Current Issue

Volume: 19 Issue: 145, 3/19/25

Year: 2025



To publish folklore and Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) studies in Turkey and the Turkish world with cultural research methods, to carry the studies in this field from local to national, regional and international level, to follow folklore and ICH studies in the world, to publish all kinds of studies that will contribute to the theoretical and methodological development of folklore, ethnology and anthropology studies and the objectives of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Turkish or in one of the international languages with Latin letters (French, English or Spanish).

Original articles based on research that will contribute theoretically and methodologically to Turkish culture, folklore, ethnology, anthropology and ICH studies, introductory and critical articles that will contribute to the development of the field, translations, compilations from the field or written sources.

Subject Category:

Web of Science, Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI): Folklore

Scopus, Arts and Humanities: General Arts and Humanities / Social Sciences: Cultural Studies

TR DİZİN, Social Sciences

Not Previously Published: The articles to be published in Milli Folklor must not have been published anywhere before. Papers presented at a scientific meeting cannot be published in Milli Folklor since they are considered published. An author may publish a maximum of two "essays" in the same year. The review process of the second article of the same author cannot be started before the first article is published.

General Rules: The general rules to be followed in articles are as follows:

A) Title: It should not exceed 12 words, should be written in bold and capital letters, and its second language equivalent should appear below the title in lower case letters. (If the article is in Turkish, the second language will be French, English or Spanish; if the article is in one of these three languages other than Turkish, the second language will be Turkish).

B) Author's Name: Author's name should be written under the title, job title, institutional address, e-mail and ORCID membership information should be linked to the surname with an asterisk and given at the bottom of the first page.

C) Abstract: It should be at least 400 words and should be prepared in a way to give the essence of the article. There should be no references, figures, charts, notes, etc. in the abstract. Five keywords should be given just below the abstract. Abstract and Keywords should be prepared in Turkish and in a second language.

Ç) Article Text: Manuscripts should be typed on a computer, single-spaced, in 10-point font, should not exceed 6000 words including references, Abstract, Abstract and footnotes, and should be original. You can download our article template from the documents tab. The citation rate should not be more than 30% in abstract articles. Manuscripts should be written in MS Word program and in Times New Roman or Arial font. The article should start with an introduction, where the hypothesis of the article should be put forward, the development section (which can be supported by intermediate and subheadings) should consist of data, observations, opinions, comments and discussions, and the conclusions reached in the conclusion section should be explained by supporting them with recommendations.

D) Citing Sources: Footnotes should never be used in citing sources. In the text (Elçin 1988:8), if more than one work of the author published in the same year is cited (Elçin, 1988a, Elçin 1988b...), if more than one source is cited (Köprülü 1940, Kaplan 1974, Elçin 1988), the name of the first author in multi-authored publications (Kaplan et al. 1975), if an unseen publication is cited (Raglan 1973, Ekici 1988), if an oral source is used, the source person information should include Name, Surname, Date and Place of Interview.

E) Bibliography: It should be written at the end of the article text, alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. If an author has more than one publication, it should be indicated according to the date of publication, if there are publications of an author published in the same year, it should be shown as (1980a, 1980b).

Book: Works such as newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, anthologies, novels, plays, films, and books of short stories and poetry are indicated in italics. Published theses are also included in this category.

One author
Works by a single author are indicated as follows:

Oğuz, M. Öcal. Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras Nedir?. Ankara: Geleneksel Yayınları, 2009.

Koz, M. Sabri, haz. Nasreddin Hoca Kitabı. İstanbul: Kitabevi Yayınları, 1999.

Reichl, Karl. Türk Boylarının Destanları: Gelenekler, Şekiller, Şiir Yapısı. Çev. Metin Ekici. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 2002.

Hobsbawm, Eric ve Terence Ranger, der. Geleneğin İcadı. (çev. Mehmet Murat Şahin) İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı, 2006.

Two (or three) authors
Works by two (or three) authors are indicated as follows:

Altun, Şafak ve Cenk Sarıoğlu. Türk Popüler Tarihinde İlkler. İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları, 2006.

More than three authors
In the bibliography of a book by more than three authors, either all author names are given in the order in which they appear in the book, or after the first author's name, the phrase et al. is used:

Oğuz, M. Öcal and others. Halkbiliminde Kuramlar ve Yaklaşımlar 1. Ankara: Geleneksel Yayınları, 2006.

Articles, etc.: Individual poems, stories, articles, book chapters, letters, conferences, speeches, interviews and personal interviews are considered "short works" and their titles are written in double quotation marks. In references to encyclopedia articles, the article name is written as it appears in the encyclopedia (e.g. "Özlü, Tezer"). The imprint information of interviews and unpublished theses are given as in the examples below.

Düzgün, Dilaver. “Âşıklık Geleneğinin Değişim ve Dönüşüm Sürecinde Barış Manço Olgusu”. Millî Folklor 84 (Kış 2009): 42-51.

Özkan, Tuba. "Bey Böyrek Anlatılarının Kahramanın Yolculuğu Açısından İncelenmesi". Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi, 2006.

Güzel, Abdurrahman. “Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Güzel İle Söyleşi”. Söyleşiyi yapan: Tuba Saltık Özkan. Millî Folklor 68 (Kış 2005): 13-17.

Multiple Works by the Same Author: When more than one work by the same author is included in the "Selected Bibliography", the titles of the works are listed in alphabetical order, not in date order. In such cases, the author's name and surname are not repeated; instead, two long dashes (as --.) and a period are placed side by side, followed by the title of the work and other information. The following example should be followed.

Günay, Umay. Türklerin Tarihi. Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları, 2006.

——. Türk Kültürüne Eleştiri. Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları, 2009.

Texts in Electronic Media: When citing texts in electronic media as a source, preference should be given to those with the author, title and date of publication for reliability. The imprint information follows the following order: author's name; title of the text; date of the source, if any; date of access; website address. The following example should be followed.

Temelkuran, Ece. “Geleneksiz Kadınlar” (06 Ekim 2006) 16 Şubat 2010.

Audio and Video Recordings: While writing the imprint information of the references to sound and video recordings, after the surname and name of the person whose contribution will be highlighted (director, screenwriter, actor, writer, composer, singer, etc.), the title of the work, other people or institutions that contributed, format (record, videocassette, VCD, DVD, etc.) and publication or distribution information are given.

Akay, Ezel, yön. Karagöz Hacivat Neden Öldürüldü?. Sen. Ezel Akay, Levent, Kazak. Oyun. Beyazıt Öztürk, Haluk Bilginer, ve diğer. DVD. Özen Film, 2006.

Publications in Foreign Languages: In the bibliographies of non-Turkish sources, expressions indicating the editor, translator, number of volumes and editions are translated into Turkish. Care is taken to include the Turkish usage of city names (e.g. London).

F) Footnote: Explanations other than referencing and indirectly related to the main subject of the article can be made by using footnotes starting from one. Footnotes should be placed collectively after the article and before the bibliography and should be in 10-point font.

G) Submission of Manuscripts: Manuscripts prepared in accordance with the above-mentioned principles should be submitted to the journal via If corrections are requested by the referees, the author should upload the corrected manuscript to the same system within one month at the latest.

H) Editorial Corrections: Minor corrections that are not essential at the publication stage can be made by the Editorial Department. These corrections are based on TDK Spelling Guides and Dictionaries.

I) Copyright: The copyright of the published articles is deemed to be transferred to the Journal of Milli Folklor. The intellectual and scientific responsibility of the articles and the legal responsibility of the translations belong to their authors/translators. In articles with two or more authors, the copyright of the article belongs to the first author. Articles and photographs published in the journal can be quoted by citing the source.

Milli Folklor Journal adopts the ethical publishing principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). Manuscripts submitted to Milli Folklor should not have been previously published in another journal or submitted simultaneously to any other journal for publication.


Milli Folklor is a quarterly international refereed journal that shares scientific texts on research, compilation, review, translation and promotion with its readers both in printed and electronic media. Our journal can be accessed from all over the world at and and our archive of all our issues is available free of charge in accordance with our open access policy. Our journal has received the Creative Commons-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License and has accepted the free non-commercial use of all its contents provided that it is cited.


Not Previously Published: The articles to be published in Milli Folklor must not have been published anywhere before. Papers presented at a scientific meeting cannot be published in Milli Folklor since they are considered published. An author may publish a maximum of two "essays" in the same year. The review process of the second article of the same author is not started until the first article is published.

Editorial Unit Formal Compliance Evaluation: Each manuscript submitted to the journal through the DergiPark system is first evaluated by the Editorial Unit in terms of formal compliance with the journal's Editorial Guidelines (number of articles, abstracts and keywords, compatibility of foreign language equivalents, bibliography rules, etc.). Manuscripts that do not meet formal conformity are returned to the author for correction.

Editorial Unit Thematic Eligibility Evaluation: Each manuscript submitted to the journal through the JournalPark system is subjected to thematic and content evaluation following the formal conformity check. It is checked whether the articles are suitable for the field of Milli Folklor. The appropriate manuscripts are archived to be sent to the Editorial Board after the author information is cleaned.

Editorial Board Evaluation and Determination of Referees: Each manuscript, whose formal conformity is ensured by the Editorial Unit, is sent to the members of the Editorial Board after being "anonymized" by hiding the statements that would reveal the identity of the author. The Editorial Board, consisting of the Editor, Deputy Editors and academics from different universities and disciplines, meets six times a year. At the meeting, manuscripts are discussed one by one according to the "Blind Editorial Board" principle. The Editorial Board makes three types of decisions about the manuscripts: "sending to referees", "reorganization" or "rejection", mostly by consensus and in some cases by voting. Manuscripts that do not comply with the Journal's Editorial Principles, publication and scientific publication criteria and that the Editorial Board concludes that there is no possibility of correction are rejected.

Referee Evaluation: For each manuscript that is decided to be sent to referees, 3 referees are determined, 2 original and 1 substitute. The necessary information is sent to the author to start the refereeing process. The refereeing process is carried out until 2 positive or 2 negative reports are received. When one of the referees gives a positive or negative opinion, the manuscript is sent to the third referee. In rare cases such as the third referee not accepting the review or not reaching a positive or negative opinion, the manuscript is brought to the next meeting of the Editorial Board and a new referee is determined. Due to the "blind refereeing" principle, communication between the referees and the author is carried out through the Editorial Unit via DergiPark. Considering all these processes, it is not possible for the journal to make a commitment to the authors about the publication period. However, it is envisaged that all manuscripts will complete the refereeing process and be published within 12-18 months at the latest.


Stage 1-Preliminary Review Fee (It is collected from every author who uploads his/her manuscript to the journal, except for students who are not employed in any staff position, and is non-refundable).

In order for the submitted manuscripts to be taken for preliminary review by the Editorial Office, the authors must have paid the Preliminary Review Fee of 1500 TL including KDV. In the preliminary review, firstly, the manuscripts are reviewed by the relevant Assistant Editor in terms of form and compliance with the publication principles and necessary corrections are requested. In the second stage, all manuscripts, whose authors are hidden, are examined by the "Board of Blind Editors" in terms of whether they are suitable for our journal in terms of subject matter; those that are not suitable are returned to their authors by the relevant Deputy Editor. The appropriate articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board, which meets 6 times a year, consisting of scientists from different universities and disciplines, according to the principles of the "Blind Editorial Board". The 1500 TL including VAT, which is charged as the Preliminary Review Fee at the first stage, is not refundable under any circumstances.

Stage 2 - Refereeing and Publication Fee (It is requested from the manuscripts discussed in the Editorial Board and decided to be sent to the referee. For manuscripts rejected by referee decisions, 1500 TL publication fee is refunded).

As a result of the review of the Editorial Board, a total of 3000 TL Refereeing and Publication Fee, including VAT, is requested for the manuscripts that are deemed appropriate to be sent to the referee. (1500 TL of 3000 TL is the refereeing fee and 1500 TL is the publication fee.) In the process initiated after the deposit of the fee, the manuscripts are sent to two referees as a priority. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the opinion of the third referee is requested. If the manuscript is rejected by the referees, the 1500 TL taken as the publication fee is returned to the author. The Publication Fee of the articles that are decided to be published with the positive opinions of the referees; It is used for the publication of e-millifolklor and the printed copy.

Milli Folklor does not earn any other income from any article other than those mentioned above, and does not demand a fee from the author under any name that includes a commitment to publish, nor does it accept any possible requests. In addition, all costs of reviewing the essays of students at all levels (undergraduate, graduate or doctoral) who are not employed in any staff position are covered by our journal. Publication Incentive Award is given to all our authors who are citizens of the Republic of Türkiye, in the period following the publication of their articles in our journal, in the amounts determined by TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM every year.

Türkiye İş Bankası Gazi Mahallesi Şubesi
Geleneksel Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti.
IBAN: TR460006400000142860258016

When depositing the fee, the ID/Passport number and the stage for which the payment is made should be written in the explanation section (For example 5..............78 / Editorial Board Preliminary Review Fee).

Authors who have paid the fee should send their receipts to our e-mail address (

****Fees for manuscripts sent from abroad should be deposited by calculating the equivalent of the requested amounts according to the exchange rate of that day. The following bank and swift information can be used for letters sent from abroad. You can also pay in TL through the foreign branches of banks in the Republic of Turkey.

Swift Code : ISBKTRIS
IBAN : TR62 0006 4000 0024 2860 2073 80
Bank Address: Türkiye İş Bankası Gazi Mahallesi Şubesi Ankara/Türkiye


At the time of application, authors are required to upload plagiarism reports scanned by iThenticate, Turnitin or programs for all articles. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 15%, excluding references and bibliography, will be rejected directly without proceeding to the evaluation stage.

Any responsibility arising from non-compliance with ethical rules and scientific citation and plagiarism rules belongs to the author(s). Authors must ensure the originality of their manuscripts. Authors must declare that the manuscript has not been previously published or under consideration for publication anywhere, in any language, and must comply with applicable copyright agreements and laws. Copyrighted material such as photographs, tables, figures or other contributed quotations may be published in the journal only with valid permission and copyright approval.

In multi-authored articles, all authors are expected to make a significant contribution to the study. It is unacceptable to include the names of those who did not contribute to the study (gift authorship) or to omit the names of those who did contribute (ghost authorship). For multi-authored manuscripts, author roles (which author contributed to the study and how) should be added to the end of the manuscript in accordance with the format in the manuscript template.

Authors are obliged to declare the organizations and financial sources that support their submitted studies in the Acknowledgments section in accordance with the format in the article template.

Authors should not divide the results of a research into parts in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and publish them more than once and present these publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions.

Authors are obliged to provide the raw data of the research when requested by editors and reviewers and to keep these data after the publication of their articles.

It is the responsibility of the author(s) to include the author name, title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID information/information of the author(s) in accordance with the publication principles of the journal and to ensure that the information is correct and belongs to the relevant author(s).

If the author detects a significant scientific error or inappropriateness in the published manuscript, he/she has the obligation to contact the editorial office as soon as possible to withdraw the manuscript or to correct the error.

The author(s) are responsible for complying with the criteria for Actions Contrary to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics in Article 4 of the Interuniversity Council Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics


Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts solely on the basis of scientific content without regard to the ethnicity, gender, gender preference, nationality, religious beliefs or political philosophy of the authors.
Reviewers should not have any conflict of interest or competitive relationship with the authors or sponsors of the manuscript.
Referee decisions should be objective. Reviewers should refuse to evaluate the manuscript if they have contributed in any way to the writing process of the manuscript and if they know the manuscript and the author.
Referees should fill out the article evaluation form completely, and in case of rejection, they should fill in the justification section in the referee report.
Referees should not use the information obtained during the refereeing process in favor of or against themselves, another person or institution.
Referees should indicate publications that are not cited by the author but are related to the subject. If there is copyright infringement and plagiarism in the manuscript, they should notify the relevant editor.
When a referee thinks that the content of a submitted manuscript is not in accordance with his/her own scientific field or background, or when he/she cannot make a quick evaluation, he/she should inform the editor and withdraw from the evaluation process.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated solely in terms of scientific content, regardless of the ethnic origin, gender, gender preference, nationality, religious beliefs or political philosophies of the authors.
A fair peer review process is ensured for the publication of the submitted manuscripts.
It is guaranteed that all information about the submitted manuscript is kept confidential until publication. Blind Editorial Board and Blind Refereeing system are not compromised under any circumstances.
The editorial board is responsible for the appointment of referees and the positive or negative decision regarding the publication of the manuscript.
Evaluations are made on the basis of at least two referee opinions, and in case of an acceptance and a rejection, a third referee opinion is taken. The final decision on publication is made after receiving two referee opinions in the same direction.
The editorial office prefers referees who have strong publications in their fields, adhere to ethical values and will not disrupt the publication processes of the journal.
Unpublished information, arguments or interpretations disclosed in a submitted article are not used in the editors' own research without the author's permission.
If the editor has contributed to an article submitted to the journal, the evaluation process of the article is carried out by the deputy editor.
Articles whose refereeing process is completed are published sequentially according to the density of completed articles in the journal and the discretion of the editorial board. The responsibility of the articles to be published belongs to the author and the copyright belongs to the journal. All articles that do not comply with the accepted ethical standards will be removed from publication. This includes articles containing possible irregularities and nonconformities detected after publication.


In 2020, it is important that all authors pay attention to the following issues within the scope of the rules regarding Ethical Principles announced by TR Index:
Research requiring Ethics Committee approval is as follows:

* All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
* Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
* Clinical trials in humans,
* Research on animals,
* Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.

* Indicating that the "informed consent form" has been obtained in case presentations,

* Obtaining and indicating permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,

* Indication of compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used.
If manuscripts that meet the above conditions and require Ethics Committee permission are submitted to Milli Folklor, the official Ethics Committee permission documents must be sent to the journal as an attachment.


No fee submission should be made before the editor is assigned to the work. After uploading your article, take action on the message from the editor.
You are kindly requested to read the following explanations carefully.

Stage 1-Preliminary Review Fee (It is charged from every author who uploads their manuscript to the journal, except for students who are not employed in any staff position, and is NON-REFUNDABLE).

In order for the submitted manuscripts to be taken for preliminary review by the Editorial Unit, the authors must have paid the Preliminary Review Fee of 3000 TL including VAT. In the preliminary review, firstly, the manuscripts are reviewed by the relevant Assistant Editor in terms of form and compliance with the publication principles and necessary corrections are requested. In the second stage, all manuscripts, whose authors are hidden, are examined by the "Board of Blind Editors" in terms of whether they are suitable for our journal in terms of subject matter; those that are not suitable are returned to their authors by the relevant Deputy Editor. The appropriate articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board, which meets 6 times a year, consisting of scientists from different universities and disciplines, according to the principles of the "Blind Editorial Board". The 3000 TL including VAT, which is charged as the Preliminary Review Fee at the first stage, is not refundable under any circumstances.

Stage 2 - Refereeing and Publication Fee (It is requested from the manuscripts discussed in the Editorial Board and decided to be sent to the referee. For manuscripts rejected by referee decisions, 1500 TL publication fee is refunded).

As a result of the review of the Editorial Board, a total of 3000 TL Refereeing and Publication Fee, including KDV, is requested for the manuscripts that are deemed appropriate to be sent to the referee. (1500 TL of 3000 TL is the refereeing fee and 1500 TL is the publication fee.) In the process initiated after the deposit of the fee, the manuscripts are sent to two referees as a priority. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the opinion of the third referee is requested. If the manuscript is rejected by the referees, the 1500 TL taken as the Publication Fee is returned to the author. The Publication Fee of the articles that are decided to be published with the positive opinions of the referees; It is used for the publication of e-millifolklor and the printed copy.

Mİlli Folklor does not earn any other income from any article other than those mentioned above and does not demand a fee from the author under any name that includes a commitment to publish or does not accept possible requests. In addition, all costs of reviewing the essays of students at all levels (undergraduate, graduate or doctoral) who are not employed in any staff position are covered by our journal. Publication Incentive Award is given to all our authors who are citizens of the Republic of Türkiye, in the period following the publication of their articles in our journal, in the amounts determined by TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM every year.

Türkiye İş Bankası Gazi Mahallesi Şubesi
Geleneksel Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti.
IBAN: TR460006400000142860258016

When depositing the fee, the Identity/Passport number and the stage for which the payment is made should be written in the explanation section (For example 5..............78 / Editorial Board Preliminary Review Fee).
Authors who have paid the fee should send their receipts to our e-mail address (

****Fees for manuscripts sent from abroad should be deposited by calculating the equivalent of the requested amounts according to the exchange rate of that day. The following bank and swift information can be used for letters sent from abroad. You can also pay in TL through the foreign branches of banks in the Republic of Türkiye.

Swift Code : ISBKTRIS
IBAN : TR62 0006 4000 0024 2860 2073 80
Bank Address: Türkiye İş Bankası Gazi Mahallesi Şubesi Ankara/Türkiye

Submission Fee: 3000.00 TRY
Editorial Processing Fee: 1,500.00 TRY
Publication Fee: 1,500.00 TRY

 Millî Folklor is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license