Current Issue

Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 3/20/25

Year: 2025

Research Article

Review Article


Higher Education Studies, Internationalization in Higher Education
Philosophy of Science, Philosophy
Consumer Behaviour, Tourism Marketing, Product and Brand Management, Marketing Research Methodology
Ebru ACUNER İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Enerji Enstitüsü 0000-0003-0877-6009
Environmentally Sustainable Engineering, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (Other), Environmental Education and Extension
Science Education, Classroom Education
Education Management
Labor Economics and Economic Demography
Dr. Hakan GÜVENER It is not affiliated with an institution 0000-0002-9159-7708
Health Management
Organisational, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication, Communication and Media Studies
Assoc. Prof. Işılay GÖKTÜRK Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyoloji Bölümü 0000-0002-4972-8217
Sociology of Family and Relationships, Sociology, Sociology of Gender, Communication Sociology, Women's Studies, Sociology of Culture
Qualitative Methods in Sociology, Sociology, Family Sociology , Sociology of Family and Relationships, Sociology of Science and Information
Religious Education
Internationalization in Higher Education
Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, Digital Marketing, Service Marketing, Customer Relationship Management
Social Security, Social Exclusion, Disabled Groups
Communication Sociology, Urban Sociology and Community Studies, Sociology of Family and Relationships
Social Studies Education
Prof. Dr. Sahure Gonca TELLİ It is not affiliated with an institution 0000-0002-8238-3185
Technology Management, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Sales Management, E-Trade, Technology Management and Business Models, Instructional Technologies, Consumer Behaviour, International Marketing
Marketing Research Methodology, Industrial Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing in International Trade, Sales Management, Customer Relationship Management
Rehabilitation, Health Sciences
Social Media Applications and Analysis, Instructional Technologies, Educational Technology and Computing, Open and Distance Learning, Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Reality, Social Media Studies
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yavuz YÜCEL DİCLE ÜNİVERSİTESİ, TIP FAKÜLTESİ 0000-0003-4205-3138
Neurogenetics, Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özal ÇİÇEK SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-2741-3003
Labor Sociology, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Occupational Health and Safety
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgü İNAL ÖZÜN Health Sciences University, Faculty of Gülhane Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Department of Neurologic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Ankara, Turkey 0000-0002-0351-1821
Occupational Therapy, Health Sciences, Rehabilitation
Comparative Political Institutions, Human Impacts of Climate Change and Human Adaptation, International Migration, Turkish Foreign Policy, European Union

The journal focuses on the dynamic structures, functions, and multidimensional issues related to higher education institutions. It aims to contribute to university culture and disseminate research findings for the benefit of all stakeholders in higher education. The journal accepts innovative and original scientific research articles that have not been previously published elsewhere.

Topics Covered by the Journal

  • Philosophy of Higher Education
  • Globalization and Internationalization
  • Entrepreneurial Education, Innovation, and R&D Strategies
  • Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education
  • Financing Higher Education
  • Organization and Management of Higher Education Institutions
  • Transition from Secondary Education to Higher Education
  • Foundation and Private Universities
  • Student Experience and Engagement in Higher Education
  • University, Society, Industry, and Business Relations
  • Other contemporary and interdisciplinary topics related to higher education

You may submit your article in any format you choose (Your Paper Your Way).

The corresponding author must confirm that they have the right to publish the article and that its content contains no material that could lead to objections. The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) assumes that all co-authors approve of the submission of the article.

The journal publishes studies that address multidimensional topics in the field of higher education. Its aim is to contribute to university culture and make a high impact in the field of higher education with innovative and original scientific research articles that have not been published elsewhere. The journal targets not only specific area experts but also a wider audience.

Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx) format.

- The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
- The abstract should generally include the purpose, method, findings, and conclusions of the study.
- Abbreviations should not be used in the abstract.

- At least three and at most five keywords should be provided for indexing.
- Except for proper nouns, the first letter of keywords should be capitalized.
- Commas should be used to separate keywords.

In the Introduction section, it should be remembered that the journal addresses a wide readership. This section should highlight the importance of the study for the general reader and guide them to the specific study. The scope and potential impact of the study should be clearly and precisely stated.

Under the title, the author's name, institution, and full address should be provided. If there are multiple authors, each author’s institution and full address must be provided in full. In the case of multiple authors, the author responsible for correspondence throughout all stages of the publication process (including peer review and publication) should be clearly indicated with an asterisk (*). If there are changes in author additions, deletions, or author order in the submitted manuscript, all co-authors' approval will be required. Author changes are not permitted after the article has been accepted.

Conflicts of Interest
Authors should declare whether they have any financial relationships with sponsoring organizations. This declaration should be presented as an unnumbered separate section before the reference list. If there is no conflict of interest, the following statement should be used: "The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article."

Ethical Standards

The originality of the submitted manuscript is the responsibility of the authors. Authors must avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism upon submission. Articles may be checked for plagiarism through systems such as, Turnitin, or iThenticate, Turnitin, and are systems that test the originality of submitted material and help detect plagiarism. Authors may use these systems to view their own identity information and check for plagiarism before submission. Additionally, articles will be automatically checked through via the DERGIPARK system.

Authors wishing to include statistics, tables, or text excerpts previously published elsewhere must obtain permission from the copyright holders for both print and online formats and provide proof that this permission has been obtained when submitting the article. Without such proof, submitted materials are assumed to be the responsibility of the authors.

Article and Text Format
The article should be written using Microsoft Word. The language of the text should be English (a few articles may be in Turkish) and must comply with grammar and punctuation rules. The text should preferably be double-spaced and consecutively numbered, including the bibliography and appendices. The article should include the following sections in order from the first page: Abstract, Introduction, Methods and Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.

Tables, Figures, and Illustrations
For the review process, tables should be inserted into the body of the text. Tables should avoid shading, colors, drawings, graphics, or other visual elements. Tables should only be used to present data, while drawings, graphics, and illustrations should be presented as separate figures. Histograms should not be used for data that can be easily expressed in text or small tables as they occupy excessive space.

Each figure should have a caption below it. References to tables in the text should not be abbreviated; for example, "in Table I." If your figure consists of multiple parts, each part should be labeled separately as "(a)," "(b)," etc. For clarity, words should be preferred over symbols for axis labels in figures. Figure labels should be approximately 8-9 points in size and legible. Figures should contain axis labels and other necessary elements. All figures and tables must be cited within the document.

Image quality is crucial for reproducing graphics. Although graphics can be accepted in various formats, low-quality graphics cannot be enhanced. All files should meet the following resolution ranges: Half-tone (color or black-and-white) images: 200-300 dpi, images containing gray tones and color combinations: 300-500 dpi. Note that color figures are published in the online versions, while black-and-white figures are published in print versions. Color figures must also be understandable in black-and-white versions. Each file should not exceed 10 MB.

To accurately represent mathematical expressions in your article, equations requiring special mathematical characters not available on the keyboard should be written using a suitable equation editor. Equations should be sequentially numbered with the right margin, for example, (1), in parentheses. All symbols used in equations should be defined either before or immediately after the equation.

Abbreviations and Acronyms
Unless they are widely understood, abbreviations or acronyms should be avoided. If an abbreviation or acronym is used in the article, it should be fully defined when first mentioned. Abbreviations should be avoided in the abstract; explaining them on the first use in the main text is sufficient.

For the initial submission, references may be presented in any format. However, if your article is accepted for publication, references must be formatted according to APA 7th edition guidelines.

For more information, visit: []

Discussion and Conclusions
The Discussion section may present a general interpretation of the research results. The conclusions must be stated clearly. The conclusion section should highlight the main findings of the article without repeating the abstract. Conclusions may expand on the scope of the article or provide practical applications and recommendations at a more concrete level than the discussion.

Evaluation of Articles Submitted for Publication
In the evaluation of articles submitted to the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD), academic impartiality and scientific quality are the most important criteria. Therefore, the scientific articles submitted to our journal must comply with international standards such as ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Other General Information for Authors
- ÜAD is an international peer-reviewed journal addressing multidimensional issues in higher education.
- ÜAD issues are published four times a year (March 20, June, September, and December).
- The language of articles is English (a few articles may be in Turkish).
- The similarity rate in articles should not exceed 20% without proper citation.
- Article submissions are not accepted via email.
- For Survey Studies: The scale and raw data collected must be uploaded as an Excel file to the system. Survey-based studies that do not include this information will not enter the evaluation process.
- Articles to be published should be submitted via the "Submit Article" page.
- Ethical committee approval must be obtained for all studies involving human and animal subjects.

Regarding Ethical Committee Approval
For studies requiring ethical committee approval, information about the approval (name of the committee, date, and reference number) should be included in the method section and also at the end of the article. When uploading your work to our journal, you must upload your ethical committee approval document along with your article file. If your work does not require ethical committee approval, you must sign a declaration form stating this and clearly indicate this in your article.

Research requiring ethical committee approval is listed in detail below:

  • Research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants through surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observations, experiments, and interview techniques,
  • Studies involving humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
  • Clinical trials conducted on humans,
  • Studies conducted on animals,
  • Retrospective studies as per the Personal Data Protection Law.

Submission Checklist
The following submission checklist will be available on the article submission screen. Please carefully read and confirm these items before submitting your article to the journal.

Fee Policy
All articles in the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) are published as Open Access. To ensure free access for readers and to cover the costs related to peer review, text editing, typesetting, promotion, technical support, and journal management, an article processing fee is charged for submitted articles. Detailed information on this can be accessed from the journal fee policy page: [].

Upon uploading an article to the system, the corresponding author will be informed when payment is due, and payment instructions will be provided by the journal team.

Copyright Agreement

  • This article (including text, tables, figures, graphics, and other content) has not been published elsewhere in the same form.
  • It will not be submitted elsewhere for publication before being accepted by this journal.
  • If any part or the whole of the article has been published, all necessary permissions have been obtained for its publication in the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD).
  • There is no material subject to copyright in the article, or all necessary permissions have been obtained.
  • The authors certify that their article complies with ÜAD's ethical standards and meets the requirements specified in the "Ethical Responsibilities of Authors" section.
  • The corresponding author accepts responsibility for the publication of this material on behalf of all co-authors. ÜAD is not responsible for the content of published articles; the responsibility lies with the authors.
  • By approving this item, the authors accept that, if the article is accepted for publication by the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD), it will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). This license grants the right to share, reproduce, and reuse the material with appropriate attribution to the original work. For more information on the CC BY 4.0 license, please visit [].

Ethical Considerations
In cases of suspected research misconduct, such as plagiarism, citation manipulation, or data falsification, the Editorial Board will follow COPE flowcharts and act accordingly.

Conflict of Interest Declaration
The authors declare that known financial conflicts of interest or personal relationships have not influenced the research presented in this article.

Data Sharing

The Journal of University Research (ÜAD) supports the transparency and accessibility of research data. In this regard, authors are encouraged to make the data included in their articles publicly available. If the research data can be shared, authors are advised to present it as follows:

  • Data Storage: Supplementary research data (raw data, codes, analysis outputs, etc.) should be stored in a reliable data repository or a public database (such as Zenodo, Figshare, or Dryad).
  • Data Sharing Statement: A data sharing statement should be included in the article, providing details on how to access the data. For example, "The data used in this study is publicly available at [data repository name] (https://link)."
  • Data Usage License: Whenever possible, data should be shared under open-access licenses (e.g., CC BY 4.0) to make it accessible for other researchers to use.
  • Data Requests: If access to the data is restricted, readers may contact the corresponding author to request access.

Note: When sharing sensitive data, such as human or animal data, authors should carefully consider privacy and ethical guidelines.

Plagiarism and Similarity
The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) has strict policies regarding plagiarism. Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 20% are not considered.

ORCID Numbers
All authors must provide their ORCID numbers and email addresses in the article. For more information on ORCID, please visit [].

1. Publication Ethics

The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) is committed to principles of impartiality, respect, and adherence to scientific methods in all stages of its publication process. It aims to contribute to scientific advancement by ensuring the accurate dissemination of knowledge. All parties involved in the publication process (authors, reviewers, editor-in-chief, associate editor-in-chief, editorial board, and editorial advisory board) are required to adhere to ethical responsibilities.

The following ethical duties and responsibilities are based on the guidelines and policies prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

1.1. Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Authors submitting articles to the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) are expected to adhere to the following ethical responsibilities:
  • Originality and Novelty: Authors must submit only original and unpublished works. If other sources are used, citations must be made accurately and completely.
  • Conflict of Interest: Authors are required to declare any conflicts of interest or personal relationships related to their manuscripts. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed clearly and transparently.
  • Data Presentation and Accuracy: Authors must ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data presented in their articles and be prepared to provide raw data if requested.
  • Authorship Statement: Individuals who do not contribute significantly to the manuscript should not be listed as authors. All authors are responsible for the contributions listed in the manuscript.
  • Permissions and Approvals: Authors using human or animal subjects in their research must obtain all necessary ethical approvals and provide informed consent forms from participants.
  • Reporting of Errors: Authors who discover errors in their published or submitted works must promptly inform the editor and cooperate in correction or retraction processes.
  • Duplicate Publication: The same work cannot be submitted to multiple journals. If the article has been published elsewhere or is under review, it should not be submitted to ÜAD.
  • Author Order and Changes: The order of authors listed in the manuscript cannot be changed after the review process begins.

1.2. Ethical Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor-in-Chief, and Editorial Board
The editor-in-chief, associate editor-in-chief, and editorial board of the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) work collaboratively to ensure that the journal is published in accordance with scientific quality and ethical principles. Based on COPE's "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors," they have the following ethical responsibilities:

- Impartiality and Independence:

  • Scientific Competence and Originality: The editor-in-chief, associate editor-in-chief, and editorial board evaluate articles based solely on scientific criteria and originality, without considering authors' personal attributes (such as gender, ethnicity, religion, or political opinions).
  • Objectivity in the Publication Process: Editors must not allow personal or institutional interests to influence the review and peer-review processes, ensuring that decisions are made solely on scientific merit and alignment with the journal’s publication policy.

- Management of the Publication Process:

  • Organizing the Peer Review Process: The editor-in-chief, associate editor-in-chief, and editorial board assign reviewers with appropriate expertise for each manuscript and ensure the double-blind peer-review process is conducted impartially.
  • Confidentiality: The entire review process is kept confidential. Editors may share information about submitted articles only with reviewers and relevant editors. No information is shared with third parties without the author's permission prior to publication.
  • Management of Ethical Processes: The editor-in-chief and editorial board must intervene immediately in cases of plagiarism, data manipulation, or ethical violations and initiate the necessary investigation in accordance with COPE guidelines.

- Conflict of Interest Management:

  • Personal or Institutional Interests: Editors must evaluate any potential conflicts of interest between their own interests and the publication process. If a conflict of interest is identified, the editor concerned must not participate in the evaluation of the article, and another editor will manage the process.

- Relationship with Reviewers and Authors:

  • Transparent Communication with Authors: The editor-in-chief and editorial board communicate openly and transparently with authors throughout the process. Authors receive a reasoned response to the acceptance or rejection of their articles.
  • Guiding Reviewers: Editors provide clear guidelines to reviewers on how to evaluate manuscripts and encourage constructive feedback that enhances scientific quality. It is the responsibility of the editors to ensure that reviewers conduct impartial and scientific evaluations.

- Decision-Making in Publication:

  • Independence in Publication Decisions: The editor-in-chief, associate editor-in-chief, and editorial board carefully review peer review reports to make publication decisions. Decisions are based on scientific quality, originality, and compliance with the journal’s publication policies. Reviewer reports must be objective and prioritize the scientific value of the article.
  • Revision and Acceptance Decisions: When requesting revisions or accepting a manuscript, authors are expected to respond to reviewer feedback. Editors ensure that revision requests are fair and based on scientific grounds.

- Preservation of Scientific Quality and Ethical Standards:

  • Contribution to Science and Freedom of Expression: Editors ensure that published articles contribute to the literature and protect scientific freedom. Studies containing different perspectives or criticisms should not be rejected as long as they meet scientific quality standards.
  • Correction and Retraction Procedures: In cases of serious errors or ethical violations in published articles, the editor-in-chief and editorial board immediately initiate the correction or retraction process. This process should be conducted transparently and made public.

- Support for Editorial and Scientific Development:

  • Continuous Improvement of the Journal: The editor-in-chief, associate editor-in-chief, and editorial board continuously work to enhance the academic quality of the journal and ensure compliance with international standards, while preserving the journal’s scientific reputation.

1.3. Ethical Responsibilities of the Editorial Advisory Board
The Editorial Advisory Board aims to protect and enhance the academic and ethical standards of the journal. The primary responsibilities of this board are as follows:

  • Developing Publication Policies: Advising the editor-in-chief and editorial board on the development of publication policies and enhancement of academic standards.
  • Ethics Consultation: Providing advice to the editor-in-chief and editorial board on preventing ethical violations and suggesting preventive measures.
  • Contributing to the Publication Process: Guiding the editor-in-chief and editorial board to enhance the scientific quality of the journal and strengthen relations with national and international scientific networks.
  • Independence and Impartiality: Acting impartially in publication processes and avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Support in Ethical Complaints: Providing guidance to the editor-in-chief and editorial board in evaluating ethical violations.

1.4. Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
Reviewers play a critical role in ensuring the scientific quality and integrity of articles published in the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD). The main ethical responsibilities of reviewers are as follows:

  • Objective Evaluation: Reviewers must evaluate the manuscript based on scientific criteria without being influenced by authors' personal characteristics (identity, gender, race, religion, or political views).
  • Confidentiality: Reviewers are responsible for keeping the manuscripts confidential and must not share information about the manuscript with third parties.
  • Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: If reviewers identify a conflict of interest during the review process, they must inform the editor immediately and withdraw from the review process.
  • Timely Review: Reviewers should complete their evaluations within the given time frame. If they are unable to meet the deadline, they must inform the editor.
  • Constructive and Scientific Feedback: Reviewers should provide constructive and scientific feedback, avoiding personal criticism. The goal is to provide constructive suggestions to improve the manuscript.
  • Notification of Ethical Violations: Reviewers are required to inform the editor if they detect plagiarism, data manipulation, or any other ethical violations in the manuscript.

1.5. Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
The publisher's ethical responsibilities are as follows:

  • Ensuring Editorial Independence: The publisher ensures the necessary conditions for the editor-in-chief and editorial board to make decisions independently. Scientific decisions should not be influenced by economic or political interests.
  • Preventing Scientific Misconduct: The publisher takes the necessary steps to combat plagiarism, data manipulation, and other ethical violations. Plagiarism detection tools are used, and corrective or retraction processes are initiated in case of violations.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The publisher ensures that all published articles comply with scientific and ethical standards. Complaints and appeals are managed transparently and fairly.
  • Supporting Freedom of Expression: The publisher supports scientific discussion and freedom of expression, encouraging the free sharing and discussion of scientific findings.
  • Implementation of Ethical Rules: The publisher ensures that all stakeholders adopt and implement the journal's ethical principles and oversees the processes for ethical violations in line with COPE principles.

1.6. Reporting and Process for Ethical Violations
The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) encourages the prompt reporting and transparent investigation of ethical violations to ensure the maintenance of ethical standards. The journal applies the following process:

  • Reporting Ethical Violations: All stakeholders (authors, reviewers, editors, and readers) are required to report potential ethical violations related to the publication process. Violations should be reported in writing to the editor-in-chief and may include plagiarism, data manipulation, misinformation, and conflicts of interest.
  • Review Process: Upon receiving a report of an ethical violation, the editor-in-chief and editorial board immediately investigate the matter. Independent consultants or ethics committees may be consulted if necessary. The investigation must be conducted impartially, and all parties involved should be heard.
  • Reporting Results: If an ethical violation is identified, the parties involved are informed, and appropriate actions are taken. Actions may include retraction, correction, or temporary exclusion from the journal for the relevant author(s).
  • Correction and Retraction: If a serious ethical violation is found in a published article, the article is retracted, or the relevant error is corrected. Retractions or corrections are made public, maintaining transparency in the process.
  • Complaint Process: If there is an appeal in the investigation or management of ethical violations, the editor-in-chief reconsiders the matter through an independent evaluation. The process follows COPE principles in resolving complaints.
2. Publication Process and Quality Assurance

2.1. Publication Process and Decision Stages

The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) conducts a meticulous publication process for submitted articles. All articles are evaluated for scientific adequacy, originality, and ethical compliance. In this process, led by the editor-in-chief or associate editor-in-chief, the editorial board and peer review reports determine whether the article will be accepted, revised, or rejected. Transparency and impartiality are essential in all stages of the publication process. Detailed information on the peer review process is available on the journal’s related page.

2.2. Plagiarism and Originality Check
The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) follows a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism. Authors must declare that their articles are original and have not been published elsewhere or are not under review. Articles are screened with plagiarism detection software to check for similarity rates. Articles with a similarity rate above 20% may be directly rejected or require necessary revisions from the authors.
  • Self-Plagiarism: Authors cannot reuse significant portions of their previously published works. Each new article is expected to provide a unique scientific contribution.
  • Citation and Referencing Rules: Quotations from other works must be properly cited, and failure to provide accurate references in the bibliography will be considered an ethical violation.

2.3. Correction, Retraction, and Complaint Procedures
If a significant error or ethical violation is detected in a published article, prompt action is taken by the authors and editors. The correction or retraction process follows these steps:

  • Correction: If a scientific or technical error is identified in a published article, the editors will contact the author to request a correction.
  • Retraction: If a published article contains a serious ethical violation or scientific fraud, it will be retracted, and the retraction will be announced in the relevant issue of the journal.
  • Complaint Procedures: Authors, reviewers, or readers may file a complaint if they detect unethical behavior or errors in the journal process. Complaints are carefully reviewed by the journal management, and corrective actions are taken if necessary.

2.4. Protection of Personal Data
The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) keeps the personal data of authors, reviewers, and readers confidential. In the article evaluation process, the identities of authors and reviewers are kept anonymous as per the double-blind review principle. The confidentiality of participants and third parties in published articles is also protected.

  • Data Confidentiality: Data sets and participant information used in the research will not be shared or published without obtaining the necessary permissions.
  • Privacy Violation: If personal information is disclosed, legal steps will be taken by the journal management.

2.5. Scientific Integrity and Transparency
The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) adopts the principle of scientific integrity and transparency in its publication process. Authors are responsible for reporting all data obtained in their studies accurately and not providing misleading information. Editors, reviewers, and the editorial board ensure that scientific processes are conducted transparently and fairly.

  • Transparency of Research Data: Authors must clearly state the data sets used and, if necessary, provide access to the research data.
  • Funding and Conflicts of Interest: Authors must clearly disclose any funding sources and conflicts of interest in their articles.

3. Combating Unethical Behavior

3.1. Plagiarism, Data Manipulation, and Fraud
The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) enforces a zero-tolerance policy on ethical violations in scientific publications. Ethical violations harm the scientific community and negatively affect the credibility of researchers. The following violations are considered serious ethical issues:
  • Plagiarism: Authors must always cite the works of others when quoting. Unauthorized or improper use of others' work constitutes plagiarism. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism are immediately removed from the publication process.
  • Data Manipulation: Manipulating, altering, or distorting data is unethical behavior. Authors are responsible for reporting their data as it is.
  • Fabrication: Fabricating data or presenting misleading or false information is unacceptable for articles published in ÜAD. Such actions lead to the retraction of the article and sanctions against the author(s).

3.2. Obligation to Ensure Academic Integrity
Authors, reviewers, and editors have a high level of responsibility to maintain academic integrity. Each party should act honestly and impartially to protect the reliability of scientific publishing.

  • Author Responsibility: Authors must ensure the accuracy and originality of all information in their manuscripts. Misleading information, data deficiency, or claims inconsistent with the study’s objective are considered ethical violations.
  • Reviewer Responsibility: Reviewers should only consider scientific adequacy and contribution when evaluating manuscripts, avoiding personal or academic biases. Reviewers must also disclose conflicts of interest.
  • Editor Responsibility: Editors must ensure that manuscripts are evaluated fairly and impartially, avoiding conflicts of interest and protecting scientific integrity.

3.3. Conflicts of Interest Between Reviewers, Editors, and Authors
Conflicts of interest can undermine the impartiality of scientific processes. ÜAD implements specific protocols to identify and transparently manage potential conflicts of interest among authors, editors, and reviewers.

  • Authors: Authors must disclose financial supporters and potential conflicts of interest, including financial and personal or institutional interests, during article submission.
  • Reviewers: If reviewers have a conflict of interest with the authors of a manuscript (close working relationship, previous collaboration, personal relationship, etc.), they must inform the editors and withdraw from the review process.
  • Editors: If editors have a conflict of interest with authors, they must withdraw from the evaluation process of the relevant article and transfer the case to another editor.

3.4. Evaluation of Ethical Complaints
ÜAD carefully evaluates all complaints regarding ethical violations. The complaint process is managed impartially and transparently, and corrective actions are taken if a violation is detected. The complaint evaluation process includes the following steps:

  • Notification: Authors, reviewers, readers, or other third parties may file a complaint with ÜAD management if they identify an ethical violation. Complaints must be submitted in writing to the journal.
  • Review: Editors and the relevant committee thoroughly review the complaint and collect evidence if available. Expert reviewers may be consulted if necessary.
  • Outcome: If an ethical violation is identified, the relevant article is retracted, a correction is published, or sanctions are imposed on the author(s). The violation is made public, and the article may be removed from records.

4. Research Involving Animal and Human Subjects

4.1. Ethical Committee Approval
The Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) requires ethical approval from relevant committees for studies involving human and animal subjects. Ethical committee approval is mandatory for the publication of such studies. Authors must clearly state the ethical committee approval number and the institution from which the approval was obtained in their articles.
  • Research Involving Human Subjects: For studies involving human participants, ethical committee approval must be obtained in accordance with international ethical standards (e.g., the Declaration of Helsinki by the World Medical Association) and local laws. Ethical committee approval should be stated at the beginning of the study, and participants’ consent must be obtained.
  • Research Involving Animal Subjects: Authors conducting studies involving animals must adhere to national and international animal rights regulations. The ethical committee approval obtained to protect animal welfare must be stated in the article.

4.2. Rights of Human Participants

In research involving human subjects, it is essential to protect participants' rights. Authors must obtain informed consent from participants and clearly state this in their articles. The privacy of human participants must be respected, and personal information must be kept confidential.

  • Informed Consent: Participants should be informed in detail about the purpose, methodology, risks, and benefits of the study, and they should voluntarily agree to participate. Authors are reminded to provide evidence of these processes to the journal if necessary.
  • Privacy and Anonymity: Participants' identities should not be disclosed in the article, and personal information should be kept confidential. If anonymity cannot be maintained, explicit permission must be obtained.

4.3. Animal Welfare Principles
In research involving animal subjects, it is essential to ensure the welfare of animals and comply with ethical standards. Studies must be carefully planned and conducted to avoid unnecessary pain or stress to animals.

ARRIVE Guidelines: Studies involving animals should use the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines and apply research methods that prioritize animal welfare.

Minimization Principle: Research should be conducted with the minimum number of animals and the least harm possible. The health and welfare of animals must be continuously monitored, and unnecessary harm to animals should be avoided.

Authors submitting articles to the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) are required to pay a fee after submission, regardless of acceptance or rejection. This participation fee contributes to expenses related to digital printing, typesetting, promotion to international indexes, and layout software costs.

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