Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 12/1/23

Year: 2023


İnönü University Faculty of Communication Electronic Journal İNİF E-Journal applies the criterion of objectivity in science based on the standard of universality. İNİF E-Journal, aiming to be published twice a year in May and November, has adopted the principle of contributing to the world of science. 

İnönü University Faculty of Communication academic journal İNİF E-Journal started its publication life in May 2016 and is published twice a year in May and November. All of the articles in İNİF E-Journal are published after the approval of at least two referees. Articles previously published in the journal, accepted for publication, and being evaluated for publication are not accepted. Although the responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author, if a correction is requested from the author, the correction must be made within 1 month at the latest. İNİF E-Journal includes a comprehensive review of scientific studies on a specific subject, articles written in a scientific format that present original research results, and studies prepared on a theoretical level that will contribute to the relevant discipline. İNİF E-Journal; ULAKBİM TR Index is indexed in ASOS Index, SOBIAD, and OpenAIRE indexes.


İnönü University Faculty of Communication Electronic Journal (İNİF E-Journal) is an academic and refereed journal that includes reviews, research articles and theoretical articles on communication sciences. İNİF E-Journal is published twice a year, in May and November.

1. Submission of the article to İNİF E-Journal is accepted as an application for publication.

2. The language of the journal is Turkish and English. In addition, the publication of articles written in any of the other languages is subject to the decision of the editorial board.

3. All progress and results of the article process are notified online to the first author.

4. All legal responsibilities of the articles sent to the İNİF E-Journal belong to the authors. The journal does not accept any responsibility.

5. The articles submitted to the journal for publication must be arranged in accordance with the journal rules and uploaded to the system at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/inifedergi.

6. Articles sent to İNİF E- Journal for publication should not have been published anywhere before or sent elsewhere for publication.

7. The presentation of the article in the form of a paper at a congress, symposium or meeting is not an obstacle for publication. If the paper is a  summary, a presentation, etc. the editor must be informed by message through the system. After the “publishable” decision is made, it is necessary to clearly indicate where the work is presented with a footnote.

8. The articles should be uploaded as a WORD file, not as PDF.

9. All copyrights of the published articles belong to İNİF E-Journal. The “Author Copyright Transfer Form” must be filled and sent to the journal.

10. During the article upload process, the “Similarity (Plagiarism) Report” and “Ethics Committee Approval Certificate” must also be uploaded for articles only with human participation.

11. In articles that do not require the permission of the ethics committee, corresponding author should add and sign the following statement in a Word file and uploaded it to the system: “This paper titled ‘..................’ which I / we have sent to be evaluated within the scope of İNİF E-JOURNAL does not require ethics committee permission.”

12. In addition, authors are required to send their CVs with a maximum of 75 words and their contact information (e-mail and telephone number are mandatory) as an additional document.

13. Since the review process of the articles is carried out according to the blind referee technique, the articles to be uploaded should not include any information about the authors or the title of the article that may reveal the author of the article.

14. Extended abstracts should be written in English for papers written in Turkish and should be written in Turkish for papers written in English.

15. The paper sent to İNİF E-Journal to be published is first reviewed by the editor, then submitted to the editorial board for opinion and sent to the referees for review after the publication board's acceptable opinion. However, when the editorial board considers the paper insufficient, board has the right to refuse without sending it to the referee.

16.  Articles are published with the acceptable reports of at least two referees.

17. If the corrections requested by both the editor and the referee are not completed and sent to us within 15 days, the paper is rejected by the editorial board decision.

18. After the acceptable result of the referee process, the names and titles of the author / s should be written just below the title, in 9 pt. bold, in the form of a footnote. If the author is more than one, their names should be written one under the other and the sequence number should follow each other. In addition, the author’s institution, e-mail address, and ORCID numbers should be indicated in 9 font size as a footnote at the bottom of the page. In footnote display, the star symbol should be preferred instead of a number or a different symbol.

19. Manuscript should be prepared in a plan as shown in the table below:

Page Layout

• Articles should be written in Microsoft Word program.
• The paper size should be A4 vertical.
• Articles should not exceed 25 pages including figures, graphics, visuals and tables.
• The page layout should be top margin: 2.5 cm, bottom margin: 2.5 cm, left margin: 3 cm, right margin: 2.5 cm
• The font type should be Times New Roman, normal style text, 12 pt., footnote text 9 pt., paragraph range before 6 pt., after 0 pt., line spacing single (1).
Turkish Title
The title of the manuscript should be written in 12 font size, bold and centered in capital letters 

Turkish Abstract 

• All articles should have a Turkish abstract at the beginning of the text.
• In English and German studies, there should also be a Turkish abstract.
• Abstracts should include brief information on subjects such as the purpose, method, findings, conclusion and originality of the article.
• It should be between 250-300 words and 10 font size.
• In the form of “abstract”, only the first letter should be capital.
• Its title must be indented (1.25 cm)

Turkish Keywords

• It should be at least 3 words, at most 6 words and italic.
• “Keywords” term should be bold and italic.
• It must be indented (1.25 cm)
• Words must be lowercase letters (excluding proper nouns).
English Title
The title of the manuscript should be written in 12 font size, bold and centered in capital letters 


• It should be compatible with the Turkish abstract and should be 10 pt.
• Abstracts should include brief information on subjects such as the purpose, method, findings, conclusion and originality of the article.
• In the form of “abstract”, only the first letter should be capital.
• Its title must be indented (1.25 cm)


• It should be at least 3 words, at most 6 words and italic.
• “Keywords” term should be bold and italic.
• It must be indented (1.25 cm)
• Words must be lowercase letters (excluding proper nouns).
It should cover the problem, purpose, importance, method, limitations and assumptions of the article. There should not be any number. 

Main text

• Manuscripts sent to be published in the journal are in A4 paper size,
• With “Times New Roman” writing style
• Justified
• Single (1) line spacing
• It should be written in Word program with 12 font size.
• Paragraph spacing must be 6nk before, after 0nk.
• All titles and paragraphs in the article should be indented (1.25 cm).
• There should be numbering in all titles except introduction and conclusion.
• Page numbers should not be included in the articles.
• Only the first letters of the words in all titles other than the main title should be capitalized.
• All sub-headings must be indented (1.25 cm)

Conclusion and Discussion
• There should be no numbering.
• It must be at a level that can support the findings of the article. 

Extended Abstract

• Extended abstracts should be written in English for papers written in Turkish and should be written in Turkish for papers written in English.
• The Extended Abstract must be at least 750 and at most 1500 words.
• The extended abstracts should be placed at the end of each article, just before the References section.
• Should be written in 12 font size.


• It should be prepared according to the rules of the journal at the link https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/inifedergi/writing-rules.
It should be displayed hanging.
• Should be placed after the references.
Should be written in 11 font size.

Figure-Table-Visual-Graphics etc.

• Attention should be paid to the fact that tables, drawings, images and graphics are within the writing area.
• Pictures and photographs should be displayed under the name of "Visual", cartoons under "Cartoon", figures and graphics under the name of "Figure."
• Format should be as follows: Table 1., Figure 1., Visual 1., Graphic 1., Cartoon 1.
• Figures, visuals, tables and graphics should be numbered respectively.
• References of figures, visuals, graphics and tables should be given in 10 font size at the bottom.
• Titles of figures, visuals, graphics and tables should be written in 11 font size and centered in Times New Roman font style.
• In-table texts should be written in 10 font size (which can be reduced to 9 points if necessary) and in the “Times New Roman” writing style. For in-table text, paragraph spacing must be before 0nk, after 0nk, and 1 line spacing.


• Text citations and references of manuscripts submitted to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the APA system. Authors should consider the 6th edition of the American Psychological Association. For Access to the Guide: www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf

• Citations should be given in parentheses in the text followed by the author surname, date and page number.

• If the author's name and date are mentioned in the expression they should not be repeated in parentheses.

• Sources with 3 or more authors the term “et al” should be used.

• If the author is referring to more than one sources published in the same year for the same author “a,b,c,...” expressions should be used.

• Short quotes should be shown in quotation marks. Quotations longer than 4 lines should be written as a separate paragraph in a block of 1 cm from the left and right with 10 font size. In this case, the quotation marks should not be used.

• If the name of the legal entity is too long or the abbreviated form is known in the source written by legal persons, the abbreviation may be used after the first citation. If the abbreviation is intended to be used, in the first citation the name of the institution should be written and the abbreviation should be given in quotation marks. Only abbreviations should be used in subsequent citations.

• Citations to more than one publication at the same time all publications should be separated in a single parenthesis, separated by semicolons. The alphabetical order should be followed by the surname of the author in parentheses.

• If more than one sources of the same author is to be cited at the same time, the order of the date should be sorted from old to new without rewritten the name of the author.

• If the publication date of the source is not known, “n.d.” should be used.

• The references should be in form of hanging with 1.25

Some examples of citations in the manuscript are shown below:

• Single author: ……….(Kalafat, 2007, p. 195).

• Two authors: ……..(Kocabaş and Elden, 2001, p. 18).

• More than one sources published in the same year for the same author: ……..(Geray, 2006a, p. 30; 2006b, p. 120).

• Same author, different publications: ……..(Şeker, 2007, p. 38; Şeker, 2008, p. 205).

• More than two authors: ……..(İnceoğlu et al., 2004, p. 47).

More than one sources at the same time: ……..(İnal, 2006, p. 43; Atabek, 2008, p. 151).

Sources accessed from the Internet and the author is unknown: ……..(Turkey Journalists Society, 2009).

• Internet source: ……..(http://www.bik.gov.tr, 2020).

• Author is unknown: ……..(Press Ethics and Theories, 1981).

Legal entity: ……..(Radio and Television Supreme Council, 2012, p. 147).

• Original source is not available: ……..(as cited in Balcı, 2004, p. 55).

• Interview source: ……..(Personal interview with …….., 22 September 2014).

Explanations to be made other than citations should be given on a separate page at the end of the manuscript under the heading of “Notes.”

Some examples of referencing are presented below:


McQuail, D. (1992). Media performance: Mass communication and the public interest. London: Sage Publications.

Grossberg, L., Wartella, E., Whitney, D. C. and Wise, J. M. (2006). Mediamaking: Mass media in a popular culture. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Book Chapters:

Hallahan, K. (2010). Being public: Publicity as public relations. In R. L. Heath (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of public relations (pp. 523-545). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Shin, J. H. and Cameron, G. T. (2005). Different sides of the same coin: Mixed views of public relations practitioners and journalists for strategic conflict management. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 82(2), 318-338.


Knight, K. A. (2011). Media epidemics: Viral structures in literature and new media, University of California, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Santa Barbara.

Conference Papers:

Ferwerda, B., Schedl, M. and Tkalcic, M. (2016, January). Using Instagram picture features to predict users’ personality. In International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (pp. 850-861). Springer, Cham.


Tigrel, A. (1999). Timetable: What will happen and when, http://europa.eu. int/euro/html. Accessed Date: 27.09.1999.

Radio and Television Supreme Council. (2018). https://www.rtuk.gov.tr/. Accessed Date: 14. 01. 2018.

In İNİF E-Journal, the standards prepared by the Publishing Ethics Committee COPE are taken into consideration (http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf). Being an academic refereed journal, İNİF E- Journal has made it a principle to bring studies in the field of communication to the scientific world. Research articles and reviews are published in İNİF E- Journal. The studies submitted to the journal are first evaluated by the editorial board and the referee process of the studies deemed appropriate is initiated. Within the framework of blind review, the studies are sent to 2 referees who are experts in the field, and the study is sent to the third referee as a result of the decision of these referees (if 1 of the 2 referees is negative).

İNİF E-Dergi'de makale yayınlamak herhangi bir ücrete tabi değildir.