Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 12/30/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles


Sakarya Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (SHD), hukuk ve hukukla bağlantılı diğer bilim alanlarında, özgün ve nitelikli bilimsel çalışmalara dayanan makalelerin yayımlanması suretiyle ulusal ve uluslararası literatüre katkıda bulunmayı amaçlar.

Sakarya Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (SHD) hakemli bir dergidir. Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu’nun 07.02.2013 tarih ve 23 sayılı kararı ve Üniversite Yönetim Kurulunun 21.02.2013 Tarih ve 494 sayılı onayı gereğince Temmuz ve Aralık aylarında olmak üzere yılda iki kez yayımlanır. Yayımlanması istenen makalelerin Temmuz ayında çıkan sayı için 31 Mayıs; Aralık ayında çıkan sayı için 31 Ekim tarihine kadar teslim edilmesi gerekir.  

1. Dergiye basılmak üzere gönderilen bilimsel çalışmalar, kamu hukuku, özel hukuk ve mali hukuk alanlarına ilişkin bulunmalı ve daha önce başka bir yerde yayımlanmak üzere gönderilmemiş olmalıdır.

2. Makale başlığı sayfa ortalanarak Sadece İlk Harfi Büyük olacak şekilde, Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak alt alta yazılmalıdır.

3. Dergiye gönderilecek makalelerde Sadece İlk Harfi Büyük olacak şekilde, Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak “Öz” ile “Anahtar Kelimeler” yer almalı ve anahtar kelimelerde yer alan sözcüklerin de yine Sadece İlk Harfleri Büyük olmalı ve virgül ile birbirlerinden ayrılmalıdır.

4. Metin içerisinde içeri doğru girintili paragraflara yer verilmemeli, tüm paragraflar sola dayalı olarak oluşturulmalıdır.

5. Dergiye gönderilecek makalelerde, ilk sayfada makale başlığının altında yazarın yalnızca ismine yer verilmeli, ismin yanında ( * ) simgesiyle oluşturulacak dipnotta sırasıyla akademik unvan, görevli olunan üniversite, fakülte ve bölümü ile yazarın kurumsal e-posta adresi ve ORCID numarasına yer verilmelidir.

6. Yazıların gövde metni Times New Roman karakteri 12 punto; dipnotlar sayfanın altında gösterilecek biçimde, Times New Roman karakteri 10 punto olacak şekilde kaleme alınmalıdır. Yazılarda dilbilgisi kurallarına uyulmalıdır.

7. Yazılarda kullanılacak başlık simgeleri sırasıyla aşağıda gösterilen şekilde oluşturulmalıdır.



1. Üçüncü Derecede Alt Bölüm (1, 2)

a. Dördüncü Derecede Alt Bölüm (a, b)

aa. Beşinci Derecede Alt Bölüm (aa, bb)

aaa. Altıncı Derecede Alt Bölüm (aaa, bbb)

aaaa. Yedinci Derecede Alt Bölüm (aaaa, bbbb)

8. Dipnotlar, ilgili sayfanın sonuna sıralı numaralar hâlinde eklenmelidir. Dipnotlar 10 punto kullanılarak, 1 satır aralıklı olarak ve iki yana yaslanmış şekilde yazılmalıdır.

9. Makalenin sonunda, makalede kullanılan kaynakların, yazarların soyadlarına göre sıralandığı bir kaynakça bulunmalıdır. Kaynakçada öncelikle yazarın soyadına daha sonra adının ilk harfine yer verilir. Ayrıca makalelerin sayfa aralığı gösterilir.

Publication Ethics

“Sakarya University Journal of Law Faculty”, published within the body of Sakarya University Faculty of Law, is a peer-reviewed journal, whose publication processes are based upon the impartial production, development and sharing of information by scientific method.

Publication Policy

There is no charge for accessing Sakarya University Faculty of Law Journal (hereinafter referred to as “the Journal”). All expenses of the Journal are covered by Sakarya University. The publication of articles and the execution of article review processes in the Journal are free of charge. No processing fee or submission fee is charged for articles submitted to the Journal or accepted for publication.
The articles, which are pre-evaluated by the Editorial Board and successfully passed the plagiarism check, are submitted to two (2) reviewers for peer review by removing the names of the authors from the article in accordance with the blind reviewing system. The authors are not informed about which reviewer the article was submitted to. If corrections are requested in the reviewer’s report, the authors are allowed to make changes only within the framework of the specified corrections. After the authors make the concerned corrections suggested by the reviewers, peer review process is re-applied.

All components of the publication process in the creation of scientific production; the publisher, editors, authors, reviewers and readers are required to abide by the following ethical principles. In this context, the publication ethics and open access policy of the Journal, which are in line with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (also known as the “COPE”) with regard to the open access (for instance “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors), require all components of the publication process to comply with the said ethical principles.

If situations such as manipulating, distorting and using fabricated data included in the articles are detected, such incident shall be reported to the institution where the article author employs and the article shall be rejected. The Journal has the right to request the output files/reports of the analysis results from the authors according to the feedback given by the editors and/or the reviewers.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher

Sakarya University, the publisher of the Journal, is a non-profit public education institution that pursues the public interest.

The publisher’s ethical responsibilities are as follows:

The publisher accepts that the decision-making and the peer review processes are the responsibility of the editor throughout the publishing an article in the Journal.

Responsibilities of the Journal’s Editors

The Journal’s Editors are responsible for every article submitted to the Journal, and even for all processes after the publication, the editors hereby know and accept such responsibility. The said responsibility requires making impartial decisions on issues related to the Journal and considering solely public interest without any personal interest. The relationship between the publisher and the editorial board is further based on the principle of independence, thus all decisions taken by the editors are independent of the publisher and other individuals and institutions.

The editors strive to constantly improve the Journal and increase the Journal’s publication quality.

The editors ensure the determination and implementation of the Journal’s policies such as publication, blind peer-review, evaluation process and ethical principles.

The editors seek and protect the copyright of the authors of the articles published in the Journal.

The editors are responsible for taking precautions regarding intellectual property rights, unscientific and unethical behaviors, plagiarism and citation gangs throughout the publication of articles and volumes.

The editors prepare the “Author’s Guide” containing the information requirements of the author(s), and the “Reviewers Guide” containing the information that the reviewers may need during the evaluation phase, and updates such documents when necessary.

The editors determines policies that motivate and accelerate the reviewers and author(s).

The editors keep records of each article and correspondence with respect to the Journal in electronic or printed form.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief and Editors

The Editor-in-Chief and Editors (hereinafter referred to as “the Editors”) strive to meet the information needs of the reviewers, authors, researchers, practitioners and readers, further provide feedback when necessary, and to act in accordance with the principles of clarity in matters that require correction and explanation in the publication process.

While deciding whether to publish the articles, the Editors take care to ensure that articles are original and contribute to the scientific literature, readers, researchers and practitioners.

While making a positive or negative decision regarding the articles, the Editors consider the original value of the articles, their contribution to the relevant field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the narrative, in addition to the purpose and scope of the Journal.

The Editors carry out the preliminary evaluation phase as long as the submitted articles do not have significant problems, take into account of the positive suggestions of reviewers and do not change the decisions made by previous editors unless there are serious matters.

The Editors apply the policies of blind reviewing and evaluation process, which are among the publication policies of the Journal, strictly keep the identities of the reviewers confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated impartially and on time.

The Editors submit the articles by taking into consideration the field of expertise of the editors and the reviewers, and support the impartial and independent evaluations.

The Editors take into account whether there is a conflict of interest between the editors, the reviewers and the author in order for the unbiased evaluation of the article.

The Editors make an effort to create a wide variety of reviewers and maintain such variety up to date.

The Editors prevent unscientific and non-academic reviews.

The Editors ensure that the publication processes of the Journal are operated in accordance with publication policies and guidelines, inform those in charge of the developments in publication policies and prepare a training program when necessary.

The Editors communicate effectively with everyone involved in the publication process and organize meetings at regular intervals.

The Editors ensure the protection of personal date in the evaluated articles; thereby protect the personal data of author(s), reviewers and readers.

The Editors pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles; care about documenting the explicit consent of the participants of the article; reject the article when they do not have the approval of the ethics committee for the participants of the article and required permission for experimental research.

The Editors take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, the Editors make an objective investigation and share the relevant findings.

The Editors ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirection in articles are corrected.

The Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the Journal and the author(s) in case of violation. The Editors, in addition, take the necessary measures to ensure that the content of the published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications, therewithal perform the authenticity-similarity check.

The Editors take into account the consistent criticism of the articles published in the Journal and give the right to reply to the author(s) of the criticized articles.

The Editors also take into account the studies that cover the negative results.

The Editors examine the complaints submitted to the Journal and make the necessary explanations.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

Throughout the article evaluation process, the principle of blind reviewing is applied, the reviewers cannot communicate directly with the author(s); article evaluation forms, notes on the texts and correction requests are forwarded to the authors(s) by the Editors through the electronic Journal management system. The reviewers who shall evaluate the articles submitted to the Journal should bear the following ethical responsibilities:

The reviewers should only accept to evaluate articles related to their field of expertise.

The reviewers should make the evaluation with impartiality and confidentiality. Pursuant to this principle, the reviewers should destroy the articles they have reviewed after the evaluation process and only use them after they are published. Nationality, gender, religious belief, political belief, commercial concerns should not impair the impartiality of the assessment.

When the reviewers realize that there is a conflict of interest, they should refuse to evaluate the article and immediately inform the Editors.

The reviewers should make the evaluation in a constructive language in accordance with academic code of conduct; personal comments that may contain insults and hostility should be avoided.

The reviewers should evaluate the article for which they have accepted the evaluation within the time limit.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

The ethical responsibilities of the authors who have submitted an article to the Journal are as follows:

The authors should not submit an article they have published elsewhere or submitted for publication to the Journal.

The authors should submit an original/authentic article to the Journal.

The authors should state that the articles submitted to the Journal have not been submitted to another journal and the Copyright Transfer Form should be filled and signed by the authors.

The authors should correctly cite (refer) the sources they used during the writing of the article in line with ethical principles.

The names of individuals who do not contribute to the article should not be written as authors, and it should not be suggested to change the author order, remove an author, or add an author of an article that has been submitted for publication.

Persons who have a conflict of interest regarding the article submitted for publication should be reported to the Editors.

If information or raw data is requested from the authors during the evaluation process, they should submit the expected information to the Editors.

The authors should document that they have obtained the right to use the data they use in their articles, the permissions for the research/analysis or the consent of the participants on whom they have researched.

The authors should contact the Editor to inform, correct or retract when they notice an error in an article that is in the evaluation and preliminary review phase or has been published electronically.

Ethics committee approval was obtained for studies that require data collection by quantitative or qualitative methods such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, focus group studies that require an ethics committee decision; Ethics committee name, decision date and number should be stated on the first-last page of the article and in the method section, and the document showing the ethics committee decision should be uploaded to the system with the application of the article. In addition, the article should include information about obtaining the informed consent/consent form in the case reports.

The authors should present in the article evidence that they pay attention to ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining their permission to use other people's documents such as scales, questionnaires, photographs). It should be stated in the articles that research and publication ethics and copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works are complied with. If the research was carried out on human and animal subjects, international papers, guidelines, etc. should be reported appropriately.

Ethics committee approval is not required from the authors for review articles. However, in articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, it should be stated on the first-last page of the article and in the method section that an ethics committee decision is not required.

Notifying the Editor of Cases that do not comply with the Ethical Principles

In case of any behavior that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding the editors, reviewers, authors, or an unethical situation regarding an article in the evaluation process, early view or published in the Journal, it should be reported to hukukdergisi@sakarya.edu.tr by e-mail.

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