Current Issue

Volume: 27 Issue: 54, 9/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Article

Book Review

The journal Culture and Communication (KI) is an interdisciplinary academic journal dedicated to publishing the best critical articles produced in the fields of communication, cultural criticism and social thought. KI defines criticism as any kind of opposition to the dogmas in the search for the limits and possibilities of reason.

Culture and Communication is open to the study of communication, as well as to all dimensions of thought that include communication, which is the basic component of human existence and culture—all social science disciplines, human sciences, all methods and the quests that arise from their intersections.

• The submitted manuscripts should not be published elsewhere or should not be in the evaluation stage for publication. All responsibility for the published articles belongs to the author(s).
• Articles are expected not to exceed 8000 words. A 6000-8000 word article (including notes and references) is a good goal. Shorter commentaries, and book reviews of 2000-3000 words are also accepted.
• Authors should keep a copy of the manuscript they submitted.
• If the articles are submitted at a conference, the name, date and place of the conference should be indicated. Similarly, if the manuscripts are derived from a dissertation or a previously published report, this should be indicated in a footnote at the first page of the manuscript.
• Manuscripts submitted to the journal first undergo an editorial preliminary evaluation. The articles that the editor/s/s find academically acceptable are sent to two blind referees as soon as possible. The publication of the manuscript depends on the evaluations to be received from the referees. A new referee is immediately determined to replace the referee who does not send the report about the article to the journal within one month. The editor may send the manuscript to a third referee if deemed necessary.
• Referee evaluations should normally be expected to last two to three months. Authors may be asked to improve or revise their manuscripts in accordance with the opinions of the referees.
• The final decision on publication belongs to the editor.
• Information about whether their manuscripts are accepted or not is sent to the authors via e-mail and/or DergiPark system together with the referee reports.
• Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal writing rules will be rejected editorially.
• Before the text of articles and abstracts, only the title of the article should be placed.
• In the article uploaded to the system, identity and contact information about the author(s) should never be included. In addition, the digital traces of the author(s) in the text must be deleted.
• An abstract of 200-250 words both in English and Turkish should be submitted with the manuscripts. The titles “Öz” in Turkish, and “Abstract” should be added at the beginning of the abstract. 11 pt and single spacing should be preferred. Abstracts should be submitted on two separate pages.
• At the beginning of the abstracts in Turkish and English, the statement indicating the type of the article should be included.
• On both abstract pages, under the statement indicating the type of article, the Turkish or the English titles should be written and centered in 18 pt, italics and bold.
• Key Words should be added under both abstracts. Keywords should be 11 pt; If the words in keywords are not proper nouns, they must begin with a lowercase letter, except for the first word. The Keywords title must be bold.
• Manuscripts should be in Helvetica font. Body text should be written in 12 pt and 1.5 spacing. The border margins of the manuscripts should be 2.5 cm.
• Footnotes should be 10 pt and single spacing, and no line breaks should be made.
• There should be no indentation in the first paragraph after the headings, the sentence should start from the heading line; all other paragraph indents should be arranged as 1 cm.
• In the whole text, the space between the paragraphs should be arranged as 6 pt before and 6 pt after. Only headings and longer citations should be 8 pt line spacing before and after and there should be no spacing.
• The title of the article should be rewritten on the first page following the both abstract pages. Here the title should be 16 pt, bold, left-justified and italic. The first letter of each word of the title must be capitalized.
• Headings in the text should not be indented; likewise, there should be no indentation in the first sentence following the title.
• Headings in the body of the text should be 14 pt, bold and left-justified. Subheadings should be 12 pt, bold, left-justified and italic.
• "percent" should be written instead of %.
• Proper nouns with abbreviations should be written clearly when they are first used, and the abbreviation should be indicated in parentheses. Ex. United States (US)
• In translations from other languages, original word must be added in italics in parentheses.
• Numbers less than 10 should be written in writing, and large numbers should be written in numerals.
• If the photo is used, it should be centered and the description should be included underneath.
• Pictures should be headed as Photos; graphics as Figures, tables as Tables and should not be italicized. Titles such as Table 1, Photo 1 should be 10 pt.

Before submitting their work, the authors should be sure whether all of the sources cited in the text were included in the bibliography and vice versa.

Reference in text
• All references are indicated in appropriate places and in parentheses in the main text with the name of the author, the year of publication and, if necessary, the page numbers.
• Book and journal names (Turkish or English) should always be written in italics within the body text and should not be enclosed in quotation marks; the titles of articles, essays, or reviews should be given in quotation marks and not italicized.
• Abbreviations such as "ibid", "op.cit.", "op.g.e.", etc. are not used. Notes and references should be separated.
• Notes should be numbered in the text and given as footnotes. The references in the notes are also indicated according to the rules applicable to the text.
• If the author's name is not mentioned in the text and the book is referenced: (Williams, 1988)
• If the author's name is not mentioned in the text and there is a certain page: (Williams, 1988: 26)
• If the author's name is mentioned in the text and he has more than one work in the bibliography: (1988: 26)
• In the case of certain pages that do not follow each other: (Williams, 1988: 22-6, 45-8)
• If there are two authors: (Lash and Urry, 1988)
• If there are more than two authors: (Bennett et al., 1986)
• For excerpts from magazines, newspapers and websites, if there is no author's name, the name of the website, newspaper or magazine should be written: (Hürriyet, 2018)
• Citation to Internet source: (, 2019) (If there are multiple citations for the same year of the same internet source:, 2019a)
• If there are references to more than one work of the same author published in the same year, they are distinguished by adding letters a, b, c, etc. to the year of publication: (Foucault, 1979a)
• If there are references to more than one source in the same mention, they should be indicated in the same parenthesis, separated by a semicolon: (Bourdieu, 1984; DiMaggio, 1987; Lamont, 1988)
• Even if the author is not quoting directly, he or she should provide a page number along with the year of publication where necessary.
• Double quotes should be used for quotations within the text and single quotations should be used for quotations within the quotation.
• Long quotations in the text – block quotations exceeding 40 words – should be 12 pt, 1 line spacing; it should be indented by 1 cm from the right and left.
• TV, newspaper, magazine, book, movie names in the text should be in italics.
• Single quotation marks should not be used in the text for other reasons.
• Links in the bibliography and footnote should be unlinked.
• When an author's name is mentioned for the first time in the text, the full name of the author should be given. Ex. "[...] According to Metthew Arnold (2020) [...]. Hence Arnold (2020) [...]"
• The first print dates of the cited reprinted texts should be included in square brackets. Ex. Kant ([1781] 2004)
• When referring directly to a source in any language other than the language in which the article was written, with quotation marks, if the relevant source is not a translation, it should be indicated in the footnote that the translation belongs to the author of the article. If the relevant source translation is text, the name of the translator must be included in the bibliography.

• In the bibliography, all references should be written in alphabetical order. Web sources or newspaper sources, etc. should not be written collectively under a separate heading, but should be placed in the bibliography in alphabetical order.
• Bibliography format: body text should be set to left-justified, hanging 1 cm, 1.5 line spacing, and 12 pts.
• Article
Lawrence, Grossberg (1995). “Cultural Studies vs. Political Economy: Is Anybody Else Bored with this Debate.” Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 1(12): 72-81.
• An article from an edited book
Turow, Joseph (1991). “A Mass Communication Perspective on Entertainment Industries.” Mass Media and Society. James Curan and Michael Gurevitch (eds.) in London: Edward Arnold. 160-167.
• An article from one author’s book of their selected writings
Thomas, Lewis (1974). “The Long Habit.” Lives of a Cell: Notes of Biology Watcher in New York: Viking. 47-52.
• Book
Lewis, Justin (1991). The Ideological Octopus: An Exploration of Television and Its Audience. London and New York: Routledge.
• Translated Book
Larrain, Jorge (1993). İdeoloji ve Kültürel Kimlik. Trans., Neşe Nur Domaniç. İstanbul:Sarmal.
• Edited book
Balio, Tino (ed.) (1990). Hollywood in the Age of Television. Boston: Unwin Hyman
• Book by two authors
Gessell, Arnold and Francis L. IIg (1949). Child Development: An Introduction to the Study of Human Growth. New York: Harper and Row.
• Book with three or more authors
Spiller, Robert, et. al (1960). Literary History of the United States. New York: MacMillan.
• Institution name as author
Türk İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Ajansı (1996). Kafkasya ve Orta Asya: Bağımsızlıktan Sonra Geçmiş ve Gelecek. Ankara: Türk İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Ajansı Yayınları.
• Article with author from a website
Swedlow, Tracy (2000). “Interactive Enhanced Television: A Historical and Critical Perspective.” Access date: 10.05.2004.
• Website
Office of Communications. Access date: 10.05.2004.
Marxist Internet Archive (2010). “Manifesto of Communist Party.” Access date: 01.10.2018.
• Newspapers, magazines
Cumhuriyet (1956). “DP, Basın Hakkındaki Kararı Tatbika Koydu”. 30 Mayıs 1956.

Journal of Culture and Communication Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Articles submitted to the Journal of Culture and Communication are evaluated through a double-blind review process and published electronically with free access. Apart from articles, activity evaluations, commentaries, book reviews can be published in the journal. Book reviews and references may also be subject to peer review if necessary. Corrections, explanations and rebuttals can be published in the journal when necessary.
The duties and ethical responsibilities of the authors, editors, referees and publishers contributing to the Journal of Culture and Communication have been prepared on the basis of the guidelines published by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). (,,

• When making decisions about articles, the editors consider the following criteria: that the article is suitable for the purpose and scope of the Journal of Culture and Communication; that it is original and contributes to the scientific literature; that the research method is valid and reliable; that the narrative is clear and understandable.
• Editors are obliged to make fair and impartial decisions, and to evaluate articles regardless of the authors' ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious belief, and political opinion.
• An important part of the responsibility to make fair and impartial decisions is the maintenance of the principle of editorial independence and honesty.
• The editor protects the confidentiality of the authors' materials, guarantees that all information about the articles will remain confidential until the article is published and reminds the referees of this.
• One of the most important responsibilities of editors is to organize peer review fairly. Editors select people with sufficient expertise for blind reviewing and avoid those with conflicts of interest. Editors ensure that referee evaluations are received in a timely manner.
• Editors ensure that the identities of referees remain confidential.
• Editors apply for the evaluation of a third referee if two referees give different opinions for the evaluated article.
• Editors are obliged to make the final decision regarding the articles’ publication in the journal.
• Journal of Culture and Communication is an interdisciplinary academic journal dedicated to publishing the best critical articles produced in the fields of communication, cultural criticism and social thought. Editors may reject articles that they think are not suitable for this criterium or that they think are weak in terms of quality without the need for referee evaluation. They make this decision in a fair and impartial manner. They should communicate to the author the criteria they used to make this decision.
• If errors that do not invalidate the study are detected by readers, authors or editors in a published study, a correction is published as soon as possible. If the error invalidates all or parts of the study, if it contains plagiarism or ethical violations, the article may be withdrawn and a description of the reason for this will be published.
• Editors ensure that the referee pool is regularly updated and they create a database of referees.
• Editors respond to authors' requests for information about the status of their articles in a way that does not disrupt the referee process.
• Editors consult the editorial board when a dispute arises regarding the studies submitted to the journal.
• The editor of the journal changes every two years with the decision of the Editorial Board.

• Authors undertake that the submitted work is original and not published elsewhere. The study should not be submitted to more than one publication at the same time. If the study has been previously published in another language for a different audience, the editor should be informed about this.
• Authors are obliged to conduct their research in an ethical and reliable manner. According to the decision taken by TR DİZİN, it is stated and documented on the first or the last page and in the method section of the article that the ethics committee approval has been obtained for the researches sent to be taken into the publication process and requiring data collection by means of surveys, interviews and observations; including in the article the information that the informed voluntary/consent form has been signed; If scales, questionnaires, etc. belonging to other authors are used, the information that permission is obtained from the relevant persons for this should also be included in the article. In addition, the articles should contain the statement that the Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
• Applicable copyright laws and agreements must be followed. Copyrighted materials (e.g. photographs, illustrations, paintings, figures) must only be reproduced with appropriate permission and consent.
• Researchers should honestly present their conclusions without fabrication, falsification, or data manipulation. Research images must not be altered in a misleading manner.
• Researchers should try to describe their methods and present their findings clearly and concisely.
• Authors should warn the editor if they find an error in any submitted or accepted or published work. Authors should collaborate with editors to correct or retract their work when necessary.
• Authors should accurately represent the work of others in citations.
• Authors should not copy references from other publications if they have not read the study mentioned in their articles.
• New findings should be presented in the context of previous research. The work of others should be fairly represented. Scientific review and synthesis of existing research should be complete, balanced, and include findings regardless of whether they support the proposed hypothesis or interpretation.
• Data, texts, figures or ideas created by other researchers should be appropriately referenced and should not be presented as if they were the authors' own. Original statements from other researchers' publications should be quoted and referenced appropriately.
• If the data and expressions of the previous studies made by the authors themselves are used in the new publication, they should be referenced by self-citation.
• If there is more than one publication produced from a single research project, this should be clearly stated and references should be given to publications made before the project. Translations and adaptations for different readers must be clearly indicated, reference to the original source, and comply with relevant copyright agreements and permission requirements.
• If the article is produced from a dissertation or thesis, it should be stated.
• All sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial support, procurement of equipment or materials, and other support (such as expert, statistical or writing assistance), must be disclosed.
• Authors should explain the role of research fund(s) or sponsor (if any) in research design, conduct, analysis, interpretation and reporting.
• All authors need to contribute directly to the article and be familiar with all its content. However, only those who make a significant contribution to the study should be referred to as authors, and those who do not make a significant contribution to the study should not be included in the list of authors. The names of those who do not contribute enough for authorship, but who contribute to the article such as technical support, review, etc., should be written in the acknowledgment section.
• All authors must agree to be referred to as authors in the article; approve the versions of the publication submitted to the journal and accepted. Any changes to the author list must be approved by all authors, including those removed from the list.
• All authors are expected to take joint responsibility for the whole study. However, if the authors have taken responsibility for only a certain part of the research and the article, this should be stated in the publication.
• Authors should respond to the comments of the referees in a professional and timely manner.
• If there is more than one author contributing to the study, the authors should have made a joint decision on the name order.
• All kinds of ethical violations in the studies are the responsibility of the authors. When an ethical violation is detected, the article is rejected.
• A study that has been submitted to the journal and rejected for any reason cannot be resubmitted.

• Referees should make a fair and impartial evaluation.
• Referees should make their evaluations within the specified period of time.
• Reviewers should inform the editor in case of a conflict of interest, if they think that an impartial review is not possible.
• Referees should protect the confidentiality of the article and their evaluations.
• Referees should evaluate the issues of research and publication ethics (i.e. whether the research is done ethically or whether there is plagiarism, fabrication, falsification).
• If referees detect an ethical violation or copyright violation in the study, they should notify the editor.

• The publisher of Culture and Communication Journal is İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
• The relationship between the editors and the Editorial Board and the publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence.
• The publisher accepts that all decisions in the publication process of the articles belong to the editors.
• For commercial or political reasons, the publisher should not intervene decisions concerning published content.

Editorial Board
• The Editorial Board of the Journal of Culture and Communication convenes at least twice a year.
• The Editorial Board determines the new members of the board.
• The Editorial Board unanimously elects the editor of the journal every two years.
• The Editorial Board expresses its opinion when a dispute arises regarding the studies submitted to the journal.
• The Editorial Board proposes referees in certain areas to be included in the referee pool.

No fee is charged for the articles for the Culture and Communication publication.