Issue: 35, 12/30/23

Year: 2023


Book Review

Translation Studies
Dr. Cihan ALAN Hacettepe Üniversitesi 0000-0001-5220-3473
Translation Studies, Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Linguistics (Other)
Translation Studies, French Language, Literature and Culture

Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi (Journal of Translation Studies) is an academic, open-access journal and operates with a double-blind peer referee system. The journal publishes national and international research articles in the field of translation studies. In this context, Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi (Journal of Translation Studies) aims at sharing with the academic world of scientific studies reflecting both international theories/applications and the accumulation of knowledge, coming from a land where many cultures and civilizations have blended together for thousands of years.

The journal publishes articles in the subjects such as literary translation, specialised translation (law, medicine, economics, etc.), audio-visual translation, technical translation, media translation, interpreting, translation theory, translation criticism, translation training, translation history, translation ethics, translation technologies, linguistics and translation, sociology of translation, terminology and translation. 

You can download the manuscript template clicking here.

The Editorial Board of Journal of Translation Studies consider only the articles that are related to the subjects the journal covers and prepared in accordance with the writing rules. Turkish articles must comply with the writing rules of the Turkish Language Association and the articles sent in a foreign languages (English, French, German) must comply with the writing rules of the relevant language.

Articles that are not submitted in accordance with the writing rules will not be evaluated. Submitted articles must be between 5000-8000 words. In addition, the authors must sign the Declaration of Originality stating that the article is original and has not been published in any other publication before. Manuscripts sent to the journal are not returned, whether the article is published or not.

"Article Template" must be used for submission to the journal (see Writing Rules). The article must be edited in accordance with APA 7 (American Psychological Association) standards.
In accordance with the publication criteria of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, ORCID identification number is requested from the authors. You can find information on how to obtain this number by clicking the "ORCID" sub-tab in the "For Authors" tab. Articles that do not include an ORCID number will not be taken into consideration.

Articles sent to the journal must be typed on A4 (text size: 16.2 x 22.9 mm) size Word document. "Article Template" must be used for submission. The font must be 10 pt "Calibri", as in the template, and the texts must be arranged using single spacing. In terms of format, the article must be completely arranged as specified in the template.
I. Title
The title of the article must be typed in 12 font size, bold, with initials in capital letters. In Turkish articles, English title must be provided under the Turkish title, in articles written in a foreign language, a Turkish title must be written under the relevant title, and this second title must be 10 pt. size. The title must be short and informative about the subject. The length of the title must not exceed 12 words.
Author names must be given below the title in 10 pt. font, with the first name in lowercase with capital initial and the last name in uppercase.
* Assoc. Dr., First Name, LAST NAME, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Translation and Interpreting,, ORCID ID:

II. Abstract and Keywords
Abstracts in Turkish and English must be provided at the beginning of each article. If the language of the article is Turkish, "Abstract" must come first; and if it is in any foreign language, "Abstract" must come first. The abstract must be prepared in 200-300 words, including the details such as the aim of the study, methods, findings and conclusions. Each article must contain at least three and at most five keywords in Turkish and English. Abstract and keywords must be written in 9 pt. font size.

III. Sections and Subsections
First level main headings must be 11 points, bold and plain. In articles, the problem/subject of the study must be clearly stated in the introduction section. The introduction section must be followed by method, findings, interpretation/discussion and conclusion sections, respectively. Second level subheadings are 10 points, bold and italic; third-level subheadings in 10-point font and italics; Fourth-level subheadings must be in 10-point font, italic, and start one tab inset. The first letter of the words in each level heading must be written in capital letters. If the topic or content of the article is not suitable for such division and use of headings/subheadings, the author may ignore the rules of the article template regarding headings.

IV. Footnotes and References
References must be given in accordance with APA 7 (American Psychological Association) rules. When footnotes are required in articles, explanations must be numbered in the text and stated at the bottom of the page. Footnotes must be in 8-point font, and references must be in 9-point font at the end of the article.

V. Figures
The figure caption must be given above the figure, and if there is more than one figure in the text, it must be numbered. If the figure is taken from another source it must be cited.

VI. Tables
Tables must be given within the text, the table caption must be given above the table and numbered, and its content must be explained as a title next to the table number. Only the first letters of table titles must be capitalized. No text must be written to the right or left of the tables. Tables must only be created using the Table menu in the Word program. The table caption and content must be in 9 point size and arranged as a single line.

VII. Pictures
If images will be used in the article, each image must be placed within the text with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Hacettepe University Journal of Translation Studies is an academic, double-blind refereed journal that has included national and international original scientific research articles in the field of translation studies since 1991 and continues its publication life in line with the following principles.
Authors and Authors' Responsibilities
• Authors are obliged to submit their original (previously unpublished) works to the journal and to follow the writing instructions given on the journal DergiPark page.
• Authors cannot submit to the Journal of Translation Studies their works that have not been previously published or sent to another journal for publication.
• Authors must cite all sources they use in their articles in the form of the American Psychological Association (APA7 edition).
• If authors want to mention information obtained from personal communication in the study, they must obtain the necessary permissions from the people to be mentioned.
• If the study is supported by an institution or organization within the scope of a project, all financial supports should be stated as a footnote on the first page of the article, along with their support numbers.

Ethical Permissions
• If the study requires the use of human subjects, the authors are obliged to obtain institutional ethics committee approval.
• Authors must provide a clear statement explaining that the necessary consents from human subjects were obtained and that the rights of the participants were respected.
• Permission must be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to others.
• Compliance with copyright must be stated for the ideas and artistic works used.
• Ethics committee permission is required for the following situations:
o Qualitative or quantitative research that requires collecting data from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment and interview techniques,
o Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
o Clinical studies conducted on humans,
o Research on animals.

Review Process
• Articles sent by the author(s) in August and March of each year (until the specified date) are recorded by the Editor-in-Chief.
• The Journal Editorial Board pre-evaluates the articles in September and April of each year.
• Articles that are not related to translation studies or that are not thought to contribute to the field are eliminated by the members of the Editorial Board.
• Articles deemed suitable for evaluation by the Editorial Board are evaluated by two separate (double-blind) referees who are unaware of each other. Editors are responsible for appointing referees who do not have a conflict of interest with the authors to evaluate the study. Confidentiality is essential in the author-referee and referee-author processes of studies submitted to the journal. Articles that receive one positive and one negative opinion are evaluated by a third referee.
• The corrections suggested/required by the referees are forwarded to the author(s) and the referees check whether the relevant corrections have been made by the author or not, in line with their requests.
• Corrected articles are subject to proofreading and proofreading by the editor and assistant editors.
• A Copyright Transfer Form is requested from authors whose articles are deemed suitable for publication.

Publication Ethics

• The Journal of Translation Studies (Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi) is committed to applying publication ethics to the highest standards and complying with the following principles of publication ethics. These principles are based on recommendations and guidelines developed by the committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for journal editors.
• The Journal of Translation Studies (Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi), all stakeholders are expected to carry ethical responsibilities within the scope of publication ethics. In this context, The Journal of Translation Studies (Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi),undertakes to follow the Code of Conduct and the Principles of Transparency and best Practice prepared by COPE (publication Ethics Committee). Follow The Cope Guidance for Editors is within the responsibility of the editors and the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers must be followed by the journal reviewers.
• The Journal of Translation Studies (Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi) the publication processes applied are the basis for the development and distribution of information in an impartial and respected manner. The processes implemented in this direction are directly reflected in the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support the authors. Peer-reviewed studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, reviewers and editors) comply with the standards of ethical principles.

a) plagiarism: showing the original ideas, methods, data or works of others as their own work in part or in whole without attribution in accordance with scientific rules,
b) forgery: using data that does not actually exist or is falsified in Scientific Research,
c) distortion: falsifying research records or data obtained, showing that devices or materials not used in research were used, falsifying or shaping research results in the interests of people and organizations receiving support,
d) re-publication: presenting duplicate publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,
d) slicing: to present these publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions by dividing the results of a research into pieces in such a way as to disrupt the integrity of the research and in an inappropriate way and publishing them in more than one number,
e) unfair writing: among people without the active contribution of writers to include, or avoid including people with author ranking in a manner unbecoming and unjustified change, the names of those who actively contribute to the next edition of the works out, using its influence to write in the name of the active without the contribution of,
(2) other types of ethical violations include:
a) do not specify the person, institution or organizations that support and their contributions in publications made as a result of research conducted with support,
b) to use dissertations or works that have not yet been submitted or accepted by defense as sources without the permission of the owner,
c) do not follow ethical rules in research on humans and animals, do not respect the rights of patients in their publications,
d) act in violation of the provisions of the relevant legislation in biomedical research and other clinical research related to humans,
d) to share the information contained in a work that it has been commissioned to study with others before publication without the express permission of the owner of the work,
e) use of resources, Places, facilities and devices provided or allocated for Scientific Research,
f) falsely, unwarranted and wilfully alleging ethical violations,
d) publish the data obtained without the explicit consent of the participants in the survey and attitude research conducted as part of a scientific study, or if the research will be conducted in an institution, also without the permission of the institution,
d) damage to animal health and ecological balance in research and experiments,
h) in research and experiments, do not obtain in writing the permissions that must be obtained before starting the work from the authorized units.
(I) conduct research and experiments in violation of the provisions of the legislation or international conventions to which Turkey is a party on relevant research and experiments.
(i) failure to comply with the obligation of researchers and authorities to inform and warn interested persons about possible harmful practices in relation to scientific research,
j) do not use data and information obtained from other persons and institutions in scientific studies to the extent and manner permitted, do not comply with the confidentiality of this information and do not ensure its protection,
k) making false or misleading statements regarding scientific research and publications in academic appointments and upgrades, (YÖK directive on scientific research and publication ethics, Article 4)

In accordance with the ethical rules; research that requires the permission of the Ethics Committee for evaluation in the journal is as follows:
1. All kinds of research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
2. Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
3. Clinical trials on humans,
4. Studies on animals,
5. Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection act.

In this context, the studies to be evaluated in our journal;
1. Stating that “illuminated consent form”has been obtained in case reports,
2. Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, photographs belonging to others,
3. It is necessary to indicate that copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and works of art used.
4. The editors ensure that human and animal rights are protected in evaluated studies. The editors have the responsibility to refuse the study when there is no consent from the ethics board regarding the issues used in the study, experimental research. In studies requiring the permission of the Ethics Committee, information about the permission (name of the Board, date and number no) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, information about the signing of an informed volunteer/consent form should be included in the article.

One of the readers and stakeholders of research, The Journal of Translation Studies (Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi) published in scientific reviews and see what the status on research and publication ethics email address.

a) Responsibilities of Editors
The editor and assistant editors of the Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi will provide the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for journal Editors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and the principles of publication ethics Flowcharts developed by COPE in possible cases of abuse or violation of publication ethics :

* Impartiality and freedom of the publisher: editors evaluate submitted article proposals based on their compliance with the scope of the Journal and the importance and authenticity of their work. Editors do not take into account the race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality or political views of the authors who submitted the article proposal. Other institutions other than the editorial board of the journal may not influence the decision to correct or publish. Editors take care that the published numbers contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and scientific field and are of an original nature.
* Independence: the relationship between editors, (editor and Associate Editors) and publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence. According to the written agreement between the editors and the publisher, all decisions of the editors are independent of the publisher and the Journal owner. Editors should reject incomplete and erroneous research that does not comply with journal Policy, publication rules and level without any influence.
* Confidentiality: editors do not share information about a submitted article with anyone other than the responsible author, reviewers and editorial board. It ensures that articles evaluated by at least two referees are evaluated according to the double-sided blind refereeing system and keeps referees confidential.
* Information and differences of opinion: editors and members of the editorial board do not use unpublished information in an article submitted for their own research purposes without the express written permission of the authors. Editors should not have a conflict of interest regarding articles they accept or reject.
* Decision to publish: editors ensure that all articles accepted for publication are subject to peer review by at least two referees who are experts in their field. Editors are responsible for deciding which work to publish from the articles submitted to the Journal, the validity of the work in question, its importance to researchers and readers, the comments of reviewers and such legal requirements. Editors have the responsibility and authority to accept or reject articles. Therefore, he must use his responsibility and authority on the spot and on time.

b) Responsibilities of Authors
1. Reporting Standards: Authors of original research must ensure that the study and results are presented accurately, followed by an objective discussion of the significance of the study. The article proposal must contain sufficient detail and references.
2. Data Access and Storage: Authors are required to preserve the raw data of their work. When necessary, they should submit for editorial review if requested by the journal.
3. Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must submit entirely original work, and if they have used the work or words of others, it must be properly cited. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. For this reason, a similarity rate report is requested from all authors who submit articles to the journal.
4. Multiple, duplicate, redundant or simultaneous submissions/publications: Authors should not submit an article previously published in another journal. Simultaneous submission of an article to more than one journal is unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
5. Authorship of the Article: Only individuals who meet the authorship criteria should be listed as authors in the content of the article. These authorship criteria are as follows; an author must (i) contribute to the design, implementation, data collection, or analysis phases; (ii) draft the manuscript or make a significant intellectual contribution to or critically revise it, or (iii) view the final version of the manuscript, approve it, and agree to submit it for publication. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors are included in the author list (according to the definition above) and declare that the authors have seen the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to submit it for publication.
6. Declaration and Conflicts of Interest: Authors should disclose conflicts of interest at the earliest stage (usually by submitting a disclosure form at the time of manuscript submission and by including a declaration in the manuscript). All sources of financial support for the study must be declared (including grant/funding number or other reference number, if available).
7. Peer Review: Authors are required to participate in the peer review process and are obligated to cooperate fully by promptly responding to editors' requests for raw data, annotations, and evidence of ethics approval and copyright permissions. First, if a "revision" decision is made, authors must systematically review and resubmit their manuscripts by the deadline given to the referees' comments.
8. Fundamental Errors in Published Works: When authors find significant errors or inaccuracies in their own published works, they are obliged to immediately inform the journal editors or publishers and cooperate with the journal editors or publishers to correct an error in the article or to withdraw the article from publication. If the editors or the publisher learn from a third party that a published work contains a material error or inaccuracy, the author must immediately correct or retract the paper or provide evidence of the paper's accuracy to the journal's editors.

c) Responsibilities of Referees
1. Contribution to Editorial Decisions: Refrees assists editors in editorial decisions and assists authors in improving their articles through editorial communication. Completion of other articles, works, sources, citations, rules and similar deficiencies related to the article should be indicated.
2. Promptness: Any reviewer who does not feel qualified to review the manuscript proposal or who knows that manuscript review cannot occur in a timely manner should immediately notify the editors and decline the invitation to review, thus ensuring that a new reviewer is appointed.
3. Confidentiality: All article proposals submitted for review are confidential documents and should be treated as such. It should not be shown to others or discussed unless authorized by the editor. This also applies to reviewers who decline an invitation to review.
4. Impartiality Standards: Comments on the article proposal should be made impartially and suggestions should be made that the authors can use to improve the article. Personal criticisms of authors are not appropriate.
5. Acknowledgment of Sources: Reviewers must identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. The reviewer must also notify the editor of any significant similarities between the manuscript under review and any other manuscript (published or unpublished).
6. Conflicts of Interest: Conflicts of interest must be reported to the editor. There should be no conflict of interest between the referees and the stakeholders of the article under evaluation.

• Editors are responsible for improving the scientific quality of the journal and supporting authors to produce research of high scientific quality. Under no circumstances is plagiarism or scientific misappropriation permitted.
• Studies sent to the Journal of Translation Studies are checked for scientific plagiarism. Studies sent to the journal for publication are subjected to plagiarism and similarity screening through plagiarism programs (iThenticate & Turnitin) during the preliminary examination phase. Editors may return the manuscript if they become aware of alleged or proven scientific misconduct.
• Editors agree to correct, return or issue an apology for the submitted work when necessary.
• Journal of Translation Studies uses the open access model. Studies accepted to be published in the journal are made accessible via open access on the journal's DergiPark website.
• No fee or expense is requested for studies to be published online on the journal's DergiPark page.

Process for Identification of and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct
Publisher (Hacettepe University, Department of Translation and Interpreting) and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal will take reasonable steps which include technological and personal knowledge available to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation and data falsification/fabrication among others.

Journal of Translation follows COPE's guidelines ( in dealing with allegations.

International Standards for Editorial Board
Editors and Editorial Board members are required to comply with Editorial Board international standards. The editor and editorial board members of the Journal of Translation Studies are expected to voluntarily comply with international standards (ethical principles determined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (
The Editorial Board must keep information regarding all submitted articles confidential.
The editorial board is responsible for taking decisions for the publication of submitted articles.
The Editorial Board must meet the needs of readers and authors.
The Editorial Board should make efforts to improve the quality of the Journal of Translation Studies.
The Editorial Board must attach the highest importance to scientific quality and originality.
The Editorial Board must always be ready to declare corrections, clarifications, witdrawals and apologies when necessary.

International Standards for Referees
Referees are required to comply with international standards of Refereeing once they accept the invitation to referee. Reviewers of the Journal of Translation Studies are expected to voluntarily comply with international standards (ethical principles determined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Copyright and Access
• Authors acknowledge that they have transferred the copyrights of the published articles to the Journal of Translation Studies and submit a signed "Copyright Transfer Form" when uploading the article.
• Pictures, figures, etc. that should be included in the article. It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission from the necessary persons or institutions for material supporting the narrative.
Release schedule
• Journal of Translation Studies is published twice a year, in July and December.

Release schedule
• Journal of Translation Studies is published twice a year, in July and December.

Advertising Policy
The Journal of Translation Studies does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in publications.
Editorial content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors.
The editorial board of the journal does not accept for consideration and does not print advertising articles (both on a reimbursable and free basis).
Authors of the scientific articles cannot link to ads using keywords.

Direct Marketing Policy
The Journal of Translation Studies has no direct marketing policy.

No fee is charged from the author or his/her institution under any name.