Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 12/30/21

Year: 2021

Research Article

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koray ÖZSOY Isparta University of Applied Sciences Isparta OSB Vocational School 0000-0001-8663-4466
Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Excl. Textiles), Optimization in Manufacturing
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Cyberphysical Systems and Internet of Things, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics Engineering, Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Excl. Textiles)
Materials Science and Technologies, Material Production Technologies, Metals and Alloy Materials, Organic Semiconductors, Powder Metallurgy, Manufacturing Metallurgy , Additive Manufacturing
Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterial , Mechanical Engineering, Machine Design and Machine Equipment, Nanomaterials, CAD/CAM Systems, Additive Manufacturing, New Product Development
Information and Computing Sciences, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Big Data, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Artificial Intelligence
CAD/CAM Systems
Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Composite and Hybrid Materials, CAD/CAM Systems
Mechatronics Engineering
Industrial Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Biofabrication, Biomaterial
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kıyas KAYAALP ısparta uygulamalı bilimler üniversitesi 0000-0002-6483-1124
Information and Computing Sciences, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Software

The objective of the journal is to contribute to the development of the profession of 3 dimensional technologies (additive manufacturing) and digital industry at national and international leves.

Medical Applications for 3D Printing (Bioprinting tissues and organs, Challenges in building 3d vascularized organs, Customized implants and prostheses, Low–cost prosthetic parts, Anatomical models for surgical preparation, Synthetic skin, Cranium replacement, Medical equipment, Bone, Tailor-made sensors, Personalized drug dosing, Unique dosage forms, Complex drug-release profiles)

Aplication Fields (Medical and dental applications, Dental practices and materials, Soft robotics systems, Robot gripper systems, Building applications, Die/mold applications, Architecture applications, Models applications, Rapid prototype applications, Visual arts applications, Textile applications, Digital factories, Architectural-model applications and materials, Industrial applications and materials,  Food applications and materials, Artistic practices and materials, Scanning methods and modeling)

Digital Industry (Big data, Artificial intelligence, Digital life cycles, Sensors actuators, Augmented reality, visualization, System simulation, Wireless communication, ICT security, Digital business, Block chain, Data Safety, Autonomous robots, System integration, Internet of things (IT’s), Cyber security, Cloud computing,Digital factory)

3D Printer Design,  Modelling and Analysis (3D printer design, extruder design, Product development, Ceramic systems design, Food systems design Table system design, Electronics components, Mechanic components, Standard components)

Mechanical Properties of Filaments (Polymer materials, Flexible materials, Bio materials, Metallic materials, Wood materials, Composite materials)

Program – Control Technologies (Control programs, Design programs, 3D scanning technologies, DMLS technologies, SLA technologies, SLS technologies, FDM technologies, Digital production technologies,

Other 3D printer technologies and digital industry



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·         Please tell us the technical support and questions about the submission korayozsoy@sdu.edu.tr 


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2.1. Used in the Study ….   


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Examples of reference style:

Examples of reference style:


Authors, “Book Name ”, Pages.,Publishing, City, Year.


1.  Baykasoğlu, A., Dereli, T., “Information technology methods in production”, Pages 254-255, Kırmızı Publishing, İstanbul, 2006.

Chapter in book

Authors, “Title”, Editors, Book Name, Pages, Publishing name, City, Year.


2. Williams, D.F., “Titanium for medical applications: titanium in medicine: material science, surface science, engineering, biological responses and medical applications”, In Brunette 

    DM,   Tengvall P, Textor M et al editors, Titanium in medicine, Pages 13-24, Springer. Berlin, 2001.

Standard journal article

Authors, “Title of Manuscript ”, The name of Journal, Vol, No, Pages, Year.


3. Isaza Saldarriaga, J.F., Correa Vélez, S., Cumplido Posada, A., Bedoya Henao, B., Torres Valencia, C.A., “Design and manufacturing of a custom skull implant”, American Journal of

    Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Pages 169-174, 2011.

4. Delikanlı, K., Sofu, M.M., Bekçi, U., “Üretim sektöründe hızlı direkt imalat sistemlerinin yeri ve önemi” [Place and Importance of Rapid Direct Manufacturing Systems in

    Manufacturing Sector] [article in Turkish], Makine Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı 1, Sayfa 33-39, 2006.


Author, “Title of Thesis ”, Type of Thesis, University, City, Year.


5. Özuğur, B., “Hızlı prototipleme teknikleri ile kompleks yapıdaki parçaların üretilebilirliklerinin araştırılması”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, [The investigation of manufacturability of parts

    having a complex structure by rapid prototyping technologies] [Thesis in Turkish], Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara, 2006.

 Academic paper

Authors, “Title of paper ”, Symposium Name, Pages , City, Year.


6. Kayacan, M.C., Özsoy, K., Kor, Ö., “Endüstri devrimi 4.0”, 2rd International Symposioum on 3D Printing Technologies, Sayfa 120-128, İstanbul, 2007.

Online-only reference

Authors, “The title of the web”, Accessed web address, Accessed of Dates.


7. Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, “Biyomalzemeler”, [Biomaterials] [article in Turkish], https://bilimteknik.tubitak.gov.tr/system/files/biyomalzemeler.pdf , September 2, 2017.


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