e-ISSN: 2687-1971
Founded: 2019
Publisher: Üzeyir KEMENT
Cover Image

Tourism and Recreation (TO&RE) has started to be indexed in ERIHPLUS as of 2024.

Tourism and Recreation is an international journal aiming to contribute to the scientific world by publishing academic and scientific studies in an ethical, qualified and original framework.

The journal is a refereed journal and its articles are published after being evaluated by at least two referees.

Researches in Turkish and English are accepted in the journal.

The articles submitted to the journal should have never been published elsewhere before.

When the authors submit their articles, they are also deemed to have agreed their copyrights.

The articles are published by passing through the plagiarism program. 

The journal is free and there is no article submission or publishing fee. 

In case of primary source use from the publications sent to the journal, an ethics committee permission document is requested.

2024 - Volume: 6 Issue: 1