Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 4/30/17

Year: 2017

Research Article

The aims of International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching are;

* to disseminate the latest thinking and research about language education all over the world,

* to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars,

* to be indexed by more databases and indexes and to provide researchers easy and unlimited access by Open Access System feature,

* to enhance citation rates of the articles as increasing extensity of published articles on IJLET via Open Access System, databases, indexes and doi number.

International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching (IJLET) is a double-blind peer reviewed journal which is published online. IJLET publishes original academic studies only that deal with the theory and practice. IJLET welcomes only original and not-published-elsewhere works.

IJLET provides a forum for the discussion of recent topics and issues in language, literacy and translation which have an immediate bearing upon thought and practice in education. Articles draw important and well-communicated implications from their subject matter for one or more of the following: policy, curriculum, pedagogy or evaluation in language education.

The task of the IJLET is to encourage language specialists and researchers in language in education and educational linguists to organise and present their material in such a way as to highlight its educational implications, thereby influencing educational theorists and practitioners and leading to improved educational outcomes for students.

Articles are welcomed concerning all aspects of language education in the language of the country, society, or educational system in question. This includes mother tongue and second language education, issues related to immersion education, content-based language teaching, CLIL, bi/multilingualism, new technologies in language education, testing and evaluation in language teaching, tranlation and interpretation education, and medium-of-instruction.

Those authors who will submit their manuscripts to IJLET for review can do so by signing themselves up to the journal management system at www.ijlet.com

Author(s) should follow the "Article Sumbission" to sign up and submit their study.

Submitting your manuscript to International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching (IJLET) means that your work has not been published before in any other journal, book or in a book chapter, be it printed or online (except in the form of an abstract or an academic thesis), that it is also not in any way under consideration for publication elsewhere, that the submitted manuscript has the permission for publication from all the authors in it and is approved from the responsible authorities where that work was carried out, and that, if accepted in IJLET, will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the prior consent of the publisher. The editors of IJLET have the right to edit or to alter all contributions, but authors of the submitted work will receive testimony before the publication of their work in IJLET. The manuscripts sent to lJLET are controled in terms of having plagiarism by a professional company. If there is no plagiarism, they are sent to referees. But if there is a plagiarism, these manuscripts are sent back to writers without sending referee.

Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word, should be sent online only via our article submission system on www.ijlet.com. For any queries, write us an e-mail and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Please download following template field and put your article in it. Please do not chance the format in the template field.

For Template Field please click here.


We accept the manuscript(s) written in English and Turkish.

Try to make sure that there are no grammatical errors, typos and that your manuscript doesn’t have sentence composition and structure issues.


Authors should adopt the following rules for the text to be written in their manuscript(s). These rules are meant to be for whole text which may include abstract, keywords, headings and references.

Page Size A4 Vertical
Top Margin 2,5 cm
Bottom Margin 2,5 cm
Left Margin 2,5 cm
Right Margin 2.5 cm
Font Palatino Linotype
Type Size - Abstract Text 8
Type Size - Regular Text 10
Type Size - Footnote Text 8
Paragraph Spacing 0
Line Spacing 1,15

* In the special font used articles, the font used should be sent with the article.

* Artciles should not be included details such as page numbers, headers and footers.



The title of the study should reflect the content clearly and be comprehensive. Except for the linkers, each word should be capitalized.


Your research work should be accompanied by an abstract which should be minimum 200 words. This abstract should entail the purpose of the study, methodology employed and findings of the study. Abstracts are often presented separate from the article/manuscript so it must be written in a way that it is able to stand alone.


Right after the abstract, write down a maximum of 7 keywords. Try to avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for instance, ‘and’, ‘of’). Be very careful while using abbreviations in keywords; use only those abbreviations which are resolutely recognized in the field of study.


The basis of the research topic, summary related with the parts of the study, the significance of the subject in the academic literature, the importance of the study, research problem and aims should be explained in a detailed fashion in the introduction.


The type, research group, data collection tools, validity and reliability, data collection techniques, data analysis, limitations and ethical committee approval (if necessary) of the research should be explained exhaustively.


The results of the study should be explained with tables, diagrams, graphics or pictures in a way that supports the aim and problem of the study.


In the light of the importance of the study, the results should be discussed referring to literature and author opinions.


In the conclusion, the main ideas driven from the discussions should be explained.


Suggestions that are suitable for the discussion and results of the study must be made. In addition, suggestions that can contribute to the literature and are related with future studies and applications in the field must be included.

Acknowledgements *

Those people or institutions who were of little help in the shaping of the study should be acknowledged.


It is the sole responsibility of the authors to be sure of the accuracy of bibliographic citations.

Citations in the text

Kindly make sure that every reference cited in the text should also be presented in the reference list and vice versa. Authors should avoid using citations in the abstract of the manuscript. Personal communications and unpublished results should not be in included in the reference list at the end of the manuscript but may be presented in the text. ‘In Press’ articles’ citation of a reference means that the work has been accepted for publication somewhere.

Citing and listing of web references

Wherever an author faces a problem of citation of a web reference, please include the full URL as a minimum. Any other information, if known to the author, should also be presented. This information may be about the author names, dates and reference to a source publication etc. For convenience of the authors and readers, web references can also be listed separately (for instance after the reference list) under the separate head if so desired by the author(s), or it can obviously be included in the reference list.


Authors are advised to follow the referencing style used by American Psychological Association (APA).

They can refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Sixth Edition, on http://www.apastyle.org/manual/index.aspx


References at the end of the manuscript should be arranged in an alphabetical sequence at the first place and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. If there are more than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year then it must be identified using the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., which is written right after the year of publication.

International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching (IJLET) is an online, open-access and blind reviewed journal in the field of education of languages and literatures. Following statement entails the ethical conduct of all parties of publication i.e. editor, author/s, reviewer/s, and publisher.


1- Manuscripts will be evaluated purely on the basis of merit.

2- Chief editor/editors are not to disclose authors information to any one including reviewer. Similarly, reviewer/s name will not be disclosed to author/s.

3- Any material that is unpublished with IJLET will not be used by any of the editor or member without consent of author.

4- Editor (s) of IJLET is/are vested with core responsibility of finalization of articles that would be published. Chief Editor are assigned editor will look at the suitability of article for publication in IJLET. Chief Editor is responsible to follow the policies laid down by editorial board about issues like copyright infringement, plagiarism etc. or any issue that might arise in the due course. Chief Editor may also consult with other editors and reviewers.


1- Authors are bound to work ethically. Form idea to conclusion everything should stem from the mind of author/s. Article should contain all necessary information which might help reader to understand the phenomenon deeply and it should also help them in replication of the topic. Any unethical approach or behavior is not acceptable. Authors are liable for any case of Plagiarism or unfair means claimed against them or against journal.

2- Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, this must be appropriately cited or quoted. Such quotations and citations must be listed in the Reference at the end of the article.

3- Authors may be asked to provide the raw data in connection with an article submitted for editorial review, and should be prepared to provide public access to such, if practicable, and should in any event be prepared to retain such data for a reasonable time after publication.

4- Author/s cannot get one work published in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

5- Authors should provide names of all those who supported in work in acknowledgement. It should be written in form of a statement at the end of article. Similarly any financial support should also be given due position in acknowledgement.

6- Authorship should be limited to only those who have made a significant contribution in the process of research i.e. from idea generation to execution and results extraction.

7- Corresponding author is the person who is responsible for communication with the journal and other researchers. He should ensure that names of all the authors are properly written and article has been approved by co-author/s.

8- Author/s should disclose any conflict of interest or opinion between authors.

9- If author found a mistake or any other thing that might affect the quality of publication, it is his/her responsibility to notify the editor/s.


1- It is responsibility of reviewer to do proper review as his/her comments helps editor/s to make a decision about suitability and value of an article.

2- If a reviewer feels that he is unqualified or unable to review an assigned manuscript, he should promptly respond to editor so that article may be assigned to some suitable reviewer.

3- It is responsibility of reviewer to treat an article a document of confidential nature. It should not be shown or disclosed to anyone except the assigned editor.

4- If author differs with opinion/s of author/s, he should state it with supporting argument, which will help editors make final decision.

5- A reviewer should highlight any idea presented in the article that is having overlap with the idea published in any other article.

6- Information obtained from review should not be used for personal benefits.

7- If reviewer feels that he has conflict of interest with any written script, he/she should decline to review it.

IJLET claims no fees for article submission, proccesing or printing and access to articles. For this reason, IJLET is non-profit journal.

The editorial board may demand that the manuscripts be edited for language mistakes. In accordance with the suggestion made by field editors or reviewers, the author(s) who has been requested to get his/her manuscript edited must do so referring to one of the accredited companies and present a related document to the editorial board afterwards. Incurring fees are paid by the author(s) to the company which authors choose.

The articles in IJLET are published as full texts both in English and Turkish. The journal does not have any translation or proofreading services for this purpose, but IJLET may recommend some accredited companies to the author(s) only if needed. Incurring fees are paid by the author(s) to the company which authors choose.