e-ISSN: 2536-5045
Founded: 2015
Publisher: Artvin Çoruh University
Cover Image

Artvin Çoruh University International Journal of Social Sciences (ACUSBD) is a scientific peer-reviewed journal published at least twice a year, in July and December every year since 2015. The journal includes applied or theoretical studies, model proposals, analysis and evaluations, and quantitative and qualitative research in the social sciences in Turkish and English.
The primary purpose of Artvin Çoruh University International Journal of Social Sciences is to create a scientific platform where scientists working in social sciences share their knowledge, experience, evaluations, opinions, and suggestions and contribute to social sciences studies at the national and international levels.

Articles submitted to Artvin Çoruh University International Journal of Social Sciences are reviewed by a double-blind review method and published electronically with free access. For an article to be published in the journal, two referees must have a favorable opinion. If one referee gives a positive opinion and the other gives a negative one, the editor consults a third referee. If the third referee also gives an unfavorable opinion or the first two referees give a negative opinion, the manuscript is not published and returned to the author.

Publication Principles
  • International Journal of Social Sciences is a refereed journal published at least twice a year. The works to be published in the journal must not have been published anywhere before.
  • The language for writing articles in the journal is Turkish and English.
  • The Copyright of the published article belongs to the author(s).
  • The authors authorize Artvin Çoruh University International Journal of Social Sciences to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
  • We do not pay authors whose articles we publish royalties. The intellectual property rights, including copyright, of the author(s) or the employer of the author(s) are reserved.
  • The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal are binding on the authors, and the legal responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors.
  • We rejected manuscripts that did not comply with the writing principles without requiring referee evaluation.
  • For an article to be published in the journal, two referees must have a positive opinion. If one referee gives a favorable opinion and the other gives a negative one, the editor consults a third referee.

2024 - Volume: 10 Issue: Kafkasya Araştırmaları Özel Sayısı

Research Article

2000 Sonrası Türk Romanında Erkekliğin Dönüşümü: Sinek Isırıklarının Müellifi

Research Article

Dijital Liderlik ile İnovatif İş Davranışı Arasındaki İlişkide Dışsal Motivasyonun Aracı Rolü

Research Article

OECD Ülkelerinde Ar-Ge ve İleri Teknoloji İhracatının Ekonomik Performansa Etkisi: Panel Veri Analizi

Research Article

Küresel Değer Zincirleri ve Teorik Temelleri

Research Article

Performansa Dayalı Ek Ödeme Sisteminin Sağlık Hizmetlerine Etkisi: Adıyaman Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde Bir Araştırma

Research Article

Teknolojik Yenilik, Doğal Kaynaklar ve Ekolojik Ayak İzi Arasındaki İlişki: Türkiye Örneği

Research Article

Kişiselleştirilmiş Tıbba Yönelik Yapılan Çalışmaların İncelenmesi: SWOT Analizi

Research Article

Türkiye’de Eğitim Yönetimi Alanının Profili Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Artvin Coruh University International Journal of Social Sciences

ACUSBD is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC).