures should be arranged as follows:

Paper Size: A4 Portrait
Top Margin: 2 cm
Bottom Margin: 2 cm
Left Margin: 2 cm
Right Margin: 2 cm
Font: Times News Roman
Font Style: Normal
Normal Text Size: 10.5
Footnote Text Size: 8,5
Table-Graphic: 10
Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt first, then 0 pt
Line Spacing: Single (1)

2. Details such as page number, header and footer should not be included in articles.
3. The article should start with the Introduction, and this section should focus on the hypothesis, scope and purpose of the article. Data, observations, opinions, comments and discussions should be presented in the Body section, which will be supported with intermediate and sub-titles. In the Conclusion part, the results reached in the study should be explained supported with suggestions.
4. The visuals used in the text should be named as pictures, photographs, plans, tables, etc. in accordance with their type, and each should be numbered below and the first letters should be explained in capital letters and bold. (Visual 1. Paul Klee, Şemsiyeli, 1939, k.ü.k.s., 36.6 x 19.5 cm)
5. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as a basis.
6. For explanations to be made in the text; exponentials should be used and explanations should be listed under the heading End Notes after the conclusion section.
7. If there is a References Section at the end of the article, Internet References and Visual References should be included.
8. Articles that have completed the referee evaluation process and are suitable for publication will be checked for compliance with the spelling rules and article template for the last time, and articles that require correction will be directed to authors, and they will be asked to provide submissions. Articles returning from authors will be rejected if they do not comply with the Editorial Principles and Writing Rules. Articles that exceed the deadline for return will be left to the next issue in order not to disrupt the publication process.
APA Citation System is used in our journal.
When using the APA System (in-text), attention should be paid to the following:
- In the citations made within the text (directly or indirectly), the author's surname, the publication date of the study: and the page number of the quote should be indicated in parentheses. (Somuncuoğlu, 2011: 30)
- If the citation exceeds 40 words, it should be shown as a compressed paragraph (the entire paragraph 1 tab (1 cm) from the left inside and quotation marks.
- If the name of the cited author is given in the text, the publication date and page of the source should be written. [Somuncuoğlu (1966: 17), on this subject…]
- If more than one study of the author is published in the same year, letter coding should be made at the end of the year of publication. (Ögel, 2010a: 30, Ögel, 2010b: 40…)
- If more than one source is cited in the text, the references should be separated with commas. (Somuncuoğlu, 2011: 30, Berkli, 2014: 73, Hoppal, 2014: 64-68, Bindokat, 2006: 60-61…)
- If an oral source or an interview source is used, the name-surname and date of the source person must be specified in parentheses. (Yunus Berkli, 2020)
- Author's surname and n.d. (no date) phrase should be added for studies or manuscripts whose publication date is uncertain, and for studies without author's name, the name and n.d. of the study should be added. (Berkli, t.y.), (Erzurum kilim dokumaları, n.d.)
- Internet resources with an unknown publication date will also be shown in the same way, and the access date information must be given in the bibliography.
- Internet resources to be used in the text should be written by indicating the surname and access date (Berkli, Erişim Tarihi: 12.10.2020). If the name of the author is not known, the title of the text should be used. (Erzurum from past to present, Access Date: 02.08.2020)
- The visuals included in the text should be numbered (10 pt) and the tag information should be given. (Figure 1. Paul Klee, Şemsiyeli, 1939, k.ü.k.s., 36.6 x 19.5 cm)
The bibliography section should be at the end of the article, only the references cited should be included and should be listed alphabetically according to the author's surname. If more than one study by the same author takes place in references section, the publication date should be noted from present to past. If the author has more than one study published in the same year, the references should be listed by coding as a, b, c.
Ögel, B. (2010a). Türk Mitolojisi I. Ankara: Turkish History Association.
Ögel, B. (2010b). Türk Mitolojisi II. Ankara: Turkish History Association.
And, M. (2010). Minyatürlerle Osmanlı-İslam Mitologyası. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
And, M. (2012). Oyun ve Bügü. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.

Translated Book
Draaisma, D. (2014). Bellek Metaforları Zihinle İlgili Fikirlerin Tarihi. (Trans. Gürol Koca). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
Çağman, F. (1989). “Ahmed Musa”. TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi. İstanbul: 2. Cild, 108-109.
Berkli, Y. (2007), “At Sembolizminin Türk Defin Geleneğindeki İzleri”. Journal of Social Sciences Ekev Academy. S30. 65-74.
Gültepe, G. (2015). “Türk Kültür ve Medeniyetinde Oyun-İnanç ve Maske”. International Game and Toy Congress Book of Proceedings.. 7-8 May-Erzurum: 601-610.
Gültepe, G. (2016). Plastik Sanatlarda Soyut Somut Gösterge ve Görseller Üzerine Metaforik Bir Yaklaşım. Proficiency Thesis in Art. Erzurum: Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences.
Internet References
For Internet resources, the information of the citation should be written as follows: Subject title, internet access address, Access Date: 17.09.2019. (Türk Mitolojisi. (Access Date: 17.09.2019).
The sources for visuals (pictures, photographs, figures, drawings, etc.) included in the text (written or internet) should be stated at the end of the text under the title of Visual References following the internet references.
Visual References
Figure 1. Paul Klee, Şemsiyeli, 1939, k.ü.k.s., 36.6 x 19.5 cm 486,$ (Access Date: 25.08.2015).
Figure 2. Miracname, TKSM, H. 2154, 62r,
İnal, Güner (1995). Türk Minyatür Sanatı (Başlangıcından Osmanlılara Kadar). Ankara: Ataturk Cultural Center. p. 300.

Art Journal is the publication of Atatürk University Faculty of Fine Arts. It is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, in March and October. In Art Journal, scientific research papers carried out in different disciplines of fine arts are published. 
The manuscripts that are sent to the journal must be original, unpublished and cannot be submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. The format of the manuscripts should be designed in accordance with the writing and publication guidelines approved by the Executive of the Editorial Board.

There is no evaluation fee and application fee for the articles submitted to the journal. 

After considering the referee reports and the plagiarism report of "iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software", Editorial Board decides whether to publish the article or notThose articles having a similarity index of more than 20% are rejected without taking to the evaluation process. 

The Editorial Board makes the last decision for the publication of the manuscript and has the right to make alterations, to publish or reject manuscripts. The manuscripts, published or unpublished in the Journal, are not sent back to the authors.

Art Journal is double blind peer-reviewed national academic journal. Reviewers' names are withheld by the journal to protect the integrity of the double-blind peer review process.
Any legal responsibility regarding the content of the published articles belongs to the author. Manuscripts are accepted in Turkish and English. Manuscripts should be sent via DergiPark.
The articles are sent to at least two referees related to the field after technical control for scientific quality. The submitted articles should not have been published elsewhere before. The publication of the unpublished symposium papers is possible, provided that they are informed in the article before they go through editorial process.

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