Current Issue

Volume: 54 Issue: 245, 2/1/25

Year: 2025

Research Article

Derleme Makalesi

The aim is to provide the information, practices, problems and suggestions regarding education and training are presented, discussed and delivered to the related parties, theoretically or practically, on a scientific level.

Articles in the field of Educational Sciences are included in the journal of Millî Eğitim. The criteria of being based on research, contributing to the field, putting forward suggestions for practice, examining new and different developments, and being up-to-date are taken into consideration.

The following studies are within the scope of publication of the journal of Millî Eğitim.

• Research studies on the themes of education, teaching, learning, school, student, teacher in all education levels from preschool to higher education,
• Studies that help to improve teachers' competences and training methods,
• Studies that aim to make pre-service teachers more qualified teachers, examine educational models, and include innovative teacher education practices,
• Studies that can affect students' development in areas such as individual, educational, emotional, social and career awareness,
• Studies that examine, develop and support family involvement in education,
• Studies such as meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, content analysis conducted with large research groups or samples,
• Studies in which educational measurement tools were developed and their usefulness was tested,
• Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies,
• Studies involving the integration of assistive technology in education.
In addition, in our journal, original and unique research articles, studies involving advanced statistics, studies that affect national and international education policies, and mixed-design studies are prioritized.

Restrictions and Applications Not Accepted for Evaluation

• Studies in which university students are taken as a sample,
• Literature reviews,
• Works produced from the proceedings,
• Studies analyzing textbooks,
• Studies in which data are collected with a small study group or sample,
• Research tested with methods, techniques or limited variables for a disciplinary field,
• Works written by four or more authors are outside the scope of our journal.
However, among the studies listed above, original and innovative studies that will contribute to the field can be evaluated by the editorial board. 


Submitted articles must comply with national and international ethical rules and research and publication ethics.

The following rules using our journal’s article template must be taken into con- sideration:

1. Title

Articles must have a title. It should indicate the subject in the best way in Turkish and English, should not exceed fifteen words, should be written in bold with the first letters capitalized.

2. Article type

It should be written in bold, all capital letters under the title.

3. Author name(s) and addresses

Author names, titles, institutions, addresses, e-mail addresses and ORCID infor- mation should be specified.

Formatting in the template should be considered.

4. Abstract

Turkish and English abstract (adding keywords) should be made. Abstracts should not exceed two hundred and fifty words, and should reflect the entire article in the shortest and most concise manner (especially the purpose of the study, research method and result). It should be one paragraph and justified. It should be written with Times New Roman, 10 font, italic, bold, single line spacing. Keywords that reflect the integrity of the work should be given by leaving one blank line under the abstract. All of these keywords should be written in lowercase (except for proper names and capitalized abbreviations), and concepts should be listed from general to specific. The number of keywords should be between 3 and 8, no full stop should be used at the end. English abstract and keywords should have the same characteristics.

5. Article

Article should start with an introductory part that specifies the purpose, scope and methods of the study. It should continue with intermediate and sub-sections such as data, observations, opinions, comments, discussions and it should end with discus- sion, conclusion and suggestion sections.

5.1. Main Text: The article should be written on A4 size page, with 1.5 line spacing and 11 font size in Times New Roman, with 1.25 paragraph indentation and 6 nk paragraph spacing. 3 cm space should be left at the edges of the pages and the pages should be numbered. The articles should not exceed eight thousand words and thirty pages. Additions to be made in line with referee requests are not included in this limitation.

5.2. Main titles: These are consist of abstract, sections of the main text (intro- duction, method, findings, discussion, conclusion, suggestions), acknowledgments (if any), bibliography and (if any) annexes. Main titles should be written in capital letters only the first letter of each word, the others in lowercase, Times New Roman, 12 pt, centered and bold.

5.3. Minor titles: It should be written in bold, left-justified, Times New Ro- man, 11 font size. Only the first letter of each word should be capitalized and a carriage return should be placed at the end of the title.

5.4. Subtitles: All should be written in bold, left-justified, Times New Roman, 11 font size and only the first letter in the first word of the title must be capital. The text should be continued on the same line with a colon at the end of the title.

5.5. Figures: Figures should be drawn with a resolution that will not cause any problem in reduction and printing, and by choosing a smooth and sufficient line thi- ckness. Each figure should be on a separate page. They should be numbered starting from “1”, each figure should be numbered separately and a title should be written on each figure.

5.6. Tables: Like figures, they should be numbered separately starting from “1” and the numbers should be written on each table with its title.

Titles of figures and tables should be concise and the first letter of each word should be capitalized and the other letters should be written in lowercase. When ne- cessary, explanatory footnotes or abbreviations should be given just below the figures and tables.

5.7. Images: It should be high resolution (300 dpi), bright and clear. In addition, the same rules for figures are applied.

Figures, tables and images should not exceed ten pages. Must be sent embedded in the text. If these images are thought to not be clear in printing, the original one is asked from the author.

5.8. Citing References In The Text: While giving references in the text, the following rules should be followed and the examples given should be taken as basis. The source should not be given in the form of a footnote.

a. For single author, last name should be followed by publication date in parenthesis:

(Güneş, 2006) or Güneş (2006) or according to the study of Güneş (2006) ...

b. When citing references with two authors in the text, “and” should be used between the surnames of the researchers as in the example below, and the publication date of the work should be given:

(Can and Gündüz, 2019) or Can and Gündüz (2019)

(Miles and Huberman, 1998) or Miles and Huberman (1998)

For multiple references, semi-column (;) should be used between the references and they should be written alphabetically as follows:

(Aydoğdu, 2020; Köksal, 2007; Öğülmüş, 1993; Safran and Aktaş, 2012)

c. While the publications with three or more authors are mentioned in the text, all the author’s surnames are included for the first time, in the following citations, the name of the first author should be specified as follows, for the others “et al.” statement should be used. However, the names of all authors should be included in the resource directory:

Çepni, Ayvacı and Bakırcı (2015) or (Çepni, Ayvacı & Bakırcı, 2015) (first ci- tation)
Çepni et al. (2015) or (Çepni et al., 2015) (second and subsequent references) Dowden, Pittaway, Yost, and McCarthy, (2013) or (Dowden, Pittaway, Yost, and
McCarthy, 2013) (first citation)

Dowden et al. (2013) or (Dowden et al., 2013) (second and subsequent referen-


ç. When citing an unreachable publication in the text, the source from which the

citation was made should be specified as follows. Only “citing” information should be included in the bibliography:

Köprülü (1911) (cited in Çelik, 1998) or (as cited in Köprülü, 1998) or Köprülü’s (1911) (as cited in Çelik, 1998)…

d. Personal interviews should be mentioned in the text by indicating the surna- me and date of the interview. In addition, these interviews should be specified in the bibliography.

(Tarakçı, 2004)

e. Studies of institutions and organizations should be stated as follows.

Ministry of National Education (2018) or (Ministry of National Education, 2018) first reference

MEB (2018) or (MEB, 2018) later citations

6. Contributions

If there are contributors other than the author, these names should also be stated at the end of the article.

In studies supported by a research institution or organization, the name of the organization providing support, the name of the project, date (if any), number and number should be given.

7. References

References list should be added at the end of the article. The bibliography should be in accordance with APA 7, one of the international reference writing styles. It should be prepared in alphabetical order based on the surnames of the authors according to the following rules. The use of uppercase / lowercase letters should be arran- ged as follows in order to ensure spelling uniformity in the journal.

7.1. Periodicals

Author names, date, title of the article, name of the periodical (italic, not abbre- viated), volume number (italic), (issue number), page number information should be included. If there is a DOI number, it should be given starting with http:

Öztürk, N., Bozkurt Altan, E., and Tan, S. (2020). Investigation of the middle school students’ evaluation on the self-contribution of the project named “preparing for future: Looking for solutions”. Millî Eğitim, 49(225), 153–179.

Maier, U., Wolf, N., and Randler, C. (2016). Effects of a computer-assisted formative assessment intervention based on multiple-tier diagnostic items and different feedback types. Computers & Education, 95, 85-98.

If the journal does not use volume, issue and / or article or page numbers, missing items should be excluded from the reference.

Bozan, M. (2004). Bölge yönetimi ve eğitim bölgeleri kavramı. Millî Eğitim, Kış 2004, S 161, 95-111.

7.2. Presentations

Author names, full date, title of the paper (in italics), name of the symposium or congress, editors, printing house, volume number, page number, place name information should be included.

The presentation should be explained in square brackets after the title. The description is flexible (eg “[Conference session],” “[Paper presentation],” “[Poster sessi- on],” “[Oral presentation]”, “[Conference presentation summary]”).

Güneş Koç, R. S., and Sarıkaya, M. (2018, 6-8 September). Investigation of the effect of context-based teaching method supported 5E, 5E teaching method and con- text-based teaching method on the success of 7th grade students in science lesson and the permanence of their knowledge [Oral presentation]. I. ILTER International Learning, Teaching and Education Research Congress, Amasya University, Amasya.

Rayner, A. (2005, September). Reflections on context based science teaching: A case study of physics students for physiotherapy [Poster presentation]. Annual Uni- Serve Science Blended Learning Symposium Proceedings, Sydney.

7.3. Books

Author name(s), date, Book title (first letters in capital case, in italic), publisher information should be included. City name should not be written.

Beyatlı, Y. K. (1985). Our own sky dome. Ministry of National Education Publications.

Miles, M. B., and Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Sage Publications.

Book with Editor:

Safran, M. (Edt.) (2019). Those who direct the world education (Vol 1-2). Ministry of National Education Publications.

Chapter in an Edited Book

In English-edited books, “in” should be used and the place of publication (province) should not be specified.

Nofal, N. (2019). Gazali. M. Safran (Edt.), In Dünya eğitimine yön verenler I (s 341- 363). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları.

Author, A. A., and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor and B.
B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Publisher.

7.4. Reports and Theses:

It should be given as shown in the explanation and example below.

Author name (s), date, report or thesis title [if published or unpublished and type of report or thesis]. Institution or university name, department, place.

Azer, H. (2017). Bibliography of printed works in Ottoman Turkish in the archive library of the Ministry of National Education [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Kırıkkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Kırıkkale.

7.5. Internet References

Author name or institution name, date of publication on the internet. Title of the publication (in italics). Internet address should be included.

Bozan, M. (2004, 1 Şubat). District management and educational districts concept.

TÜBİTAK (2020, 18 Mayıs). UBYT program and journal list. https://ulakbim.

For quotations other than these, APA 7 style should be used. (You can use the address


Millî Eğitim Dergisi aims to publish qualified studies that can contribute to our education system, in line with science and scientific publication ethics, under the supervision of expert referees. An objective evaluation and publication process in accordance with blind referee system is considered important. For this reason, the authors must follow the whole process through the DergiPark system. Articles sent to the journal’s personal e-mails or e-mails of the journal are not considered because they are not suitable for the blind review system.

In order to submit an article, the following files and documents should be uploaded to the DergiPark system at the web site of

Required Documents

1. Letter of Application containing article name, article type, author names, authors’ contact information (E-mail, telephone, place of duty) and ORCID.

2. Full text of the article with the name of the author (in Word file format)

3. Full text of the article without the name of author (in Word file format)

4. Similarity report (full report in PDF format), The file from “” provided by the system

5. Copyright Transfer Form

6. Ethics Committee Permission

7. Article application fee receipt

The authors who submit the article are deemed to have accepted all the conditions stated in the publication principles of Millî Eğitim Dergisi.

Authors are deemed to have transferred all copyrights of their published articles to the Journal of Millî Eğitim. However, the full responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors. All or part of the articles submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or included in the publication process. Articles published in the Journal of Millî Eğitim must comply with Research and Publication Ethics. In cases such as plagiarism, dividing publications, duplication of publications, etc., ethical violations will be committed. Necessary legal actions will be taken in ethical violations.

Ethical Approval
Due to the rules regarding ethical approval(s) that started to be implemented by TR Index in 2020, the ethical approval document they receive from the ethics committee must be added to the article applications.

Ethical Principles and Duties for Editors
Principles and duties of editors in the journal of Millî Eğitim:
1. To evaluate the content of the submitted article and examine whether it is a work that requires "ethical approval",
2. To check that the documents are complete for studies requiring "Ethical Approval",
3. To check the level of similarity of the submitted articles,
4. After the similarity check, taking the article to the evaluation stage or assigning an editor,
5. To assign at least two referees to the articles,
6. To appoint referees appropriate to the subject area of the article in the referee assignment process,
7. To consider diversity in the institutional distribution of referees in the referee appointment process,
8. To follow the notifications of ethical violations from the referees, and if there is no notification of an ethical violation, to execute one of the "Rejection", "Revision" or "Acceptance" decisions according to the referee reports,
9. Assigning the article to the third referee when there is a "Rejection" and a "Revision/Acceptance" recommendation from the referees,
10. In case a third referee is appointed, to execute one of the "Rejection", "Revision" or "Acceptance" decisions according to the evaluation from this referee,
11. To follow the layout, language editing and DOI assignment of the accepted articles,
12. To publish the final version of the accepted articles in an appropriate issue.

Ethical Principles and Duties for Referees
Principles and duties of referees in the journal of Millî Eğitim:
1. To review whether the assigned manuscript is compatible with the field of specialization,
2. To notify the relevant editor if any ethical violation is detected in the manuscript accepted as a referee,
3. To evaluate the manuscript accepted as a referee in terms of its originality and contribution to the field,
4. To provide suggestions that will contribute to the development and quality of the manuscript accepted as a referee,
5. To elaborate on the theoretical structure and methodological approach in terms of the development of the manuscript accepted as a referee,
6. To indicate his/her final recommendation on the manuscript he/she has accepted as a referee as one of the options "Rejection", "Minor Revision", "Major Revision" or "Acceptance",
7. To convey all evaluations and final suggestions regarding the manuscript accepted as referee on the "e-Referee Evaluation Form" to the relevant editor.

Ethical Principles and Duties for Authors
Principles and duties of authors in the journal of Millî Eğitim:
1. Review the "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" section before submitting an article,
2. To prepare their manuscript in accordance with the "Writing Rules" criteria,
3. Checking for similarity before submitting their articles,
4. To upload the documents requested by the Journal of Millî Eğitim during manuscript uploading.
5. If Ethical Approval is required for the study in their manuscript, to upload the above-mentioned Ethical Approval documents together with their articles,
6. If Ethical Approval is not required for the study in their manuscript, to state this in the manuscript and in the note to the editor with the justification,
7. To prepare and upload their manuscript in accordance with the template requested by the journal of Millî Eğitim.
8. Indicate in the relevant sections of the manuscript whether the article has been presented in a scientific activity before, if it is produced from a thesis, information about it, the people they would like to thank, if any, and the funding sources they used, if any.
9. In case of a revision decision, to make the necessary updates in line with the suggestions from the referees,
10. In case of a revision decision, the actions and responses to the referees' suggestions should be recorded in a separate document,
11. In case of "acceptance" decision, to proofread the manuscripts, to indicate the necessary corrections and to approve the publication,
12. To notify the relevant editor of any ethical violation, even after publication.

Publication Policy
Articles to be submitted to the Journal of Millî Eğitim may include ideas, criticisms and suggestions. However, these ideas and criticisms should not constitute a legal offense, violate ethical rules, or damage the reputation of individuals and institutions.
Manuscripts that are found not to meet any of these conditions or whose application documents are incomplete are rejected directly by the decision of the Preliminary Review Board. In addition, articles that are out of scope, articles that are considered to be unsuitable for the name, field, memory and readership of the journal are returned, even if they are complete and very successful. For such manuscripts, which are numerous in number, reasons for rejection are not provided with long explanations one by one. International scientific journals do not have a feedback obligation.
For manuscripts with minor deficiencies that do not require return, a resubmission is requested through the DergiPark system. It is the author's responsibility to follow the process. The journal of Millî Eğitim relies on the DergiPark system for communication with authors and referees. The journal does not have the opportunity or obligation to communicate with authors through different channels within the current workload of the journal.
Reviewed articles are submitted to the Editorial Board for scientific evaluation when necessary. Articles found appropriate in terms of publication principles are also checked for plagiarism. For this purpose, article owners will be directed by the system to the address for a similarity report during the application. All responsibility for similarity belongs to the author. The similarity rate adopted by the journal of Millî Eğitim is kept confidential in order to ensure a healthy process. This rate was determined after the Editorial Board evaluated and confirmed the rate recommended by ULAKBIM and related authorities.
Ethics Committee Permission Certificate must be submitted for all articles. In cases where Ethics Committee Permission is not required, authors should upload a document explaining the reason for this. The institution, date and number of the decision of the Ethics Committee should be indicated at the end of the article. If there is no need for Ethics Committee Permission, the justification should be explained at the end of the article. Institutional or individual application permissions obtained for research do not replace Ethics Committee Permission.
Articles deemed appropriate by the Preliminary Review or Editorial Board are sent to two referees who are well-known for their works and studies in the field. In case of one acceptance and one rejection, the opinion of the third referee is consulted. The refereeing process is carried out until two positive or two negative reports are received. Up to twelve referees are invited for an article. If no results are obtained from the referees in this process, the article is returned. Referee reports are confidential and kept for five years. The preliminary review process is completed in an average of one month and the referee process in an average of six months. In some cases, this period may be extended. Detailed information about the refereeing process is explained in detail in the "Blind Refereeing System" section on our DergiPark page.
Authors are obliged to take into account the criticisms, suggestions and corrections of the referees and the Editorial Board. If they disagree, they have the right to explain them in writing with their reasons. Corrections should be uploaded to the system during the revision process using the Referee Correction Schedule on our DergiPark page. The Editorial Board or the editorial department may make minor corrections in the manuscripts to be published. The responsibility for the findings and opinions in the published articles belongs to the authors.
Published issues are published on the web page of MoNE General Directorate of Support Services, ULAKBIM ODIS and DergiPark.
Articles and photographs can be cited with reference.
                                                                                                        The journal of Millî Eğitim

As of 15.05.2024, a fee of 1000 TL (One Thousand Turkish Liras) is charged for each article submission. This fee is charged at the time of article submission, regardless of whether the article is accepted or rejected.
It is not refundable in any case.

Submisson fees must be deposited to the following account and the receipt must be uploaded to the system during the application. The fee should be paid by the Corresponding Author and the article title should bementioned in the description section of the receipt.

Account Number:
MEB (MoNE) Directorate of Revolving Fund Management
TR31 0001 0017 4505 4952 1351 84
Ziraat Bank Public Corporate Branch