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Issue: 26, 10/28/23

Year: 2023


Review Article

Case Report


BUSBED published its first issue in the spring of 2011 as a nationally recognized journal published twice a year, both spring and autumn. It was established to present the works in all fields of Social and Human Sciences, which are original, unpublished, never sent to any other publication to be presented, such as articles, book reviews, translations, editing and symposium reviews to the science world.

This international peer-reviewed journal is published at least as two issues in a year.

Original articles written in Turkish, Arabic or English in the area of social sciences are published in this journal. Articles are published after being approved by the editorial and advisory boards.

Academic articles produced in the following areas are published in BUSBED.

Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Business, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Turkish Language Teaching, Philosophy, Geography, Educational Sciences, Law, Art History, Archeology, Communication Sciences, Linguistics, Music, Fine Arts, Tourism, International Relations, Finance , International Trade and Finance, Public Administration, Labor Economics, Theology.

Yayın İlkeleri ve Yazım Kuralları

The Principles of the Publication and Writing Rules

مبادئ النشر- قواعد كتابة الـمقالة

BUSBED is an international academic journal published by Bingöl University Social Sciences Institute. Spring (April) and fall (October) period is published as 2 issues per year. Original articles written in Turkish, Arabic or English in the area of social sciences are published in this journal. Articles are published after being approved by the editorial and advisory boards.

Deadline for article acceptance: end of November for Spring Semester, end of May for Fall Semester. 

We consider for publication in journal published articles which:
Report original science, and add significantly to research already publishedare of interest to the community are scientifically rigorous have sound motivation and purpose have not been published previously in the peer-reviewed literature, including in another language are not under consideration for publication in any other peer-reviewed journal or book available through a library or by purchase.

Articles reporting work that was originally presented at a conference may be submitted, provided these articles do not appear in substantially the same form in a peer-reviewed, published conference proceeding. Again, authors should take care to ensure the format of a research paper is used. The article length should also be appropriate to the content. In case of doubt, please enquire with the journal.

All articles are judged solely on their scientific merits. Unbiased consideration is given to all manuscripts offered for publication regardless of whether or not the authors request publication on an open access basis and regardless of the race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, political philosophy, sexual orientation, age or reputation of the authors.

The APA reference style is used in the articles.

The article, must be adapted to journal writing rules before submission. Click here for the writing rules.


- The article will not be considered and published,

- If the board of editors don’t approve it,

- If author participation and record information are not sufficient,

If it has no author ORCID revise number,

If it is not prepared according to the writing rules of the journal,

If it has more than two authors,

If it has no abstract either in Turkish or English (Arabic according to the state), or has non-uniform abstract,

If classic footnote system is used without force majeure,

If it is the second article of the author within one year except from the special decide of the board of editors,

If the name of the author is written in any part of the page or file,

If, in pre-examination, it is not to be enough to be published in terms of content, format, resource, evaluation, method, language and etc.

If it is less than 8 and more than 20 pages except from the special decide of the board of editors,

If its evaluation period cannot be completed till the inception of the printing and publishing process of the journal,

If it is sent after the end of the maximum capacity of the related issue of the journal.

The Journal of Bingöl University’s Institute of Social Sciences promotes the unbiased distribution of knowledge, and expects authors, readers, researchers, publishers, referees and editors to follow certain codes of conduct during the publication process. Individuals must follow general as well as specific codes of conduct and responsibility in accordance with the open access guide published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) found below.

1. General practices in violation of scientific research and publication ethics:

a) Plagiarism: Presenting others’ ideas, methods, data, applications, writing, figures and works partially or completely as one’s own work without proper source reference.

b) Forgery: Producing data which is not supported by research; regulating or changing presented or published works through the insertion of false data; reporting or publishing such works; or holding incomplete research to be complete.

c) Distortion: Distorting research records and obtained data; pretending to use methods, devices and materials that were not actually used; evaluating data unsuitable to the research itself;, distorting data or results in order to adapt them to established theories or hypotheses; distorting or altering research results to promote or confirm the interests of the sponsoring person or foundation.

d) Repeated publishing: Submitting more than one work of research consisting of the same results in order to obtain associate professorship, examination review, or academic promotion.

e) Slicing: Destroying the integrity of the results of research by slicing it improperly and submitting fragments as specific assessments to gain academic promotion.

e) Unfair authorship: Adding persons who have not actively contributed to the production of the article or failing to add persons who actually did contribute; altering the arrangement of authors’ names improperly and unjustifiably; subtracting the names of actively contributing writers during the publication process or subsequent printings; or adding the name of an author who did not contribute as a way of gaining prestige.

f) Other ethical violations: Failure to indicate clearly the persons, institutions, and foundations that supported the publication of the research; failure to follow ethical rules while experimenting on animals and humans; failure to respect the rights of patients in publications; sharing information of a study for which you were appointed as referee prior to its publication; the misuse of sources, spaces, facilities, and apparatus provided for the research; or accusing someone intentionally and baselessly of ethical violations (Provided by the YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Codes of Conduct, Article Number 8)

2. The Responsibilities of Authors, Referees, and Editors:
Authors’ Responsibilities:

• The author must guarantee the authenticity and originality of the data used in the article.

• The author must make necessary revisions asked for by the referee, including the revision of doubtful data and conclusions, errors, and possible instances of plagiarism. If the author fails to make such revisions, he or she must state reasons for doing so.

• Works cited pages must comply to the formatting rules of the journal.

• All work must be free of plagiarism and false data.

• The author is not to publish the research in more than one journal.

Referees’ Responsibilities:

Our administrators shall carry out the refereeing process in conformity with all publishing regulations. Cases of plagiarism, repeated publications, errors, and doubtful content will be forwarded to sbe.dergi@bingol.edu.tr, and the referee will be notified. The referee must follow up and report on any data and results related to the inquiry. Our journal anticipates that referees will comply with the following principles:

• Assessments have to be done neutrally.

• There must be no conflicts of interest between referees and authors.

• The referee must indicate deficiencies in terms of work, attribution, rules etc., related to the article.

• Articles evaluated blindly shouldn’t be made public.

Editors’ Responsibilities:

• Editors have the right to accept or decline articles. They have to use this responsibility in a timely way that conforms with publishing schedules.

• Editors should avoid conflicts of interest in accepting or declining articles.

• Editors should only accept articles that are original and contribute to the field of research.

• Editors should refuse articles which are in error, deficient, or violate the rules, requirements, or editorial policy of the journal.

• Editors should enable authors to make corrections to their work after receiving requests for revision (thus enabling publication) or to withdraw their articles before or after any requests for revision are made.

• The editors will ensure that articles will be assessed by at least two referees according to the double-blind peer review system and to keep the identites of those referees confidential.

• Editors will work with “Turnitin” plagiarism software to determine if articles and authentic and original.

Plagiarism Policy
Each review sent to our journal is scanned in a plagiarism program called Turnitin. It is essential that the editors, referees and authors comply with the international punbication ethical rules and article writing rules. 

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