e-ISSN: 2587-1528
Founded: 2016
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International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research
E-ISSN 2587-1528
The International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research (IJCTR) is open access, a blind peer-reviewed international journal published in English and Turkish. IJCTR does not charge authors for submission or publication. It aims to publish high-quality research papers in all related areas of tourism, including economics, business, management, history, geography, sociology, social psychology, ethics, etc.

IJCTR's general principles of specified purposes are listed below:

* IJCTR publishes biannually.
* IJCTR publishes in Turkish and English.
* Scientific articles are published and empirical (practical/experimental) researches are given priority in the journal.
* The responsibility of opinions expressed in articles entirely belong to the authors
* The studies submitted to IJCTR for publications must not be published in other journals before.
* The studies submitted to IJCTR should be prepared by entirely obeying the scientific ethics rules.
* Copyright fees or any other payments under another name are not paid to the authors for their articles.
* The authors who submit studies to the journal are considered as agreed not to demand this kind of claim.

The International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research (IJCTR) is open access, a blind peer-reviewed international journal published in English and Turkish. IJCTR does not charge authors for submission or publication.

2024 - Volume: 8 Issue: 2