Journal of Economic and Social Research is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, in June and December.
Our journal publishes articles in the fields of business administration, economics, public administration, international relations, finance, labor economics and econometrics.
Our journal is indexed by TR Index.
There is no submission or processing fee for articles submitted to our journal.
The studies submitted to our journal are examined against plagiarism using the Turnitin program before the evaluation process is started.
Attention to the authors of studies whose evaluation process is ongoing / just started!
Due to the update of TR Index 2020 Evaluation Criteria, it has been decided to remind the authors of some important points.
This information applies to all ongoing studies that are currently in the process.
1. Separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for research in all disciplines, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental human and animal studies that require ethics committee approval, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
2. Articles must include a statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
3. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the approval (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case presentations, information on the signing of the informed consent form should be included in the article.
4. Copyright regulations must be complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
5. In the journal, article writing rules should be given in detail and articles should strictly follow this format. For example; tables, figures, titles, subtitles, abstracts, references, etc.
6. At the end of the manuscript; Statement of Contribution of Researchers, Statement of Support and Acknowledgment, if any, and Statement of Conflict should be given.
7. Study similarity report must be uploaded by the author. Except for the bibliography, this rate should be below 20%.
During the pre-publication control process, authors will be reminded of the missing points in their work.
It is announced to all authors.
1. Journal of Economic and Social Research is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, in June and December. The journal publishes original scientific studies in the fields of economics, business administration, finance, public administration, labor economics and international relations.
2. Articles submitted to the journal for publication can be written in Turkish and English. The scientific and linguistic responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors.
3. All articles should be submitted electronically via the website ( The author(s) must prepare their articles in accordance with the journal's publication rules and ethical rules. Articles that are not submitted in accordance with the rules will not be evaluated. Submitted manuscripts mean that they have not been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
4. Articles submitted to the journal are sent to at least two referees upon the decision of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board may increase the number of referees or consult the Advisory Board when deemed necessary. The referees may accept or reject the manuscript or ask the author(s) to make corrections to the format and/or abstract. After the corrections requested by the referees are corrected by the author(s) within 30 days and sent electronically via the website (, the article is taken into the referee evaluation process again. Articles submitted to the journal are published with the decision of the Editorial Board after receiving positive opinions from at least two separate referees.
5. The articles to be published in the journal must comply with the spelling and grammar rules. The Editorial Board of the Journal has the right to request changes in terms of content and form from the author of the work if deemed necessary. If the manuscript is accepted for publication as a result of the referee evaluation, the responsible author is deemed to have accepted that all publication rights of the manuscript belong to the Journal of Economic and Social Research indefinitely on behalf of all authors by filling out the “Right to Publish Agreement” showing the author ranking.
6. During the layout work, the author(s) must respond to the submissions for control and correction within the specified periods. The articles of the author(s) who do not respond within the specified periods will be postponed to be evaluated in the next issue.
7. Requests of the author(s) to bring forward the publication process of their articles for any reason whatsoever are not accepted. The Journal of Economic and Social Research does not accept articles for a specific issue. Author(s) can submit their article at any time. Articles whose evaluation process is completed are published taking into account the date of receipt. Two articles of the same author(s) cannot be published in one issue and in two consecutive issues.
1. You can obtain the article writing rules and template from the link
2. Since blind refereeing is used, no information about the author (acknowledgment, project support information, derived from thesis, etc.) should be included in the article file.
3. The manuscript must comply with grammar rules. The most recent TDK Spelling Guide should be taken as basis in the use of punctuation marks, spelling of words and abbreviations, a clear and simple way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the purpose and scope should not be included. In the preparation of the article, valid scientific methods should be followed, and information such as the subject, purpose, scope, rationale for preparation, etc. should be given sufficiently and in a certain order.
Title: Each article should have a title in the language in which it is written, in Turkish and English. It should be short, clear and adequately reflect the content of the article and should not exceed fifteen words.
Figures, tables, maps and photographs: Figures, tables, maps and photographs should not extend beyond the writing area, and each should be placed on a separate page if necessary. Figures and tables should be numbered and titled in Turkish and English according to their content. Numbers and titles should be written in 10-point font, with only the first letters of the words capitalized, under the figures and above the tables. Times New Roman 10 font size should be used in the contents of tables and figures.
APA 6th version style in-text citation method should be used in the article.
In-text references: References are basically made in two ways:
From 1975 until the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, the United States conducted only six military operations abroad, whereas from 1989 to 2004 there were nine major military operations, with hundreds of thousands of troops deployed (Gray, 2005: 14).
According to Feroz Ahmad (2012: 101), one of the most important aims of the alphabet reform was to accelerate the literacy process and education in the new Turkey.
When citing a work with two authors:
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is one of the largest global treaties in recent years (Green and Goodman, 2015: 45).
According to Green and Goodman (2015: 45), the Trans-Pacific Partnership is one of the largest global treaties in recent years.
To cite works with three or more authors, the expression 'et al.' is used after the surname of the first author instead of using the surnames of the other authors.
Climate has a decisive influence on human character (Walter et al., 1998: 25)
According to Walter et al. (1998: 25), climate has a determining effect on human character.
When citing studies with legal authors: If a group/legal entity (such as associations, companies, government agencies and other working groups) is cited as the author, the name of this group should be given in the text in a very clear and understandable way. The group name may be abbreviated in some cases. If the group name is long, if the abbreviation is clear to everyone, or if there is already a known abbreviation for the name, both the full and abbreviated form may be used in the first use, and only the abbreviation may be used in subsequent uses. If the group name is short or if the abbreviation is not universally understood, the full name is used in all references.
When the reference is made at the end of a sentence;
First post
(Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [TÜBİTAK], 2013)
Second and subsequent references
TUBITAK (2013)
Multiple references within the same parenthesis: Multiple references within the same parenthesis should be in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author and separated by semicolons.
Example: (Akbulut and Doğan, 2013; Şencan, 2003; Tonta, 2010)
Single author book: Surname, A. (Year), Title of the Book (Italic), City: Publisher.
Example: Borton, H. (1970), Japan's Modern Century, New York: The Ronald Press Company.
Book with more than one author: Surname, A., Surname, A., Surname, A., Surname, A. (Year), Title of the Book (Italicized), City: Publisher.
Example: Nivision, D., Wright, A., and Bary, W. (1959), Confucianism in Action, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Book chapter: Surname, A. (Year), Title of the chapter, Editor's A. Surname in, Title of the book (Italic) (p. page range) City: Publisher.
Example: Watson, J. (1998), Engineering Education in Japan After the Iwakura Mission, in I. Nish, The Iwakura Mission in America and Europe: A New Assessment (pp. 108-112), Surrey: Japan Library.
Journal article: Surname, A. (Year), Title of the article, Name of the journal (Italics), Volume (Issue), pp.
Example: Holmes, S. (2004), An Extraordinary Odyssey: The Iwakura Embassy Translated, London Review Journal, 59(1), 83-119.
Internet Citation: Surname, A. (Year), Title (Italics), ... on ... website: ... on ...
Example: Narangoa, L. (2000), Japan's Modernization: The Iwakura Mission to Scandinavia in 1873, Aarhus University on 18 February 2017: Retrieved from
For more detailed information on citation, please visit
Journal of Economic and Social Research follows the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers. The ethical responsibilities of editors, authors and publishers are listed below. For more detailed information, please refer to the documents listed above.
Duties of the Editors
Impartiality and Independence
The editors evaluate the manuscripts based on their academic quality (importance and contribution to the field, originality, appropriateness of findings and methods, and clarity of language) and their suitability for the scope of the journal. Gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion or institution of employment are not taken into account in the evaluation of publications. Also, the evaluation of a publication does not take into account government policies or the policies of any external organization. The editor of the journal has full authority to determine all content of the journal and when it will be published.
The Journal of Economic and Social Research and its editors are obliged to evaluate publications only for their academic quality, i.e. their importance in their field, the originality of the article, the validity of the research and the clarity of the language. The only criterion for evaluating a publication is its relevance to the scope of the journal. The authors' race, gender, religious beliefs, political philosophy and/or institution of employment play absolutely no role in the decision-making process.
Editors and editorial staff cannot share any information about a submitted manuscript with anyone other than the author(s), referees, associate editors and the publisher. The decision to interview the aforementioned individuals rests solely with the Editor.
Conflicts of interest
Editors and editorial board members may not use information contained in manuscripts in the publication process (including their own work and work in progress) for their own benefit without the express consent of the author(s).
In cases where there are conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative or other relationships/connections with any of the authors, companies or institutions, the editors will assign another member of the editorial board to conduct the preliminary review and evaluation of the publication(s).
Publication decisions
Editors and the publisher send all manuscripts submitted for publication to at least two referees who are experts in their fields for evaluation. After the completion of the review process, the Chief Referee decides which manuscripts to publish, taking into account the accuracy of the work in question, its importance for researchers and readers, referee reports and legal regulations such as defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The Editor-in-Chief may also seek advice from other editors or reviewers in making this decision.
Ensuring publication integrity
The Editor, together with the Publisher, guarantees that any reported breach of publication ethics will be investigated, even years after the publication date. Journal editors will follow COPE procedures in such suspected cases. If, after investigation, it is proven that unethical behavior has occurred, they should issue a statement that there is an error, inconsistency or misdirection in the publication.
Duties of Referees
Contribution to editorial decisions
Blind review processes directly affect the quality of academic publications. The review process is carried out with the principle of double blind review. Referees cannot communicate directly with the authors, and the evaluation and referee reports are transmitted through the journal management system. In this process, evaluation forms and referee reports are sent to the author(s) through the editor. Double blind reviewing helps editors to make decisions in dialog with authors. At the same time, writers have the opportunity to improve their work by gaining important insights into their work.
A reviewer who receives an invitation to peer review a manuscript should inform the editor as soon as possible if they are able to review the manuscript.
The manuscripts sent to the referees for evaluation should be treated as confidential documents. The manuscripts should not be shown to others and their contents should not be discussed. If necessary, with the permission of the Editor-in-Chief, reviewers may seek advice from other colleagues. The Editor-in-Chief may grant this permission only in exceptional circumstances. The confidentiality rule also extends to persons who refuse to act as arbitrators.
Impartiality Principle
Personal criticism of the authors should not be made during the evaluation process. Evaluations should be objective and contribute to the improvement of the work.
Source Citation
Reviewers are obliged to inform the authors of any citations that are not cited in the manuscript. Reviewers should pay particular attention to works not cited in the field or overlapping citations with similar works. Reviewers should inform the editors if they become aware of publications that are similar to any previously published work or information.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Reviewers should refuse to review and inform the editors if they have any collaborative relationship with any author, company or institution whose work they are assigned to review.
Reviewers may not use unpublished works or parts of works submitted for review in their own work without the written consent of the author(s). Information and ideas obtained during the review should be kept confidential by the reviewers and should not be used for their own benefit. These rules also apply to persons who refuse to serve as referees.
Authors' Tasks
In original research studies, the author(s) should clearly state how the study was conducted and its significance, and present the results in an objective manner. The study should be described in detail to enable other researchers to conduct similar studies and the necessary references should be cited. Review articles should be accurate, objective and comprehensive, and editorial and other subjective opinions should be clearly stated. Untrue or intentionally misrepresented statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
Data access and storage
Authors should make the raw data of their research (if data are available for submission) and the editorial version of their manuscript publicly available, if requested. Where necessary, authors should make their data available to other researchers (preferably through an institutional or corporate data repository or a data center) for at least 10 years after the publication date of their study. However, the confidentiality of the participants must be protected and their legal rights regarding their personal information must be taken into account.
Originality and plagiarism
Authors should only publish their original work and properly cite the sources and data used. They should also cite other publications that have been influential in determining the quality of their work. There are different types of plagiarism: presenting another researcher's work as one's own, copying or paraphrasing parts of another researcher's work without attribution, or claiming the results of another study as one's own. Plagiarism in any form is against publishing ethics and is unacceptable.
Each submitted article is scanned for plagiarism using the Turnitin program. This includes references and citations. Any article with a scan result of 15% or more will be rejected without further action and will not be accepted again, even if changes are made. At screening, the article is not imported into the Turnitin database. However, other sources such as Crossref, Ithenticate, Google Scholar and literature searches can be used, especially when Turnitin's database in Turkish is limited. For editors, 15% is not a criterion, they reserve the right to reject and/or request corrections if they see the slightest problem.
Multiple, duplicated or simultaneous submission/publication
Articles containing the same abstract should not be published in more than one journal or in other publications. Therefore, authors should not submit a paper that has already been published in another journal to another journal for review. Submitting an article to more than one journal at the same time is unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
It may be possible for some articles (such as clinical guidelines, translations) to be published in several journals if certain conditions are met. The authors and editors of the relevant journals must agree that the study can be published in another journal. The data and discussion of the study published in a second journal should be the same as in the previously published journal. The journal of the first publication must be cited.
Definition of Authorship
Authors are deemed to take full responsibility for the publication. For this reason, only those who meet the criteria for authorship should be considered as authors of the study. These criteria can be listed as follows: (I) have made significant contributions to the content, design, data collection process or analysis/interpretation of the study (II) have contributed intellectually to the creation and organization of the content (III) have seen, approved and agreed to the publication of the final version of the study. Individuals who have made significant contributions to the study (such as technical assistance, writing and editing assistance, and support) but do not meet the criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors; these individuals should be included in the “Acknowledgments” section after obtaining their written permission. Obtaining their written permission. The corresponding author guarantees that the author list includes all authors who contributed to the study and that these authors have seen the final version of the manuscript and confirm that it is acceptable for publication.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Authors should declare at the earliest possible stage (usually by submitting a disclosure form at the time of submission and including a statement in the manuscript) that they have no conflicts of interest that could influence the results or interpretations of the study. Potential conflicts of interest may be financial, such as grants, educational scholarships and other payments, membership, employment, consultancy, share ownership, expert opinion allowances or patent-licensing agreements, or non-financial, such as personal or professional connections, memberships, information or opinions related to the study. All financial resources (including the grant number or other reference number, if any) relevant to the procurement should be indicated.
Citation to sources
Authors should always appropriately acknowledge the sources used in the study and the sources they refer to when deciding on the nature of the study. Personally obtained information (conversations, correspondence or interviews with third parties) should not be used without written permission from the source. Authors should not use personal documents, such as referees' certificates or grant applications, without written permission from their owners.
Human and animal rights
If the study involves chemical substances or methods and equipment that may cause various harms when used, these substances, methods and equipment should be clearly stated in the article. If the study involves subjects and guinea pigs, the authors must conduct all procedures in the study in accordance with the relevant laws and institutional guidelines and obtain the approval of the relevant committees/organizations. A statement about these should also be included in the manuscript. Authors should also state that in studies on humans, the necessary permissions to work with the subjects have been obtained. Participants' privacy rights should not be violated.
Peer review process
Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process and to respond promptly to the editors' requests for raw data, disclosures and ethical approval, patient consent and copyright permissions.
If a “revise and resubmit” decision is made by the reviewers, authors should systematically make all the requested corrections and resubmit their manuscript before the deadline.
Basic errors in published works
It is primarily the duty of the author(s) to find a significant error or inaccuracy in a published work. If such a problem arises, the author(s) are obliged to notify the editor(s) or publisher of the journal immediately and to cooperate with the editor/publisher to correct the error (typographical error) or to withdraw the publication. If the editor(s) or publisher learns from a third party that the manuscript contains a significant error or inaccuracy, the authors are obliged to correct or withdraw the manuscript immediately, or to provide proof of the accuracy of the manuscript to the journal editors.
Duties of the Publisher
Ethics violations
In cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, false publication or plagiarism, the Journal of Economic and Social Research will take the necessary measures to clarify the situation and replace the article in question. This will be done in agreement with the editors of the issue in question.
Measures to be taken include, but are not limited to, pointing out a typographical error, providing an explanation, and in very serious cases, retracting the article. The Journal of Economic and Social Research undertakes to take the necessary measures to prevent the publication of articles containing academic misconduct.
Article submission/process operation is free of charge.
Adress: Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 14030 Gölköy-BOLU
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ISSN (Publish) : 1306-2174 ISSN (Electronic) : 1306-3553