Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 9/4/24

Year: 2024

Research Papers

Research Article

3. Evaluation of Anti-Allergic Property of MulminaTM Mango Juice in In Vivo Models

Review Papers

The scope of the Academic Food Journal (Akademik Gida) is to offer scientists, researchers, and other food professionals the opportunity to share knowledge of scientific advancements through a respected peer-reviewed publication. The Academic Food Journal serves as a forum for important research and developments in food science and technology.

Some of the topics covered in the journal are listed below;

Reviews in Food Science and Technology
Food Chemistry
Food Engineering
Food Microbiology
Sensory Evaluation of Foods
Health and Nutrition
Toxicology and Chemical Food Safety
Fisheries Science
Food Marketing
Food Regulations

Some of the topics covered in the journal are listed below;

Reviews in Food Science and Technology
Food Chemistry
Food Engineering
Food Microbiology
Sensory Evaluation of Foods
Health and Nutrition
Toxicology and Chemical Food Safety
Fisheries Science
Food Marketing
Food Regulations

Akademik Gıda® (Academic Food Journal) is a peer reviewed journal where original research and review articles are published in the field of food science and technology. Research notes, mini-reviews, opinions and letters to the editor are also considered for publication. The journal is published trimonthly and each volume is composed of 4 issues per year. Journal articles are published either in Turkish or English. Manuscripts in either good American or British English usage are accepted, but not a mixture of these.

Manuscripts for the Akademik Gıda® (Academic Food Journal) must be sent via the electronic article submission system, which can be located in the official website of the journal, www.academicfoodjournal.com. Manuscripts sent by e-mail are not considered for evaluation. For questions related to the electronic article submission system, contact the editor via e-mail at ogursoy@yahoo.com.


• Authors must specify the type of the manuscript (research articles, review articles, research briefs, mini-review articles, comments and letters to the editor).

• Authors should provide at least 3 potential referees and their contact information (mailing address, e-mail address and phone number).

• Manuscripts to be submitted should be free from any spelling or grammatical error.

• Authors must guarantee that the submitted manuscript is not published anywhere previously and will not be submitted to anywhere before the editorial board makes a final decision on the manuscript.

• The editorial board is authorized to make necessary changes in manuscripts accepted for publication.


Peer review policy

Manuscripts pass through initial screening in the editorial office followed by internal review by Editors. After the first evaluation, manuscripts are double-blind-reviewed by a peer review system involving at least two independent reviewers to ensure high quality of manuscripts accepted for publication. The Editors have the right to decline formal review of a manuscript if it is (i) on a topic outside the scope of the Journal, (ii) lacking technical merit, (iii) fragmentary and providing marginally incremental results or (iv) poorly written.


Publication fee

There is a 300 TL submission fee for Turkish manuscripts submitted after January 15, 2023. This fee may not be waived.

No fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal in English.


Preparation of a manuscript

1. Manuscripts should be prepared in A4 size, and the text must be prepared in a single column format. The text must be double-spaced, and a single space should be left between paragraphs. All lines and pages must be continuously numbered.


2. The title must be 14pt Arial, bold, small letters and centered. A blank line should be left after the title, and the names of authors should be given in 10pt Arial and centered. In addition to each author’s contact address, the phone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided.  If the institutions of the authors are different, superscript numbers should be used to indicate their addresses.


3. The headings (e.g. Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods etc.) must be 10pt Arial, and should be typed in bold capital letters. Each heading should appear on its own separate line. A blank line should be left after each heading. A list of keywords, a maximum of 5, should be provided below the abstract section of the manuscript.


4. The main text should be prepared in 9.5pt Arial.


5. Typical articles mainly consist of the following divisions: Title, Author Names, Addresses, Contact Information, Corresponding author’s e-mail address, Abstract, Main text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions), Acknowledgements (if necessary), Abbreviations (if necessary) and References.


6. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, and the main purpose and method and the most significant result and conclusion should be presented in the abstract. The abstract should be prepared as a single paragraph, and should not include any citation.

7. Latin names in the text should be in italics, and names and abbreviations should follow international rules. If abbreviations that are not standard are unavoidable, they must be defined at their first mention in the text.  Consistency of abbreviations throughout the article must be ensured. Internationally accepted rules and conventions must be followed, and the international system of units (SI) must be used. If other units are mentioned, their equivalents in SI must be provided.


8. Table headings should be on the top of each table and figure captions below each figure. Each table or figure must be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. All figures and tables should be cited in the text. The data presented in the tables and figures should not be repeated in the text. Table headings and figure captions should be self-explanatory. Figures and pictures must be provided in high resolution, and pictures (and, if necessary figures) should be included in the text as *. jpg format.


9. References in the text should be cited in numbers in square brackets [1] and details of the citations must be provided in the Literature or References section with their respective numbers.


10. Mathematical equations should be numbered and cited in the text.


11. References should be given according to the APA manual of style. The following formats should be used for the details of cited references, and the journal names must be typed in italics. References to the Web addresses (if necessary, the official web pages should be preferred) must include full web address and the date of access.



[1]    Güzeler, N., Kaçar, A., Say, D. (2011). Effect of milk powder, maltodextrin and polydextrose use on physical and sensory properties of low calorie ice cream during storage. Akademik Gıda, 9(2), 6-12.



[2]    Kilic, S. (2001). Lactic Acid Bacteria in Dairy Industry. EgeUniversity Faculty of Agriculture Publications, EgeUniversity Press, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey.


Book Chapter

[3]    Gibson, G.R., Saavedra, J.M., MacFarlane, S., MacFarlane, G.T. (1997). Probiotics and Intestinal Infections. In Probiotics 2: Applications and Practical Aspects, Edited by R. Fuller, Chapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London, England, 212p.


Proceedings of the Congress-Symposium

[4]    Gursoy, O., Akdemir, O., Hepbasli, A., Kinik, O. (2004). Recent situation of energy consumption in dairy industry in Turkey. International Dairy Symposium: Recent Developments in Dairy Science and Technology, May 24-28, 2004, Isparta, Turkey, Book of Proceedings, 10-16p.


12. A list of the corrections requested by the referees must be provided by the authors, and it must be sent to the editorial office via e-mail within a month.


13. Studies that are not prepared in accordance with the rules above will not be considered for evaluation.

Akademik GIDA® is a peer-reviewed journal where original research and review articles are published quarterly by Sidas Media Agency Advertisement Consultation Ltd. (Cankaya, Izmir, Turkey) in the field of food science and technology. In order to improve the overall scientific quality of the journal, following guidelines have been established by the publisher.

Editorial Policy

General Guidelines stated in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers are followed by all papers submitted to Academic GIDA. Prior to submission, authors are highly recommended to read the Journal’s Instructions to Authors. Authors should also follow the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English. For any research involving human or animal data, the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors should be followed by the authors of the manuscripts.

Peer review

All contributions are evaluated according to the criteria of originality and quality of their scientific content.

· All manuscripts pass through an initial screening process (technical and overall quality evaluation) in the editorial office followed by an internal review by the technical and scientific editors.

· After the first evaluation, editors have the right to decline formal review of a manuscript if it is (i) on a topic outside the scope of the Journal, (ii) lacking technical merit, (iii) fragmentary and providing marginally incremental results or (iv) poorly written.

· If the manuscript is considered suitable for further evaluation, manuscripts are double-blind-reviewed by a peer review system involving at least two independent reviewers to ensure high quality of manuscripts accepted for publication.

· If requested, the revised version is evaluated by the reviewers, and editors make a decision about final acceptance based on their suggestions. If necessary, further revision can be asked for to fulfil all the requirements of the reviewers.

· The final version is then sent to the technical editor in order to produce a galley proof, and the authors receive this proof for final check before publishing.

· All manuscripts are posted online as pdf files in their final form, indexed in databases with the assigned DOI numbers.

Publication fee

Akademik GIDA welcomes article submissions and does not charge any publication fee.


Editors handle all papers submitted to Akademik GIDA in strict confidence. With the exception of reviewers, they do not disclose any information regarding submissions to third parties, unless in case of a suspected misconduct, where COPE recommendations are followed. Submissions are also confidential for reviewers and they are not allowed to share or distribute any part of the manuscripts which they receive for evaluation to third parties. For a case of suspected misconduct, reviewers are encouraged to contact the editorial office immediately in a confidential manner. Reviewers can also recommend a particular course of action in their confidential comments to the editor, following Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.

Akademik GIDA conducts a double-blind peer review process, i.e. the names of the reviewers are confidential to ensure the critical evaluation of the work. Reviewers are asked not to disclose their names or contact details in their comments for authors.


An author is an individual who substantially contributed to the idea or design of a research, acquisition of data, analysis or interpretation of data, was involved in drafting, writing or revising the manuscript critically for important intellectual content. Other contributors should be mentioned in the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript and cannot be considered as authors of the study. Correct and full names of all authors and their ORCID IDs should be on the title page of the manuscript. Names of authors must be supplemented with their affiliations and a valid address of the corresponding author. The phone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be stated in the first page of the manuscript. All authors must guarantee that the submitted manuscript is not published anywhere previously and will not be submitted to anywhere before the editorial board makes a final decision on the manuscript.

Funding sources

Details for all funding sources of the research should be stated in the Acknowledgements. Authors should provide the full official funding agency name(s) and grant number(s).

Alteration in authorship

Alteration in authorship after the submission of the manuscript to Akademik GIDA can be justified only by the additional work required during the revision. Any change is not allowed after the acceptance of the manuscript for publication. Alteration in authorship should be indicated in the responses to reviewers, and should be accepted by all authors. The corresponding author is primarily responsible for any alteration in the revised version of the manuscript, including the order of authors.

Correction of data

All authors should be responsible for the accuracy of the published data. For the correction of data, the corresponding author receives the galley proof of the paper and is asked to correct it carefully within 4 days before publication.

Retraction of an article

A retraction of an article is used to correct errors in submission or publication. Authors can retract the paper and should follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) retraction guidelines. In case of a duplicate or overlapping publication, fraudulent use of data, plagiarism or unethical research, the paper will be retracted by the editor, and a retraction notice will be included into the electronic database while all links to the retracted article will be maintained.

Ethical considerations

Conflict of interest:

· Authors should declare any conflict of interest in their submission form. Authors are requested to suggest at least three potential reviewers before submission, and these reviewers cannot be their colleagues, collaborators or members of their institutions.

· Reviewers should notify the editors on any conflict of interest which prevents them from reviewing the paper, and they are recommended to follow the COPE guidelines. 

· For the manuscripts submitted by the members of the Editorial Board or their collaborators, peer reviewing is modified to exclude them from the entire evaluation process in order to minimize any bias during the evaluation.

· During revision, the editors follow the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.

Research involving human subjects, animals or plants

· If the research involves humans or animals, the authors are recommended to follow the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

· In studies involving human subjects, their informed consent to participate in the study should be supplied by the authors. For subjects under the age of 18, their parents or guardians should give the permission for their participation in the study.

· For all tested subjects, the manuscript must accompany with a statement detailing compliance with relevant guidelines and/or appropriate permissions or licenses.

· Any research on animals must comply with institutional, national or international guidelines and, where possible, should be approved by an ethics committee.

· Any experimental research on plants, including collection of plant materials, must comply with institutional, national, or international guidelines.

· Field studies should be conducted in compliance with local legislation, and a statement specifying the appropriate permissions and/or licences should be included in the manuscript.

Publication misconduct:

· The Journal follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.

· In a case of a suspected misconduct such as redundant or duplicate submission, plagiarism, text recycling, violation of ethical norms, etc., researchers, reviewers or readers are encouraged to contact the Editorial Office (ogursoy@yahoo.com).

·  The overlapping in the manuscript is highly restricted to the maximum of 25% with no more than 10% from a single source; otherwise, the manuscript will be rejected. If these terms are violated, COPE recommendations will be followed and all parties involved will be notified.


Akademik GIDA applies the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license to all published papers, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes. Before publication, the Copyright Transfer Form must be signed by the corresponding author and returned to the editorial office of the journal. Copyright of published papers is retained by the Sidas Media Agency Advertisement Consultation Ltd. (Cankaya, Izmir, Turkey). Authors have the right to use their published article freely and in noncommercial purposes, as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are clearly stated. Individual users may access, download, copy, display, and adapt the manuscripts published in Akademik GIDA, provided that the authors’ intellectual and moral rights, reputation and integrity are not compromised. Users must ensure that any reuse complies with the copyright policies of the owners. If the content of the published manuscripts is copied, downloaded or otherwise reused for noncommercial research and educational purposes, a link to the appropriate bibliographic citation (authors, journal title, manuscript title, volume, year and page numbers, and the link to the published version on the Journal’s website) should be provided. Copyright notices and disclaimers must not be deleted.

There is a 1000 TL submission fee for Turkish manuscripts and 750 TL submission fee for English manuscripts submitted after February 1, 2024. This fee may not be waived.

No fee is charged for articles submitted by foreing author/s to the journal in English.

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Bu eser Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

Akademik Gıda (Academic Food Journal) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).