Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 8/31/24

Year: 2024


Saffron Journal of Culture and Tourism Research (JOSCAT); is an open access academic journal published by the Safranbolu Faculty of Tourism, which is an international refereed and focused on building theories, researches and bridges with new dynamics in the field of culture and tourism. Culture and theory relevant persons and institutions in the field of tourism and to contribute in practice in Turkey, prepared in accordance with the principle of neutrality, science depends on ethical principles and solution-oriented, focusing on new trends and developments, aims to date and the publication of articles that discuss the future.

In this context, within the scope of publication of JOSCAT;

* Cultural Studies               (Archeology, Geography, Culture, Art History)

* Tourism Area Research (Destination Planning and Management, Gastronomy, Recreation and Management, Travel Management, Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Destination).

Author Guidelines: Articles in the field of culture and tourism, which are intended to be sent to the Journal of Saffron Culture and Tourism Researches, should be prepared within the scope of the “Der Publication Principles” presented below. Click here for a sample article template that you can modify.

After completing the Transfer of Publication Rights Agreement, upload it to the DergiPark System along with the article.

Page Layout: A4 Portrait, margins 3 cm in each direction, alignment justified, indentation left and right 0 cm, range top and bottom 3 nk, line spacing should be set as single. In the Journal of Safran Culture and Tourism Research, it is recommended that the number of article pages should not exceed 25 (twenty-five) pages from the first page to the last page.

Font: Palatino Linotype, the main headings 12 (twelve), the text should be written in 11 (eleven) point size. The main headings “Introduction” and “Results and Suggestions“ should not be numbered.

Turkish Title:  The Turkish title of the article should clearly reflect the content of the article. Each word should be written in bold with the exception of conjunctions.

English Title:  The English title of the article should be written under the Turkish title. The title of each word should be written in bold. In addition, the writing of large and small “i” in English spelling should be considered. 

Author(s) Information: For the information of the author(s) in the article, the following template should be used. In this context, the information in the template should be written down to the right under the title of the English article for the author(s).



Turkish Article Title


Title Name Surname

Institution, City, E-mail address, Orcid ID

ÖzIt should clearly and briefly reflect the purpose, scope, method and results of the article. The essence of the manuscript should not exceed 150 (one hundred and fifty) words.

Anahtar Kelimeler: At least 3 (three) maximum 5 (five) keywords should be determined which reflect the integrity of the article, especially the words that make up the title of the article. The first letter of the keywords must be placed between the first and the last letters.

Abstract: This section should be written in English.

Keywords: Keywords ”section should be included just below the Abstract section. Keywords should be placed between the first letter of the words with a comma and the end of the last keyword. In addition, the writing of large and small “i” in English spelling should be considered.

Enter: The subject matter should be given in the form of the importance, problem and purpose of the research from the general to the specific, and in the last paragraph what should be done in the article should be summarized.

Method: In this section, the methods used in the research, limitations, data collection techniques, data collection tools, the validity and reliability of the research and the tests that should be used in the analysis of the data should be explained.

Findings: The findings of the study included; related to the purpose and problem of the article and supported by the related table, graphics, figures, maps or pictures and should be presented in relation to the previous literature.

Conclusion and Recommendations: The aim of the article should be given in the first paragraph. In the light of the data of the research, the findings should be examined with the comments of the literature and the author(s). Recommendations appropriate to the result of the article should be written. In the last paragraph, suggestions should be submitted to the author(s) who will do similar studies in the future.

References: Must be prepared in accordance with the usunda “APA 6 Reference Principles”. In-text submission and references should be given in accordance with the language of the full text. Interval top and bottom 3 pt, line spacing should be set to single, 10 pt.

SAKTAD, etik görev ve sorumluluklarda açık erişim olarak “Yayın Etik Komitesi - Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)” tarafından yayınlanan ilkeleri benimseyen bir yaklaşım içinde olmayı taahhüt etmektedir. Yayın kurulu, gönderilen yazıyı yayınlayıp yayınlamamakta serbesttir. Yazar(lar)ın yayınlanan yazısı, gerekli görüldüğü takdirde, yayın kurulu kararı doğrultusunda yayından kaldırılabilir. Kişileri ayrıştırıcı, kin ve nefrete sürükleyici yazılar kabul edilmektedir. Yazar(lar)a telif ücreti ödenmez.

Yayın kuralları gereğince; tüm bilim dalları için etik kurul kararı gerektiren klinik ve deneysel insan ve hayvanlar üzerindeki çalışmalar için ayrı ayrı "Etik Kurul Onayı" alınmış olunmalı, bu onay makalede belirtilmeli ve belgelendirilmelidir.

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