
Journals 2536

Balıkesir İlahiyat Dergisi
Balıkesir Üniversitesi
Turkish Islamic Literature Islamic Economy Studies in Religious Traditions (Excl. Eastern, Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions) Studies in Eastern Religious Traditions Christian Studies Comparative Religious Studies Jewish Studies Religious Studies (Other)
Balıkesir Medical Journal
Balıkesir Üniversitesi
Emergency Medicine Pain Anaesthesiology Military Psychiatry Infectious Diseases Dermatology Endocrinology Gastroenterology and Hepatology Geriatrics and Gerontology Chest Diseases ​Internal Diseases Work and Occupational Diseases Rural Clinical Health Clinical Chemistry Clinical Microbiology Clinical Oncology Clinimetrics Otorhinolaryngology Nefroloji Nuclear Medicine Orthopaedics Paramedicine Pathology Psychiatry Radiology and Organ Imaging Rheumatology and Arthritis Sports Medicine Diagnostic Radiography Medical Genetics (Excl. Cancer Genetics) Urology Venereology Intensive Care Forensic Medicine Clinical Sciences (Other)
Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
Balıkesir Üniversitesi
Nutritional Science Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition Food Properties Food Nutritional Balance Public Health Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Sport and Exercise Nutrition Nutrition and Dietetics (Other) Facial Plastic Surgery Brain and Nerve Surgery (Neurosurgery) Oncologic Surgery Pediatric Surgery Hand Surgery Gastroenterology Surgery General Surgery Thoracic Surgery War Surgery Gynecologic Oncology Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Transplantation Surgery (Other) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Paedodontics Dental Materials and Equipment Dental Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Toxicology Endodontics Craniofacial Biology Oral Implantology Oral Medicine and Pathology Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics Special Needs Dentistry Periodontics Prosthodontics Restorative Dentistry Dentistry (Other) Haematology Cardiology Respiratory Diseases Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology (Other) Models of Care and Place of Birth Psychosocial Aspects of Childbirth and Perinatal Mental Health Clinical Midwifery Midwifery (Other) Sports Training Physical Training and Sports Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy Exercise Physiology Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled Physical Activity and Health Physical Fitness Kinantropometri Motor Control Biomechanics in Sports Science Movement Education in Sports Science Sports Activity Management Sports Nutrition Sports and Recreation Sports Science and Exercise (Other) Forensic Epidemiology Major Global Burdens of Disease Nutritional Epidemiology Environmental Epidemiology Behavioural Epidemiology Epidemiological Modelling Epidemiological Methods Disease Surveillance Occupational Epidemiology Social Epidemiology Epidemiology (Other) Preventative Health Care Health Promotion Social Determinants of Health Health Equity Community Child Health Injury Prevention Public Health (Other) Emergency Nursing Acute Care Surgical Diseases Nursing​​ Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing ​Internal Diseases Nursing​ Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing Public Health Nursing Nurse Education Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Workforce Nursing Management Mental Health Nursing Subacute Care Aged Care Nursing ICU Nursing Nursing (Other) Health Care Administration Post Harvest Horticultural Technologies (Incl. Transportation and Storage) Pomology and Treatment Oenology and Viticulture Vegetable Growing and Treatment Green-House Growing and Treatment Horticultural Production (Other) Animal Health Economics and Management Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Veterinary Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Veterinary Bacteriology Veterinary Biochemistry Veterinary Surgery Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynecology Veterinary Epidemiology Veterinary Pharmacology Veterinary Food Hygiene and Technology Veterinary Medicine Veterinary History of Veterinary and Deontology Veterinary Histology and Embryology Veterinary Immunology Veterinary Mycology Veterinary Microbiology Veterinary Parasitology Veterinary Pathology Veterinary Diagnosis and Diagnostics Veterinary Urology Veterinary Virology Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics Veterinary Internal Medicine Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases Imaging Systems Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Veterinary Sciences (Other)
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Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
Balıkesir Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Information Systems (Other) Active Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Computational Imaging Multimodal Analysis and Synthesis Pattern Recognition Image and Video Coding Audio Processing Video Processing Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation (Other) Networking and Communications Cloud Computing Distributed Systems and Algorithms Energy-Efficient Computing Concurrent/Parallel Systems and Technologies Dependable Systems Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed System Performance Evaluation Service Oriented Computing Cyberphysical Systems and Internet of Things Edge Computing High Performance Computing Distributed Computing and Systems Software (Other) Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication Computer Graphics Serious Games and Simulations Entertainment and Gaming Interactive Narrative Procedural Content Generation Virtual and Mixed Reality Sound and Music Computing Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other) Algorithms and Calculation Theory Concurrency Theory Computational Complexity and Computability Computational Logic and Formal Languages Coding, Information Theory and Compression Quantum Computation Numerical Computation and Mathematical Software Data Structures and Algorithms Theory of Computation (Other) Information Visualisation Computing Education Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Trust and Ethics of Computer Systems Affective Computing Accessible Computing Human-Computer Interaction Collaborative and Social Computing Mixed Initiative and Human-In-The-Loop Social Robotics Pervasive Computing Human Centered Computing (Other) Open Access Archive Information Research Behavior Information Retrival Information Interaction Organisation of Information and Knowledge Resources Information Governance, Policy and Ethics Digital Curation and Preservation Documentation Informetrics Recordkeeping Informatics Library Studies Social and Community Informatics Library and Information Studies (Other) Context Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks Adversarial Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning Machine Vision Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Machine Learning (Other) Computer Forensics Information Security and Cryptology Cloud Computing Security Digital Forensics Hardware Security Cryptography System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Data and Information Privacy Software and Application Security Cybersecurity and Privacy (Other) Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Morphology and Anatomy Plant Pathology Botany (Other) Bioinformatic Methods Development Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Computational Ecology and Phylogenetics Statistical and Quantitative Genetics Proteomics and Metabolomics Sequence Analysis Translational and Applied Bioinformatics Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Analytical Biochemistry Enzymes Glycobiology Cell Development, Proliferation and Death Cell Metabolism Cell Neurochemistry Cellular Interactions Protein Trafficking Proteomics and Intermolecular Interactions Radiobiology Receptors and Membrane Biology Synthetic Biology Signal Transduction Systems Biology Structural Biology Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Other) Behavioural Ecology Marine and Estuarine Ecology Ecological Physiology Hydrobiology Terrestrial Ecology Global Change Biology Palaeoecology Population Ecology Radioecology Freshwater Ecology Community Ecology Ecology (Other) Bioprocessing, Bioproduction and Bioproducts Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology Industrial Biotechnology Diagnostics Industrial Microbiology Fermentation Nanobiotechnology Industrial Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Industrial Biotechnology (Other) Plant and Fungus Systematics and Taxonomy Biogeography and Phylogeography Biological Adaptation Evolutionary Ecology Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis Evolution of Developmental Systems Animal Systematics and Taxonomy Evolutionary Impacts of Climate Change Host-Parasite Interactions Microbial Taxonomy Speciation and Extinction Life Histories Evolutionary Biology (Other) Forensic Biology Anthropological Genetics Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Gene Mapping Gene Expression Genetic Immunology Genome Structure and Regulation Genomics Cell and Nuclear Division Molecular Evolution Neurogenetics Optogenetics Genetics (Other) Acarology Entomology Animal Biotechnology Animal Behaviour Animal Diet and Nutrition Animal Physiology - Biophysics Animal Physiology-Ecophysiology Animal Physiology - Cell Animal Physiology - Systems Animal Developmental and Reproductive Biology Animal Cell and Molecular Biology Animal Immunology Animal Neurobiology Animal Structure and Function Comparative Physiology Ornithology Vertebrate Biology Invertebrate Biology Aquatic Toxicology Zoology (Other) Bacteriology Infectious Agents Mycology Microbial Ecology Microbial Genetics Parasitology Virology Microbiology (Other) Astrobiology Astronomical Instrumentation Galactic Astronomy General Relativity and Gravitational Waves Planetary Science (Excl. Solar System and Planetary Geology) Solar Physics Complex Physical Systems Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy Stellar Astronomy and Planetary Systems High Energy Astrophysics and Galactic Cosmic Rays Astronomical Sciences (Other) Atomic and Molecular Physics Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy Photonics, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Lasers and Quantum Electronics Terahertz Physics Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Other) Acoustics and Acoustical Devices; Waves Electrostatics and Electrodynamics General Physics Statistical Physics Classical and Physical Optics Material Physics Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Surface Physics Classical Physics (Other) Degenerate Quantum Gases and Atom Optics Quantum Computers Quantum Information, Computation and Communication Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Optics and Quantum Optomechanics Quantum Technologies Quantum Physics (Other) Nuclear Physics Plasma Physics; Fusion Plasmas; Electrical Discharges Radiophysics Nuclear and Plasma Physics (Other) Field Theory and String Theory Astroparticle Physics and Particle Cosmology Particle Physics Particle and High Energy Physics (Other) Instruments and Techniques Accelerators Synchrotrons Synchrotrons and Accelerators (Other) Biophysics Medical Physics Medical and Biological Physics (Other) Astrodynamics and Space Situational Awareness Heliophysics and Space Weather Solar System Energetic Particles Solar System Planetary Science (Excl. Planetary Geology) Mesospheric, Thermospheric, Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Physics Space Instrumentation Space Sciences (Other) Condensed Matter Imaging Condensed Matter Characterisation Technique Development Condensed Matter Modelling and Density Functional Theory Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity Structural Properties of Condensed Matter Surface Properties of Condensed Matter Soft Condensed Matter Condensed Matter Physics (Other) Flow Analysis Analytical Spectrometry Bioassays Electroanalytical Chemistry Instrumental Methods Quality Assurance, Chemometrics, Traceability and Metrological Chemistry Metabolomic Chemistry Sensor Technology Separation Science Analytical Chemistry (Other) Solution Chemistry Electrochemistry Photochemistry Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics Colloid and Surface Chemistry Molecular Imaging Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics Transport Properties and Non-Equilibrium Processes Physical Chemistry (Other) Non-Metal Chemistry Main Group Metal Chemistry Bioinorganic Chemistry F-Block Chemistry Transition Metal Chemistry Inorganic Green Chemistry Solid State Chemistry Crystallography Metal Cluster Chemistry Metal Organic Frameworks Organometallic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry (Other) Inorganic Materials Macromolecular Materials Physical Properties of Materials Optical Properties of Materials Theory and Design of Materials Structure and Dynamics of Materials Nanochemistry Nuclear Chemistry Polymerisation Mechanisms Supramolecular Chemistry Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry (Other) Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds Physical Organic Chemistry Organic Chemical Synthesis Organic Green Chemistry Free Radical Chemistry Organic Chemistry (Other) Computational Chemistry Statistical Mechanics in Chemistry Radiation and Matter Theoretical Quantum Chemistry Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Other) Forensic Chemistry Characterisation of Biological Macromolecules Biologically Active Molecules Biomolecular Modelling and Design Glycoconjugates Cheminformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Molecular Medicine Proteins and Peptides Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry (Other) Forensic Evaluation, Inference and Statistics Biostatistics Large and Complex Data Theory Soft Computing Computational Statistics Statistical Analysis Statistical Experiment Design Statistical Quality Control Statistical Theory Statistical Data Science Spatial Statistics Quantitative Decision Methods Probability Theory Stochastic Analysis and Modelling Theory of Sampling Risk Analysis Applied Statistics Operation Statistics (Other) Experimental Mathematics Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations Mathematical Optimisation Numerical Analysis Symbolic Calculation Finite Element Analysis Numerical and Computational Mathematics (Other) Ordinary Differential Equations, Difference Equations and Dynamical Systems Algebra and Number Theory Algebraic and Differential Geometry Group Theory and Generalisations Category Theory, K Theory, Homological Algebra Partial Differential Equations Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (Excl. Physical Combinatorics) Lie Groups, Harmonic and Fourier Analysis Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Lattices and Universal Algebra Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis Real and Complex Functions (Incl. Several Variables) Topology Pure Mathematics (Other) Biological Mathematics Financial Mathematics Mathematical Methods and Special Functions Complex Systems in Mathematics Operations Research İn Mathematics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Mathematics Dynamical Systems in Applications Calculus of Variations, Mathematical Aspects of Systems Theory and Control Theory Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods Applied Mathematics (Other) Aerodynamics (Excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics) Experimental Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer Computational Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (Incl. Computational Fluid Dynamics) Fluid-Structure Interaction and Aeroacoustics Bio-Fluids Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Multiphysics Flows (Incl. Multiphase and Reacting Flows) Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Flows Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows (Incl. Rheology) Fundamental and Theoretical Fluid Dynamics Turbulent Flows Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other) Biofabrication Biomedical Sciences and Technology Biomedical Instrumentation Biomedical Imaging Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Diagnosis Biomedical Therapy Biomechanical Engineering Biometry Tissue Engineering Computational Physiology Mechanobiology Rehabilitation Engineering Neural Engineering Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering (Other) Active Matter Design Bioelectronic Biomaterial Bioprocess Design Bioprocess Bioseperation Animal Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Microtechnologies Protein Engineering Bioengineering (Other) Treatment Facility Design Waste Management, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Environmental Pollution and Prevention Environmentally Sustainable Engineering Air Pollution Modelling and Control Air Pollution and Gas Cleaning Solid and Hazardous Wastes Global Environmental Engineering Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Clean Production Technologies Soil Pollution and Control Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Environmental Engineering (Other) Lighting Circuits and Systems Electrical Circuits and Systems Electrical Energy Storage Electrical Energy Transmission, Networks and Systems Electrical Energy Generation (Incl. Renewables, Excl. Photovoltaics) Electrical Machines and Drives Power Plants Photovoltaic Power Systems Engineering Electromagnetics High Voltage Electrical Engineering (Other) Analog Electronics and Interfaces Digital Electronic Devices Digital Processor Architectures Electronics Electronic Sensors Electronic Device and System Performance Evaluation, Testing and Simulation Electronic Instrumentation Electronic Warfare Electronic Design Automation Evaluation Technique in Electronics Industrial Electronics Photonic and Electro-Optical Devices, Sensors and Systems (Excl. Communications) Photovoltaic Devices (Solar Cells) Embedded Systems Power Electronics Control Theoryand Applications Quantum Engineering Systems (Incl. Computing and Communications) Microelectronics Radio Frequency Engineering Numerical Design Semiconductors Electronics, Sensors and Digital Hardware (Other) Biomass Energy Systems Energy Solar Energy Systems Hydroelectric Energy Systems Geothermal Energy Systems Nuclear Energy Systems Wind Energy Systems Thermal Power Systems Installation Technologies Renewable Energy Resources Energy Systems Engineering (Other) Network Engineering Antennas and Propagation Optical Fibre Communication Systems and Technologies Wireless Communication Systems and Technologies (Incl. Microwave and Millimetrewave) Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Signal Processing Satellite Communications Data Communications Communications Engineering (Other) Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management Reinforced Concrete Buildings Steel Structures Earthquake Engineering Granular Mechanics Hydromechanics Civil Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering System Identification in Civil Engineering Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Civil Construction Engineering Complex Civil Systems Fracture Mechanics Coastal Sciences and Engineering Architectural Engineering Wind Water Harvesting Water Resources Engineering Water Resources and Water Structures Transportation and Traffic Transportation Engineering Fire Safety Engineering Structural Dynamics Construction Business Construction Materials Structural Engineering Production Technologies Civil Engineering (Other) Land Management Geospatial Information Systems and Geospatial Data Modelling Photogrametry Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Cadastral and Property Cartography and Digital Mapping Navigation and Position Fixing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Planning Satellite-Based Positioning Surveying (Incl. Hydrographic Surveying) Geomatic Engineering (Other) Electrometallurgy Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering Hydrometallurgy Mineral Processing/Beneficiation Pyrometallurgy Welding Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy (Other) Wastewater Treatment Processes Separation Processes Separation Technologies Environmental and Sustainable Processes Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Electrochemical Technologies Chemical and Thermal Processes in Energy and Combustion Food Engineering Carbon Capture Engineering (Excl. Sequestration) Catalytic Activity Chemical Engineering Design Chemical Process Design Chemical Reaction Reaction Engineering (Excl. Nuclear Reactions) Mass Transfer Materials Science and Technologies Metallization and Optimation Petrochemistry Polymer Science and Technologies Water Treatment Processes Process Control and Simulation Plant Projecting Plant Design Powder and Particle Technology Chemical Engineering (Other) Biomechatronics Control Engineering Mechatronics Hardware Design and Architecture Mechatronics Engineering Mechatronic System Design Simulation, Modelling, and Programming of Mechatronics Systems Micro-Manipulation Engineering Instrumentation Automation Engineering Autonomous Vehicle Systems Field Robotics Medical Robotics Manufacturing Robotics Assistive Robots and Technology Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics (Other) Industrial Raw Material Rock Mechanics and Fortification Drilling and Blasting in Rock Engineering Excavation Mechanics Chemical-Biological Recovery Techniques and Ore Dressing Coal Mine Design, Management and Economy Mining Methods and Mine System Analysis Occupational Health and Safety in Mines Metalic Mines Air Conditioning in Underground Rock Engineering Mining Engineering (Other) Circuit Machines Acoustics and Noise Control (Excl. Architectural Acoustics) Ballistic Systems Biomechanic Dynamics, Vibration and Vibration Control Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage (Excl. Chemical and Electrical) Gas Dynamics Solid Mechanics Resource Technologies Mechanical Engineering Asset Management Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering Machine Design and Machine Equipment Machine Theory and Dynamics Material Design and Behaviors Microelectromechanical Systems (Mems) Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation Weapon Systems Tribology Mechanical Engineering (Other) Compound Semiconductors Glass Cement Technology Casting Technologies Electronic, Optics and Magnetic Materials Physical Metallurgy Functional Materials Wearable Materials Computational Material Sciences Plating Technology Timber, Pulp and Paper Composite and Hybrid Materials Corrosion Material Characterization Ceramics in Materials Engineering Material Production Technologies Metals and Alloy Materials Organic Semiconductors Polymer Physics Polymer Technologies Polymers and Plastics Refractory Technology Elemental Semiconductors Powder Metallurgy Manufacturing Metallurgy Materials Engineering (Other) Humanitarian Engineering Engineering Education Engineering Design Engineering Practice Systems Engineering Risk Engineering Engineering Practice and Education (Other) Micro and Nanosystems Molecular and Organic Electronics Nanoelectromechanical Systems Nanoelectronics Nanofabrication, Growth and Self Assembly Nanophotonics Nanomaterials Nanometrology Nanoscale Characterisation Nanomanufacturing Nanotechnology (Other) Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Powertrains Internal Combustion Engines Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Automotive Safety Engineering Automotive Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Automotive Engineering Materials Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering Heat Transfer in Automotive Vehicle Technique and Dynamics Automotive Engineering (Other) Leather Engineering Yarn Technology Fabric Technologies Fiber Technology Planning Techniques Textile Science Textile Quality Control Textile Chemistry Textile Technology Textile Finishing Textile Sciences and Engineering (Other) CAD/CAM Systems Multiple Criteria Decision Making Industrial Engineering Ergonomi and Human Factors Management Flexible Manufacturing Systems Precision Engineering Manufacturing Safety and Quality Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Excl. Textiles) Manufacturing Management Additive Manufacturing Machine Tools Machining Microtechnology Packaging, Storage and Transportation (Excl. Food and Agricultural Products) Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering in System Engineering Stochastic (Probability ) Process Technology Management and Business Models Manufacturing and Service Systems Optimization in Manufacturing New Product Development Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Other) Marine Geology and Geophysics General Geology Hydrogeology Geoarcheology Geothermal Rock Mechanics Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry Mineralogy- Petrography Geology of Engineering Seismology Continuum Mechanics Applied Geology Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) Biosystem Precision Agriculture Technologies Green-House Technologies Irrigation Systems Irrigation Water Quality Agricultural Machine Systems Agricultural Machines Agricultural Drainage Agricultural Electrification Agricultural Energy Systems Agricultural Automatization Agricultural Structures Agricultural Engineering (Other)
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Balıkesir Üniversitesi Hukuk Dergisi
Balıkesir Üniversitesi
Family Law Media and Communication Law Information and Technology Law Criminal Law Legal Education Law Reform Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation Law and Humanities Law and Religion Law, Science and Technology Law and Society and Socio-Legal Research Law, Gender and Sexuality Communication Law Race, Ethnicity and Law Labour and Social Security Law Law of Private Insurance Sports Law Design Law Medical and Health Law Tourism Law Civil Procedure Law Law in Context (Other)
Balıkesir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
Balıkesir Üniversitesi
Econometrics Theory Econometric and Statistical Methods Economic Models and Forecasting Comparative Economic Systems Panel Data Analysis Applied Macroeconometrics Applied Microeconometrics Cross-Sectional Analysis Time-Series Analysis Econometrics (Other) Ecological Economics Political Economy Theory Heterodox Economics Economic Methodology Islamic Economy Institutional Economics Theory Macroeconomic Theory Mathematical Economics Microeconomic Theory Radical Economy Economic Theory (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Economic Design Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Industrial Economy Criminal Economy Microeconomics (Other) European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation International Economics (Other) Public Administration Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Environment and Climate Finance Behavioural Finance Finance Financial Econometrics Financial Forecast and Modelling Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Risk Management Real Estate Financing Household Finance and Financial Literacy Islamic Finance Islamic Microfinance Non-Profit Finance and Risk Microfinance Investment and Portfolio Management Finance and Investment (Other) Integrated Marketing Communication Activity Management Public Relations Public Relations Campaigns and Applications Public Relations Methods and Instruments Human Resources Management Business and Labour History Occupation and Workplace Health and Safety Workforce Planning Employment Equity and Diversity Workplace Wellbeing and Quality of Working Life Reputation Management Crisis Communication Institutional Communication Corporate Social Responsibility Industrial and Employee Relations Social Responsibility Projects Human Resources and Industrial Relations (Other) Business Administration Budget and Financial Planning Government Accounting Public Finance Financial Law Theory of Treasury Finance Studies (Other) Accounting Forensics Auditing and Accountability Financial Accounting Internal Check Internal Control Non-Profit Accounting and Accountability Institutional Governance Financial Statement Analysis History of Accounting Accounting Theory and Standards Sustainability Accounting and Reporting International Accounting Taxation Accounting Management Accounting Accounting, Auditing and Accountability (Other) Digital Marketing Industrial Marketing Pricing Service Marketing Non-Profit Marketing Intercultural Communication Customer Relationship Management Marketing Research Methodology Marketing Communications Marketing Technology Marketing Theory Marketing Management Advertisement Sales Management Social Marketing Agricultural Marketing Consumer Behaviour Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development International Marketing Product and Brand Management Marketing (Other) Disaster and Emergency Management Industrial Organisation Entrepreneurship Hospital Management Innovation Management Quality Management Public Sector Organisation and Management Non-Profit Business and Management Crisis and Issue Management Small Business Organisation and Management Corporate Governance Leadership Operation Strategy Organizasyon Organisation and Management Theory Organisational Planning and Management Organizational Culture Organisational Behaviour Stakeholder Engagement Project Management Strategy Sustainable Operation Management International Business Production and Operations Management Management and Organization Education Corporate Social Responsibility in Management Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other) Intelligent Mobility Rail Transportation and Freight Services Maritime Transportation and Freight Services Air Transportation and Freight Services Road Transportation and Freight Services Logistics Supply Chains Supply Chain Management Public Transport Passenger Needs Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chains (Other)
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Balıkesir Üniversitesi
Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Measurement Theories and Applications in Education and Psychology Scale Development Setting Standards and Norms Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation Classroom Measurement Practices Computer Based Exam Applications National and International Success Comparisons Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Education: International Examinations Similation Study Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Other) Education Management Supervision in Education Education Planning Inspection and Planning Leadership in Education Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics (Other) Family Counseling Career Counseling Drug Addiction Consultancy School Counseling Psychological Counseling Education Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Other) Curriculum Development in Education Curriculum Evaluation in Education Program Design Learning Theories In-Service Training Readiness in Education Curriculum Design Instructional Theories Instructional Design Instructional Technologies Informal Learning Out-of-School Learning Lifelong learning Adult Education Values ​​education Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education Psychological Foundations of Education Multicultural Education Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators Curriculum and Instration (Other) Early Childhood Education Classroom Education Primary Education Basic Training (Other) Mathematics Education Physics Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Science Education STEM Education Science and Mathematics Education (Other) Turkish Education Turkish Language and Literature Education History Education Geography Education Psychology Education Sociology Education Philosophy Education Social Studies Education Religious Education Turkish and Social Sciences Education (Diğer) Technical, Vocational and Workplace Education Development of Vocational Education Vocational Education and Instraction(Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) Creative Drama Education Development of Media and Communication Education and Programs Fine Arts Education Museum Education Art Education (Other) Multi Disabled Education Sight Disabled Education Impaired Hearing Education Speech Handicapped Education Education for Autistic Children Special Talented Education Mental Disability Education Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education Special Education and Disability (Other) Higher Education Financing Higher Education Policies Higher Education Systems Higher Education Management Quality Assurance in Higher Education Program Development and Qualifications in Higher Education Recognition and Equivalency in Higher Education Internationalization in Higher Education Accreditation of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Programs Higher Education Studies (Other) Gender, Sexuality and Education Education Policy Educational Technology and Computing Inclusive Education Learning Analytics Learning Sciences Teacher and Student Wellbeing Specialist Studies in Education (Other) Econometrics Theory Econometric and Statistical Methods Economic Models and Forecasting Comparative Economic Systems Panel Data Analysis Applied Macroeconometrics Applied Microeconometrics Cross-Sectional Analysis Time-Series Analysis Operations Research Econometrics (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Economic Design Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Industrial Economy Criminal Economy Microeconomics (Other) Ethics Philosophy of Society City in Human Geography Türkiye Physical Geography Environmental Geography Environmental Impact Assessment Ecology, Sustainability and Energy Economic Geography Development Geography Rural and Regional Geography Cultural Geography Population Geography Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography Health Geography Urban and Regional Planning Education Political Geography Social Geography Historical Geography Turkish Human Geography Turkish Economic Geography Transport Geography Countries Geography Habitation Geography Human Geography (Other) Public Administration Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology (Other) Operation Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy Exercise and Sports Psychology Sports Science and Exercise (Other) Traditional Turkish Arts (Other) Crafts Photography, Video and Lens-Based Practice Fine Arts Performance Art Visual Arts (Other) Biography Environmental History Gender History Digital History History of Religion Migration History History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism Histories of Race History of Islam Global and World History Historical Studies of Crime International History Transnational History Historical Studies (Other) Actuary Banking Management Banking Regulation and Supervision Risk management in Banking Personal Retirement Insurance Natural Risk Assurance Financial Institutions Life Assurance Participation Banking Takaful (Participation) Insurance Business of Private Insurance Management of Private Insurance Risk Management and Insurance Insurance Accounting Insurance Marketing Reassurance Supervision in Insurance Commercial Banking International Banking Investment Banking Banking and Insurance (Other) Environment and Climate Finance Behavioural Finance Finance Financial Econometrics Financial Forecast and Modelling Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Risk Management Real Estate Financing Household Finance and Financial Literacy Islamic Finance Islamic Microfinance Non-Profit Finance and Risk Microfinance Investment and Portfolio Management Finance and Investment (Other) Business Administration Budget and Financial Planning Government Accounting Public Finance Financial Law Theory of Treasury Finance Studies (Other) Accounting Forensics Auditing and Accountability Financial Accounting Internal Check Internal Control Non-Profit Accounting and Accountability Institutional Governance Financial Statement Analysis History of Accounting Accounting Theory and Standards Sustainability Accounting and Reporting International Accounting Taxation Accounting Management Accounting Cost Accounting Accounting, Auditing and Accountability (Other) Digital Marketing Industrial Marketing Pricing Service Marketing Non-Profit Marketing Intercultural Communication Customer Relationship Management Marketing Research Methodology Marketing Communications Marketing Technology Marketing Theory Marketing Management Advertisement Sales Management Social Marketing Agricultural Marketing Consumer Behaviour Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development International Marketing Product and Brand Management Political Marketing Entrepreneurial Marketing Corporate Branding Event Marketing Neuromarketing Marketing (Other) Disaster and Emergency Management Industrial Organisation Entrepreneurship Hospital Management Innovation Management Quality Management Public Sector Organisation and Management Non-Profit Business and Management Crisis and Issue Management Small Business Organisation and Management Corporate Governance Leadership Operation Strategy Organizasyon Organisation and Management Theory Organisational Planning and Management Organizational Culture Organisational Behaviour Stakeholder Engagement Project Management Strategy Sustainable Operation Management International Business Production and Operations Management Management and Organization Education Corporate Social Responsibility in Management Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other) Gastronomy Tourism (Other) Culinary Arts
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Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi
Trakya Üniversitesi
Political Science (Other) Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology (Other) Regional Studies International Relations (Other) Historical Studies (Other)
TR Dizin Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computer Software Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Bioelectronic Electrical Engineering (Other)
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Balkan Müzik ve Sanat Dergisi
Trakya Üniversitesi
Anthropology of Music Sociology of Music Music Therapy Bookbinding Ceramic Glaze Old Fabric Patterns Carpet, Rug and Weaving Calligraphy Miniature Ornamentation Traditional Turkish Arts (Other) Crafts Photography, Video and Lens-Based Practice Fine Arts Performance Art Visual Arts (Other) Religious Music Composition in Western Classical Music Interpretation in Western Classical Music Music Cognition Music Education Music Performance Music Technology and Recording Theories of Music Musicology and Ethnomusicology Conductorship Composition in Turkish Folk Music Interpretation in Turkish Folk Music Composition in Turkish Classical Music Interpretation in Turkish Classical Music Music (Other) Dance and Choreography Interpretation-Drama Writing Folk Dances Classical Ballet Modern Dance Opera Singing and Directing Play Drive Acting-Stage Direction Stage Design Theory of Theatre Applied Theatre Performing Arts (Other) Printmaking Glass Design Environmental Arts Interdisciplinary Art Installation Sculpture Restoration and Conversation of Plastic Arts Painting Ceramic Design Video Art Plastic Arts (Other) Visual Cultures Islamic Arts Cultural and Natural Heritage History of Architecture Aesthetics in Architecture Painting History Art Criticism Art History Urban in Art History Urban Aesthetics in Art History Art Theory Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) Documentary Film - Political Cinema Movie Review Film Restoration Filmmaking and Directing Cinema Theories Cinema and Aesthetics Cinema-Tv Production and Management Cinema Studies (Other)
Balkan Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
Trakya Üniversitesi
Health Care Administration Health Services and Systems (Other)
Balkan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Environment and Culture Panel Data Analysis Islamic Economy Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Ethics Public Administration Urban Policy Health Policy Women's Studies Sociology (Other) Operation Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Finance Business Administration Tourism (Other)
Balkanistik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi
Trakya Üniversitesi
Albanian Language Literature and Culture Bosnian Language, Literature and Culture Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Modern Greek Language, Literature and Culture Croatian Language, Literature and Culture Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture Russian Language, Literature and Culture Slavic Language, Literature and Culture
Balkanlarda Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Araştırmaları
South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other) Translation and Interpretation Studies Comparative Language Studies Language Studies (Other) Linguistics (Other) Albanian Language Literature and Culture European Language, Literature and Culture Bosnian Language, Literature and Culture Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Modern Greek Language, Literature and Culture Croatian Language, Literature and Culture Polish Language, Literature and Culture Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture Russian Language, Literature and Culture Slavic Language, Literature and Culture World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other) Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Studies Migrant Cultural Studies Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Alawism Bektashism Studies Turkish Folklore Outside Türkiye Turkish Folklore (Other) Contemporary Balkan History Late Modern Balkan History Early Modern Balkan History
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi
Nutritional Science Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition Food Properties Food Nutritional Balance Public Health Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Sport and Exercise Nutrition Nutrition and Dietetics (Other) Family Resources Education Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services Clinical Social Work Practice Social Program Evaluation Social Work (Other) Models of Care and Place of Birth Psychosocial Aspects of Childbirth and Perinatal Mental Health Clinical Midwifery Midwifery (Other) Emergency Nursing Acute Care Surgical Diseases Nursing​​ Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing ​Internal Diseases Nursing​ Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing Public Health Nursing Nurse Education Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Workforce Nursing Management Mental Health Nursing Subacute Care Aged Care Nursing ICU Nursing Nursing (Other) Physiotherapy Health Care Administration Health Management
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Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi
Macroeconomic Theory Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Public Administration
Bankacılık ve Finansal Araştırmalar Dergisi
Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi
Actuary Banking Management Banking Regulation and Supervision Risk management in Banking Personal Retirement Insurance Natural Risk Assurance Financial Institutions Life Assurance Participation Banking Takaful (Participation) Insurance Business of Private Insurance Management of Private Insurance Risk Management and Insurance Insurance Accounting Insurance Marketing Reassurance Supervision in Insurance Commercial Banking International Banking Investment Banking Banking and Insurance (Other)
Bankacılık ve Sigortacılık Araştırmaları Dergisi
Ankara Üniversitesi
Monetary-Banking Actuary Banking Management Banking Regulation and Supervision Risk management in Banking Personal Retirement Insurance Natural Risk Assurance Financial Institutions Life Assurance Participation Banking Takaful (Participation) Insurance Business of Private Insurance Management of Private Insurance Risk Management and Insurance Insurance Accounting Insurance Marketing Reassurance Supervision in Insurance Commercial Banking International Banking Investment Banking Banking and Insurance (Other) Finance Business Administration
Barış Araştırmaları ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi
Yalova Üniversitesi
Environment and Culture Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology (Other)
Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi
Bartın Üniversitesi
Entomology Conservation and Biodiversity Ergonomics Design Biomaterial Environmentally Sustainable Engineering Polymer Science and Technologies Automation Engineering Timber, Pulp and Paper Composite and Hybrid Materials Wood Based Composites Wood Physics and Mechanics Wooden Buildings and Constructions Fiber and Paper Technology Nonwood Forest Products Industry Wood Protection Technology Forest Industry Management Forest Products Chemistry Forest Industry Engineering (Other) Business Administration Tree Nutrition and Physiology Tree Improvement Wood Processing Forest Biodiversity Forestry Biomass and Bioproducts Forest Biometrics Forest Botany Forest Ecosystems Forest Entomology and Forest Protection Agroforestry Forest Health and Pathology Forest Products Transport and Evaluation Information Forestry Fire Management Silviculture Forestry Politics, Economics and Law Forestry Product Quality Assessment Forestry Management and Environment Watershed Management in Forestry Forestry Sciences (Other)
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Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education
Bartın Üniversitesi
Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Measurement Theories and Applications in Education and Psychology Scale Development Setting Standards and Norms Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation Classroom Measurement Practices Computer Based Exam Applications National and International Success Comparisons Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Education: International Examinations Similation Study Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Other) Education Management Supervision in Education Education Planning Inspection and Planning Leadership in Education Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics (Other) Family Counseling Career Counseling Drug Addiction Consultancy School Counseling Psychological Counseling Education Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Other) Curriculum Development in Education Curriculum Evaluation in Education Program Design Learning Theories In-Service Training Readiness in Education Curriculum Design Instructional Theories Instructional Design Instructional Technologies Informal Learning Out-of-School Learning Lifelong learning Adult Education Values ​​education Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education Psychological Foundations of Education Multicultural Education Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators Curriculum and Instration (Other) Primary Education Mathematics Education Physics Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Science Education STEM Education Science and Mathematics Education (Other) Turkish Education Turkish Language and Literature Education History Education Geography Education Psychology Education Sociology Education Philosophy Education Social Studies Education Religious Education Turkish and Social Sciences Education (Diğer) Technical, Vocational and Workplace Education Development of Vocational Education Vocational Education and Instraction(Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) Creative Drama Education Development of Media and Communication Education and Programs Fine Arts Education Museum Education Art Education (Other) Multi Disabled Education Sight Disabled Education Impaired Hearing Education Speech Handicapped Education Education for Autistic Children Special Talented Education Mental Disability Education Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education Special Education and Disability (Other) Higher Education Financing Higher Education Policies Higher Education Systems Higher Education Management Quality Assurance in Higher Education Program Development and Qualifications in Higher Education Recognition and Equivalency in Higher Education Internationalization in Higher Education Accreditation of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Programs Higher Education Studies (Other) Gender, Sexuality and Education Education Policy Educational Technology and Computing Inclusive Education Learning Analytics Learning Sciences Teacher and Student Wellbeing Specialist Studies in Education (Other) Music Education
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Bartın Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Bartın Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other) Chuvash Language and Literature South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-East (Altai, Khakas, Tuva, Sakha/Yakut) Turkic Dialects and Literatures Communication Studies Dialectology Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other) Translation Studies African Language, Literature and Culture German Language, Literature and Culture Arabic Language, Literature and Culture Albanian Language Literature and Culture Asian Language, Literature and Culture European Language, Literature and Culture Bosnian Language, Literature and Culture Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Modern Greek Language, Literature and Culture Chinese Language, Literature and Culture Armenian Language, Literature and Culture Persian Language, Literature and Culture French Language, Literature and Culture South-East Asian Language, Literature and Culture Indian Language, Literature and Culture Croatian Language, Literature and Culture Dutch Language, Literature and Culture British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture Spanish Language, Literature and Culture Italian Language, Literature and Culture Japanese Language, Literature and Culture Caucasian Language, Literature and Culture Korean Language, Literature and Culture Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture North American Language, Literature and Culture Latin American Language, Literature and Culture Polish Language, Literature and Culture Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture Portuguese Language, Literature and Culture Russian Language, Literature and Culture Slavic Language, Literature and Culture Urdu Language, Literature and Culture Modern Turkish Literature Anatolia Language, Literature and Culture World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other) Children's Literature Comparative and Transnational Literature Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Anatolian Languages Turkish Folk Literature Classical Turkish Literature Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Turkish Language and Literature Education Metaphilosophy Epistemology Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Informatics Philosophy of Environment Philosophy of Value Philosophy of State Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Education Aesthetics Ethics Philosophy of Law Philosophy of Economics Philosophy of Human Being Islamic Philosophy Philosophy of Culture Philosophy of Logic Metaphysics Ontology Philosophy of Art Philosophy of Society Philosophy of History Philosophy of Technology Philosophy of Society Turkish Islamic Philosophy Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Communication Logic Systematic Philosophy (Other) 17th Century Philosophy 18th Century Philosophy 19th Century Philosophy 20th Century Philosophy 21st Century Philosophy Enlightenment Contemporary Philosophy History of Ideas Ancient Philosophy Hellenistic Philosophy Continental Philosophy Modern Philosophy Medieval Philosophy Renaissance Philosophy Philosophy in Turkiye Eastern Philosophies History of Logic History of Turkish Ideas History of Philosophy (Other) Bioethics Philosophy for Children Teaching Philosophy Philosophical Counselling Communication Ethics Professional Ethics Medical Ethics Applied Ethics Applied Philosophy (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology of Aging Sociology of Quality of Life Sociology of Child Sociology of Food Sociology of History Tourism Sociology Fiscal Sociology Men's Studies Sociology (Other) Cognition Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance Vision Perception Memory and Attention Decision Making Learning, Motivation and Emotion Psycholinguistics (Incl. Speech Production and Comprehension) Social Cognition Cognitive and Computational Psychology (Other) Cognitive Neuroscience Behavioural Epigenetics Behavioural Genetics Behavioural Neuroscience Evolutionary Psychological Studies Genetics-Environment Interaction Psychopharmacology Psychophysiology Psychopathology Social and Affective Neuroscience Biological Psychology (Other) Cognitive Development Sex Development Emotional Development Personal Development Learning Psychology Social Development Development of Intelligence Developmental Psychology (Other) Clinical Neuropsychology Clinical Psychology Counselling Psychology Psychotherapy Practise and Research Health Psychology Stress Trauma Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology (Other) Family Psychology Military Psychology Egotism Labor Psychology Gender Psychology Psychology of Religion Economic Psychology Communication Psychology Personality and Individual Differences Cultural Psychology Intercultural Psychology Architecture and Environmental Psychology Political Psychology Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Social Psychology Community Psychology Traffic Psychology Management Psychology Subtance Abuse Thanatology Eating Disorders Social and Personality Psychology (Other) Statistical Analysis Methods Classical Test Theories Item Response Theory Modelling Measurement Equivalence Orgazinational Change and Development Test Theories Test Standardization and Norm Development Testing, Assessment and Psychometrics (Other) Forensic Psychology Child and Adolescent Development Educational Psychology Industrial and Organisational Psychology (Incl. Human Factors) Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis Sport and Exercise Psychology Psychology of Ageing Experimental Psychology Applied and Developmental Psychology (Other) Bookbinding Ceramic Glaze Old Fabric Patterns Carpet, Rug and Weaving Calligraphy Miniature Ornamentation Traditional Turkish Arts (Other) Visual Cultures Islamic Arts Cultural and Natural Heritage History of Architecture Aesthetics in Architecture Painting History Art Criticism Art History Urban in Art History Urban Aesthetics in Art History Art Theory Byzantine Art Contemporary Art Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) Documentary Film - Political Cinema Movie Review Film Restoration Filmmaking and Directing Cinema Theories Cinema and Aesthetics Cinema-Tv Production and Management Turkish Cinema Cinema Studies (Other) Turkish-Islamic Archeology in the Middle Ages Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Late Iron Age The Archaeology of Middle Bronze Age Archaeology (Other) Old Anatolian History History of Old Asia Minor Classical Greek and Roman History Ancient History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Asian Economy History of European Economy History of World Economy History of Finance History of Ottoman Economy History of Turkiye Economy History of Economics (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) African Political History American Political History Military Geography European Political History Political Geography in Political History Türkish Political Hİstory Middle Eastern and North African History Ataturk's Principles History of Revolution Political History (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern Latin American History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Latin American History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other) The Writing of History History Methodology Historiography Education Literature of History History of Policy Historical Review Theory of History Historiography (Other)
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Bartın Üniversitesi
English As A Second Language Comparative Language Studies Language Acquisition Language Studies (Other) Measurement Theories and Applications in Education and Psychology Scale Development Setting Standards and Norms Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation Classroom Measurement Practices Computer Based Exam Applications National and International Success Comparisons Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Education: International Examinations Similation Study Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Other) Education Management Supervision in Education Education Planning Inspection and Planning Leadership in Education Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics (Other) Family Counseling Career Counseling Drug Addiction Consultancy School Counseling Psychological Counseling Education Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Other) Curriculum Development in Education Curriculum Evaluation in Education Program Design Learning Theories In-Service Training Readiness in Education Curriculum Design Instructional Theories Instructional Design Instructional Technologies Informal Learning Out-of-School Learning Lifelong learning Adult Education Values ​​education Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education Psychological Foundations of Education Multicultural Education Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators Curriculum and Instration (Other) Early Childhood Education Classroom Education Primary Education Basic Training (Other) Mathematics Education Physics Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Science Education STEM Education Science and Mathematics Education (Other) Turkish Education Turkish Language and Literature Education History Education Geography Education Psychology Education Sociology Education Philosophy Education Social Studies Education Religious Education Turkish and Social Sciences Education (Diğer) Technical, Vocational and Workplace Education Development of Vocational Education Vocational Education and Instraction(Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) Creative Drama Education Development of Media and Communication Education and Programs Fine Arts Education Museum Education Art Education (Other) Multi Disabled Education Sight Disabled Education Impaired Hearing Education Speech Handicapped Education Education for Autistic Children Special Talented Education Mental Disability Education Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education Special Education and Disability (Other) Higher Education Financing Higher Education Policies Higher Education Systems Higher Education Management Quality Assurance in Higher Education Program Development and Qualifications in Higher Education Recognition and Equivalency in Higher Education Internationalization in Higher Education Accreditation of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Programs Higher Education Studies (Other) Gender, Sexuality and Education Education Policy Educational Technology and Computing Inclusive Education Learning Analytics Learning Sciences Teacher and Student Wellbeing Specialist Studies in Education (Other) Philosophy of Education Educational Sociology Educational Psychology History of Ottoman Education
Bartın Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
Bartın Üniversitesi
Environment and Culture Econometrics Theory Econometric and Statistical Methods Economic Models and Forecasting Comparative Economic Systems Panel Data Analysis Applied Macroeconometrics Applied Microeconometrics Cross-Sectional Analysis Time-Series Analysis Econometrics (Other) Ecological Economics Political Economy Theory Heterodox Economics Economic Methodology Islamic Economy Institutional Economics Theory Macroeconomic Theory Mathematical Economics Microeconomic Theory Radical Economy Economic Theory (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Economic Design Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Industrial Economy Criminal Economy Microeconomics (Other) European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation International Economics (Other) Economics of Education Domestic Economy Energy Economy On Ships Communication Economy Public Economy Public Economics - Public Choice Public Economics - Publicly Provided Goods Public Economics - Taxation and Revenue Engineering Economy Organisation Economy Health Economy Urban Economics Insurance Economy Sustainable Development Agricultural Economics Textile Economy Tourism Economics Transport Economics Green Economy Applied Economics (Other) Ethics Eu Regional Policy Research, Science and Technology Policy Environment Policy Gender, Policy and Administration Economic Development Policy Climate and Water Policies Communications and Media Policy Public Policy Public Administration Urbanization Policies Urban Policy Housing Policy Risk Policy Health Policy Crime Policy Tourism Policy Turkiye's Regional Policy and Planning Local Administrations Policy and Administration (Other) Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Dietetics Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Labor Economics and Economic Demography Disabled Groups Occupational Health and Safety Rural Development Social Justice Social Sheltering Social Exclusion Social Security Nursing Services in Social Policy Regional Development and Globalisation in Social Policy Crime and Punishment Welfare Studies Social Policy (Other) Women's Studies African Studies American Studies Studies of Asian Society European Union European Union-Turkiye Relations European Studies Regional Studies Globalisation Middle East Studies Turkish Foreign Policy Studies of the Turkic World International Migration International Security International Law International Relations Theories Politics in International Relations Terrorism in International Relations Conflict Resolution in International Relations International Institutions Far East Studies International Relations (Other) Operation Sports Activity Management History of Asian Economy History of European Economy History of World Economy History of Finance History of Ottoman Economy History of Turkiye Economy History of Economics (Other) Actuary Banking Management Banking Regulation and Supervision Risk management in Banking Personal Retirement Insurance Natural Risk Assurance Financial Institutions Life Assurance Participation Banking Takaful (Participation) Insurance Business of Private Insurance Management of Private Insurance Risk Management and Insurance Insurance Accounting Insurance Marketing Reassurance Supervision in Insurance Commercial Banking International Banking Investment Banking Banking and Insurance (Other) Environment and Climate Finance Behavioural Finance Finance Financial Econometrics Financial Forecast and Modelling Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Risk Management Real Estate Financing Household Finance and Financial Literacy Islamic Finance Islamic Microfinance Non-Profit Finance and Risk Microfinance Investment and Portfolio Management Finance and Investment (Other) Integrated Marketing Communication Activity Management Public Relations Public Relations Campaigns and Applications Public Relations Methods and Instruments Human Resources Management Business and Labour History Occupation and Workplace Health and Safety Workforce Planning Employment Equity and Diversity Workplace Wellbeing and Quality of Working Life Reputation Management Crisis Communication Institutional Communication Corporate Social Responsibility Industrial and Employee Relations Social Responsibility Projects Human Resources and Industrial Relations (Other) Business Administration Budget and Financial Planning Government Accounting Public Finance Financial Law Theory of Treasury Finance Studies (Other) Accounting Forensics Auditing and Accountability Financial Accounting Internal Check Internal Control Non-Profit Accounting and Accountability Institutional Governance Financial Statement Analysis History of Accounting Accounting Theory and Standards Sustainability Accounting and Reporting International Accounting Taxation Accounting Management Accounting Accounting, Auditing and Accountability (Other) Digital Marketing Industrial Marketing Pricing Service Marketing Non-Profit Marketing Intercultural Communication Customer Relationship Management Marketing Research Methodology Marketing Communications Marketing Technology Marketing Theory Marketing Management Advertisement Sales Management Social Marketing Agricultural Marketing Consumer Behaviour Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development International Marketing Product and Brand Management Marketing (Other) Disaster and Emergency Management Industrial Organisation Entrepreneurship Hospital Management Innovation Management Quality Management Public Sector Organisation and Management Non-Profit Business and Management Crisis and Issue Management Small Business Organisation and Management Corporate Governance Leadership Operation Strategy Organizasyon Organisation and Management Theory Organisational Planning and Management Organizational Culture Organisational Behaviour Stakeholder Engagement Project Management Strategy Sustainable Operation Management International Business Production and Operations Management Management and Organization Education Corporate Social Responsibility in Management Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other) Real Estate and Valuation Services Food and Hospitality Services Hospitality Management Retail Sport and Leisure Management Commercial Services (Other) Gastronomy Recreation Management Sustainable Tourism Tourist Behaviour and Visitor Experience Tourism Resource Appraisal Tourism Forecasting Tourism Marketing Tourism Planning Tourism Management Environmental Management in Tourism Impacts of Tourism Tourism (Other) Intelligent Mobility Rail Transportation and Freight Services Maritime Transportation and Freight Services Air Transportation and Freight Services Road Transportation and Freight Services Logistics Supply Chains Supply Chain Management Public Transport Passenger Needs Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chains (Other) Economic Integration Import Export Management Intercultural Labor Management Law of International Law International Logistics International Risk Management International Trade Finance Marketing in International Trade International Trade Organizations International Trade (Other)
Bartın Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi
Bartın Üniversitesi
Turkish Islamic Literature Religious Education Philosophy of Religion Logic History of Turkish Ideas History of Philosophy (Other) Sociology of Religion Psychology of Religion Political and Civilization History of Islam History of Islam Historical Religions Studies in Religious Traditions (Excl. Eastern, Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions) Studies in Eastern Religious Traditions Christian Studies Comparative Religious Studies Jewish Studies Religious Studies (Other) Arabic Language and Rhetoric Hadith Islamic Law Islamic Sects Kalam Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat Sufism Tafsir Islamic Studies (Other)
Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
Bartın Üniversitesi
Computer Software Structural Biology Hydrobiology Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics Food Engineering Wearable Materials Material Production Technologies Industrial Engineering Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) Zootechny (Other)
Baskent University Journal of Education
Başkent Üniversitesi
Measurement Theories and Applications in Education and Psychology Scale Development Setting Standards and Norms Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation Classroom Measurement Practices Computer Based Exam Applications National and International Success Comparisons Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Education: International Examinations Similation Study Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Other) Education Management Supervision in Education Education Planning Inspection and Planning Leadership in Education Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics (Other) Family Counseling Career Counseling Drug Addiction Consultancy School Counseling Psychological Counseling Education Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Other) Curriculum Development in Education Curriculum Evaluation in Education Program Design Learning Theories In-Service Training Readiness in Education Curriculum Design Instructional Theories Instructional Design Instructional Technologies Informal Learning Out-of-School Learning Lifelong learning Adult Education Values ​​education Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education Psychological Foundations of Education Multicultural Education Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators Curriculum and Instration (Other) Early Childhood Education Classroom Education Primary Education Basic Training (Other) Mathematics Education Physics Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Science Education STEM Education Science and Mathematics Education (Other) Turkish Education Turkish Language and Literature Education History Education Geography Education Psychology Education Sociology Education Philosophy Education Social Studies Education Religious Education Turkish and Social Sciences Education (Diğer) Technical, Vocational and Workplace Education Development of Vocational Education Vocational Education and Instraction(Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) Creative Drama Education Development of Media and Communication Education and Programs Fine Arts Education Museum Education Art Education (Other) Multi Disabled Education Sight Disabled Education Impaired Hearing Education Speech Handicapped Education Education for Autistic Children Special Talented Education Mental Disability Education Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education Special Education and Disability (Other) Higher Education Financing Higher Education Policies Higher Education Systems Higher Education Management Quality Assurance in Higher Education Program Development and Qualifications in Higher Education Recognition and Equivalency in Higher Education Internationalization in Higher Education Accreditation of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Programs Higher Education Studies (Other) Gender, Sexuality and Education Education Policy Educational Technology and Computing Inclusive Education Learning Analytics Learning Sciences Teacher and Student Wellbeing Specialist Studies in Education (Other)
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Başkent Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
Başkent Üniversitesi
Family Law Criminal Law Labour and Social Security Law Law in Context (Other) Constitutional Law Administrative Law Domestic Human Rights Law Public Law (Other) Property Law (Excl. Intellectual Property Law) Private Law and Civil Obligations (Other) Taxation Law European Union Law Comparative Law International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law Public International Law International Arbitration International and Comparative Law (Other) Litigation, Adjudication and Dispute Resolution
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Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi
Başkent Üniversitesi
Nutritional Science Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition Food Properties Food Nutritional Balance Public Health Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Sport and Exercise Nutrition Eating Behaviours Nutrition and Dietetics (Other) Family Resources Education Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services Clinical Social Work Practice Social Program Evaluation Social Work (Other) Sports Training Physical Training and Sports Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy Exercise Physiology Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled Physical Activity and Health Physical Fitness Kinantropometri Motor Control Biomechanics in Sports Science Movement Education in Sports Science Sports Activity Management Sports Nutrition Sports and Recreation Sport and Genetic Exercise and Sports Psychology Sports Science and Exercise (Other) Nutritional Epidemiology Emergency Nursing Acute Care Surgical Diseases Nursing​​ Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing ​Internal Diseases Nursing​ Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing Public Health Nursing Nurse Education Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Workforce Nursing Management Mental Health Nursing Subacute Care Aged Care Nursing ICU Nursing Oncology Nursing Disaster Nursing Nephrology Nursing Nursing (Other) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Speech Pathology Music Therapy Audiology Orthoptics Podiatry Prosthetics and Orthotics Rehabilitation Arts Therapy Medical Ecology and Hydroclimatology Allied Health and Rehabilitation Science (Other) Health Management
Başkent Üniversitesi Ticari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
Başkent Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other) Econometrics Theory Econometric and Statistical Methods Economic Models and Forecasting Comparative Economic Systems Panel Data Analysis Applied Macroeconometrics Applied Microeconometrics Cross-Sectional Analysis Time-Series Analysis Econometrics (Other) Ecological Economics Political Economy Theory Heterodox Economics Economic Methodology Islamic Economy Institutional Economics Theory Macroeconomic Theory Mathematical Economics Microeconomic Theory Radical Economy Economic Theory (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Economic Design Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Industrial Economy Criminal Economy Microeconomics (Other) European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation International Economics (Other) Economics of Education Domestic Economy Energy Economy On Ships Communication Economy Public Economy Public Economics - Public Choice Public Economics - Publicly Provided Goods Public Economics - Taxation and Revenue Engineering Economy Organisation Economy Health Economy Urban Economics Insurance Economy Sustainable Development Agricultural Economics Textile Economy Tourism Economics Transport Economics Green Economy Applied Economics (Other) Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Actuary Banking Management Banking Regulation and Supervision Risk management in Banking Personal Retirement Insurance Natural Risk Assurance Financial Institutions Life Assurance Participation Banking Takaful (Participation) Insurance Business of Private Insurance Management of Private Insurance Risk Management and Insurance Insurance Accounting Insurance Marketing Reassurance Supervision in Insurance Commercial Banking International Banking Investment Banking Banking and Insurance (Other) Finance Innovation Management Leadership
Başkent Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sanat, Tasarım ve Mimarlık Dergisi
Başkent Üniversitesi
Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication Computer Graphics Serious Games and Simulations Entertainment and Gaming Interactive Narrative Procedural Content Generation Virtual and Mixed Reality Sound and Music Computing Digitalization Augmented Reality Metaverse Gamification Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other) Instructional Design Development of Media and Communication Education and Programs Philosophy of Art Animation Digital Game Design Photography Computer-Assisted Design Visual Design Semiotics Graphic Design Caricature Illustration Multimedia Design Video Design Web Design Visual Communication Design (Other) Architecture for Disaster Relief Interior Architecture Architectural Computing and Visualisation Methods Architectural Science and Technology Architectural Heritage and Conservation Architectural History, Theory and Criticism Architectural Design Information Technologies in Architecture and Design Architecture Management Materials and Technology in Architecture Sustainable Architecture Architecture (Other) Textile and Fashion Design Computer Gaming and Animation Visual Effects Bookbinding Ceramic Glaze Old Fabric Patterns Carpet, Rug and Weaving Calligraphy Miniature Ornamentation Traditional Turkish Arts (Other) Dance and Choreography Interpretation-Drama Writing Folk Dances Classical Ballet Modern Dance Opera Singing and Directing Play Drive Acting-Stage Direction Stage Design Theory of Theatre Applied Theatre Performing Arts (Other) Printmaking Painting Painting History Documentary Film - Political Cinema Movie Review Film Restoration Filmmaking and Directing Food Culture Food History Culinary Arts Cookery Pastry Food and Beverage Turkish Cuisine Ottoman Cuisine Local Cuisine International Cuisine Sustainable Gastronomy Banquet Cuisine Basic Culinary Techniques Creative Kitchen Practices Traditional Food Functional Foods Molecular Gastronomy Gastronomy Tourism Gastronomic Trends Food Consumption Food Marketing Ancient Dishes Food and Globalization Kitchen Planning Gastronomy (Other) Ecological Design / Planning
Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other)
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Medical Journal of Western Black Sea
Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi
Facial Plastic Surgery Brain and Nerve Surgery (Neurosurgery) Oncologic Surgery Pediatric Surgery Hand Surgery Gastroenterology Surgery General Surgery Thoracic Surgery War Surgery Gynecologic Oncology Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Transplantation Radiosurgery Surgery (Other) Pediatric Endocrinology Haematology Cardiology Respiratory Diseases Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology (Other) Emergency Medicine Pain Anaesthesiology Military Psychiatry Infectious Diseases Dermatology Endocrinology Gastroenterology and Hepatology Geriatrics and Gerontology Chest Diseases ​Internal Diseases Work and Occupational Diseases Rural Clinical Health Clinical Chemistry Clinical Microbiology Clinical Oncology Clinimetrics Otorhinolaryngology Nefroloji Nuclear Medicine Orthopaedics Pathology Psychiatry Radiology and Organ Imaging Rheumatology and Arthritis Sports Medicine Diagnostic Radiography Medical Genetics (Excl. Cancer Genetics) Urology Venereology Intensive Care Forensic Medicine Clinical Sciences (Other) Physiopathology Cell Physiology Human Biophysics Systems Physiology Medical Physiology (Other) Clinical Neuropsychology Clinical Psychology Counselling Psychology Psychotherapy Practise and Research Health Psychology Stress Trauma Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology (Other) Models of Care and Place of Birth Psychosocial Aspects of Childbirth and Perinatal Mental Health Exercise Physiology Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled Physical Activity and Health Physical Fitness Kinantropometri Motor Control Biomechanics in Sports Science Movement Education in Sports Science Sports Activity Management Sports Nutrition Sports and Recreation Sports Science and Exercise (Other) Forensic Epidemiology Major Global Burdens of Disease Nutritional Epidemiology Environmental Epidemiology Behavioural Epidemiology Epidemiological Modelling Epidemiological Methods Disease Surveillance Occupational Epidemiology Social Epidemiology Epidemiology (Other) Health Care Administration
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Batman Akademi Dergisi
Batman Üniversitesi
Arabic Language and Rhetoric Hadith Islamic Law Islamic Sects Kalam Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat Sufism Tafsir Islamic Studies (Other)
Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi
Batman Üniversitesi
Computing Applications in Life Sciences Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Morphology and Anatomy Plant Pathology Palynology Ethobotany Bryophyte Plant Tissue and Cell Culture Botany (Other) Bioinformatic Methods Development Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Computational Ecology and Phylogenetics Statistical and Quantitative Genetics Proteomics and Metabolomics Sequence Analysis Translational and Applied Bioinformatics Molecular Docking Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Analytical Biochemistry Enzymes Glycobiology Cell Development, Proliferation and Death Cell Metabolism Cell Neurochemistry Cellular Interactions Protein Trafficking Proteomics and Intermolecular Interactions Radiobiology Receptors and Membrane Biology Synthetic Biology Signal Transduction Systems Biology Structural Biology Cancer Biology Genotoxicity and Cytotoxicity Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Other) Behavioural Ecology Marine and Estuarine Ecology Ecological Physiology Hydrobiology Terrestrial Ecology Global Change Biology Palaeoecology Population Ecology Radioecology Freshwater Ecology Community Ecology Molecular Ecology Ecotoxicology Invasion Ecology Ecology (Other) Bioprocessing, Bioproduction and Bioproducts Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology Industrial Biotechnology Diagnostics Industrial Microbiology Fermentation Nanobiotechnology Industrial Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Industrial Biotechnology (Other) Plant and Fungus Systematics and Taxonomy Biogeography and Phylogeography Biological Adaptation Evolutionary Ecology Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis Evolution of Developmental Systems Animal Systematics and Taxonomy Evolutionary Impacts of Climate Change Host-Parasite Interactions Microbial Taxonomy Speciation and Extinction Life Histories Evolutionary Biology (Other) Forensic Biology Anthropological Genetics Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Gene Mapping Gene Expression Genetic Immunology Genome Structure and Regulation Genomics Cell and Nuclear Division Molecular Evolution Neurogenetics Optogenetics Cytogenetic Molecular Genetics Genetics (Other) Acarology Entomology Animal Biotechnology Animal Behaviour Animal Diet and Nutrition Animal Physiology - Biophysics Animal Physiology-Ecophysiology Animal Physiology - Cell Animal Physiology - Systems Animal Developmental and Reproductive Biology Animal Cell and Molecular Biology Animal Immunology Animal Neurobiology Animal Structure and Function Comparative Physiology Ornithology Vertebrate Biology Invertebrate Biology Aquatic Toxicology Zoology (Other) Bacteriology Infectious Agents Mycology Microbial Ecology Microbial Genetics Parasitology Virology Microbiology (Other) Nutritional Science Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition Food Properties Food Nutritional Balance Public Health Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Sport and Exercise Nutrition Eating Behaviours Nutrition and Dietetics (Other) Facial Plastic Surgery Brain and Nerve Surgery (Neurosurgery) Oncologic Surgery Pediatric Surgery Hand Surgery Gastroenterology Surgery General Surgery Thoracic Surgery War Surgery Gynecologic Oncology Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Transplantation Radiosurgery Surgery (Other) Infant and Child Health Pediatric Emergency Pediatric Infectious Diseases Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatric Gastroenterology Pediatric Genetic Illnesses Pediatric Chest Diseases Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Pediatric Immunology and Allergic Diseases Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Metabolism Diseases Pediatric Nephrology Pediatric Neurology Pediatric Rheumatology Pediatric Urology Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Pediatric Intensive Care Adolescent Health Neonatology Paediatrics (Other) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Paedodontics Dental Materials and Equipment Dental Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Toxicology Endodontics Craniofacial Biology Oral Implantology Oral Medicine and Pathology Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics Special Needs Dentistry Periodontics Prosthodontics Restorative Dentistry Forensic Dentistry Public Health Dentistry Dental Public Health Dental Materials Dentistry (Other) Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Pharmacy Management Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Pharmacogenomics Pharmacognosy Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Botany Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Microbiology Pharmaceutical Toxicology Pharmaceutical Delivery Technologies Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Radiopharmacy Basic Pharmacology Medical Pharmacology Toxicology Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Other) Vision Science Ophthalmology Optometry Optical Technology Ophthalmology and Optometry (Other) Allergy Innate Immunity Cellular Immunology Humoural Immunology and Immunochemistry Immunogenetics Transplantation Immunology Autoimmunity Tumour Immunology Applied Immunology Immunology (Other) Haematology Cardiology Respiratory Diseases Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology (Other) Emergency Medicine Pain Anaesthesiology Military Psychiatry Infectious Diseases Dermatology Endocrinology Gastroenterology and Hepatology Geriatrics and Gerontology Chest Diseases ​Internal Diseases Work and Occupational Diseases Rural Clinical Health Clinical Chemistry Clinical Microbiology Clinical Oncology Clinimetrics Otorhinolaryngology Nefroloji Nuclear Medicine Orthopaedics Paramedicine Pathology Psychiatry Radiology and Organ Imaging Rheumatology and Arthritis Sports Medicine Diagnostic Radiography Medical Genetics (Excl. Cancer Genetics) Urology Venereology Intensive Care Forensic Medicine Anatomy Clinical Sciences (Other) Haematological Tumours Cancer Genetics Cancer Cell Biology Cancer Diagnosis Cancer Therapy (Excl. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy) Solid Tumours Chemotherapy Molecular Targets Predictive and Prognostic Markers Radiation Therapy Liquid Biopsies Oncology and Carcinogenesis (Other) Sensory Systems Computational Neuroscience Cellular Nervous System Central Nervous System Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Autonomic Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Neurosciences (Other) Metabolic Medicine Medical Biochemistry - Amino Acids and Metabolites Medical Biochemistry - Inorganic Elements and Compounds Medical Biochemistry - Carbohydrates Medical Biochemistry - Lipids Medical Biochemistry - Nucleic Acids Medical Biochemistry - Proteins, Peptides and Proteomics Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics (Other) Gene and Molecular Therapy Nanomedicine Nanotoxicology, Health and Safety Medical Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Regenerative Medicine (Incl. Stem Cells) Medical Biotechnology Diagnostics Medical Biotechnology (Other) Physiopathology Cell Physiology Human Biophysics Systems Physiology Medical Physiology (Other) Basic Immunology Medical Bacteriology Medical Infection Agents Medical Mycology Medical Parasitology Medical Virology Medical Microbiology (Other) Environmental Education and Extension Environmental Rehabilitation and Restoration Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Natural Resource Management Conservation and Biodiversity Wildlife and Habitat Management Environmental Management (Other) Biodiscovery Biological Control Bioremediation Environmental Biotechnology Diagnostics (Incl. Biosensors) Environmental Marine Biotechnology Environmental Nanotechnology and Nanometrology Environmental Biotechnology (Other) Biosecurity Science and Invasive Species Ecology Ecotoxicology Ecosystem Services (Incl. Pollination) Ecosystem Function Landscape Ecology Fire Ecology Ecological Applications (Other) Ecological Impacts of Climate Change and Ecological Adaptation Human Impacts of Climate Change and Human Adaptation Carbon Sequestration Science Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (Other) Environmental Biogeochemistry Noise and Wave Pollution Processes and Measurement Water Quality and Water Pollution Groundwater Quality Processes and Contaminated Land Assessment Surface Water Quality Processes and Contaminated Sediment Assessment Pollution and Contamination (Other) Agricultural Economics Planetary Science (Excl. Solar System and Planetary Geology) Atomic and Molecular Physics Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy Photonics, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Lasers and Quantum Electronics Terahertz Physics Robotics Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Other) Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Nuclear Physics Plasma Physics; Fusion Plasmas; Electrical Discharges Radiophysics Nuclear and Plasma Physics (Other) Biophysics Medical Physics Medical and Biological Physics (Other) Solar System Planetary Science (Excl. Planetary Geology) Ecology, Sustainability and Energy Nutritional Anthropology Human Paleontology Archaeozoology Flow Analysis Analytical Spectrometry Bioassays Electroanalytical Chemistry Instrumental Methods Quality Assurance, Chemometrics, Traceability and Metrological Chemistry Metabolomic Chemistry Sensor Technology Separation Science Analytical Chemistry (Other) Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics Molecular Imaging Polymerisation Mechanisms Forensic Chemistry Characterisation of Biological Macromolecules Biologically Active Molecules Biomolecular Modelling and Design Glycoconjugates Cheminformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Molecular Medicine Proteins and Peptides Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry (Other) Biofabrication Biomedical Sciences and Technology Biomedical Instrumentation Biomedical Imaging Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Diagnosis Biomedical Therapy Biomechanical Engineering Biometry Tissue Engineering Computational Physiology Mechanobiology Rehabilitation Engineering Neural Engineering Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering (Other) Animal Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Treatment Facility Design Waste Management, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Environmental Pollution and Prevention Environmentally Sustainable Engineering Air Pollution Modelling and Control Air Pollution and Gas Cleaning Solid and Hazardous Wastes Global Environmental Engineering Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Clean Production Technologies Soil Pollution and Control Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Environmental Engineering (Other) Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Water Resources Engineering Environmental and Sustainable Processes Chemical-Biological Recovery Techniques and Ore Dressing Molecular and Organic Electronics Packaging, Storage and Transportation (Excl. Food and Agricultural Products) Hypersonic Propulsion and Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics Marine Geology and Geophysics General Geology Hydrogeology Geoarcheology Geothermal Rock Mechanics Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry Mineralogy- Petrography Geology of Engineering Seismology Continuum Mechanics Applied Geology Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) Biosystem Precision Agriculture Technologies Green-House Technologies Irrigation Systems Irrigation Water Quality Agricultural Machine Systems Agricultural Machines Agricultural Drainage Agricultural Electrification Agricultural Energy Systems Agricultural Automatization Agricultural Structures Agricultural Engineering (Other) Psychopharmacology Models of Care and Place of Birth Psychosocial Aspects of Childbirth and Perinatal Mental Health Clinical Midwifery Midwifery (Other) Sports Nutrition Forensic Epidemiology Major Global Burdens of Disease Nutritional Epidemiology Environmental Epidemiology Behavioural Epidemiology Epidemiological Modelling Epidemiological Methods Disease Surveillance Occupational Epidemiology Social Epidemiology Epidemiology (Other) Traditional Chinese Medicine and Treatments Chiropractic Naturopathy Phytotherapy Medicinal Plants Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (Other) Preventative Health Care Health Promotion Social Determinants of Health Health Equity Community Child Health Injury Prevention Environmental Health Health Literacy Public Health (Other) Emergency Nursing Acute Care Surgical Diseases Nursing​​ Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing ​Internal Diseases Nursing​ Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing Public Health Nursing Nurse Education Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Workforce Nursing Management Mental Health Nursing Subacute Care Aged Care Nursing ICU Nursing Oncology Nursing Disaster Nursing Nephrology Nursing Nursing (Other) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Speech Pathology Music Therapy Audiology Orthoptics Podiatry Prosthetics and Orthotics Rehabilitation Arts Therapy Medical Ecology and Hydroclimatology Allied Health and Rehabilitation Science (Other) Family Care Family Medicine Military Medical Services Primary Health Care Digital Health People With Disability Residential Client Care General Practice Patient Safety Space and Aeromedicine Rural and Remote Health Services Multimorbidity Palliative Care Mental Health Services Health Informatics and Information Systems Health Counselling Health Physics Health Surveillance Health Care Administration Health Systems Health and Community Services Health Management Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine One Health Medical Education Implementation Science and Evaluation Aged Health Care Health Services and Systems (Other) Ecological Design / Planning Sustainability and Energy Gravimetrics Geodesy Geodynamics Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods in Geophysics Geothermics and Radiometrics Magnetism and Palaeomagnetism Petrophysics Seismology and Seismic Exploration Applied Geophysics Geophysics (Other) Inorganic Geochemistry Isotope Geochemistry Organic Geochemistry Exploration Geochemistry Geochemistry (Other) Palaeontology Biological Oceanography Physical Oceanography Chemical Oceanography Freshwater and Marine Ecology Oceanography (Other) Post Harvest Horticultural Technologies (Incl. Transportation and Storage) Pomology and Treatment Oenology and Viticulture Vegetable Growing and Treatment Green-House Growing and Treatment Horticultural Production (Other) Phytopathology Herbology Nematology Pesticides and Toxicology Acarology in Agriculture Entomology in Agriculture Plant Protection (Other) Meat Technology Fermentation Technology Food Packaging, Preservation and Processing Food Biotechnology Food Safety, Traceability, Certification and Authenticity Food Chemistry and Food Sensory Science Food Microbiology Food Sustainability Food Technology Grain Technology Beverage Chemistry and Beverage Sensory Science Drying Technologies Fruit-Vegetables Technology Dairy Technology Basic Food Processes Oil Technology Food Sciences (Other) Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement Stock Farming and Treatment Animal Feeding Animal Nutrition Animal Protection Animal Welfare Animal Reproduction and Breeding Environmental Studies in Animal Production Animal Growth and Development Animal Management Poultry Farming and Treatment Sheep and Goat Breeding and Treatment Zootechny (Other) Tree Nutrition and Physiology Tree Improvement Wood Processing Forest Biodiversity Forestry Biomass and Bioproducts Forest Biometrics Forest Botany Forest Ecosystems Forest Entomology and Forest Protection Agroforestry Forest Health and Pathology Forest Products Transport and Evaluation Information Forestry Fire Management Silviculture Forestry Politics, Economics and Law Forestry Product Quality Assessment Forestry Management and Environment Watershed Management in Forestry Forest Management Forestry Sciences (Other) Post-Harvest Fisheries Technologies (Incl. Transportation) Fish Anatomy Fish Biology Fish Physiology and Genetics Fish Breeding Pisciculture Fish Pests and Diseases Fisheries Development Fisheries Management Shellfish Culture Water Invertebrates Fisheries Technologies Aquaculture Aquaculture and Fisheries Stock Assessment Aquaculture and Fisheries (Other) Farm Enterprises Sustainable Agricultural Development Agricultural Policy Agricultural Extension and Communication Marketing in Agricultural Management Agricultural Trade Agribusiness Agricultural Economics (Other) Agricultural Land Consoladition Agricultural Management of Nutrients Germplasm Management Farm Management, Rural Management and Agribusiness Agricultural Land Management Agricultural Systems Analysis and Modelling Agricultural Land Planning Agricultural Hydrology Agricultural Spatial Analysis and Modelling Agricultural Water Management Agricultural Production Systems Simulation Agriculture, Land and Farm Management (Other) Genetically Modified Horticulture Plants Agricultural Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Plant Virology in Agriculture Crop and Pasture Biochemistry and Physiology Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Land Capability and Soil Productivity Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Soil Sciences and Ecology Soil Biology Soil Ecology Soil Survey and Mapping Soil Physics Soil Chemistry and Soil Carbon Sequestration (Excl. Carbon Sequestration Science) Soil Mechanics Soil Microbiology Conservation and Improvement of Soil and Water Resources Pedology and Pedometrics Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition (Other) Animal Health Economics and Management Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Veterinary Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Veterinary Bacteriology Veterinary Biochemistry Veterinary Surgery Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynecology Veterinary Epidemiology Veterinary Pharmacology Veterinary Food Hygiene and Technology Veterinary Medicine Veterinary History of Veterinary and Deontology Veterinary Histology and Embryology Veterinary Immunology Veterinary Mycology Veterinary Microbiology Veterinary Parasitology Veterinary Pathology Veterinary Diagnosis and Diagnostics Veterinary Urology Veterinary Virology Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics Veterinary Internal Medicine Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases Imaging Systems Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Veterinary Sciences (Other)
BAU ART Sanat Dergisi
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi
Composition in Western Classical Music Interpretation in Western Classical Music Music Cognition Music Education Music Performance Music Technology and Recording Theories of Music Musicology and Ethnomusicology Conductorship Composition in Turkish Folk Music Interpretation in Turkish Folk Music Music (Other) Theory of Theatre Applied Theatre
BAU Cyprus Atria
Bahçeşehir Kıbrıs Üniversitesi
Photography Visual Communication Design (Other) Land Use and Environmental Planning Urban Geography in Regional Planning Regional Analysis and Development Regulatory Planning and Development Assessment Public Participation and Community Engagement Participation and Governance Urban Morphology Urban History Urban Field Management Urban Analysis and Development Urban Informatics Urban Aesthetics Urban Planning and Health Urban Design Housing Markets, Development and Management City and Regional Planning Strategic, Metropolitan and Regional Planning Community Planning Regional Analysis and Planning in Turkiye Transport Planning History and Theory of the Built Environment Urban and Regional Planning (Other) Architecture for Disaster Relief Interior Architecture Architectural Computing and Visualisation Methods Architectural Science and Technology Architectural Heritage and Conservation Architectural History, Theory and Criticism Architectural Design Information Technologies in Architecture and Design Architecture Management Materials and Technology in Architecture Sustainable Architecture Architecture (Other) Plant Material and Growing Physical Environment Control Land and Water Resources in Landscape Architecture Computer Technology in Landscape Architecture Landscape Repair Landscape Planning Landscape Design Landscape Techniques Landscape Management Green Structures and Environments Landscape Architecture (Other) Design for Disaster Relief Industrial Product Design Ergonomics Design Interaction and Experience Design Universal and Unobstructed Design Service Design Interior Decoration Design Design, Plan, Project and Application in Architecture, Habitation and Industrial Products Social Design Sustainable Design Design Anthropology Design Instruments and Technology Design Culture and Social Context Models and Simulations of Design Design History, Theory and Criticism Design Practice and Methods Design Management Information Technology in Design Textile and Fashion Design Data Visualisation and Computational Design Fire Safety Design Design (Other) Quantity Surveying Project and Production Management Building Information Modelling and Management Building Industry Studies Building Science, Technologies and Systems Building Construction Management and Project Planning Building Organisational Studies Quality Management in Construction and Environment Automation and Technology in Building and Construction Protection, Restoration and Repair in Buildings, Environment, Habitation and Products Structural Integrity and Damage Building Technology Building Physics Building (Other) Architecture and Environmental Psychology History of Architecture Aesthetics in Architecture Architectural
Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
Bayburt Üniversitesi
Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Measurement Theories and Applications in Education and Psychology Scale Development Setting Standards and Norms Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation Classroom Measurement Practices Computer Based Exam Applications National and International Success Comparisons Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Education: International Examinations Similation Study Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Other) Supervision in Education Education Planning Family Counseling Career Counseling Drug Addiction Consultancy School Counseling Psychological Counseling Education Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Other) Curriculum Development in Education Adult Education Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators Early Childhood Education Classroom Education Primary Education Basic Training (Other) Mathematics Education Physics Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Science Education Turkish Education Turkish Language and Literature Education Geography Education Technical, Vocational and Workplace Education Development of Vocational Education Vocational Education and Instraction(Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) Creative Drama Education Development of Media and Communication Education and Programs Fine Arts Education Museum Education Art Education (Other) Multi Disabled Education Sight Disabled Education Impaired Hearing Education Speech Handicapped Education Education for Autistic Children Special Talented Education Mental Disability Education Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education Special Education and Disability (Other) Higher Education Financing Higher Education Policies Higher Education Systems Higher Education Management Quality Assurance in Higher Education Program Development and Qualifications in Higher Education Recognition and Equivalency in Higher Education Internationalization in Higher Education Accreditation of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Programs Higher Education Studies (Other) Gender, Sexuality and Education Education Policy Educational Technology and Computing Inclusive Education Learning Analytics Learning Sciences Teacher and Student Wellbeing Specialist Studies in Education (Other)
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Bayburt Üniversitesi Adalet Dergisi
Bayburt Üniversitesi
Planning and Decision Making Artificial Intelligence (Other) Family Law Media and Communication Law Information and Technology Law Criminal Law Legal Education Law Reform Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation Law and Humanities Law and Religion Law, Science and Technology Law and Society and Socio-Legal Research Law, Gender and Sexuality Communication Law Race, Ethnicity and Law Labour and Social Security Law Law of Private Insurance Sports Law Design Law Medical and Health Law Tourism Law Law in Context (Other)
Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
Bayburt Üniversitesi
Computer Software Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics Aerodynamics (Excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics) Experimental Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer Computational Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (Incl. Computational Fluid Dynamics) Fluid-Structure Interaction and Aeroacoustics Bio-Fluids Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Multiphysics Flows (Incl. Multiphase and Reacting Flows) Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Flows Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows (Incl. Rheology) Fundamental and Theoretical Fluid Dynamics Turbulent Flows Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other) Biofabrication Biomedical Sciences and Technology Biomedical Instrumentation Biomedical Imaging Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Diagnosis Biomedical Therapy Biomechanical Engineering Biometry Tissue Engineering Computational Physiology Mechanobiology Rehabilitation Engineering Neural Engineering Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering (Other) Lighting Circuits and Systems Electrical Circuits and Systems Electrical Energy Storage Electrical Energy Transmission, Networks and Systems Electrical Energy Generation (Incl. Renewables, Excl. Photovoltaics) Electrical Machines and Drives Power Plants Photovoltaic Power Systems Engineering Electromagnetics High Voltage Electrical Engineering (Other) Analog Electronics and Interfaces Digital Electronic Devices Digital Processor Architectures Electronics Electronic Sensors Electronic Device and System Performance Evaluation, Testing and Simulation Electronic Instrumentation Electronic Warfare Electronic Design Automation Evaluation Technique in Electronics Industrial Electronics Photonic and Electro-Optical Devices, Sensors and Systems (Excl. Communications) Photovoltaic Devices (Solar Cells) Embedded Systems Power Electronics Control Theoryand Applications Quantum Engineering Systems (Incl. Computing and Communications) Microelectronics Radio Frequency Engineering Numerical Design Semiconductors Electronics, Sensors and Digital Hardware (Other) Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management Reinforced Concrete Buildings Steel Structures Earthquake Engineering Granular Mechanics Hydromechanics Civil Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering System Identification in Civil Engineering Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Civil Construction Engineering Complex Civil Systems Fracture Mechanics Coastal Sciences and Engineering Architectural Engineering Wind Water Harvesting Water Resources Engineering Water Resources and Water Structures Transportation and Traffic Transportation Engineering Fire Safety Engineering Structural Dynamics Construction Business Construction Materials Structural Engineering Production Technologies Civil Engineering (Other) Food Engineering Material Production Technologies Industrial Engineering Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) Veterinary Surgery
Bayterek Uluslararası Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other) Active Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Computational Imaging Multimodal Analysis and Synthesis Pattern Recognition Image and Video Coding Audio Processing Video Processing Sociolinguistics Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Linguistics (Other) African Language, Literature and Culture German Language, Literature and Culture Arabic Language, Literature and Culture Albanian Language Literature and Culture Asian Language, Literature and Culture European Language, Literature and Culture Bosnian Language, Literature and Culture Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Modern Greek Language, Literature and Culture Chinese Language, Literature and Culture Armenian Language, Literature and Culture Persian Language, Literature and Culture French Language, Literature and Culture South-East Asian Language, Literature and Culture Indian Language, Literature and Culture Croatian Language, Literature and Culture Dutch Language, Literature and Culture British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture Spanish Language, Literature and Culture Italian Language, Literature and Culture Japanese Language, Literature and Culture Caucasian Language, Literature and Culture Korean Language, Literature and Culture Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture North American Language, Literature and Culture Latin American Language, Literature and Culture Polish Language, Literature and Culture Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture Portuguese Language, Literature and Culture Russian Language, Literature and Culture Slavic Language, Literature and Culture Urdu Language, Literature and Culture Modern Turkish Literature Anatolia Language, Literature and Culture World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other) Print Culture Contemporary Drama Studies Children's Literature Digital Literature Literary Theory Ecocriticism Young Adult Literature Hittitology Comparative and Transnational Literature Latin and Classical Greek Literature Modernist/Postmodernist Literature Medieval Literature Popular and Genre Literature Romantic Literature Reinessance Literature Postcolonial Literature Stylistics and Textual Analysis Sumerology Turkish Islamic Literature Literary Studies (Other) Alawism Bektashism Studies Turkish Folklore Outside Türkiye Turkish Folklore in the Türkiye Field Turkish Folklore (Other) Curriculum Development in Education Curriculum Evaluation in Education Program Design Learning Theories In-Service Training Readiness in Education Curriculum Design Instructional Theories Instructional Design Instructional Technologies Informal Learning Out-of-School Learning Lifelong learning Adult Education Values ​​education Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education Psychological Foundations of Education Multicultural Education Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators Curriculum and Instration (Other) Other Fields of Education (Other) Gender, Sexuality and Education Education Policy Educational Technology and Computing Inclusive Education Learning Analytics Learning Sciences Teacher and Student Wellbeing Specialist Studies in Education (Other) Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other)
BAYÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Bayburt Üniversitesi
Lexicography and Semantics Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Anatolian Languages Turkish Folk Literature Classical Turkish Literature Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Contemporary Philosophy History of Ideas Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology of Aging Sociology of Quality of Life Sociology of Child Sociology of Food Sociology of History Tourism Sociology Fiscal Sociology Men's Studies Sociology (Other) Visual Cultures Islamic Arts Cultural and Natural Heritage History of Architecture Aesthetics in Architecture Painting History Art Criticism Art History Urban in Art History Urban Aesthetics in Art History Art Theory Byzantine Art Contemporary Art Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) Ataturk's Principles History of Revolution
BDDK Bankacılık ve Finansal Piyasalar Dergisi
Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu
Financial Institutions Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Risk Management Islamic Finance Finance and Investment (Other)
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Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi
Sports Medicine
Bee Studies
Arıcılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü
Entomology Food Sciences (Other) Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement Animal Reproduction and Breeding Veterinary Surgery
Türk Tarih Kurumu
Sociology of History History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other)
Belgi Dergisi
Pamukkale Üniversitesi
History of The Republic of Turkiye Late Modern Ottoman History
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BELGÜ Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi
Ardahan Üniversitesi
Chuvash Language and Literature South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-East (Altai, Khakas, Tuva, Sakha/Yakut) Turkic Dialects and Literatures Communication Studies Dialectology Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other) Cognitive Linguistics Corpus Linguistics Child Language Acquisition Language Documentation and Description Linguistic Performance Science Linguistic Structures (Incl. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax) Phonetics and Speech Science Computational Linguistics Discourse and Pragmatics Lexicography and Semantics Historical, Comparative and Typological Linguistics Sociolinguistics Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Linguistic Contrastif Textlinguistics Linguistics (Other) Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Anatolian Languages Turkish Folk Literature Classical Turkish Literature Turkish Language and Literature (Other)
BELLEK Uluslararası Tarih ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi
Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other)
Türk Tarih Kurumu
Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Archaeology (Other) Old Anatolian History History of Old Asia Minor Classical Greek and Roman History Ancient History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Ottoman Economy History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other)
TR Dizin Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) Scopus
BENGİ Dünya Yörük-Türkmen Araştırmaları Dergisi
Mer Ak Mersin Akademi Danışmanlık Anonim Şirketi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Information Systems (Other) Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Morphology and Anatomy Plant Pathology Botany (Other) Bioinformatic Methods Development Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Computational Ecology and Phylogenetics Statistical and Quantitative Genetics Proteomics and Metabolomics Sequence Analysis Translational and Applied Bioinformatics Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Environmental Education and Extension Environmental Rehabilitation and Restoration Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Natural Resource Management Conservation and Biodiversity Wildlife and Habitat Management Environmental Management (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Economic Thought Circular Economy Migration Economics Space Economy Development Economics Disaster Economy Macroeconomics (Other) Labor Economics European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation International Economics (Other) Family Law Media and Communication Law Information and Technology Law Criminal Law Legal Education Law Reform Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation Law and Humanities Law and Religion Law, Science and Technology Law and Society and Socio-Legal Research Law, Gender and Sexuality Communication Law Race, Ethnicity and Law Labour and Social Security Law Law of Private Insurance Sports Law Design Law Medical and Health Law Tourism Law Law in Context (Other) Family and Household Studies Public Administration Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology (Other) Operation Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Archaeology (Other) Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other) Old Anatolian History History of Old Asia Minor Classical Greek and Roman History Ancient History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Asian Economy History of European Economy History of World Economy History of Finance History of Ottoman Economy History of Turkiye Economy History of Economics (Other) Archival, Repository and Related Studies Digital Heritage Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies Cultural Heritage and Conservation Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage) Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation of Historical Materials Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) African Political History American Political History Military Geography European Political History Political Geography in Political History Political History (Other) Biography Environmental History Gender History Digital History History of Religion Migration History History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism Histories of Race History of Islam Global and World History Historical Studies of Crime International History Transnational History Historical Studies (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern Latin American History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Latin American History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other) Finance Public Relations Business Administration
BEÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi
Turkish Islamic Literature Religious Education Philosophy of Religion Islamic Philosophy Turkish Islamic Philosophy Environmental Anthropology Linguistic Anthropology Anthropology of Development Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality Anthropology (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology (Other) African Studies American Studies Studies of Asian Society European Union European Union-Turkiye Relations European Studies Regional Studies Globalisation Middle East Studies Turkish Foreign Policy Studies of the Turkic World International Migration International Security International Law International Relations Theories Politics in International Relations Terrorism in International Relations Conflict Resolution in International Relations International Institutions Far East Studies International Relations (Other) Cognitive Development Sex Development Emotional Development Personal Development Learning Psychology Social Development Development of Intelligence Developmental Psychology (Other) Family Psychology Military Psychology Egotism Labor Psychology Gender Psychology Psychology of Religion Economic Psychology Communication Psychology Personality and Individual Differences Cultural Psychology Intercultural Psychology Architecture and Environmental Psychology Political Psychology Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Social Psychology Community Psychology Traffic Psychology Management Psychology Social and Personality Psychology (Other) Statistical Analysis Methods Classical Test Theories Item Response Theory Modelling Measurement Equivalence Orgazinational Change and Development Test Theories Test Standardization and Norm Development Testing, Assessment and Psychometrics (Other) Forensic Psychology Child and Adolescent Development Educational Psychology Industrial and Organisational Psychology (Incl. Human Factors) Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis Psychology of Ageing Applied and Developmental Psychology (Other) Bookbinding Ceramic Glaze Old Fabric Patterns Carpet, Rug and Weaving Calligraphy Miniature Ornamentation Traditional Turkish Arts (Other) Marbling Carpet, Rug and Textiles Architectural Turkish-Islamic Archeology in the Middle Ages Ceramic-Glass Design Fine-Arts in Turkish Islamic Art Line in Turkish Islamic Art Turkish Music Turkish Islamic Arts (Other) Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Archaeology (Other) Political and Civilization History of Islam Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) History of Religion History of Islam Late Modern Ottoman History Ottoman history Arabic Language and Rhetoric Hadith Islamic Law Islamic Sects Kalam Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat Sufism Tafsir Islamic Studies (Other)
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Beykent Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
Beykent Üniversitesi
Information Systems (Other) Active Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Computational Imaging Multimodal Analysis and Synthesis Pattern Recognition Image and Video Coding Audio Processing Video Processing Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation (Other) Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Empirical Software Engineering Computer System Software Computer Software Requirements Engineering Automated Software Engineering Programming Languages Formal Methods For Software Software Quality, Processes and Metrics Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Software Engineering (Other) Non-Metal Chemistry Main Group Metal Chemistry Bioinorganic Chemistry F-Block Chemistry Transition Metal Chemistry Inorganic Green Chemistry Solid State Chemistry Crystallography Metal Cluster Chemistry Metal Organic Frameworks Organometallic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry (Other) Forensic Evaluation, Inference and Statistics Biostatistics Large and Complex Data Theory Soft Computing Computational Statistics Statistical Analysis Statistical Experiment Design Statistical Quality Control Statistical Theory Statistical Data Science Spatial Statistics Quantitative Decision Methods Probability Theory Stochastic Analysis and Modelling Theory of Sampling Risk Analysis Applied Statistics Operation Statistics (Other) Architecture for Disaster Relief Interior Architecture Architectural Computing and Visualisation Methods Architectural Science and Technology Architectural Heritage and Conservation Architectural History, Theory and Criticism Architectural Design Information Technologies in Architecture and Design Architecture Management Materials and Technology in Architecture Sustainable Architecture Architecture (Other) Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management Reinforced Concrete Buildings Steel Structures Earthquake Engineering Granular Mechanics Hydromechanics Civil Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering System Identification in Civil Engineering Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Civil Construction Engineering Complex Civil Systems Fracture Mechanics Coastal Sciences and Engineering Architectural Engineering Wind Water Harvesting Water Resources Engineering Water Resources and Water Structures Transportation and Traffic Transportation Engineering Fire Safety Engineering Structural Dynamics Construction Business Construction Materials Structural Engineering Production Technologies Civil Engineering (Other)
Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Beykent Üniversitesi
Social Media Studies Social Media Applications and Analysis Communication and Media Studies (Other) Econometrics Theory Operations Research Econometrics (Other) Labor Economics Public Administration Health Policy Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Finance Public Relations Business Administration Organisation and Management Theory Organisational Behaviour Project Management Strategy Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other) Tourism (Other)
Beykoz Akademi Dergisi
Beykoz Üniversitesi
Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Communication Studies Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies Arts and Cultural Policy Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Institutional Economics Philosophy of Art Philosophy of Society Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Urban Sociology and Community Studies Sociology of Music Digital Game Design Graphic Design Urban Field Management Urban Design Computer Gaming and Animation Digital and Electronic Media Art Screen Media Visual Effects Interactive Media Screen and Digital Media (Other) Crafts Photography, Video and Lens-Based Practice Fine Arts Performance Art Visual Arts (Other) Dance and Choreography Interpretation-Drama Writing Folk Dances Classical Ballet Modern Dance Opera Singing and Directing Play Drive Acting-Stage Direction Stage Design Theory of Theatre Applied Theatre Performing Arts (Other) Documentary Film - Political Cinema Movie Review Film Restoration Filmmaking and Directing Cinema Theories Cinema and Aesthetics Cinema-Tv Production and Management Turkish Cinema Cinema Studies (Other) Risk Management and Insurance Insurance Accounting Insurance Marketing Reassurance Supervision in Insurance Commercial Banking International Banking Investment Banking Banking and Insurance (Other) Environment and Climate Finance Behavioural Finance Finance Financial Econometrics Financial Forecast and Modelling Real Estate Financing Household Finance and Financial Literacy Non-Profit Finance and Risk Public Relations Public Relations Campaigns and Applications Public Relations Methods and Instruments Human Resources Management Business and Labour History Workforce Planning Employment Equity and Diversity Crisis Communication Institutional Communication Corporate Social Responsibility Industrial and Employee Relations Social Responsibility Projects Business Administration Internal Check Internal Control Non-Profit Accounting and Accountability Institutional Governance Financial Statement Analysis History of Accounting Accounting Theory and Standards Sustainability Accounting and Reporting International Accounting Taxation Accounting Management Accounting Accounting, Auditing and Accountability (Other) Pricing Service Marketing Non-Profit Marketing Intercultural Communication Customer Relationship Management Marketing Research Methodology Marketing Communications Marketing Technology Marketing Theory Marketing Management Advertisement Consumer Behaviour Product and Brand Management
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Bezgek Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi Dergisi
Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Derneği
Language Studies (Other) Asian Language, Literature and Culture Turkish Education
Biga İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Labor Economics Public Administration Urbanization Policies Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Finance Business Administration
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Information Systems (Other) Active Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Computational Imaging Multimodal Analysis and Synthesis Pattern Recognition Image and Video Coding Audio Processing Video Processing Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation (Other) Networking and Communications Cloud Computing Distributed Systems and Algorithms Energy-Efficient Computing Concurrent/Parallel Systems and Technologies Dependable Systems Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed System Performance Evaluation Service Oriented Computing Cyberphysical Systems and Internet of Things Edge Computing High Performance Computing Distributed Computing and Systems Software (Other) Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication Computer Graphics Serious Games and Simulations Entertainment and Gaming Interactive Narrative Procedural Content Generation Virtual and Mixed Reality Sound and Music Computing Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other) Algorithms and Calculation Theory Concurrency Theory Computational Complexity and Computability Computational Logic and Formal Languages Coding, Information Theory and Compression Quantum Computation Numerical Computation and Mathematical Software Data Structures and Algorithms Theory of Computation (Other) Information Visualisation Computing Education Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Trust and Ethics of Computer Systems Affective Computing Accessible Computing Human-Computer Interaction Collaborative and Social Computing Mixed Initiative and Human-In-The-Loop Social Robotics Pervasive Computing Human Centered Computing (Other) Context Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks Adversarial Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning Machine Vision Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Machine Learning (Other) Computer Forensics Information Security and Cryptology Cloud Computing Security Digital Forensics Hardware Security Cryptography System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Data and Information Privacy Software and Application Security Cybersecurity and Privacy (Other) Stream and Sensor Data Information Retrieval and Web Search Information Extraction and Fusion Big Data Graph, Social and Multimedia Data Query Processing and Optimisation Recommender Systems Data Quality Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Models, Storage and Indexing Data Engineering and Data Science Database Systems Data Management and Data Science (Other) Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Empirical Software Engineering Computer System Software Computer Software Requirements Engineering Automated Software Engineering Programming Languages Formal Methods For Software Software Quality, Processes and Metrics Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Software Engineering (Other) Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Morphology and Anatomy Plant Pathology Botany (Other) Bioinformatic Methods Development Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Computational Ecology and Phylogenetics Statistical and Quantitative Genetics Proteomics and Metabolomics Sequence Analysis Translational and Applied Bioinformatics Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Analytical Biochemistry Enzymes Glycobiology Cell Development, Proliferation and Death Cell Metabolism Cell Neurochemistry Cellular Interactions Protein Trafficking Proteomics and Intermolecular Interactions Radiobiology Receptors and Membrane Biology Synthetic Biology Signal Transduction Systems Biology Structural Biology Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Other) Behavioural Ecology Marine and Estuarine Ecology Ecological Physiology Hydrobiology Terrestrial Ecology Global Change Biology Palaeoecology Population Ecology Radioecology Freshwater Ecology Community Ecology Ecology (Other) Bioprocessing, Bioproduction and Bioproducts Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology Industrial Biotechnology Diagnostics Industrial Microbiology Fermentation Nanobiotechnology Industrial Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Industrial Biotechnology (Other) Plant and Fungus Systematics and Taxonomy Biogeography and Phylogeography Biological Adaptation Evolutionary Ecology Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis Evolution of Developmental Systems Animal Systematics and Taxonomy Evolutionary Impacts of Climate Change Host-Parasite Interactions Microbial Taxonomy Speciation and Extinction Life Histories Evolutionary Biology (Other) Forensic Biology Anthropological Genetics Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Gene Mapping Gene Expression Genetic Immunology Genome Structure and Regulation Genomics Cell and Nuclear Division Molecular Evolution Neurogenetics Optogenetics Genetics (Other) Acarology Entomology Animal Biotechnology Animal Behaviour Animal Diet and Nutrition Animal Physiology - Biophysics Animal Physiology-Ecophysiology Animal Physiology - Cell Animal Physiology - Systems Animal Developmental and Reproductive Biology Animal Cell and Molecular Biology Animal Immunology Animal Neurobiology Animal Structure and Function Comparative Physiology Ornithology Vertebrate Biology Invertebrate Biology Aquatic Toxicology Zoology (Other) Bacteriology Infectious Agents Mycology Microbial Ecology Microbial Genetics Parasitology Virology Microbiology (Other) Biodiscovery Biological Control Bioremediation Environmental Biotechnology Diagnostics (Incl. Biosensors) Environmental Marine Biotechnology Environmental Nanotechnology and Nanometrology Environmental Biotechnology (Other) Carbon Sequestration Science Environmental Biogeochemistry Noise and Wave Pollution Processes and Measurement Water Quality and Water Pollution Groundwater Quality Processes and Contaminated Land Assessment Surface Water Quality Processes and Contaminated Sediment Assessment Pollution and Contamination (Other) Astrobiology Astronomical Instrumentation Galactic Astronomy General Relativity and Gravitational Waves Planetary Science (Excl. Solar System and Planetary Geology) Solar Physics Complex Physical Systems Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy Stellar Astronomy and Planetary Systems High Energy Astrophysics and Galactic Cosmic Rays Astronomical Sciences (Other) Atomic and Molecular Physics Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy Photonics, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Lasers and Quantum Electronics Terahertz Physics Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Other) Acoustics and Acoustical Devices; Waves Electrostatics and Electrodynamics General Physics Statistical Physics Classical and Physical Optics Material Physics Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Surface Physics Classical Physics (Other) Degenerate Quantum Gases and Atom Optics Quantum Computers Quantum Information, Computation and Communication Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Optics and Quantum Optomechanics Quantum Technologies Quantum Physics (Other) Nuclear Physics Plasma Physics; Fusion Plasmas; Electrical Discharges Radiophysics Nuclear and Plasma Physics (Other) Field Theory and String Theory Astroparticle Physics and Particle Cosmology Particle Physics Particle and High Energy Physics (Other) Instruments and Techniques Accelerators Synchrotrons Synchrotrons and Accelerators (Other) Biophysics Medical Physics Medical and Biological Physics (Other) Astrodynamics and Space Situational Awareness Heliophysics and Space Weather Solar System Energetic Particles Solar System Planetary Science (Excl. Planetary Geology) Mesospheric, Thermospheric, Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Physics Space Instrumentation Space Sciences (Other) Condensed Matter Imaging Condensed Matter Characterisation Technique Development Condensed Matter Modelling and Density Functional Theory Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity Structural Properties of Condensed Matter Surface Properties of Condensed Matter Soft Condensed Matter Condensed Matter Physics (Other) Flow Analysis Analytical Spectrometry Bioassays Electroanalytical Chemistry Instrumental Methods Quality Assurance, Chemometrics, Traceability and Metrological Chemistry Metabolomic Chemistry Sensor Technology Separation Science Analytical Chemistry (Other) Solution Chemistry Electrochemistry Photochemistry Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics Colloid and Surface Chemistry Molecular Imaging Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics Transport Properties and Non-Equilibrium Processes Physical Chemistry (Other) Non-Metal Chemistry Main Group Metal Chemistry Bioinorganic Chemistry F-Block Chemistry Transition Metal Chemistry Inorganic Green Chemistry Solid State Chemistry Crystallography Metal Cluster Chemistry Metal Organic Frameworks Organometallic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry (Other) Inorganic Materials Macromolecular Materials Physical Properties of Materials Optical Properties of Materials Theory and Design of Materials Structure and Dynamics of Materials Nanochemistry Nuclear Chemistry Polymerisation Mechanisms Supramolecular Chemistry Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry (Other) Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds Physical Organic Chemistry Organic Chemical Synthesis Organic Green Chemistry Free Radical Chemistry Organic Chemistry (Other) Computational Chemistry Statistical Mechanics in Chemistry Radiation and Matter Theoretical Quantum Chemistry Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Other) Forensic Chemistry Characterisation of Biological Macromolecules Biologically Active Molecules Biomolecular Modelling and Design Glycoconjugates Cheminformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Molecular Medicine Proteins and Peptides Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry (Other) Forensic Evaluation, Inference and Statistics Biostatistics Large and Complex Data Theory Soft Computing Computational Statistics Statistical Analysis Statistical Experiment Design Statistical Quality Control Statistical Theory Statistical Data Science Spatial Statistics Quantitative Decision Methods Probability Theory Stochastic Analysis and Modelling Theory of Sampling Risk Analysis Applied Statistics Operation Statistics (Other) Experimental Mathematics Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations Mathematical Optimisation Numerical Analysis Symbolic Calculation Finite Element Analysis Numerical and Computational Mathematics (Other) Ordinary Differential Equations, Difference Equations and Dynamical Systems Algebra and Number Theory Algebraic and Differential Geometry Group Theory and Generalisations Category Theory, K Theory, Homological Algebra Partial Differential Equations Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (Excl. Physical Combinatorics) Lie Groups, Harmonic and Fourier Analysis Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Lattices and Universal Algebra Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis Real and Complex Functions (Incl. Several Variables) Topology Pure Mathematics (Other) Biological Mathematics Financial Mathematics Mathematical Methods and Special Functions Complex Systems in Mathematics Operations Research İn Mathematics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Mathematics Dynamical Systems in Applications Calculus of Variations, Mathematical Aspects of Systems Theory and Control Theory Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods Applied Mathematics (Other) Aerodynamics (Excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics) Experimental Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer Computational Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (Incl. Computational Fluid Dynamics) Fluid-Structure Interaction and Aeroacoustics Bio-Fluids Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Multiphysics Flows (Incl. Multiphase and Reacting Flows) Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Flows Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows (Incl. Rheology) Fundamental and Theoretical Fluid Dynamics Turbulent Flows Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other) Biofabrication Biomedical Sciences and Technology Biomedical Instrumentation Biomedical Imaging Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Diagnosis Biomedical Therapy Biomechanical Engineering Biometry Tissue Engineering Computational Physiology Mechanobiology Rehabilitation Engineering Neural Engineering Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering (Other) Active Matter Design Bioelectronic Biomaterial Bioprocess Design Bioprocess Bioseperation Animal Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Microtechnologies Protein Engineering Bioengineering (Other) Treatment Facility Design Waste Management, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Environmental Pollution and Prevention Environmentally Sustainable Engineering Air Pollution Modelling and Control Air Pollution and Gas Cleaning Solid and Hazardous Wastes Global Environmental Engineering Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Clean Production Technologies Soil Pollution and Control Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Environmental Engineering (Other) Naval Platforms Structural Design Maritime Business Administration Marine Technology Marine Transportation Maritime Transportation Engineering Marine Structures Marine Main and Auxiliaries Marine Electronics, Control and Automation Ship Manoeuvring and Control Naval Architecture Marine Vehicles Management Engineering Ship and Platform Structures (Incl. Maritime Hydrodynamics) Ship and Yacht Design Ship Management Ship Energy Efficiency Deck and Navigation Engineering Ocean Engineering Maritime Engineering (Other) Lighting Circuits and Systems Electrical Circuits and Systems Electrical Energy Storage Electrical Energy Transmission, Networks and Systems Electrical Energy Generation (Incl. Renewables, Excl. Photovoltaics) Electrical Machines and Drives Power Plants Photovoltaic Power Systems Engineering Electromagnetics High Voltage Electrical Engineering (Other) Analog Electronics and Interfaces Digital Electronic Devices Digital Processor Architectures Electronics Electronic Sensors Electronic Device and System Performance Evaluation, Testing and Simulation Electronic Instrumentation Electronic Warfare Electronic Design Automation Evaluation Technique in Electronics Industrial Electronics Photonic and Electro-Optical Devices, Sensors and Systems (Excl. Communications) Photovoltaic Devices (Solar Cells) Embedded Systems Power Electronics Control Theoryand Applications Quantum Engineering Systems (Incl. Computing and Communications) Microelectronics Radio Frequency Engineering Numerical Design Semiconductors Electronics, Sensors and Digital Hardware (Other) Biomass Energy Systems Energy Solar Energy Systems Hydroelectric Energy Systems Geothermal Energy Systems Nuclear Energy Systems Wind Energy Systems Thermal Power Systems Installation Technologies Renewable Energy Resources Energy Systems Engineering (Other) Network Engineering Antennas and Propagation Optical Fibre Communication Systems and Technologies Wireless Communication Systems and Technologies (Incl. Microwave and Millimetrewave) Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Signal Processing Satellite Communications Data Communications Communications Engineering (Other) Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management Reinforced Concrete Buildings Steel Structures Earthquake Engineering Granular Mechanics Hydromechanics Civil Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering System Identification in Civil Engineering Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Civil Construction Engineering Complex Civil Systems Fracture Mechanics Coastal Sciences and Engineering Architectural Engineering Wind Water Harvesting Water Resources Engineering Water Resources and Water Structures Transportation and Traffic Transportation Engineering Fire Safety Engineering Structural Dynamics Construction Business Construction Materials Structural Engineering Production Technologies Civil Engineering (Other) Land Management Geospatial Information Systems and Geospatial Data Modelling Photogrametry Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Cadastral and Property Cartography and Digital Mapping Navigation and Position Fixing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Planning Satellite-Based Positioning Surveying (Incl. Hydrographic Surveying) Geomatic Engineering (Other) Electrometallurgy Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering Hydrometallurgy Mineral Processing/Beneficiation Pyrometallurgy Welding Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy (Other) Wastewater Treatment Processes Separation Processes Separation Technologies Environmental and Sustainable Processes Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Electrochemical Technologies Chemical and Thermal Processes in Energy and Combustion Food Engineering Carbon Capture Engineering (Excl. Sequestration) Catalytic Activity Chemical Engineering Design Chemical Process Design Chemical Reaction Reaction Engineering (Excl. Nuclear Reactions) Mass Transfer Materials Science and Technologies Metallization and Optimation Petrochemistry Polymer Science and Technologies Water Treatment Processes Process Control and Simulation Plant Projecting Plant Design Powder and Particle Technology Chemical Engineering (Other) Biomechatronics Control Engineering Mechatronics Hardware Design and Architecture Mechatronics Engineering Mechatronic System Design Simulation, Modelling, and Programming of Mechatronics Systems Micro-Manipulation Engineering Instrumentation Automation Engineering Autonomous Vehicle Systems Field Robotics Medical Robotics Manufacturing Robotics Assistive Robots and Technology Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics (Other) Industrial Raw Material Rock Mechanics and Fortification Drilling and Blasting in Rock Engineering Excavation Mechanics Chemical-Biological Recovery Techniques and Ore Dressing Coal Mine Design, Management and Economy Mining Methods and Mine System Analysis Occupational Health and Safety in Mines Metalic Mines Air Conditioning in Underground Rock Engineering Mining Engineering (Other) Circuit Machines Acoustics and Noise Control (Excl. Architectural Acoustics) Ballistic Systems Biomechanic Dynamics, Vibration and Vibration Control Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage (Excl. Chemical and Electrical) Gas Dynamics Solid Mechanics Resource Technologies Mechanical Engineering Asset Management Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering Machine Design and Machine Equipment Machine Theory and Dynamics Material Design and Behaviors Microelectromechanical Systems (Mems) Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation Weapon Systems Tribology Mechanical Engineering (Other) Compound Semiconductors Glass Cement Technology Casting Technologies Electronic, Optics and Magnetic Materials Physical Metallurgy Functional Materials Wearable Materials Computational Material Sciences Plating Technology Timber, Pulp and Paper Composite and Hybrid Materials Corrosion Material Characterization Ceramics in Materials Engineering Material Production Technologies Metals and Alloy Materials Organic Semiconductors Polymer Physics Polymer Technologies Polymers and Plastics Refractory Technology Elemental Semiconductors Powder Metallurgy Manufacturing Metallurgy Materials Engineering (Other) Humanitarian Engineering Engineering Education Engineering Design Engineering Practice Systems Engineering Risk Engineering Engineering Practice and Education (Other) Micro and Nanosystems Molecular and Organic Electronics Nanoelectromechanical Systems Nanoelectronics Nanofabrication, Growth and Self Assembly Nanophotonics Nanomaterials Nanometrology Nanoscale Characterisation Nanomanufacturing Nanotechnology (Other) Dedector Technology Booster Technology Nuclear Sciences Nuclear Technology Nuclear Applications Radiation Technology Reactor Technology Nuclear Engineering (Other) Wood Based Composites Wood Physics and Mechanics Wooden Buildings and Constructions Fiber and Paper Technology Nonwood Forest Products Industry Wood Protection Technology Forest Industry Management Forest Products Chemistry Forest Industry Engineering (Other) Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Powertrains Internal Combustion Engines Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Automotive Safety Engineering Automotive Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Automotive Engineering Materials Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering Heat Transfer in Automotive Vehicle Technique and Dynamics Automotive Engineering (Other) Petroleum and Natural Gas Reservoir Engineering Reservoir Boring and Drilling Petroleum Engineering (Other) Leather Engineering Yarn Technology Fabric Technologies Fiber Technology Planning Techniques Textile Science Textile Quality Control Textile Chemistry Textile Technology Textile Finishing Textile Sciences and Engineering (Other) CAD/CAM Systems Multiple Criteria Decision Making Industrial Engineering Ergonomi and Human Factors Management Flexible Manufacturing Systems Precision Engineering Manufacturing Safety and Quality Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Excl. Textiles) Manufacturing Management Additive Manufacturing Machine Tools Machining Microtechnology Packaging, Storage and Transportation (Excl. Food and Agricultural Products) Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering in System Engineering Stochastic (Probability ) Process Technology Management and Business Models Manufacturing and Service Systems Optimization in Manufacturing New Product Development Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Other) Air-Space Transportation Avionics Aerospace Materials Aerospace Structures Hypersonic Propulsion and Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics Aircraft Performance and Flight Control Systems Flight Dynamics Satellite, Space Vehicle and Missile Design and Testing Aerospace Engineering (Other) Marine Geology and Geophysics General Geology Hydrogeology Geoarcheology Geothermal Rock Mechanics Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry Mineralogy- Petrography Geology of Engineering Seismology Continuum Mechanics Applied Geology Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) Biosystem Precision Agriculture Technologies Green-House Technologies Irrigation Systems Irrigation Water Quality Agricultural Machine Systems Agricultural Machines Agricultural Drainage Agricultural Electrification Agricultural Energy Systems Agricultural Automatization Agricultural Structures Agricultural Engineering (Other) Post Harvest Horticultural Technologies (Incl. Transportation and Storage) Pomology and Treatment Oenology and Viticulture Vegetable Growing and Treatment Green-House Growing and Treatment Horticultural Production (Other)
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Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
Computing Applications in Health Nutritional Science Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition Food Properties Food Nutritional Balance Public Health Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Sport and Exercise Nutrition Nutrition and Dietetics (Other) Rural Clinical Health Nanotoxicology, Health and Safety Health Economy Medical and Health Law Health Policy Family Resources Education Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services Clinical Social Work Practice Social Program Evaluation Social Work (Other) Sociology of Health Sociology (Other) Clinical Neuropsychology Clinical Psychology Counselling Psychology Psychotherapy Practise and Research Health Psychology Stress Trauma Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology (Other) Models of Care and Place of Birth Psychosocial Aspects of Childbirth and Perinatal Mental Health Clinical Midwifery Midwifery (Other) Sports Training Physical Training and Sports Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy Exercise Physiology Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled Physical Activity and Health Physical Fitness Kinantropometri Motor Control Biomechanics in Sports Science Movement Education in Sports Science Sports Activity Management Sports Nutrition Sports and Recreation Sports Science and Exercise (Other) Forensic Epidemiology Major Global Burdens of Disease Nutritional Epidemiology Environmental Epidemiology Behavioural Epidemiology Epidemiological Modelling Epidemiological Methods Disease Surveillance Occupational Epidemiology Social Epidemiology Epidemiology (Other) Preventative Health Care Health Promotion Social Determinants of Health Health Equity Community Child Health Injury Prevention Environmental Health Emergency Nursing Acute Care Surgical Diseases Nursing​​ Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing ​Internal Diseases Nursing​ Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing Public Health Nursing Nurse Education Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Workforce Nursing Management Mental Health Nursing Subacute Care Aged Care Nursing ICU Nursing Nursing (Other) Speech Pathology Prosthetics and Orthotics Family Care Family Medicine Military Medical Services Primary Health Care Digital Health People With Disability Residential Client Care General Practice Patient Safety Space and Aeromedicine Rural and Remote Health Services Multimorbidity Palliative Care Mental Health Services Health Informatics and Information Systems Health Counselling Health Physics Health Surveillance Health Care Administration Health Systems Health and Community Services Health Management Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine One Health Medical Education Implementation Science and Evaluation Aged Health Care Health Services and Systems (Other)
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Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Information Systems (Other) Information Visualisation Computing Education Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Trust and Ethics of Computer Systems Affective Computing Accessible Computing Human-Computer Interaction Collaborative and Social Computing Mixed Initiative and Human-In-The-Loop Social Robotics Pervasive Computing Human Centered Computing (Other) Open Access Archive Information Research Behavior Information Retrival Information Interaction Organisation of Information and Knowledge Resources Information Governance, Policy and Ethics Digital Curation and Preservation Documentation Informetrics Recordkeeping Informatics Library Studies Social and Community Informatics Library and Information Studies (Other) Spatial Data and Computing Applications Computing Applications in Arts and Humanities Computing Applications in Social Sciences and Education Computing Applications in Life Sciences Applied Computing (Other) Environmental Education and Extension Environmental Rehabilitation and Restoration Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Natural Resource Management Conservation and Biodiversity Wildlife and Habitat Management Environmental Management (Other) Biosecurity Science and Invasive Species Ecology Ecotoxicology Ecosystem Services (Incl. Pollination) Ecosystem Function Landscape Ecology Fire Ecology Ecological Applications (Other) Ecological Impacts of Climate Change and Ecological Adaptation Human Impacts of Climate Change and Human Adaptation Carbon Sequestration Science Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (Other) Environmental Biogeochemistry Noise and Wave Pollution Processes and Measurement Water Quality and Water Pollution Groundwater Quality Processes and Contaminated Land Assessment Surface Water Quality Processes and Contaminated Sediment Assessment Pollution and Contamination (Other) Chuvash Language and Literature South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-East (Altai, Khakas, Tuva, Sakha/Yakut) Turkic Dialects and Literatures Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other) Translation and Interpretation Studies Early English Languages English As A Second Language Comparative Language Studies Latin and Classical Greek Languages Language Studies (Other) Cognitive Linguistics Corpus Linguistics Child Language Acquisition Language Documentation and Description Linguistic Performance Science Linguistic Structures (Incl. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax) Phonetics and Speech Science Computational Linguistics Discourse and Pragmatics Lexicography and Semantics Historical, Comparative and Typological Linguistics Sociolinguistics Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Linguistics (Other) African Language, Literature and Culture German Language, Literature and Culture Arabic Language, Literature and Culture Albanian Language Literature and Culture Asian Language, Literature and Culture European Language, Literature and Culture Bosnian Language, Literature and Culture Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Modern Greek Language, Literature and Culture Chinese Language, Literature and Culture Armenian Language, Literature and Culture Persian Language, Literature and Culture French Language, Literature and Culture South-East Asian Language, Literature and Culture Indian Language, Literature and Culture Croatian Language, Literature and Culture Dutch Language, Literature and Culture British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture Spanish Language, Literature and Culture Italian Language, Literature and Culture Japanese Language, Literature and Culture Caucasian Language, Literature and Culture Korean Language, Literature and Culture Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture North American Language, Literature and Culture Latin American Language, Literature and Culture Polish Language, Literature and Culture Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture Portuguese Language, Literature and Culture Russian Language, Literature and Culture Slavic Language, Literature and Culture Urdu Language, Literature and Culture World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other) Print Culture Contemporary Drama Studies Children's Literature Digital Literature Literary Theory Ecocriticism Young Adult Literature Hittitology Comparative and Transnational Literature Latin and Classical Greek Literature Modernist/Postmodernist Literature Medieval Literature Popular and Genre Literature Romantic Literature Reinessance Literature Postcolonial Literature Stylistics and Textual Analysis Sumerology Turkish Islamic Literature Literary Studies (Other) Media Studies Environmental Communication Journalism Journalism Studies Communication Studies Communication Education Communication Theories Communication Systems Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies Internet Internet Publishing Mass Media Media Industry Studies Media Literacy Media Technologies Organisational, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication Radio Programming Radio Broadcasting Radio-Television Social Media Studies Social Media Applications and Analysis Television Programming Television Broadcasting Transmedia International and Development Communication New Communication Technologies New Media Communication and Media Studies (Other) Asian Cultural Studies Environment and Culture Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Studies Screen and Media Culture Migrant Cultural Studies Consumption and Everyday Life Culture, Representation and Identity Cultural Theory Cultural and Creative Industries Globalisation and Culture Postcolonial Studies Arts and Cultural Policy Cultural Studies of Agriculture, Food and Beverage Cultural Studies of Nation and Region Cultural Studies (Other) Digital Advertising Advertising Studies Advertising Analysis Advertising Campaigns Advertising Strategies Ad Writing Advertising Media Planning Political Advertising Social Advertising Advertising (Other) Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Alawism Bektashism Studies Turkish Folklore Outside Türkiye Turkish Folklore in the Türkiye Field Turkish Folklore (Other) Econometrics Theory Econometric and Statistical Methods Economic Models and Forecasting Comparative Economic Systems Panel Data Analysis Applied Macroeconometrics Applied Microeconometrics Cross-Sectional Analysis Time-Series Analysis Econometrics (Other) Ecological Economics Political Economy Theory Heterodox Economics Economic Methodology Islamic Economy Institutional Economics Theory Macroeconomic Theory Mathematical Economics Microeconomic Theory Radical Economy Economic Theory (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Economic Design Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Industrial Economy Criminal Economy Microeconomics (Other) European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation International Economics (Other) Economics of Education Domestic Economy Energy Economy On Ships Communication Economy Public Economy Public Economics - Public Choice Public Economics - Publicly Provided Goods Public Economics - Taxation and Revenue Engineering Economy Organisation Economy Health Economy Urban Economics Insurance Economy Sustainable Development Agricultural Economics Textile Economy Tourism Economics Transport Economics Green Economy Applied Economics (Other) Environmental Law Animal Law Climate Change Law Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law Environmental and Resources Law (Other) Family Law Media and Communication Law Information and Technology Law Criminal Law Legal Education Law Reform Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation Law and Humanities Law and Religion Law, Science and Technology Law and Society and Socio-Legal Research Law, Gender and Sexuality Communication Law Race, Ethnicity and Law Labour and Social Security Law Law of Private Insurance Sports Law Design Law Medical and Health Law Tourism Law Law in Context (Other) Constitutional Law Military Law and Justice Migration, Asylum and Refugee Law Administrative Law Privacy and Data Rights Welfare, Insurance, Disability and Social Security Law Competition Law Domestic Human Rights Law Public Law (Other) Equity and Trusts Law Intellectual Property Law Tort Law Property Law (Excl. Intellectual Property Law) Contract Law Private Law and Civil Obligations (Other) Banking, Finance and Securities Law Labour Law Non-Profit Law Corporations and Associations Law Taxation Law Commercial Law (Other) Asian and Pacific Law European Union Law Comparative Law Ocean Law and Governance Roman Law International Criminal Law International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law Public International Law International Arbitration International Trade and Investment Law Space, Maritime and Aviation Law Conflict of Laws (Incl. Private International Law) International and Comparative Law (Other) Access To Justice Criminal Procedure Litigation, Adjudication and Dispute Resolution Youth Justice Civil Procedure Legal Institutions (Incl. Courts and Justice Systems) Legal Practice, Lawyering and The Legal Profession Legal Systems (Other) Environmental Anthropology Linguistic Anthropology Anthropology of Development Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality Anthropology (Other) City in Human Geography Türkiye Physical Geography Environmental Geography Environmental Impact Assessment Ecology, Sustainability and Energy Economic Geography Development Geography Rural and Regional Geography Cultural Geography Population Geography Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography Health Geography Urban and Regional Planning Education Political Geography Social Geography Historical Geography Turkish Human Geography Turkish Economic Geography Transport Geography Countries Geography Habitation Geography Human Geography (Other) Family and Household Studies Fertility Migration Population Trends and Policies Mortality Demography (Other) Forensic Anthropology Anthropometry Archeometry Nutritional Anthropology Biological Anthropology Ecological Anthropology Ergonomi Evolution Physics Anthropology Biometry in Physical Anthropology and Paleoanthropology Paleoecology in Physical Anthropology and Paleoanthropology Hominid Phylogeny Human Paleontology Human Biodiversity Criminal Anthropology Odontology Auxology Osteology Primatology Physical Anthropology and Paleoanthropology (Other) Humanitarian Disasters, Conflict and Peacebuilding Labour, Migration and Development Development Cooperation Urban Community Development Rural Community Development Political Economy and Social Change Socio-Economic Development Poverty, Inclusivity and Wellbeing Development Studies (Other) White Collar Crime Environmental Crime Gender and Crime State Crime Race/Ethnicity and Crime Correctional Theory, Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation Criminological Theories Victims Courts and Sentencing Organised Crime Private Policing and Security Services Police and Internal Security Studies Police Administration, Procedures and Practice Cybercrime Crime and Social Justice Critical Approaches To Crime Causes and Prevention of Crime Sociological Studies of Crime Technology, Crime and Surveillance Terrorism Criminology (Other) Eu Regional Policy Research, Science and Technology Policy Environment Policy Gender, Policy and Administration Economic Development Policy Climate and Water Policies Communications and Media Policy Public Policy Public Administration Urbanization Policies Urban Policy Housing Policy Risk Policy Health Policy Crime Policy Tourism Policy Turkiye's Regional Policy and Planning Local Administrations Policy and Administration (Other) Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Family Resources Education Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services Clinical Social Work Practice Social Program Evaluation Social Work (Other) Dietetics Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Labor Economics and Economic Demography Disabled Groups Occupational Health and Safety Rural Development Social Justice Social Sheltering Social Exclusion Social Security Nursing Services in Social Policy Regional Development and Globalisation in Social Policy Crime and Punishment Welfare Studies Social Policy (Other) Family Anthropology Anthropology of Science Cognitive Anthropology Religion Anthropology Ethnology Visual Antropology Economic Anthropology Urban Anthropolgy Rural Anthropolgy Anthropology of Media Anthropology of Music Psychological Anthropolgy Numerical Anthropology Political Anthropology Developmental Anthropology in Social and Cultural Anthropology Historical Anthropology Protection and Repair of Movable Cultural Heritage Social and Cultural Anthropology (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology (Other) African Studies American Studies Studies of Asian Society European Union European Union-Turkiye Relations European Studies Regional Studies Globalisation Middle East Studies Turkish Foreign Policy Studies of the Turkic World International Migration International Security International Law International Relations Theories Politics in International Relations Terrorism in International Relations Conflict Resolution in International Relations International Institutions Far East Studies International Relations (Other) Animation Digital Game Design Photography Computer-Assisted Design Visual Design Semiotics Graphic Design Caricature Illustration Multimedia Design Video Design Web Design Visual Communication Design (Other) Land Use and Environmental Planning Urban Geography in Regional Planning Regional Analysis and Development Regulatory Planning and Development Assessment Public Participation and Community Engagement Participation and Governance Urban Morphology Urban History Urban Field Management Urban Analysis and Development Urban Informatics Urban Aesthetics Urban Planning and Health Urban Design Housing Markets, Development and Management City and Regional Planning Strategic, Metropolitan and Regional Planning Community Planning Regional Analysis and Planning in Turkiye Transport Planning History and Theory of the Built Environment Urban and Regional Planning (Other) Architecture for Disaster Relief Interior Architecture Architectural Computing and Visualisation Methods Architectural Science and Technology Architectural Heritage and Conservation Architectural History, Theory and Criticism Architectural Design Information Technologies in Architecture and Design Architecture Management Materials and Technology in Architecture Sustainable Architecture Architecture (Other) Plant Material and Growing Physical Environment Control Land and Water Resources in Landscape Architecture Computer Technology in Landscape Architecture Landscape Repair Landscape Planning Landscape Design Landscape Techniques Landscape Management Green Structures and Environments Landscape Architecture (Other) Design for Disaster Relief Industrial Product Design Ergonomics Design Interaction and Experience Design Universal and Unobstructed Design Service Design Interior Decoration Design Design, Plan, Project and Application in Architecture, Habitation and Industrial Products Social Design Sustainable Design Design Anthropology Design Instruments and Technology Design Culture and Social Context Models and Simulations of Design Design History, Theory and Criticism Design Practice and Methods Design Management Information Technology in Design Textile and Fashion Design Data Visualisation and Computational Design Fire Safety Design Design (Other) Quantity Surveying Project and Production Management Building Information Modelling and Management Building Industry Studies Building Science, Technologies and Systems Building Construction Management and Project Planning Building Organisational Studies Quality Management in Construction and Environment Automation and Technology in Building and Construction Protection, Restoration and Repair in Buildings, Environment, Habitation and Products Structural Integrity and Damage Building (Other) Land Management Geospatial Information Systems and Geospatial Data Modelling Photogrametry Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Cadastral and Property Cartography and Digital Mapping Navigation and Position Fixing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Planning Satellite-Based Positioning Surveying (Incl. Hydrographic Surveying) Geomatic Engineering (Other) Cognition Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance Vision Perception Memory and Attention Decision Making Learning, Motivation and Emotion Psycholinguistics (Incl. Speech Production and Comprehension) Social Cognition Cognitive and Computational Psychology (Other) Cognitive Neuroscience Behavioural Epigenetics Behavioural Genetics Behavioural Neuroscience Evolutionary Psychological Studies Genetics-Environment Interaction Psychopharmacology Psychophysiology Psychopathology Social and Affective Neuroscience Biological Psychology (Other) Cognitive Development Sex Development Emotional Development Personal Development Learning Psychology Social Development Development of Intelligence Developmental Psychology (Other) Family Psychology Military Psychology Egotism Labor Psychology Gender Psychology Psychology of Religion Economic Psychology Communication Psychology Personality and Individual Differences Cultural Psychology Intercultural Psychology Architecture and Environmental Psychology Political Psychology Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Social Psychology Community Psychology Traffic Psychology Management Psychology Social and Personality Psychology (Other) Statistical Analysis Methods Classical Test Theories Item Response Theory Modelling Measurement Equivalence Orgazinational Change and Development Test Theories Test Standardization and Norm Development Testing, Assessment and Psychometrics (Other) Forensic Psychology Child and Adolescent Development Educational Psychology Industrial and Organisational Psychology (Incl. Human Factors) Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis Sport and Exercise Psychology Psychology of Ageing Applied and Developmental Psychology (Other) Computer Gaming and Animation Digital and Electronic Media Art Screen Media Visual Effects Interactive Media Screen and Digital Media (Other) Bookbinding Ceramic Glaze Old Fabric Patterns Carpet, Rug and Weaving Calligraphy Miniature Ornamentation Traditional Turkish Arts (Other) Crafts Photography, Video and Lens-Based Practice Fine Arts Performance Art Visual Arts (Other) Religious Music Composition in Western Classical Music Interpretation in Western Classical Music Music Cognition Music Education Music Performance Music Technology and Recording Theories of Music Musicology and Ethnomusicology Conductorship Composition in Turkish Folk Music Interpretation in Turkish Folk Music Composition in Turkish Classical Music Interpretation in Turkish Classical Music Music (Other) Dance and Choreography Interpretation-Drama Writing Folk Dances Classical Ballet Modern Dance Opera Singing and Directing Play Drive Acting-Stage Direction Stage Design Theory of Theatre Applied Theatre Performing Arts (Other) Printmaking Glass Design Environmental Arts Interdisciplinary Art Installation Sculpture Restoration and Conversation of Plastic Arts Painting Ceramic Design Video Art Plastic Arts (Other) Ceramic Repair Paperwork Restoration Hand-Carved Small Objects Restoration Material / Analysis Foil Application Restoration and Conservation of Art Works (Other) Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) Documentary Film - Political Cinema Movie Review Film Restoration Filmmaking and Directing Cinema Theories Cinema and Aesthetics Cinema-Tv Production and Management Cinema Studies (Other) Marbling Carpet, Rug and Textiles Architectural Turkish-Islamic Archeology in the Middle Ages Ceramic-Glass Design Fine-Arts in Turkish Islamic Art Line in Turkish Islamic Art Turkish Music Turkish Islamic Arts (Other) Digital Writing Professional Writing and Journalism Practice Site-Based Writing Technical Writing Creative Writing Creative and Professional Writing (Other) Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Archaeology (Other) Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other) Old Anatolian History History of Old Asia Minor Classical Greek and Roman History Ancient History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Asian Economy History of European Economy History of World Economy History of Finance History of Ottoman Economy History of Turkiye Economy History of Economics (Other) Archival, Repository and Related Studies Digital Heritage Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies Cultural Heritage and Conservation Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage) Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation of Historical Materials Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) African Political History American Political History Military Geography European Political History Political Geography in Political History Political History (Other) Biography Environmental History Gender History Digital History History of Religion Migration History History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism Histories of Race History of Islam Global and World History Historical Studies of Crime International History Transnational History Historical Studies (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern Latin American History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Latin American History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other) Actuary Banking Management Banking Regulation and Supervision Risk management in Banking Personal Retirement Insurance Natural Risk Assurance Financial Institutions Life Assurance Participation Banking Takaful (Participation) Insurance Business of Private Insurance Management of Private Insurance Risk Management and Insurance Insurance Accounting Insurance Marketing Reassurance Supervision in Insurance Commercial Banking International Banking Investment Banking Banking and Insurance (Other) Environment and Climate Finance Behavioural Finance Finance Financial Econometrics Financial Forecast and Modelling Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Risk Management Real Estate Financing Household Finance and Financial Literacy Islamic Finance Islamic Microfinance Non-Profit Finance and Risk Microfinance Investment and Portfolio Management Finance and Investment (Other) Integrated Marketing Communication Activity Management Public Relations Public Relations Campaigns and Applications Public Relations Methods and Instruments Human Resources Management Business and Labour History Occupation and Workplace Health and Safety Workforce Planning Employment Equity and Diversity Workplace Wellbeing and Quality of Working Life Reputation Management Crisis Communication Institutional Communication Corporate Social Responsibility Industrial and Employee Relations Social Responsibility Projects Human Resources and Industrial Relations (Other) Forensic Science and Management Forensic Intelligence E-Work E-Trade Business Analytics Business Information Systems Business Information Management Technology Management Business Administration Business Systems in Context (Other) Budget and Financial Planning Government Accounting Public Finance Financial Law Theory of Treasury Finance Studies (Other) Accounting Forensics Auditing and Accountability Financial Accounting Internal Check Internal Control Non-Profit Accounting and Accountability Institutional Governance Financial Statement Analysis History of Accounting Accounting Theory and Standards Sustainability Accounting and Reporting International Accounting Taxation Accounting Management Accounting Accounting, Auditing and Accountability (Other) Digital Marketing Industrial Marketing Pricing Service Marketing Non-Profit Marketing Intercultural Communication Customer Relationship Management Marketing Research Methodology Marketing Communications Marketing Technology Marketing Theory Marketing Management Advertisement Sales Management Social Marketing Agricultural Marketing Consumer Behaviour Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development International Marketing Product and Brand Management Marketing (Other) Disaster and Emergency Management Industrial Organisation Entrepreneurship Hospital Management Innovation Management Quality Management Public Sector Organisation and Management Non-Profit Business and Management Crisis and Issue Management Small Business Organisation and Management Corporate Governance Leadership Operation Strategy Organizasyon Organisation and Management Theory Organisational Planning and Management Organizational Culture Organisational Behaviour Stakeholder Engagement Project Management Strategy Sustainable Operation Management International Business Production and Operations Management Management and Organization Education Corporate Social Responsibility in Management Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other) Real Estate and Valuation Services Food and Hospitality Services Hospitality Management Retail Sport and Leisure Management Commercial Services (Other) Gastronomy Recreation Management Sustainable Tourism Tourist Behaviour and Visitor Experience Tourism Resource Appraisal Tourism Forecasting Tourism Marketing Tourism Planning Tourism Management Environmental Management in Tourism Impacts of Tourism Tourism (Other) Intelligent Mobility Rail Transportation and Freight Services Maritime Transportation and Freight Services Air Transportation and Freight Services Road Transportation and Freight Services Logistics Supply Chains Supply Chain Management Public Transport Passenger Needs Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chains (Other) Economic Integration Import Export Management Intercultural Labor Management Law of International Law International Logistics International Risk Management International Trade Finance Marketing in International Trade International Trade Organizations International Trade (Other) Atmospheric Aerosols Atmospheric Composition, Chemistry and Processes Atmospheric Dynamics Atmospheric Radiation Cloud Physics Air Pollution Processes and Air Quality Measurement Meteorology Adverse Weather Events Tropospheric and Stratospheric Physics Atmospheric Sciences (Other) Biogeography Regional Planning Regional Geography Glaciology Geographic Information Systems Ecology in Geography Natural Hazards Drainage Ecological Design / Planning Watershed Management Hydrography Geomorphology and Earth Surface Processes Quaternary Environments Limnology Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Regolith and Soil Formation Urban Geography Sustainability and Energy Soil Geography Physical Geography Environmental Problems Remote Sensing Earth System Sciences Physical Geography and Environmental Geology (Other) Ecohydrology Urban Hydrology Contaminant Hydrology Groundwater Hydrology Surface Water Hydrology Hydrology (Other) Climatology Climate Change Processes Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Fluxes Climate Change Science (Other) Gravimetrics Geodesy Geodynamics Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods in Geophysics Geothermics and Radiometrics Magnetism and Palaeomagnetism Petrophysics Seismology and Seismic Exploration Applied Geophysics Geophysics (Other) Earth and Space Science Informatics Geoscience Data Visualisation Computational Modelling and Simulation in Earth Sciences Geoinformatics (Other) Inorganic Geochemistry Isotope Geochemistry Organic Geochemistry Exploration Geochemistry Geochemistry (Other) Biomineralisation Marine Geoscience Planetary Geology Geochronology Stratigraphy Resource Geoscience Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Mineralogy and Crystallography Palaeontology Sedimentology Volcanology Structural Geology and Tectonics Geology (Other) Biological Oceanography Physical Oceanography Chemical Oceanography Freshwater and Marine Ecology Oceanography (Other) Post Harvest Horticultural Technologies (Incl. Transportation and Storage) Pomology and Treatment Oenology and Viticulture Vegetable Growing and Treatment Green-House Growing and Treatment Horticultural Production (Other) Phytopathology Herbology Nematology Pesticides and Toxicology Acarology in Agriculture Entomology in Agriculture Plant Protection (Other) Meat Technology Fermentation Technology Food Packaging, Preservation and Processing Food Biotechnology Food Safety, Traceability, Certification and Authenticity Food Chemistry and Food Sensory Science Food Microbiology Food Sustainability Food Technology Grain Technology Beverage Chemistry and Beverage Sensory Science Drying Technologies Fruit-Vegetables Technology Dairy Technology Basic Food Processes Oil Technology Food Sciences (Other) Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement Stock Farming and Treatment Animal Feeding Animal Nutrition Animal Protection Animal Welfare Animal Reproduction and Breeding Environmental Studies in Animal Production Animal Growth and Development Animal Management Poultry Farming and Treatment Sheep and Goat Breeding and Treatment Zootechny (Other) Tree Nutrition and Physiology Tree Improvement Wood Processing Forest Biodiversity Forestry Biomass and Bioproducts Forest Biometrics Forest Botany Forest Ecosystems Forest Entomology and Forest Protection Agroforestry Forest Health and Pathology Forest Products Transport and Evaluation Information Forestry Fire Management Silviculture Forestry Politics, Economics and Law Forestry Product Quality Assessment Forestry Management and Environment Watershed Management in Forestry Forestry Sciences (Other) Post-Harvest Fisheries Technologies (Incl. Transportation) Fish Anatomy Fish Biology Fish Physiology and Genetics Fish Breeding Pisciculture Fish Pests and Diseases Fisheries Development Fisheries Management Shellfish Culture Water Invertebrates Fisheries Technologies Aquaculture Aquaculture and Fisheries Stock Assessment Aquaculture and Fisheries (Other) Farm Enterprises Sustainable Agricultural Development Agricultural Policy Agricultural Extension and Communication Marketing in Agricultural Management Agricultural Economics (Other) Agricultural Land Consoladition Agricultural Management of Nutrients Germplasm Management Farm Management, Rural Management and Agribusiness Agricultural Land Management Agricultural Systems Analysis and Modelling Agricultural Land Planning Agricultural Hydrology Agricultural Spatial Analysis and Modelling Agricultural Water Management Agricultural Production Systems Simulation Agriculture, Land and Farm Management (Other) Non-Genetically Modified Uses of Biotechnology Livestock Cloning Genetically Modified Trees Genetically Modified Horticulture Plants Genetically Modified Animals Genetically Modified Field Crops and Pasture Agricultural Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Plant Bacteriology in Agriculture Plant Biotechnology in Agriculture Plant Virology in Agriculture Enzyme and Microbial Biotechnology in Agriculture Animal Biotechnology in Agriculture Agricultural Biotechnology Diagnostics Agricultural Marine Biotechnology Transgenesis Agricultural Biotechnology (Other) Agrochemicals and Biocides (Incl. Application) Agronomy Crop and Pasture Waste Water Use Pasture-Meadow Forage Plants Industrial Crops Fertilisers and Application Crop and Pasture Post Harvest Technologies (Incl. Transportation and Storage) Organic Agriculture Cereals and Legumes Agro-Ecosystem Function and Prediction Crop and Pasture Biochemistry and Physiology Crop and Pasture Biomass and Bioproducts Crop and Pasture Breeding Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Pollination Biology and Systems Field Crops and Pasture Production (Other) Land Capability and Soil Productivity Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Soil Sciences and Ecology Soil Biology Soil Ecology Soil Survey and Mapping Soil Physics Soil Chemistry and Soil Carbon Sequestration (Excl. Carbon Sequestration Science) Soil Mechanics Soil Microbiology Conservation and Improvement of Soil and Water Resources Pedology and Pedometrics Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition (Other)
Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research
Kutbilge Akademisyenler Derneği
Software Engineering (Other) Ecological Physiology Biostatistics Material Production Technologies Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) Tree Nutrition and Physiology Tree Improvement Wood Processing Forest Biodiversity Forestry Biomass and Bioproducts Forest Biometrics Forest Botany Forest Ecosystems Forest Entomology and Forest Protection Agroforestry Forest Health and Pathology Forest Products Transport and Evaluation Information Forestry Fire Management Silviculture Forestry Politics, Economics and Law Forestry Product Quality Assessment Forestry Management and Environment Watershed Management in Forestry Forestry Sciences (Other)
Bilge Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi
Ülkü Ocakları Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı
Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Public Administration Business Administration Tourism (Other)
Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi
İbrahim Güran YUMUŞAK
Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other)
Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Değişim Yayınları
Political Economy Theory Heterodox Economics Economic Methodology Institutional Economics Theory Macroeconomic Theory Mathematical Economics Microeconomic Theory Economic Theory (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Microeconomics (Other) European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation International Economics (Other) Public Economy Public Economics - Taxation and Revenue Urban Economics Sustainable Development Agricultural Economics Tourism Economics Transport Economics Green Economy Applied Economics (Other) Public Administration Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Labor Economics and Economic Demography Disabled Groups Occupational Health and Safety Rural Development Social Justice Social Sheltering Social Exclusion Social Security Nursing Services in Social Policy Regional Development and Globalisation in Social Policy Crime and Punishment Welfare Studies Social Policy (Other) Forensic Social Science Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Political Sociology Social Demography Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Management Sociology Sociology (Other) Finance
Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Dergisi
Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Information Systems (Other) Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication Computer Graphics Serious Games and Simulations Entertainment and Gaming Interactive Narrative Procedural Content Generation Virtual and Mixed Reality Sound and Music Computing Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other) Algorithms and Calculation Theory Concurrency Theory Computational Complexity and Computability Computational Logic and Formal Languages Coding, Information Theory and Compression Quantum Computation Numerical Computation and Mathematical Software Data Structures and Algorithms Theory of Computation (Other) Social Robotics Context Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks Adversarial Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning Machine Vision Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Machine Learning (Other) Computer Forensics Information Security and Cryptology Cloud Computing Security Digital Forensics Hardware Security Cryptography System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Data and Information Privacy Software and Application Security Cybersecurity and Privacy (Other) Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Computer Software Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Software Engineering (Other) Social Media Studies Social Media Applications and Analysis Information and Technology Law Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Labor Economics and Economic Demography Disabled Groups Occupational Health and Safety Rural Development Social Justice Social Security Regional Development and Globalisation in Social Policy Social Policy (Other) Electrical Energy Storage Electrical Energy Transmission, Networks and Systems Electrical Energy Generation (Incl. Renewables, Excl. Photovoltaics) Electrical Machines and Drives Photovoltaic Power Systems Engineering Electromagnetics Electrical Engineering (Other) Network Engineering Antennas and Propagation Optical Fibre Communication Systems and Technologies Wireless Communication Systems and Technologies (Incl. Microwave and Millimetrewave) Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Signal Processing Satellite Communications Data Communications Communications Engineering (Other)
Bilgi Ve Belge Araştırmaları
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other)
Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Dergisi
Ramazan Yılmaz
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Information Systems (Other) Active Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Computational Imaging Multimodal Analysis and Synthesis Pattern Recognition Image and Video Coding Audio Processing Video Processing Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation (Other) Networking and Communications Cloud Computing Distributed Systems and Algorithms Energy-Efficient Computing Concurrent/Parallel Systems and Technologies Dependable Systems Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed System Performance Evaluation Service Oriented Computing Cyberphysical Systems and Internet of Things Edge Computing High Performance Computing Distributed Computing and Systems Software (Other) Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication Computer Graphics Serious Games and Simulations Entertainment and Gaming Interactive Narrative Procedural Content Generation Virtual and Mixed Reality Sound and Music Computing Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other) Information Visualisation Computing Education Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Trust and Ethics of Computer Systems Affective Computing Accessible Computing Human-Computer Interaction Collaborative and Social Computing Mixed Initiative and Human-In-The-Loop Social Robotics Pervasive Computing Human Centered Computing (Other) Open Access Archive Information Research Behavior Information Retrival Information Interaction Organisation of Information and Knowledge Resources Information Governance, Policy and Ethics Digital Curation and Preservation Documentation Informetrics Recordkeeping Informatics Library Studies Social and Community Informatics Library and Information Studies (Other) Context Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks Adversarial Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning Machine Vision Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Machine Learning (Other) Computer Forensics Information Security and Cryptology Cloud Computing Security Digital Forensics Hardware Security Cryptography System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Data and Information Privacy Software and Application Security Cybersecurity and Privacy (Other) Computing Applications in Physical Sciences Spatial Data and Computing Applications Computing Applications in Health Computing Applications in Arts and Humanities Computing Applications in Social Sciences and Education Computing Applications in Life Sciences Applied Computing (Other) Stream and Sensor Data Information Retrieval and Web Search Information Extraction and Fusion Big Data Graph, Social and Multimedia Data Query Processing and Optimisation Recommender Systems Data Quality Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Models, Storage and Indexing Data Engineering and Data Science Database Systems Data Management and Data Science (Other) Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Empirical Software Engineering Computer System Software Computer Software Requirements Engineering Automated Software Engineering Programming Languages Formal Methods For Software Software Quality, Processes and Metrics Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Software Engineering (Other) Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Educational Psychology
Bilgi Yönetimi
Ankara Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Information Systems (Other) Open Access Archive Information Research Behavior Information Retrival Information Interaction Organisation of Information and Knowledge Resources Information Governance, Policy and Ethics Digital Curation and Preservation Documentation Informetrics Recordkeeping Informatics Library Studies Social and Community Informatics Library and Information Studies (Other) Computer Software Archival, Repository and Related Studies Digital Heritage Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies Cultural Heritage and Conservation Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage) Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation of Historical Materials Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other)
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Computer Science
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Active Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Computational Imaging Multimodal Analysis and Synthesis Pattern Recognition Image and Video Coding Audio Processing Video Processing Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation (Other) Networking and Communications Cloud Computing Distributed Systems and Algorithms Energy-Efficient Computing Concurrent/Parallel Systems and Technologies Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed System Performance Evaluation Service Oriented Computing Cyberphysical Systems and Internet of Things Edge Computing High Performance Computing Algorithms and Calculation Theory Concurrency Theory Computational Complexity and Computability Computational Logic and Formal Languages Coding, Information Theory and Compression Quantum Computation Numerical Computation and Mathematical Software Data Structures and Algorithms Information Visualisation Affective Computing Accessible Computing Human-Computer Interaction Collaborative and Social Computing Social Robotics Pervasive Computing Context Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks Adversarial Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning Machine Vision Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Computer Forensics Information Security and Cryptology Cloud Computing Security Digital Forensics Hardware Security Cryptography System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Data and Information Privacy Software and Application Security Spatial Data and Computing Applications Stream and Sensor Data Information Retrieval and Web Search Information Extraction and Fusion Big Data Graph, Social and Multimedia Data Query Processing and Optimisation Recommender Systems Data Quality Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Models, Storage and Indexing Data Engineering and Data Science Database Systems Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Empirical Software Engineering Computer Software Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Software Engineering (Other) Biomechatronics Control Engineering Mechatronics Hardware Design and Architecture Mechatronic System Design Simulation, Modelling, and Programming of Mechatronics Systems Autonomous Vehicle Systems Assistive Robots and Technology Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics (Other)
Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi
Akademik Bilişim Vakfı
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other)
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Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Dergisi
Mersin Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other) Networking and Communications Cloud Computing Distributed Systems and Algorithms Energy-Efficient Computing Concurrent/Parallel Systems and Technologies Dependable Systems Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed System Performance Evaluation Service Oriented Computing Cyberphysical Systems and Internet of Things Edge Computing High Performance Computing Distributed Computing and Systems Software (Other) Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication Computer Graphics Serious Games and Simulations Entertainment and Gaming Interactive Narrative Procedural Content Generation Virtual and Mixed Reality Sound and Music Computing Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other) Algorithms and Calculation Theory Concurrency Theory Computational Complexity and Computability Computational Logic and Formal Languages Coding, Information Theory and Compression Quantum Computation Numerical Computation and Mathematical Software Data Structures and Algorithms Theory of Computation (Other) Context Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks Adversarial Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning Machine Vision Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Machine Learning (Other) Computer Forensics Information Security and Cryptology Cloud Computing Security Digital Forensics Hardware Security Cryptography System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Data and Information Privacy Software and Application Security Cybersecurity and Privacy (Other) Stream and Sensor Data Information Retrieval and Web Search Information Extraction and Fusion Big Data Graph, Social and Multimedia Data Query Processing and Optimisation Recommender Systems Data Quality Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Models, Storage and Indexing Data Engineering and Data Science Database Systems Data Management and Data Science (Other) Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Empirical Software Engineering Computer System Software Computer Software Requirements Engineering Automated Software Engineering Programming Languages Formal Methods For Software Software Quality, Processes and Metrics Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Software Engineering (Other) Degenerate Quantum Gases and Atom Optics Quantum Computers Quantum Information, Computation and Communication Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Optics and Quantum Optomechanics Quantum Technologies Quantum Physics (Other) Experimental Mathematics Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations Mathematical Optimisation Numerical Analysis Symbolic Calculation Finite Element Analysis Numerical and Computational Mathematics (Other) Network Engineering Antennas and Propagation Optical Fibre Communication Systems and Technologies Wireless Communication Systems and Technologies (Incl. Microwave and Millimetrewave) Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Signal Processing Satellite Communications Data Communications Communications Engineering (Other)
Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi
Natural Resource Management Environmental Management (Other) Chuvash Language and Literature South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-East (Altai, Khakas, Tuva, Sakha/Yakut) Turkic Dialects and Literatures Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other) Translation and Interpretation Studies Comparative Language Studies Language Studies (Other) Discourse and Pragmatics Lexicography and Semantics Historical, Comparative and Typological Linguistics Sociolinguistics Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Linguistics (Other) Asian Language, Literature and Culture World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other) Print Culture Contemporary Drama Studies Children's Literature Digital Literature Ecocriticism Young Adult Literature Comparative and Transnational Literature Modernist/Postmodernist Literature Turkish Islamic Literature Literary Studies (Other) Media Studies Journalism Studies Internet Internet Publishing Mass Media Organisational, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication Radio-Television Social Media Studies Social Media Applications and Analysis International and Development Communication New Communication Technologies New Media Communication and Media Studies (Other) Asian Cultural Studies Environment and Culture Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Studies Screen and Media Culture Migrant Cultural Studies Consumption and Everyday Life Culture, Representation and Identity Cultural Theory Cultural and Creative Industries Globalisation and Culture Postcolonial Studies Arts and Cultural Policy Cultural Studies of Agriculture, Food and Beverage Cultural Studies of Nation and Region Cultural Studies (Other) Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Alawism Bektashism Studies Turkish Folklore Outside Türkiye Turkish Folklore in the Türkiye Field Turkish Folklore (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Economic Design Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Industrial Economy Criminal Economy Microeconomics (Other) European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation International Economics (Other) Economics of Education Domestic Economy Energy Economy On Ships Communication Economy Public Economy Public Economics - Public Choice Public Economics - Publicly Provided Goods Public Economics - Taxation and Revenue Engineering Economy Organisation Economy Health Economy Urban Economics Insurance Economy Sustainable Development Agricultural Economics Textile Economy Tourism Economics Transport Economics Green Economy Applied Economics (Other) Family Law Media and Communication Law Information and Technology Law Criminal Law Legal Education Law Reform Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation Law and Humanities Law and Religion Law, Science and Technology Law and Society and Socio-Legal Research Law, Gender and Sexuality Communication Law Race, Ethnicity and Law Labour and Social Security Law Law of Private Insurance Sports Law Design Law Medical and Health Law Tourism Law Law in Context (Other) Constitutional Law Military Law and Justice Migration, Asylum and Refugee Law Administrative Law Privacy and Data Rights Domestic Human Rights Law Public Law (Other) Commercial Law (Other) International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law International and Comparative Law (Other) Legal Systems (Other) City in Human Geography Türkiye Physical Geography Environmental Geography Environmental Impact Assessment Ecology, Sustainability and Energy Economic Geography Development Geography Rural and Regional Geography Cultural Geography Population Geography Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography Health Geography Urban and Regional Planning Education Political Geography Social Geography Historical Geography Turkish Human Geography Turkish Economic Geography Transport Geography Countries Geography Habitation Geography Human Geography (Other) Family and Household Studies Fertility Migration Population Trends and Policies Mortality Demography (Other) Humanitarian Disasters, Conflict and Peacebuilding Labour, Migration and Development Development Cooperation Urban Community Development Rural Community Development Political Economy and Social Change Socio-Economic Development Poverty, Inclusivity and Wellbeing Development Studies (Other) Eu Regional Policy Research, Science and Technology Policy Environment Policy Gender, Policy and Administration Economic Development Policy Climate and Water Policies Communications and Media Policy Public Policy Public Administration Urbanization Policies Urban Policy Housing Policy Risk Policy Health Policy Crime Policy Tourism Policy Turkiye's Regional Policy and Planning Local Administrations Policy and Administration (Other) Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Family Resources Education Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services Clinical Social Work Practice Social Program Evaluation Social Work (Other) Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Labor Economics and Economic Demography Disabled Groups Occupational Health and Safety Rural Development Social Justice Social Sheltering Social Exclusion Social Security Nursing Services in Social Policy Regional Development and Globalisation in Social Policy Crime and Punishment Welfare Studies Social Policy (Other) Family Anthropology Anthropology of Science Cognitive Anthropology Religion Anthropology Ethnology Visual Antropology Economic Anthropology Urban Anthropolgy Rural Anthropolgy Anthropology of Media Anthropology of Music Psychological Anthropolgy Numerical Anthropology Political Anthropology Developmental Anthropology in Social and Cultural Anthropology Historical Anthropology Protection and Repair of Movable Cultural Heritage Social and Cultural Anthropology (Other) Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology (Other) African Studies American Studies Studies of Asian Society European Union European Union-Turkiye Relations European Studies Regional Studies Globalisation Middle East Studies Turkish Foreign Policy Studies of the Turkic World International Migration International Security International Law International Relations Theories Politics in International Relations Terrorism in International Relations Conflict Resolution in International Relations International Institutions Far East Studies International Relations (Other) Semiotics Caricature Urban History City and Regional Planning Community Planning Regional Analysis and Planning in Turkiye History and Theory of the Built Environment Urban and Regional Planning (Other) Labor Psychology Economic Psychology Communication Psychology Cultural Psychology Intercultural Psychology Social Psychology Community Psychology Social and Personality Psychology (Other) Ceramic Glaze Carpet, Rug and Weaving Calligraphy Miniature Ornamentation Traditional Turkish Arts (Other) Crafts Photography, Video and Lens-Based Practice Fine Arts Visual Arts (Other) Religious Music Musicology and Ethnomusicology Music (Other) Visual Cultures Islamic Arts Cultural and Natural Heritage History of Architecture Aesthetics in Architecture Painting History Art Criticism Art History Urban in Art History Urban Aesthetics in Art History Art Theory Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) Marbling Carpet, Rug and Textiles Architectural Turkish-Islamic Archeology in the Middle Ages Ceramic-Glass Design Fine-Arts in Turkish Islamic Art Line in Turkish Islamic Art Turkish Music Turkish Islamic Arts (Other) Archeology of Ottoman Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Archaeology (Other) Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Asian Economy History of European Economy History of World Economy History of Finance History of Ottoman Economy History of Turkiye Economy History of Economics (Other) Archival, Repository and Related Studies Digital Heritage Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies Cultural Heritage and Conservation Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage) Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation of Historical Materials Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other) Political and Civilization History of Islam History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) Political History (Other) Biography Environmental History Gender History Digital History History of Religion Migration History History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism Histories of Race History of Islam Global and World History Historical Studies of Crime International History Transnational History Historical Studies (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other) Tourism Management Tourism (Other) Economic Integration Import Export Management Intercultural Labor Management Law of International Law International Logistics International Risk Management International Trade Finance Marketing in International Trade International Trade Organizations International Trade (Other) Regional Geography Geographic Information Systems Ecology in Geography Natural Hazards Sustainability and Energy Climate Change Science (Other)
TR Dizin Scopus Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Bilim Armonisi
Antalya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
Botany (Other) Structural Biology Hydrobiology Ecology (Other) Zoology (Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics Sociology (Other) Inorganic Chemistry (Other) Organic Chemistry (Other) Numerical and Computational Mathematics (Other) Food Engineering Developmental Psychology (Other) Health Care Administration Fine Arts Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other) Ancient History (Other) Physical Geography and Environmental Geology (Other)
Bilim Eğitim Sanat ve Teknoloji Dergisi
Ömer Tayfur ÖZTÜRK
Mathematics Education Physics Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Science Education STEM Education Science and Mathematics Education (Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) Creative Drama Education Development of Media and Communication Education and Programs Fine Arts Education Museum Education Art Education (Other) Higher Education Financing Higher Education Policies Higher Education Systems Higher Education Management Quality Assurance in Higher Education Program Development and Qualifications in Higher Education Recognition and Equivalency in Higher Education Internationalization in Higher Education Accreditation of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Programs Higher Education Studies (Other) Gender, Sexuality and Education Education Policy Educational Technology and Computing Inclusive Education Learning Analytics Learning Sciences Teacher and Student Wellbeing Specialist Studies in Education (Other)
Erciyes Üniversitesi
Religious Education Philosophy of Religion Islamic Philosophy Logic Sociology of Religion Psychology of Religion Historical Religions Studies in Religious Traditions (Excl. Eastern, Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions) Studies in Eastern Religious Traditions Christian Studies Comparative Religious Studies Jewish Studies Religious Studies (Other) Arabic Language and Rhetoric Hadith Islamic Law Islamic Sects Kalam Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat Sufism Tafsir Islamic Studies (Other)
TR Dizin Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi
TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası
Industrial Raw Material Rock Mechanics and Fortification Drilling and Blasting in Rock Engineering Excavation Mechanics Chemical-Biological Recovery Techniques and Ore Dressing Coal Mine Design, Management and Economy Mining Methods and Mine System Analysis Occupational Health and Safety in Mines Metalic Mines Air Conditioning in Underground Rock Engineering Mining Engineering (Other)
Bilişim Hukuku Dergisi
Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi
Information and Technology Law Law, Science and Technology
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Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi
Gazi Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Decision Support and Group Support Systems Cloud Computing Distributed Systems and Algorithms Serious Games and Simulations Algorithms and Calculation Theory Data Structures and Algorithms Human-Computer Interaction Deep Learning Neural Networks Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Computer Forensics Cloud Computing Security System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Big Data Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Models, Storage and Indexing Data Engineering and Data Science Database Systems Natural Language Processing Computer Software
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BİLTÜRK Ekonomi ve İlişkili Çalışmalar Dergisi
Econometrics Theory Econometric and Statistical Methods Economic Models and Forecasting Comparative Economic Systems Panel Data Analysis Applied Macroeconometrics Applied Microeconometrics Cross-Sectional Analysis Time-Series Analysis Operations Research Econometrics (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Economic Thought Circular Economy Migration Economics Space Economy Development Economics Disaster Economy Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Economic Design Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Industrial Economy Criminal Economy Microeconomics (Other) Public Administration Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) African Studies American Studies Studies of Asian Society European Union European Union-Turkiye Relations European Studies Regional Studies Globalisation Middle East Studies Turkish Foreign Policy Studies of the Turkic World International Migration International Security International Law International Relations Theories Politics in International Relations Terrorism in International Relations Conflict Resolution in International Relations International Institutions Far East Studies Security Studies War Studies International Relations (Other) Business Administration
Bingöl Araştırmaları Dergisi
Bingöl Kültür ve Dayanışma Vakfı
Environmental Management (Other) Historical, Comparative and Typological Linguistics African Language, Literature and Culture German Language, Literature and Culture Arabic Language, Literature and Culture Albanian Language Literature and Culture Asian Language, Literature and Culture European Language, Literature and Culture Bosnian Language, Literature and Culture Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Modern Greek Language, Literature and Culture Chinese Language, Literature and Culture Armenian Language, Literature and Culture Persian Language, Literature and Culture French Language, Literature and Culture South-East Asian Language, Literature and Culture Indian Language, Literature and Culture Croatian Language, Literature and Culture Dutch Language, Literature and Culture British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture Spanish Language, Literature and Culture Italian Language, Literature and Culture Japanese Language, Literature and Culture Caucasian Language, Literature and Culture Korean Language, Literature and Culture Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture North American Language, Literature and Culture Latin American Language, Literature and Culture Polish Language, Literature and Culture Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture Portuguese Language, Literature and Culture Russian Language, Literature and Culture Slavic Language, Literature and Culture Urdu Language, Literature and Culture World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other) Asian Cultural Studies Environment and Culture Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Studies Screen and Media Culture Migrant Cultural Studies Consumption and Everyday Life Culture, Representation and Identity Cultural Theory Cultural and Creative Industries Globalisation and Culture Postcolonial Studies Arts and Cultural Policy Cultural Studies of Agriculture, Food and Beverage Cultural Studies of Nation and Region Cultural Studies (Other) Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Alawism Bektashism Studies Turkish Folklore Outside Türkiye Turkish Folklore in the Türkiye Field Turkish Folklore (Other) History Education 17th Century Philosophy 18th Century Philosophy 19th Century Philosophy 20th Century Philosophy 21st Century Philosophy Enlightenment Contemporary Philosophy History of Ideas Ancient Philosophy Hellenistic Philosophy Continental Philosophy Modern Philosophy Medieval Philosophy Renaissance Philosophy Philosophy in Turkiye Eastern Philosophies History of Logic History of Turkish Ideas History of Philosophy (Other) Environmental Law Animal Law Climate Change Law Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law Environmental and Resources Law (Other) Environmental Anthropology Linguistic Anthropology Anthropology of Development Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality Anthropology (Other) City in Human Geography Türkiye Physical Geography Environmental Geography Environmental Impact Assessment Ecology, Sustainability and Energy Economic Geography Development Geography Rural and Regional Geography Cultural Geography Population Geography Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography Health Geography Urban and Regional Planning Education Political Geography Social Geography Historical Geography Turkish Human Geography Turkish Economic Geography Transport Geography Countries Geography Habitation Geography Human Geography (Other) Family and Household Studies Fertility Migration Population Trends and Policies Mortality Demography (Other) Forensic Anthropology Anthropometry Archeometry Nutritional Anthropology Biological Anthropology Ecological Anthropology Ergonomi Evolution Physics Anthropology Biometry in Physical Anthropology and Paleoanthropology Paleoecology in Physical Anthropology and Paleoanthropology Hominid Phylogeny Human Paleontology Human Biodiversity Criminal Anthropology Odontology Auxology Osteology Primatology Physical Anthropology and Paleoanthropology (Other) Humanitarian Disasters, Conflict and Peacebuilding Labour, Migration and Development Development Cooperation Urban Community Development Rural Community Development Political Economy and Social Change Socio-Economic Development Poverty, Inclusivity and Wellbeing Development Studies (Other) White Collar Crime Environmental Crime Gender and Crime State Crime Race/Ethnicity and Crime Correctional Theory, Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation Criminological Theories Victims Courts and Sentencing Organised Crime Private Policing and Security Services Police and Internal Security Studies Police Administration, Procedures and Practice Cybercrime Crime and Social Justice Critical Approaches To Crime Causes and Prevention of Crime Sociological Studies of Crime Technology, Crime and Surveillance Terrorism Criminology (Other) Eu Regional Policy Research, Science and Technology Policy Environment Policy Gender, Policy and Administration Economic Development Policy Climate and Water Policies Communications and Media Policy Public Policy Public Administration Urbanization Policies Urban Policy Housing Policy Risk Policy Health Policy Crime Policy Tourism Policy Turkiye's Regional Policy and Planning Local Administrations Policy and Administration (Other) Intellectual History of Politics Family Resources Education Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services Clinical Social Work Practice Social Program Evaluation Social Work (Other) Dietetics Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Labor Economics and Economic Demography Disabled Groups Occupational Health and Safety Rural Development Social Justice Social Sheltering Social Exclusion Social Security Nursing Services in Social Policy Regional Development and Globalisation in Social Policy Crime and Punishment Welfare Studies Social Policy (Other) Family Anthropology Anthropology of Science Cognitive Anthropology Religion Anthropology Ethnology Visual Antropology Economic Anthropology Urban Anthropolgy Rural Anthropolgy Anthropology of Media Anthropology of Music Psychological Anthropolgy Numerical Anthropology Political Anthropology Developmental Anthropology in Social and Cultural Anthropology Historical Anthropology Protection and Repair of Movable Cultural Heritage Social and Cultural Anthropology (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology (Other) Land Use and Environmental Planning Urban Geography in Regional Planning Regional Analysis and Development Regulatory Planning and Development Assessment Public Participation and Community Engagement Participation and Governance Urban Morphology Urban History Urban Field Management Urban Analysis and Development Urban Informatics Urban Aesthetics Urban Planning and Health Urban Design Housing Markets, Development and Management City and Regional Planning Strategic, Metropolitan and Regional Planning Community Planning Regional Analysis and Planning in Turkiye Transport Planning History and Theory of the Built Environment Urban and Regional Planning (Other) Architectural History, Theory and Criticism Treatment Facility Design Waste Management, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Environmental Pollution and Prevention Environmentally Sustainable Engineering Air Pollution Modelling and Control Air Pollution and Gas Cleaning Solid and Hazardous Wastes Global Environmental Engineering Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Clean Production Technologies Soil Pollution and Control Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Environmental Engineering (Other) Cognitive Development Sex Development Emotional Development Personal Development Learning Psychology Social Development Development of Intelligence Developmental Psychology (Other) Family Psychology Military Psychology Egotism Labor Psychology Gender Psychology Psychology of Religion Economic Psychology Communication Psychology Personality and Individual Differences Cultural Psychology Intercultural Psychology Architecture and Environmental Psychology Political Psychology Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Social Psychology Community Psychology Traffic Psychology Management Psychology Social and Personality Psychology (Other) Forensic Psychology Child and Adolescent Development Educational Psychology Industrial and Organisational Psychology (Incl. Human Factors) Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis Sport and Exercise Psychology Psychology of Ageing Applied and Developmental Psychology (Other) Visual Cultures Islamic Arts Cultural and Natural Heritage History of Architecture Aesthetics in Architecture Painting History Art Criticism Art History Urban in Art History Urban Aesthetics in Art History Art Theory Byzantine Art Contemporary Art Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Late Iron Age The Archaeology of Middle Bronze Age Archaeology (Other) Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other) Old Anatolian History History of Old Asia Minor Classical Greek and Roman History Ancient History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Asian Economy History of European Economy History of World Economy History of Finance History of Ottoman Economy History of Turkiye Economy History of Economics (Other) Archival, Repository and Related Studies Digital Heritage Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies Cultural Heritage and Conservation Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage) Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation of Historical Materials Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) African Political History American Political History Military Geography European Political History Political Geography in Political History Türkish Political Hİstory Middle Eastern and North African History Ataturk's Principles History of Revolution Political History (Other) Biography Environmental History Gender History Digital History History of Religion Migration History History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism Histories of Race History of Islam Global and World History Historical Studies of Crime International History Transnational History Oral History Local History Historical Studies (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern Latin American History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Latin American History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other) History of The Humanities History of Science Economic History History of Ideas History of Law and Justice History of Economic Thought Communication History History of Engineering and Technology Theory and History of Landscape Architecture Urbanization History Cinema History History of The Social Sciences History of Sports Agricultural History History of Medicine Turkish-Islamic Arts History History of Advertising Historical Religions History of İslamic sects Islamic Intellectual History Legal History Nursing History Turkish Music History Ottoman history Tourism History Public History History of Specific Fields (Other) The Writing of History History Methodology Historiography Education Literature of History History of Policy Historical Review Theory of History Historiography (Other) Business and Labour History History of Accounting Food History Veterinary History of Veterinary and Deontology
Bingöl Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
Bingöl Üniversitesi
Econometric and Statistical Methods Growth Development Economics - Macro Macroeconomics (Other) Theory of Economy Microeconomics (Other) European Union Economy International Economics (Other) Public Policy Public Administration Finance Islamic Finance Human Resources Management Business Administration Public Finance Finance Studies (Other) Auditing and Accountability Consumer Behaviour Product and Brand Management Marketing (Other) Organisation and Management Theory
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Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Bingöl Üniversitesi
Arabic Language, Literature and Culture Persian Language, Literature and Culture Urdu Language, Literature and Culture Turkish Islamic Literature Logic Family and Household Studies Regional Studies Islamic Arts Arabic Language and Rhetoric Hadith Islamic Law Islamic Sects Kalam Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat Sufism Tafsir Islamic Studies (Other)
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Bingöl Üniversitesi Sağlık Dergisi
Bingöl Üniversitesi
Cancer Biology Forensic Biology Anthropological Genetics Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Gene Mapping Gene Expression Genetic Immunology Genome Structure and Regulation Genomics Cell and Nuclear Division Molecular Evolution Neurogenetics Optogenetics Cytogenetic Molecular Genetics Genetics (Other) Animal Physiology - Systems Facial Plastic Surgery Brain and Nerve Surgery (Neurosurgery) Pediatric Surgery Infant and Child Health Pediatric Emergency Pediatric Infectious Diseases Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatric Gastroenterology Pediatric Genetic Illnesses Pediatric Chest Diseases Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Pediatric Immunology and Allergic Diseases Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Metabolism Diseases Pediatric Nephrology Pediatric Neurology Pediatric Rheumatology Pediatric Urology Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Pediatric Intensive Care Adolescent Health Neonatology Paediatrics (Other) Medical Genetics (Excl. Cancer Genetics) Cancer Genetics Cancer Therapy (Excl. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy) Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Family Counseling Models of Care and Place of Birth Psychosocial Aspects of Childbirth and Perinatal Mental Health Clinical Midwifery Midwifery (Other) Sports Training Physical Training and Sports Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy Exercise Physiology Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled Physical Activity and Health Physical Fitness Kinantropometri Motor Control Biomechanics in Sports Science Movement Education in Sports Science Sports Activity Management Sports Nutrition Sports and Recreation Sports Science and Exercise (Other) Traditional Chinese Medicine and Treatments Chiropractic Naturopathy Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (Other) Preventative Health Care Health Promotion Social Determinants of Health Health Equity Community Child Health Injury Prevention Public Health (Other) Emergency Nursing Acute Care Surgical Diseases Nursing​​ Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing ​Internal Diseases Nursing​ Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing Public Health Nursing Nurse Education Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Workforce Nursing Management Mental Health Nursing Subacute Care Aged Care Nursing ICU Nursing Nursing (Other) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Speech Pathology Music Therapy Audiology Orthoptics Podiatry Prosthetics and Orthotics Rehabilitation Arts Therapy Allied Health and Rehabilitation Science (Other) Family Care Family Medicine Military Medical Services Primary Health Care Digital Health People With Disability Residential Client Care General Practice Patient Safety Space and Aeromedicine Rural and Remote Health Services Multimorbidity Palliative Care Mental Health Services Health Informatics and Information Systems Health Counselling Health Physics Health Surveillance Health Care Administration Health Systems Health and Community Services Health Management Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine One Health Medical Education Implementation Science and Evaluation Aged Health Care Health Services and Systems (Other) Veterinary Urology
Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Bingöl Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other) Environmental Education and Extension Environmental Rehabilitation and Restoration Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Natural Resource Management Conservation and Biodiversity Wildlife and Habitat Management Environmental Management (Other) Chuvash Language and Literature South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-East (Altai, Khakas, Tuva, Sakha/Yakut) Turkic Dialects and Literatures Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other) Translation and Interpretation Studies Early English Languages English As A Second Language Comparative Language Studies Latin and Classical Greek Languages Language Studies (Other) Cognitive Linguistics Corpus Linguistics Child Language Acquisition Language Documentation and Description Linguistic Performance Science Linguistic Structures (Incl. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax) Phonetics and Speech Science Computational Linguistics Discourse and Pragmatics Lexicography and Semantics Historical, Comparative and Typological Linguistics Sociolinguistics Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Linguistics (Other) African Language, Literature and Culture German Language, Literature and Culture Arabic Language, Literature and Culture Albanian Language Literature and Culture Asian Language, Literature and Culture European Language, Literature and Culture Bosnian Language, Literature and Culture Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Modern Greek Language, Literature and Culture Chinese Language, Literature and Culture Armenian Language, Literature and Culture Persian Language, Literature and Culture French Language, Literature and Culture South-East Asian Language, Literature and Culture Indian Language, Literature and Culture Croatian Language, Literature and Culture Dutch Language, Literature and Culture British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture Spanish Language, Literature and Culture Italian Language, Literature and Culture Japanese Language, Literature and Culture Caucasian Language, Literature and Culture Korean Language, Literature and Culture Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture North American Language, Literature and Culture Latin American Language, Literature and Culture Polish Language, Literature and Culture Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture Portuguese Language, Literature and Culture Russian Language, Literature and Culture Slavic Language, Literature and Culture Urdu Language, Literature and Culture World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other) Print Culture Contemporary Drama Studies Children's Literature Digital Literature Literary Theory Ecocriticism Young Adult Literature Hittitology Comparative and Transnational Literature Latin and Classical Greek Literature Modernist/Postmodernist Literature Medieval Literature Popular and Genre Literature Romantic Literature Reinessance Literature Postcolonial Literature Stylistics and Textual Analysis Sumerology Turkish Islamic Literature Literary Studies (Other) Media Studies Environmental Communication Journalism Journalism Studies Communication Studies Communication Education Communication Theories Communication Systems Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies Internet Internet Publishing Mass Media Media Industry Studies Media Literacy Media Technologies Organisational, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication Radio Programming Radio Broadcasting Radio-Television Social Media Studies Social Media Applications and Analysis Television Programming Television Broadcasting Transmedia International and Development Communication New Communication Technologies New Media Communication and Media Studies (Other) Digital Advertising Advertising Studies Advertising Analysis Advertising Campaigns Advertising Strategies Ad Writing Advertising Media Planning Political Advertising Social Advertising Advertising (Other) Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Alawism Bektashism Studies Turkish Folklore Outside Türkiye Turkish Folklore in the Türkiye Field Turkish Folklore (Other) Education Management Supervision in Education Education Planning Inspection and Planning Leadership in Education Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics (Other) Curriculum Development in Education Curriculum Evaluation in Education Program Design Learning Theories In-Service Training Readiness in Education Curriculum Design Instructional Theories Instructional Design Instructional Technologies Informal Learning Out-of-School Learning Lifelong learning Adult Education Values ​​education Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education Psychological Foundations of Education Multicultural Education Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators Curriculum and Instration (Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) Gender, Sexuality and Education Education Policy Educational Technology and Computing Inclusive Education Learning Analytics Learning Sciences Teacher and Student Wellbeing Specialist Studies in Education (Other) Econometrics Theory Econometric and Statistical Methods Economic Models and Forecasting Comparative Economic Systems Panel Data Analysis Applied Macroeconometrics Applied Microeconometrics Cross-Sectional Analysis Time-Series Analysis Econometrics (Other) Ecological Economics Political Economy Theory Heterodox Economics Economic Methodology Islamic Economy Institutional Economics Theory Macroeconomic Theory Mathematical Economics Microeconomic Theory Radical Economy Economic Theory (Other) Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Macroeconomics (Other) European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation International Economics (Other) Economics of Education Domestic Economy Energy Economy On Ships Communication Economy Public Economy Public Economics - Public Choice Public Economics - Publicly Provided Goods Public Economics - Taxation and Revenue Engineering Economy Organisation Economy Health Economy Urban Economics Insurance Economy Sustainable Development Agricultural Economics Textile Economy Tourism Economics Transport Economics Green Economy Applied Economics (Other) Metaphilosophy Epistemology Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Informatics Philosophy of Environment Philosophy of Value Philosophy of State Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Education Aesthetics Ethics Philosophy of Law Philosophy of Economics Philosophy of Human Being Islamic Philosophy Philosophy of Culture Philosophy of Logic Metaphysics Ontology Philosophy of Art Philosophy of Society Philosophy of History Philosophy of Technology Philosophy of Society Turkish Islamic Philosophy Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Communication Logic Systematic Philosophy (Other) 17th Century Philosophy 18th Century Philosophy 19th Century Philosophy 20th Century Philosophy 21st Century Philosophy Enlightenment Contemporary Philosophy History of Ideas Ancient Philosophy Hellenistic Philosophy Continental Philosophy Modern Philosophy Medieval Philosophy Renaissance Philosophy Philosophy in Turkiye Eastern Philosophies History of Logic History of Turkish Ideas History of Philosophy (Other) Family Law Media and Communication Law Information and Technology Law Criminal Law Legal Education Law Reform Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation Law and Humanities Law and Religion Law, Science and Technology Law and Society and Socio-Legal Research Law, Gender and Sexuality Communication Law Race, Ethnicity and Law Labour and Social Security Law Law of Private Insurance Sports Law Design Law Medical and Health Law Tourism Law Law in Context (Other) Constitutional Law Military Law and Justice Migration, Asylum and Refugee Law Administrative Law Privacy and Data Rights Welfare, Insurance, Disability and Social Security Law Competition Law Domestic Human Rights Law Public Law (Other) Banking, Finance and Securities Law Labour Law Non-Profit Law Corporations and Associations Law Taxation Law Commercial Law (Other) Access To Justice Criminal Procedure Litigation, Adjudication and Dispute Resolution Youth Justice Civil Procedure Legal Institutions (Incl. Courts and Justice Systems) Legal Practice, Lawyering and The Legal Profession Legal Systems (Other) Environmental Anthropology Linguistic Anthropology Anthropology of Development Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality Anthropology (Other) City in Human Geography Türkiye Physical Geography Environmental Geography Environmental Impact Assessment Ecology, Sustainability and Energy Economic Geography Development Geography Rural and Regional Geography Cultural Geography Population Geography Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography Health Geography Urban and Regional Planning Education Political Geography Social Geography Historical Geography Turkish Human Geography Turkish Economic Geography Transport Geography Countries Geography Habitation Geography Human Geography (Other) Family and Household Studies Fertility Migration Population Trends and Policies Mortality Demography (Other) Eu Regional Policy Research, Science and Technology Policy Environment Policy Gender, Policy and Administration Economic Development Policy Climate and Water Policies Communications and Media Policy Public Policy Public Administration Urbanization Policies Urban Policy Housing Policy Risk Policy Health Policy Crime Policy Tourism Policy Turkiye's Regional Policy and Planning Local Administrations Policy and Administration (Other) Family Resources Education Counselling, Wellbeing and Community Services Clinical Social Work Practice Social Program Evaluation Social Work (Other) Dietetics Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Labor Economics and Economic Demography Disabled Groups Occupational Health and Safety Rural Development Social Justice Social Sheltering Social Exclusion Social Security Nursing Services in Social Policy Regional Development and Globalisation in Social Policy Crime and Punishment Welfare Studies Social Policy (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology (Other) African Studies American Studies Studies of Asian Society European Union European Union-Turkiye Relations European Studies Regional Studies Globalisation Middle East Studies Turkish Foreign Policy Studies of the Turkic World International Migration International Security International Law International Relations Theories Politics in International Relations Terrorism in International Relations Conflict Resolution in International Relations International Institutions Far East Studies International Relations (Other) Cognition Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance Vision Perception Memory and Attention Decision Making Learning, Motivation and Emotion Psycholinguistics (Incl. Speech Production and Comprehension) Social Cognition Cognitive and Computational Psychology (Other) Cognitive Development Sex Development Emotional Development Personal Development Learning Psychology Social Development Development of Intelligence Developmental Psychology (Other) Clinical Neuropsychology Clinical Psychology Counselling Psychology Psychotherapy Practise and Research Health Psychology Stress Trauma Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology (Other) Family Psychology Military Psychology Egotism Labor Psychology Gender Psychology Psychology of Religion Economic Psychology Communication Psychology Personality and Individual Differences Cultural Psychology Intercultural Psychology Architecture and Environmental Psychology Political Psychology Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Social Psychology Community Psychology Traffic Psychology Management Psychology Social and Personality Psychology (Other) Statistical Analysis Methods Classical Test Theories Item Response Theory Modelling Measurement Equivalence Orgazinational Change and Development Test Theories Test Standardization and Norm Development Testing, Assessment and Psychometrics (Other) Religious Music Composition in Western Classical Music Interpretation in Western Classical Music Music Cognition Music Education Music Performance Music Technology and Recording Theories of Music Musicology and Ethnomusicology Conductorship Composition in Turkish Folk Music Interpretation in Turkish Folk Music Composition in Turkish Classical Music Interpretation in Turkish Classical Music Music (Other) Documentary Film - Political Cinema Movie Review Film Restoration Filmmaking and Directing Cinema Theories Cinema and Aesthetics Cinema-Tv Production and Management Cinema Studies (Other) Marbling Carpet, Rug and Textiles Architectural Turkish-Islamic Archeology in the Middle Ages Ceramic-Glass Design Fine-Arts in Turkish Islamic Art Line in Turkish Islamic Art Turkish Music Turkish Islamic Arts (Other) Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Archaeology (Other) Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Economics (Other) Archival, Repository and Related Studies Digital Heritage Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies Cultural Heritage and Conservation Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage) Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation of Historical Materials Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) African Political History American Political History Military Geography European Political History Political Geography in Political History Political History (Other) Biography Environmental History Gender History Digital History History of Religion Migration History History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism Histories of Race History of Islam Global and World History Historical Studies of Crime International History Transnational History Historical Studies (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern Latin American History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Latin American History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other) Integrated Marketing Communication Activity Management Public Relations Public Relations Campaigns and Applications Public Relations Methods and Instruments Human Resources Management Business and Labour History Occupation and Workplace Health and Safety Workforce Planning Employment Equity and Diversity Workplace Wellbeing and Quality of Working Life Reputation Management Crisis Communication Institutional Communication Corporate Social Responsibility Industrial and Employee Relations Social Responsibility Projects Human Resources and Industrial Relations (Other) Business Administration Digital Marketing Industrial Marketing Pricing Service Marketing Non-Profit Marketing Intercultural Communication Customer Relationship Management Marketing Research Methodology Marketing Communications Marketing Technology Marketing Theory Marketing Management Advertisement Sales Management Social Marketing Agricultural Marketing Consumer Behaviour Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development International Marketing Product and Brand Management Marketing (Other) Disaster and Emergency Management Industrial Organisation Entrepreneurship Hospital Management Innovation Management Quality Management Public Sector Organisation and Management Non-Profit Business and Management Crisis and Issue Management Small Business Organisation and Management Corporate Governance Leadership Operation Strategy Organizasyon Organisation and Management Theory Organisational Planning and Management Organizational Culture Organisational Behaviour Stakeholder Engagement Project Management Strategy Sustainable Operation Management International Business Production and Operations Management Management and Organization Education Corporate Social Responsibility in Management Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other) Tourism (Other) Biogeography Regional Planning Regional Geography Glaciology Geographic Information Systems Ecology in Geography Natural Hazards Drainage Ecological Design / Planning Watershed Management Hydrography Geomorphology and Earth Surface Processes Quaternary Environments Limnology Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Regolith and Soil Formation Urban Geography Sustainability and Energy Soil Geography Physical Geography Environmental Problems Remote Sensing Earth System Sciences Physical Geography and Environmental Geology (Other)
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Bingöl Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Dergisi
Bingöl Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other) Active Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Computational Imaging Multimodal Analysis and Synthesis Pattern Recognition Image and Video Coding Audio Processing Video Processing Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation (Other) Networking and Communications Cloud Computing Distributed Systems and Algorithms Energy-Efficient Computing Concurrent/Parallel Systems and Technologies Dependable Systems Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed System Performance Evaluation Service Oriented Computing Cyberphysical Systems and Internet of Things Edge Computing High Performance Computing Distributed Computing and Systems Software (Other) Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication Computer Graphics Serious Games and Simulations Entertainment and Gaming Interactive Narrative Procedural Content Generation Virtual and Mixed Reality Sound and Music Computing Digitalization Augmented Reality Metaverse Gamification Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other) Algorithms and Calculation Theory Concurrency Theory Computational Complexity and Computability Computational Logic and Formal Languages Coding, Information Theory and Compression Quantum Computation Numerical Computation and Mathematical Software Data Structures and Algorithms Theory of Computation (Other) Information Visualisation Computing Education Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Trust and Ethics of Computer Systems Affective Computing Accessible Computing Human-Computer Interaction Collaborative and Social Computing Mixed Initiative and Human-In-The-Loop Social Robotics Pervasive Computing Human Centered Computing (Other) Context Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks Adversarial Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning Machine Vision Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Supervised Learning Machine Learning Algorithms Extreme Learning Machines Classification Algorithms Bioinformatics Machine Learning (Other) Stream and Sensor Data Information Retrieval and Web Search Information Extraction and Fusion Big Data Graph, Social and Multimedia Data Query Processing and Optimisation Recommender Systems Data Quality Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Models, Storage and Indexing Data Engineering and Data Science Database Systems Data Analysis Data Management and Data Science (Other) Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Empirical Software Engineering Computer System Software Computer Software Requirements Engineering Automated Software Engineering Programming Languages Formal Methods For Software Software Quality, Processes and Metrics Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Reinforcement Learning Software Engineering (Other) Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Morphology and Anatomy Plant Pathology Palynology Ethobotany Bryophyte Plant Tissue and Cell Culture Botany (Other) Bioinformatic Methods Development Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Computational Ecology and Phylogenetics Statistical and Quantitative Genetics Proteomics and Metabolomics Sequence Analysis Translational and Applied Bioinformatics Molecular Docking Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Behavioural Ecology Marine and Estuarine Ecology Ecological Physiology Hydrobiology Terrestrial Ecology Global Change Biology Palaeoecology Population Ecology Radioecology Freshwater Ecology Community Ecology Molecular Ecology Ecotoxicology Invasion Ecology Ecology (Other) Astrobiology Astronomical Instrumentation Galactic Astronomy General Relativity and Gravitational Waves Planetary Science (Excl. Solar System and Planetary Geology) Solar Physics Complex Physical Systems Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy Stellar Astronomy and Planetary Systems High Energy Astrophysics and Galactic Cosmic Rays Astronomical Sciences (Other) Atomic and Molecular Physics Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy Photonics, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Lasers and Quantum Electronics Terahertz Physics Robotics Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Other) Acoustics and Acoustical Devices; Waves Electrostatics and Electrodynamics General Physics Statistical Physics Classical and Physical Optics Material Physics Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Surface Physics Classical Physics (Other) Degenerate Quantum Gases and Atom Optics Quantum Computers Quantum Information, Computation and Communication Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Optics and Quantum Optomechanics Quantum Technologies Quantum Physics (Other) Nuclear Physics Plasma Physics; Fusion Plasmas; Electrical Discharges Radiophysics Nuclear and Plasma Physics (Other) Integrable Systems (Classical and Quantum) Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity Mathematical Aspects of Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory Mathematical Aspects of Quantum and Conformal Field Theory, Quantum Gravity and String Theory Algebraic Structures in Mathematical Physics Statistical Mechanics, Physical Combinatorics and Mathematical Aspects of Condensed Matter Mathematical Physics (Other) Forensic Evaluation, Inference and Statistics Biostatistics Large and Complex Data Theory Soft Computing Computational Statistics Statistical Analysis Statistical Experiment Design Statistical Quality Control Statistical Theory Statistical Data Science Spatial Statistics Quantitative Decision Methods Probability Theory Stochastic Analysis and Modelling Theory of Sampling Risk Analysis Applied Statistics Operation Statistics (Other) Experimental Mathematics Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations Mathematical Optimisation Numerical Analysis Symbolic Calculation Finite Element Analysis Numerical and Computational Mathematics (Other) Ordinary Differential Equations, Difference Equations and Dynamical Systems Algebra and Number Theory Algebraic and Differential Geometry Group Theory and Generalisations Category Theory, K Theory, Homological Algebra Partial Differential Equations Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (Excl. Physical Combinatorics) Lie Groups, Harmonic and Fourier Analysis Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Lattices and Universal Algebra Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis Real and Complex Functions (Incl. Several Variables) Topology Pure Mathematics (Other) Biological Mathematics Financial Mathematics Mathematical Methods and Special Functions Complex Systems in Mathematics Operations Research İn Mathematics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Mathematics Dynamical Systems in Applications Calculus of Variations, Mathematical Aspects of Systems Theory and Control Theory Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods Applied Mathematics (Other) Animation Digital Game Design Photography Computer-Assisted Design Visual Design Semiotics Graphic Design Caricature Illustration Multimedia Design Video Design Web Design Visual Communication Design (Other) Land Use and Environmental Planning Urban Geography in Regional Planning Regional Analysis and Development Regulatory Planning and Development Assessment Public Participation and Community Engagement Participation and Governance Urban Morphology Urban History Urban Field Management Urban Analysis and Development Urban Informatics Urban Aesthetics Urban Planning and Health Urban Design Housing Markets, Development and Management City and Regional Planning Strategic, Metropolitan and Regional Planning Community Planning Regional Analysis and Planning in Turkiye Transport Planning History and Theory of the Built Environment Urban and Regional Planning (Other) Architecture for Disaster Relief Interior Architecture Architectural Computing and Visualisation Methods Architectural Science and Technology Architectural Heritage and Conservation Architectural History, Theory and Criticism Architectural Design Information Technologies in Architecture and Design Architecture Management Materials and Technology in Architecture Sustainable Architecture Architecture (Other) Plant Material and Growing Physical Environment Control Land and Water Resources in Landscape Architecture Computer Technology in Landscape Architecture Landscape Repair Landscape Planning Landscape Design Landscape Techniques Landscape Management Green Structures and Environments Landscape Architecture (Other) Design for Disaster Relief Industrial Product Design Ergonomics Design Interaction and Experience Design Universal and Unobstructed Design Service Design Interior Decoration Design Design, Plan, Project and Application in Architecture, Habitation and Industrial Products Social Design Sustainable Design Design Anthropology Design Instruments and Technology Design Culture and Social Context Models and Simulations of Design Design History, Theory and Criticism Design Practice and Methods Design Management Information Technology in Design Textile and Fashion Design Data Visualisation and Computational Design Fire Safety Design Design (Other) Quantity Surveying Project and Production Management Building Information Modelling and Management Building Industry Studies Building Science, Technologies and Systems Building Construction Management and Project Planning Building Organisational Studies Quality Management in Construction and Environment Automation and Technology in Building and Construction Protection, Restoration and Repair in Buildings, Environment, Habitation and Products Structural Integrity and Damage Building Technology Building Physics Building (Other) Lighting Circuits and Systems Electrical Circuits and Systems Electrical Energy Storage Electrical Energy Transmission, Networks and Systems Electrical Energy Generation (Incl. Renewables, Excl. Photovoltaics) Electrical Machines and Drives Power Plants Photovoltaic Power Systems Engineering Electromagnetics High Voltage Electrical Engineering (Other) Analog Electronics and Interfaces Digital Electronic Devices Digital Processor Architectures Electronics Electronic Sensors Electronic Device and System Performance Evaluation, Testing and Simulation Electronic Instrumentation Electronic Warfare Electronic Design Automation Evaluation Technique in Electronics Industrial Electronics Photonic and Electro-Optical Devices, Sensors and Systems (Excl. Communications) Photovoltaic Devices (Solar Cells) Embedded Systems Power Electronics Control Theoryand Applications Quantum Engineering Systems (Incl. Computing and Communications) Microelectronics Radio Frequency Engineering Numerical Design Semiconductors Electronics, Sensors and Digital Hardware (Other) Biomass Energy Systems Energy Solar Energy Systems Hydroelectric Energy Systems Geothermal Energy Systems Nuclear Energy Systems Wind Energy Systems Thermal Power Systems Installation Technologies Renewable Energy Resources Energy Efficiency Energy Systems Engineering (Other) Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management Reinforced Concrete Buildings Steel Structures Earthquake Engineering Granular Mechanics Hydromechanics Civil Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering System Identification in Civil Engineering Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Civil Construction Engineering Complex Civil Systems Fracture Mechanics Coastal Sciences and Engineering Architectural Engineering Wind Water Harvesting Water Resources Engineering Water Resources and Water Structures Transportation and Traffic Transportation Engineering Fire Safety Engineering Structural Dynamics Construction Business Construction Materials Structural Engineering Production Technologies Civil Engineering (Other) Biomechatronics Control Engineering Mechatronics Hardware Design and Architecture Mechatronics Engineering Mechatronic System Design Simulation, Modelling, and Programming of Mechatronics Systems Micro-Manipulation Engineering Instrumentation Automation Engineering Autonomous Vehicle Systems Field Robotics Medical Robotics Manufacturing Robotics Assistive Robots and Technology Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics (Other) Circuit Machines Acoustics and Noise Control (Excl. Architectural Acoustics) Ballistic Systems Biomechanic Dynamics, Vibration and Vibration Control Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage (Excl. Chemical and Electrical) Gas Dynamics Solid Mechanics Resource Technologies Mechanical Engineering Asset Management Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering Machine Design and Machine Equipment Machine Theory and Dynamics Material Design and Behaviors Microelectromechanical Systems (Mems) Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation Weapon Systems Tribology Mechanical Engineering (Other) Compound Semiconductors Glass Cement Technology Casting Technologies Electronic, Optics and Magnetic Materials Physical Metallurgy Functional Materials Wearable Materials Computational Material Sciences Plating Technology Timber, Pulp and Paper Composite and Hybrid Materials Corrosion Material Characterization Ceramics in Materials Engineering Material Production Technologies Metals and Alloy Materials Organic Semiconductors Polymer Physics Polymer Technologies Polymers and Plastics Refractory Technology Elemental Semiconductors Powder Metallurgy Manufacturing Metallurgy Materials Engineering (Other) Molecular and Organic Electronics Nanomaterials Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Powertrains Internal Combustion Engines Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Automotive Safety Engineering Automotive Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Automotive Engineering Materials Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering Heat Transfer in Automotive Vehicle Technique and Dynamics Automotive Engineering (Other) Leather Engineering Yarn Technology Fabric Technologies Fiber Technology Planning Techniques Textile Science Textile Quality Control Textile Chemistry Textile Technology Textile Finishing Apparel Technology Textile Management Textile Sciences and Engineering (Other) Marine Geology and Geophysics General Geology Hydrogeology Geoarcheology Geothermal Rock Mechanics Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry Mineralogy- Petrography Geology of Engineering Seismology Continuum Mechanics Applied Geology Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Bingöl Üniversitesi Yaşayan Diller Enstitüsü Dergisi
Bingöl Üniversitesi
Comparative Language Studies Language Studies (Other) Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture
Biological Diversity and Conservation
Plant Biochemistry Cell Development, Proliferation and Death Hydrobiology Terrestrial Ecology Plant and Fungus Systematics and Taxonomy Animal Systematics and Taxonomy Vertebrate Biology Invertebrate Biology Bacteriology Mycology Virology Dental Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Toxicology Pharmaceutical Botany Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology (Other) Cancer Cell Biology Natural Resource Management Conservation and Biodiversity Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds Materials Science and Technologies Medical Education Climatology Forest Ecosystems Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
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Biomedicine and Genome Research
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Epigenetics Animal Cell and Molecular Biology
Biotech Studies
Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü
Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Pathology Botany (Other) Bioinformatic Methods Development Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Computational Ecology and Phylogenetics Statistical and Quantitative Genetics Proteomics and Metabolomics Sequence Analysis Translational and Applied Bioinformatics Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Analytical Biochemistry Enzymes Cell Metabolism Cell Neurochemistry Cellular Interactions Protein Trafficking Proteomics and Intermolecular Interactions Receptors and Membrane Biology Synthetic Biology Signal Transduction Systems Biology Structural Biology Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Other) Bioprocessing, Bioproduction and Bioproducts Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology Industrial Biotechnology Diagnostics Industrial Microbiology Fermentation Nanobiotechnology Industrial Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Industrial Biotechnology (Other) Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Gene Mapping Gene Expression Genetic Immunology Genome Structure and Regulation Genomics Cell and Nuclear Division Molecular Evolution Neurogenetics Genetics (Other) Bacteriology Infectious Agents Mycology Microbial Ecology Microbial Genetics Parasitology Virology Microbiology (Other) Gene and Molecular Therapy Nanomedicine Medical Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Regenerative Medicine (Incl. Stem Cells) Medical Biotechnology Diagnostics Medical Biotechnology (Other) Environmentally Sustainable Engineering Food Engineering Non-Genetically Modified Uses of Biotechnology Livestock Cloning Genetically Modified Trees Genetically Modified Horticulture Plants Genetically Modified Animals Genetically Modified Field Crops and Pasture Agricultural Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Plant Bacteriology in Agriculture Plant Biotechnology in Agriculture Plant Virology in Agriculture Enzyme and Microbial Biotechnology in Agriculture Animal Biotechnology in Agriculture Agricultural Biotechnology Diagnostics Agricultural Marine Biotechnology Transgenesis Agricultural Biotechnology (Other) Veterinary Surgery
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Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Bilgi Yolu Eğitim Kültür ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi: BİLSAM
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other) Pervasive Computing Open Access Archive Information Research Behavior Information Retrival Information Interaction Organisation of Information and Knowledge Resources Information Governance, Policy and Ethics Digital Curation and Preservation Documentation Informetrics Recordkeeping Informatics Library Studies Social and Community Informatics Information Literacy Library and Information Studies (Other) Computer Forensics Information Security and Cryptology Cloud Computing Security Digital Forensics Hardware Security Cryptography System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Data and Information Privacy Software and Application Security Cyber Espionage Cybersecurity Policy Cybersecurity and Privacy (Other) Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Chuvash Language and Literature South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-East (Altai, Khakas, Tuva, Sakha/Yakut) Turkic Dialects and Literatures Communication Studies Dialectology Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other) Translation and Interpretation Studies Early English Languages English As A Second Language Comparative Language Studies Latin and Classical Greek Languages Translation Studies Language Acquisition Language Studies (Other) Cognitive Linguistics Corpus Linguistics Child Language Acquisition Language Documentation and Description Linguistic Performance Science Linguistic Structures (Incl. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax) Phonetics and Speech Science Computational Linguistics Discourse and Pragmatics Lexicography and Semantics Historical, Comparative and Typological Linguistics Sociolinguistics Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Linguistic Contrastif Textlinguistics Linguistics (Other) Romantic Literature Family Counseling Career Counseling Drug Addiction Consultancy School Counseling Psychological Counseling Education Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Other) Development of Physical Education and Education Programs Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management) Development of Science, Technology and Engineering Education and Programs Curriculum and Teaching in Economics, Business and Management Development of Environmental Education and Programs Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Child Development Education Other Fields of Education (Other) European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation Foreign Trade Foreign Trade Policy Economic Diplomacy International Economics (Other) Philosophy of History 17th Century Philosophy 18th Century Philosophy 19th Century Philosophy 20th Century Philosophy 21st Century Philosophy Enlightenment Contemporary Philosophy History of Ideas Ancient Philosophy Hellenistic Philosophy Continental Philosophy Modern Philosophy Medieval Philosophy Renaissance Philosophy Philosophy in Turkiye Eastern Philosophies History of Logic History of Turkish Ideas History of Philosophy (Other) Conflict of Laws (Incl. Private International Law) Environmental Anthropology Linguistic Anthropology Anthropology of Development Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality Anthropology of Tourism Social Antropology Cultural Anthropology Anthropology (Other) City in Human Geography Türkiye Physical Geography Environmental Geography Environmental Impact Assessment Ecology, Sustainability and Energy Economic Geography Development Geography Rural and Regional Geography Cultural Geography Population Geography Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography Health Geography Urban and Regional Planning Education Political Geography Social Geography Historical Geography Turkish Human Geography Turkish Economic Geography Transport Geography Countries Geography Habitation Geography Human Geography (Other) Family and Household Studies Fertility Migration Population Trends and Policies Mortality Demography (Other) Humanitarian Disasters, Conflict and Peacebuilding Eu Regional Policy Research, Science and Technology Policy Environment Policy Gender, Policy and Administration Economic Development Policy Climate and Water Policies Communications and Media Policy Public Policy Public Administration Urbanization Policies Urban Policy Housing Policy Risk Policy Health Policy Crime Policy Tourism Policy Turkiye's Regional Policy and Planning Local Administrations Policy and Administration (Other) Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology of Aging Sociology of Quality of Life Sociology of Child Sociology of Food Sociology of History Tourism Sociology Fiscal Sociology Men's Studies Sociology (Other) African Studies American Studies Studies of Asian Society European Union European Union-Turkiye Relations European Studies Regional Studies Globalisation Middle East Studies Turkish Foreign Policy Studies of the Turkic World International Migration International Security International Law International Relations Theories Politics in International Relations Terrorism in International Relations Conflict Resolution in International Relations International Institutions Far East Studies Security Studies War Studies International Relations (Other) Cognition Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance Vision Perception Memory and Attention Decision Making Learning, Motivation and Emotion Psycholinguistics (Incl. Speech Production and Comprehension) Social Cognition Cognitive and Computational Psychology (Other) Cognitive Neuroscience Behavioural Epigenetics Behavioural Genetics Behavioural Neuroscience Evolutionary Psychological Studies Genetics-Environment Interaction Psychopharmacology Psychophysiology Psychopathology Social and Affective Neuroscience Biological Psychology (Other) Cognitive Development Sex Development Emotional Development Personal Development Learning Psychology Social Development Development of Intelligence Developmental Psychology (Other) Clinical Neuropsychology Clinical Psychology Counselling Psychology Psychotherapy Practise and Research Health Psychology Stress Trauma Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology (Other) Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Late Iron Age The Archaeology of Middle Bronze Age Archaeology (Other) Old Anatolian History History of Old Asia Minor Classical Greek and Roman History Ancient History (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) African Political History Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern Latin American History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Studies in Religious Traditions (Excl. Eastern, Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions) Studies in Eastern Religious Traditions Christian Studies Comparative Religious Studies Jewish Studies Religious Studies (Other) Kalam
Biruni Sağlık ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
Biruni Üniversitesi
Language Studies (Other) German Language, Literature and Culture British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture History of Philosophy (Other) Health Policy Educational Psychology Primary Health Care Health Care Administration African Political History American Political History Military Geography European Political History Political Geography in Political History Türkish Political Hİstory Middle Eastern and North African History Ataturk's Principles History of Revolution Political History (Other) Banking and Insurance (Other)
Bitig Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi
Chuvash Language and Literature South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures North-East (Altai, Khakas, Tuva, Sakha/Yakut) Turkic Dialects and Literatures Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other) Translation and Interpretation Studies Early English Languages English As A Second Language Comparative Language Studies Latin and Classical Greek Languages Language Studies (Other) Cognitive Linguistics Corpus Linguistics Child Language Acquisition Language Documentation and Description Linguistic Performance Science Linguistic Structures (Incl. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax) Phonetics and Speech Science Computational Linguistics Discourse and Pragmatics Lexicography and Semantics Historical, Comparative and Typological Linguistics Sociolinguistics Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Linguistics (Other) African Language, Literature and Culture German Language, Literature and Culture Arabic Language, Literature and Culture Albanian Language Literature and Culture Asian Language, Literature and Culture European Language, Literature and Culture Bosnian Language, Literature and Culture Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Modern Greek Language, Literature and Culture Chinese Language, Literature and Culture Armenian Language, Literature and Culture Persian Language, Literature and Culture French Language, Literature and Culture South-East Asian Language, Literature and Culture Indian Language, Literature and Culture Croatian Language, Literature and Culture Dutch Language, Literature and Culture British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture Spanish Language, Literature and Culture Italian Language, Literature and Culture Japanese Language, Literature and Culture Caucasian Language, Literature and Culture Korean Language, Literature and Culture Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture North American Language, Literature and Culture Latin American Language, Literature and Culture Polish Language, Literature and Culture Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture Portuguese Language, Literature and Culture Russian Language, Literature and Culture Slavic Language, Literature and Culture Urdu Language, Literature and Culture World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other) Print Culture Contemporary Drama Studies Children's Literature Digital Literature Literary Theory Ecocriticism Young Adult Literature Hittitology Comparative and Transnational Literature Latin and Classical Greek Literature Modernist/Postmodernist Literature Medieval Literature Popular and Genre Literature Romantic Literature Reinessance Literature Postcolonial Literature Stylistics and Textual Analysis Sumerology Turkish Islamic Literature Literary Studies (Other) Media Studies Environmental Communication Journalism Journalism Studies Communication Studies Communication Education Communication Theories Communication Systems Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies Internet Internet Publishing Mass Media Media Industry Studies Media Literacy Media Technologies Organisational, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication Radio Programming Radio Broadcasting Radio-Television Social Media Studies Social Media Applications and Analysis Television Programming Television Broadcasting Transmedia International and Development Communication New Communication Technologies New Media Communication and Media Studies (Other) Asian Cultural Studies Environment and Culture Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Studies Screen and Media Culture Migrant Cultural Studies Consumption and Everyday Life Culture, Representation and Identity Cultural Theory Cultural and Creative Industries Globalisation and Culture Postcolonial Studies Arts and Cultural Policy Cultural Studies of Agriculture, Food and Beverage Cultural Studies of Nation and Region Cultural Studies (Other) Digital Advertising Advertising Studies Advertising Analysis Advertising Campaigns Advertising Strategies Ad Writing Advertising Media Planning Political Advertising Social Advertising Advertising (Other) Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Alawism Bektashism Studies Turkish Folklore Outside Türkiye Turkish Folklore in the Türkiye Field Turkish Folklore (Other) Environmental Anthropology Linguistic Anthropology Anthropology of Development Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality Anthropology (Other) Archeometry Political Theory and Political Philosophy Family Anthropology Anthropology of Science Cognitive Anthropology Religion Anthropology Ethnology Visual Antropology Economic Anthropology Urban Anthropolgy Rural Anthropolgy Anthropology of Media Anthropology of Music Psychological Anthropolgy Numerical Anthropology Political Anthropology Developmental Anthropology in Social and Cultural Anthropology Historical Anthropology Protection and Repair of Movable Cultural Heritage Social and Cultural Anthropology (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology (Other) Cognition Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance Vision Perception Memory and Attention Decision Making Learning, Motivation and Emotion Psycholinguistics (Incl. Speech Production and Comprehension) Social Cognition Cognitive and Computational Psychology (Other) Cognitive Neuroscience Behavioural Epigenetics Behavioural Genetics Behavioural Neuroscience Evolutionary Psychological Studies Genetics-Environment Interaction Psychopharmacology Psychophysiology Psychopathology Social and Affective Neuroscience Biological Psychology (Other) Cognitive Development Sex Development Emotional Development Personal Development Learning Psychology Social Development Development of Intelligence Developmental Psychology (Other) Clinical Neuropsychology Clinical Psychology Counselling Psychology Psychotherapy Practise and Research Health Psychology Stress Trauma Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology (Other) Family Psychology Military Psychology Egotism Labor Psychology Gender Psychology Psychology of Religion Economic Psychology Communication Psychology Personality and Individual Differences Cultural Psychology Intercultural Psychology Architecture and Environmental Psychology Political Psychology Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology Social Psychology Community Psychology Traffic Psychology Management Psychology Social and Personality Psychology (Other) Statistical Analysis Methods Classical Test Theories Item Response Theory Modelling Measurement Equivalence Orgazinational Change and Development Test Theories Test Standardization and Norm Development Testing, Assessment and Psychometrics (Other) Forensic Psychology Child and Adolescent Development Educational Psychology Industrial and Organisational Psychology (Incl. Human Factors) Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis Sport and Exercise Psychology Psychology of Ageing Applied and Developmental Psychology (Other) Visual Cultures Islamic Arts Cultural and Natural Heritage History of Architecture Aesthetics in Architecture Painting History Art Criticism Art History Urban in Art History Urban Aesthetics in Art History Art Theory Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Archaeology (Other) Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other) Old Anatolian History History of Old Asia Minor Classical Greek and Roman History Ancient History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Asian Economy History of European Economy History of World Economy History of Finance History of Ottoman Economy History of Turkiye Economy History of Economics (Other) Archival, Repository and Related Studies Digital Heritage Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies Cultural Heritage and Conservation Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage) Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation of Historical Materials Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) African Political History American Political History Military Geography European Political History Political Geography in Political History Political History (Other) Biography Environmental History Gender History Digital History History of Religion Migration History History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism Histories of Race History of Islam Global and World History Historical Studies of Crime International History Transnational History Historical Studies (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern Latin American History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Latin American History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other)
Plant Protection Bulletin
Phytopathology Herbology Nematology Pesticides and Toxicology Acarology in Agriculture Entomology in Agriculture Plant Protection (Other)
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Bitlis Eren Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi
Journalism Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Economic Thought Circular Economy Migration Economics Space Economy Development Economics Disaster Economy Macroeconomics (Other) Regional Economy Labor Economics Environmental Economy Behavioural Economy Experimental Economy Natural Resources Economy Financial Economy Law and Economy Economic Design Theory of Economy Developmental Economy - Micro Urban Economy Institutional Economics Game Theory Political Economy Welfare Economics Industrial Economy Criminal Economy Microeconomics (Other) Public Administration Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology of Aging Sociology of Quality of Life Sociology of Child Sociology of Food Sociology of History Tourism Sociology Fiscal Sociology Men's Studies Sociology (Other) International Migration Business Administration Budget and Financial Planning Government Accounting Public Finance Financial Law Theory of Treasury Finance Studies (Other) Disaster and Emergency Management Gastronomy Tourism (Other)
Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science and Technology
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Information Systems (Other) Active Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Computational Imaging Multimodal Analysis and Synthesis Pattern Recognition Image and Video Coding Audio Processing Video Processing Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation (Other) Networking and Communications Cloud Computing Distributed Systems and Algorithms Energy-Efficient Computing Concurrent/Parallel Systems and Technologies Dependable Systems Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed System Performance Evaluation Service Oriented Computing Cyberphysical Systems and Internet of Things Edge Computing High Performance Computing Distributed Computing and Systems Software (Other) Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication Computer Graphics Serious Games and Simulations Entertainment and Gaming Interactive Narrative Procedural Content Generation Virtual and Mixed Reality Sound and Music Computing Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other) Algorithms and Calculation Theory Concurrency Theory Computational Complexity and Computability Computational Logic and Formal Languages Coding, Information Theory and Compression Quantum Computation Numerical Computation and Mathematical Software Data Structures and Algorithms Theory of Computation (Other) Information Visualisation Computing Education Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Trust and Ethics of Computer Systems Affective Computing Accessible Computing Human-Computer Interaction Collaborative and Social Computing Mixed Initiative and Human-In-The-Loop Social Robotics Pervasive Computing Human Centered Computing (Other) Context Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks Adversarial Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning Machine Vision Semi- and Unsupervised Learning Machine Learning (Other) Computer Forensics Information Security and Cryptology Cloud Computing Security Digital Forensics Hardware Security Cryptography System and Network Security Data Security and Protection Data and Information Privacy Software and Application Security Cybersecurity and Privacy (Other) Stream and Sensor Data Information Retrieval and Web Search Information Extraction and Fusion Big Data Graph, Social and Multimedia Data Query Processing and Optimisation Recommender Systems Data Quality Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Models, Storage and Indexing Data Engineering and Data Science Database Systems Data Management and Data Science (Other) Intelligent Robotics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Evolutionary Computation Speech Recognition Speech Production Satisfiability and Optimisation Modelling and Simulation Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Empirical Software Engineering Computer System Software Computer Software Requirements Engineering Automated Software Engineering Programming Languages Formal Methods For Software Software Quality, Processes and Metrics Software Architecture Software Testing, Verification and Validation Software Engineering (Other) Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Morphology and Anatomy Plant Pathology Botany (Other) Bioinformatic Methods Development Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Computational Ecology and Phylogenetics Statistical and Quantitative Genetics Proteomics and Metabolomics Sequence Analysis Translational and Applied Bioinformatics Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Analytical Biochemistry Enzymes Glycobiology Cell Development, Proliferation and Death Cell Metabolism Cell Neurochemistry Cellular Interactions Protein Trafficking Proteomics and Intermolecular Interactions Radiobiology Receptors and Membrane Biology Synthetic Biology Signal Transduction Systems Biology Structural Biology Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Other) Behavioural Ecology Marine and Estuarine Ecology Ecological Physiology Hydrobiology Terrestrial Ecology Global Change Biology Palaeoecology Population Ecology Radioecology Freshwater Ecology Community Ecology Ecology (Other) Bioprocessing, Bioproduction and Bioproducts Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology Industrial Biotechnology Diagnostics Industrial Microbiology Fermentation Nanobiotechnology Industrial Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Industrial Biotechnology (Other) Plant and Fungus Systematics and Taxonomy Biogeography and Phylogeography Biological Adaptation Evolutionary Ecology Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis Evolution of Developmental Systems Animal Systematics and Taxonomy Evolutionary Impacts of Climate Change Host-Parasite Interactions Microbial Taxonomy Speciation and Extinction Life Histories Evolutionary Biology (Other) Forensic Biology Anthropological Genetics Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Gene Mapping Gene Expression Genetic Immunology Genome Structure and Regulation Genomics Cell and Nuclear Division Molecular Evolution Neurogenetics Optogenetics Genetics (Other) Acarology Entomology Animal Biotechnology Animal Behaviour Animal Diet and Nutrition Animal Physiology - Biophysics Animal Physiology-Ecophysiology Animal Physiology - Cell Animal Physiology - Systems Animal Developmental and Reproductive Biology Animal Cell and Molecular Biology Animal Immunology Animal Neurobiology Animal Structure and Function Comparative Physiology Ornithology Vertebrate Biology Invertebrate Biology Aquatic Toxicology Zoology (Other) Bacteriology Infectious Agents Mycology Microbial Ecology Microbial Genetics Parasitology Virology Microbiology (Other) Astrobiology Astronomical Instrumentation Galactic Astronomy General Relativity and Gravitational Waves Planetary Science (Excl. Solar System and Planetary Geology) Solar Physics Complex Physical Systems Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy Stellar Astronomy and Planetary Systems High Energy Astrophysics and Galactic Cosmic Rays Astronomical Sciences (Other) Atomic and Molecular Physics Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy Photonics, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Lasers and Quantum Electronics Terahertz Physics Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Other) Acoustics and Acoustical Devices; Waves Electrostatics and Electrodynamics General Physics Statistical Physics Classical and Physical Optics Material Physics Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Surface Physics Classical Physics (Other) Degenerate Quantum Gases and Atom Optics Quantum Computers Quantum Information, Computation and Communication Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Optics and Quantum Optomechanics Quantum Technologies Quantum Physics (Other) Nuclear Physics Plasma Physics; Fusion Plasmas; Electrical Discharges Radiophysics Nuclear and Plasma Physics (Other) Field Theory and String Theory Astroparticle Physics and Particle Cosmology Particle Physics Particle and High Energy Physics (Other) Instruments and Techniques Accelerators Synchrotrons Synchrotrons and Accelerators (Other) Biophysics Medical Physics Medical and Biological Physics (Other) Astrodynamics and Space Situational Awareness Heliophysics and Space Weather Solar System Energetic Particles Solar System Planetary Science (Excl. Planetary Geology) Mesospheric, Thermospheric, Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Physics Space Instrumentation Space Sciences (Other) Condensed Matter Imaging Condensed Matter Characterisation Technique Development Condensed Matter Modelling and Density Functional Theory Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity Structural Properties of Condensed Matter Surface Properties of Condensed Matter Soft Condensed Matter Condensed Matter Physics (Other) Flow Analysis Analytical Spectrometry Bioassays Electroanalytical Chemistry Instrumental Methods Quality Assurance, Chemometrics, Traceability and Metrological Chemistry Metabolomic Chemistry Sensor Technology Separation Science Analytical Chemistry (Other) Solution Chemistry Electrochemistry Photochemistry Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics Colloid and Surface Chemistry Molecular Imaging Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics Transport Properties and Non-Equilibrium Processes Physical Chemistry (Other) Non-Metal Chemistry Main Group Metal Chemistry Bioinorganic Chemistry F-Block Chemistry Transition Metal Chemistry Inorganic Green Chemistry Solid State Chemistry Crystallography Metal Cluster Chemistry Metal Organic Frameworks Organometallic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry (Other) Inorganic Materials Macromolecular Materials Physical Properties of Materials Optical Properties of Materials Theory and Design of Materials Structure and Dynamics of Materials Nanochemistry Nuclear Chemistry Polymerisation Mechanisms Supramolecular Chemistry Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry (Other) Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds Physical Organic Chemistry Organic Chemical Synthesis Organic Green Chemistry Free Radical Chemistry Organic Chemistry (Other) Computational Chemistry Statistical Mechanics in Chemistry Radiation and Matter Theoretical Quantum Chemistry Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Other) Forensic Chemistry Characterisation of Biological Macromolecules Biologically Active Molecules Biomolecular Modelling and Design Glycoconjugates Cheminformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Molecular Medicine Proteins and Peptides Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry (Other) Forensic Evaluation, Inference and Statistics Biostatistics Large and Complex Data Theory Soft Computing Computational Statistics Statistical Analysis Statistical Experiment Design Statistical Quality Control Statistical Theory Statistical Data Science Spatial Statistics Quantitative Decision Methods Probability Theory Stochastic Analysis and Modelling Theory of Sampling Risk Analysis Applied Statistics Operation Statistics (Other) Experimental Mathematics Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations Mathematical Optimisation Numerical Analysis Symbolic Calculation Finite Element Analysis Numerical and Computational Mathematics (Other) Ordinary Differential Equations, Difference Equations and Dynamical Systems Algebra and Number Theory Algebraic and Differential Geometry Group Theory and Generalisations Category Theory, K Theory, Homological Algebra Partial Differential Equations Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (Excl. Physical Combinatorics) Lie Groups, Harmonic and Fourier Analysis Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Lattices and Universal Algebra Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis Real and Complex Functions (Incl. Several Variables) Topology Pure Mathematics (Other) Biological Mathematics Financial Mathematics Mathematical Methods and Special Functions Complex Systems in Mathematics Operations Research İn Mathematics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Mathematics Dynamical Systems in Applications Calculus of Variations, Mathematical Aspects of Systems Theory and Control Theory Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods Applied Mathematics (Other) Aerodynamics (Excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics) Experimental Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer Computational Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (Incl. Computational Fluid Dynamics) Fluid-Structure Interaction and Aeroacoustics Bio-Fluids Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Multiphysics Flows (Incl. Multiphase and Reacting Flows) Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Flows Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows (Incl. Rheology) Fundamental and Theoretical Fluid Dynamics Turbulent Flows Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other) Biofabrication Biomedical Sciences and Technology Biomedical Instrumentation Biomedical Imaging Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Diagnosis Biomedical Therapy Biomechanical Engineering Biometry Tissue Engineering Computational Physiology Mechanobiology Rehabilitation Engineering Neural Engineering Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering (Other) Active Matter Design Bioelectronic Biomaterial Bioprocess Design Bioprocess Bioseperation Animal Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Microtechnologies Protein Engineering Bioengineering (Other) Treatment Facility Design Waste Management, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Environmental Pollution and Prevention Environmentally Sustainable Engineering Air Pollution Modelling and Control Air Pollution and Gas Cleaning Solid and Hazardous Wastes Global Environmental Engineering Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Clean Production Technologies Soil Pollution and Control Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Environmental Engineering (Other) Naval Platforms Structural Design Maritime Business Administration Marine Technology Marine Transportation Maritime Transportation Engineering Marine Structures Marine Main and Auxiliaries Marine Electronics, Control and Automation Ship Manoeuvring and Control Naval Architecture Marine Vehicles Management Engineering Ship and Platform Structures (Incl. Maritime Hydrodynamics) Ship and Yacht Design Ship Management Ship Energy Efficiency Deck and Navigation Engineering Ocean Engineering Maritime Engineering (Other) Lighting Circuits and Systems Electrical Circuits and Systems Electrical Energy Storage Electrical Energy Transmission, Networks and Systems Electrical Energy Generation (Incl. Renewables, Excl. Photovoltaics) Electrical Machines and Drives Power Plants Photovoltaic Power Systems Engineering Electromagnetics High Voltage Electrical Engineering (Other) Analog Electronics and Interfaces Digital Electronic Devices Digital Processor Architectures Electronics Electronic Sensors Electronic Device and System Performance Evaluation, Testing and Simulation Electronic Instrumentation Electronic Warfare Electronic Design Automation Evaluation Technique in Electronics Industrial Electronics Photonic and Electro-Optical Devices, Sensors and Systems (Excl. Communications) Photovoltaic Devices (Solar Cells) Embedded Systems Power Electronics Control Theoryand Applications Quantum Engineering Systems (Incl. Computing and Communications) Microelectronics Radio Frequency Engineering Numerical Design Semiconductors Electronics, Sensors and Digital Hardware (Other) Biomass Energy Systems Energy Solar Energy Systems Hydroelectric Energy Systems Geothermal Energy Systems Nuclear Energy Systems Wind Energy Systems Thermal Power Systems Installation Technologies Renewable Energy Resources Energy Systems Engineering (Other) Network Engineering Antennas and Propagation Optical Fibre Communication Systems and Technologies Wireless Communication Systems and Technologies (Incl. Microwave and Millimetrewave) Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Signal Processing Satellite Communications Data Communications Communications Engineering (Other) Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management Reinforced Concrete Buildings Steel Structures Earthquake Engineering Granular Mechanics Hydromechanics Civil Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering System Identification in Civil Engineering Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Civil Construction Engineering Complex Civil Systems Fracture Mechanics Coastal Sciences and Engineering Architectural Engineering Wind Water Harvesting Water Resources Engineering Water Resources and Water Structures Transportation and Traffic Transportation Engineering Fire Safety Engineering Structural Dynamics Construction Business Construction Materials Structural Engineering Production Technologies Civil Engineering (Other) Land Management Geospatial Information Systems and Geospatial Data Modelling Photogrametry Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Cadastral and Property Cartography and Digital Mapping Navigation and Position Fixing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Planning Satellite-Based Positioning Surveying (Incl. Hydrographic Surveying) Geomatic Engineering (Other) Electrometallurgy Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering Hydrometallurgy Mineral Processing/Beneficiation Pyrometallurgy Welding Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy (Other) Wastewater Treatment Processes Separation Processes Separation Technologies Environmental and Sustainable Processes Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Electrochemical Technologies Chemical and Thermal Processes in Energy and Combustion Food Engineering Carbon Capture Engineering (Excl. Sequestration) Catalytic Activity Chemical Engineering Design Chemical Process Design Chemical Reaction Reaction Engineering (Excl. Nuclear Reactions) Mass Transfer Materials Science and Technologies Metallization and Optimation Petrochemistry Polymer Science and Technologies Water Treatment Processes Process Control and Simulation Plant Projecting Plant Design Powder and Particle Technology Chemical Engineering (Other) Biomechatronics Control Engineering Mechatronics Hardware Design and Architecture Mechatronics Engineering Mechatronic System Design Simulation, Modelling, and Programming of Mechatronics Systems Micro-Manipulation Engineering Instrumentation Automation Engineering Autonomous Vehicle Systems Field Robotics Medical Robotics Manufacturing Robotics Assistive Robots and Technology Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics (Other) Industrial Raw Material Rock Mechanics and Fortification Drilling and Blasting in Rock Engineering Excavation Mechanics Chemical-Biological Recovery Techniques and Ore Dressing Coal Mine Design, Management and Economy Mining Methods and Mine System Analysis Occupational Health and Safety in Mines Metalic Mines Air Conditioning in Underground Rock Engineering Mining Engineering (Other) Circuit Machines Acoustics and Noise Control (Excl. Architectural Acoustics) Ballistic Systems Biomechanic Dynamics, Vibration and Vibration Control Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage (Excl. Chemical and Electrical) Gas Dynamics Solid Mechanics Resource Technologies Mechanical Engineering Asset Management Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering Machine Design and Machine Equipment Machine Theory and Dynamics Material Design and Behaviors Microelectromechanical Systems (Mems) Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation Weapon Systems Tribology Mechanical Engineering (Other) Compound Semiconductors Glass Cement Technology Casting Technologies Electronic, Optics and Magnetic Materials Physical Metallurgy Functional Materials Wearable Materials Computational Material Sciences Plating Technology Timber, Pulp and Paper Composite and Hybrid Materials Corrosion Material Characterization Ceramics in Materials Engineering Material Production Technologies Metals and Alloy Materials Organic Semiconductors Polymer Physics Polymer Technologies Polymers and Plastics Refractory Technology Elemental Semiconductors Powder Metallurgy Manufacturing Metallurgy Materials Engineering (Other) Humanitarian Engineering Engineering Education Engineering Design Engineering Practice Systems Engineering Risk Engineering Engineering Practice and Education (Other) Micro and Nanosystems Molecular and Organic Electronics Nanoelectromechanical Systems Nanoelectronics Nanofabrication, Growth and Self Assembly Nanophotonics Nanomaterials Nanometrology Nanoscale Characterisation Nanomanufacturing Nanotechnology (Other) Dedector Technology Booster Technology Nuclear Sciences Nuclear Technology Nuclear Applications Radiation Technology Reactor Technology Nuclear Engineering (Other) Wood Based Composites Wood Physics and Mechanics Wooden Buildings and Constructions Fiber and Paper Technology Nonwood Forest Products Industry Wood Protection Technology Forest Industry Management Forest Products Chemistry Forest Industry Engineering (Other) Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Powertrains Internal Combustion Engines Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Automotive Safety Engineering Automotive Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Automotive Engineering Materials Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering Heat Transfer in Automotive Vehicle Technique and Dynamics Automotive Engineering (Other) Petroleum and Natural Gas Reservoir Engineering Reservoir Boring and Drilling Petroleum Engineering (Other) Leather Engineering Yarn Technology Fabric Technologies Fiber Technology Planning Techniques Textile Science Textile Quality Control Textile Chemistry Textile Technology Textile Finishing Textile Sciences and Engineering (Other) CAD/CAM Systems Multiple Criteria Decision Making Industrial Engineering Ergonomi and Human Factors Management Flexible Manufacturing Systems Precision Engineering Manufacturing Safety and Quality Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Excl. Textiles) Manufacturing Management Additive Manufacturing Machine Tools Machining Microtechnology Packaging, Storage and Transportation (Excl. Food and Agricultural Products) Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering in System Engineering Stochastic (Probability ) Process Technology Management and Business Models Manufacturing and Service Systems Optimization in Manufacturing New Product Development Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Other) Air-Space Transportation Avionics Aerospace Materials Aerospace Structures Hypersonic Propulsion and Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics Aircraft Performance and Flight Control Systems Flight Dynamics Satellite, Space Vehicle and Missile Design and Testing Aerospace Engineering (Other) Marine Geology and Geophysics General Geology Hydrogeology Geoarcheology Geothermal Rock Mechanics Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry Mineralogy- Petrography Geology of Engineering Seismology Continuum Mechanics Applied Geology Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) Biosystem Precision Agriculture Technologies Green-House Technologies Irrigation Systems Irrigation Water Quality Agricultural Machine Systems Agricultural Machines Agricultural Drainage Agricultural Electrification Agricultural Energy Systems Agricultural Automatization Agricultural Structures Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi
Fuzzy Computation Natural Language Processing Speech Production Planning and Decision Making Artificial Reality Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems Artificial Intelligence (Other) Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Morphology and Anatomy Plant Pathology Palynology Ethobotany Bryophyte Plant Tissue and Cell Culture Botany (Other) Bioinformatic Methods Development Biological Network Analysis Genomics and Transcriptomics Computational Ecology and Phylogenetics Statistical and Quantitative Genetics Proteomics and Metabolomics Sequence Analysis Translational and Applied Bioinformatics Molecular Docking Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Other) Analytical Biochemistry Enzymes Glycobiology Cell Development, Proliferation and Death Cell Metabolism Cell Neurochemistry Cellular Interactions Protein Trafficking Proteomics and Intermolecular Interactions Radiobiology Receptors and Membrane Biology Synthetic Biology Signal Transduction Systems Biology Structural Biology Cancer Biology Genotoxicity and Cytotoxicity Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Other) Behavioural Ecology Marine and Estuarine Ecology Ecological Physiology Hydrobiology Terrestrial Ecology Global Change Biology Palaeoecology Population Ecology Radioecology Freshwater Ecology Community Ecology Molecular Ecology Ecotoxicology Invasion Ecology Ecology (Other) Bioprocessing, Bioproduction and Bioproducts Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology Industrial Biotechnology Diagnostics Industrial Microbiology Fermentation Nanobiotechnology Industrial Molecular Engineering of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Industrial Biotechnology (Other) Plant and Fungus Systematics and Taxonomy Biogeography and Phylogeography Biological Adaptation Evolutionary Ecology Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis Evolution of Developmental Systems Animal Systematics and Taxonomy Evolutionary Impacts of Climate Change Host-Parasite Interactions Microbial Taxonomy Speciation and Extinction Life Histories Evolutionary Biology (Other) Forensic Biology Anthropological Genetics Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Gene Mapping Gene Expression Genetic Immunology Genome Structure and Regulation Genomics Cell and Nuclear Division Molecular Evolution Neurogenetics Optogenetics Cytogenetic Molecular Genetics Genetics (Other) Acarology Entomology Animal Biotechnology Animal Behaviour Animal Diet and Nutrition Animal Physiology - Biophysics Animal Physiology-Ecophysiology Animal Physiology - Cell Animal Physiology - Systems Animal Developmental and Reproductive Biology Animal Cell and Molecular Biology Animal Immunology Animal Neurobiology Animal Structure and Function Comparative Physiology Ornithology Vertebrate Biology Invertebrate Biology Aquatic Toxicology Zoology (Other) Bacteriology Infectious Agents Mycology Microbial Ecology Microbial Genetics Parasitology Virology Microbiology (Other) Astrobiology Astronomical Instrumentation Galactic Astronomy General Relativity and Gravitational Waves Planetary Science (Excl. Solar System and Planetary Geology) Solar Physics Complex Physical Systems Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy Stellar Astronomy and Planetary Systems High Energy Astrophysics and Galactic Cosmic Rays Astronomical Sciences (Other) Atomic and Molecular Physics Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy Photonics, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Lasers and Quantum Electronics Terahertz Physics Robotics Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Other) Acoustics and Acoustical Devices; Waves Electrostatics and Electrodynamics General Physics Statistical Physics Classical and Physical Optics Material Physics Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Surface Physics Classical Physics (Other) Degenerate Quantum Gases and Atom Optics Quantum Computers Quantum Information, Computation and Communication Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Optics and Quantum Optomechanics Quantum Technologies Quantum Physics (Other) Nuclear Physics Plasma Physics; Fusion Plasmas; Electrical Discharges Radiophysics Nuclear and Plasma Physics (Other) Field Theory and String Theory Astroparticle Physics and Particle Cosmology Particle Physics Particle and High Energy Physics (Other) Instruments and Techniques Accelerators Synchrotrons Synchrotrons and Accelerators (Other) Biophysics Medical Physics Medical and Biological Physics (Other) Astrodynamics and Space Situational Awareness Heliophysics and Space Weather Solar System Energetic Particles Solar System Planetary Science (Excl. Planetary Geology) Mesospheric, Thermospheric, Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Physics Space Instrumentation Space Sciences (Other) Condensed Matter Imaging Condensed Matter Characterisation Technique Development Condensed Matter Modelling and Density Functional Theory Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity Structural Properties of Condensed Matter Surface Properties of Condensed Matter Soft Condensed Matter Condensed Matter Physics (Other) Integrable Systems (Classical and Quantum) Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity Mathematical Aspects of Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory Mathematical Aspects of Quantum and Conformal Field Theory, Quantum Gravity and String Theory Algebraic Structures in Mathematical Physics Statistical Mechanics, Physical Combinatorics and Mathematical Aspects of Condensed Matter Mathematical Physics (Other) Flow Analysis Analytical Spectrometry Bioassays Electroanalytical Chemistry Instrumental Methods Quality Assurance, Chemometrics, Traceability and Metrological Chemistry Metabolomic Chemistry Sensor Technology Separation Science Analytical Chemistry (Other) Solution Chemistry Electrochemistry Photochemistry Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics Colloid and Surface Chemistry Molecular Imaging Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics Transport Properties and Non-Equilibrium Processes Physical Chemistry (Other) Non-Metal Chemistry Main Group Metal Chemistry Bioinorganic Chemistry F-Block Chemistry Transition Metal Chemistry Inorganic Green Chemistry Solid State Chemistry Crystallography Metal Cluster Chemistry Metal Organic Frameworks Organometallic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry (Other) Inorganic Materials Macromolecular Materials Physical Properties of Materials Optical Properties of Materials Theory and Design of Materials Structure and Dynamics of Materials Nanochemistry Nuclear Chemistry Polymerisation Mechanisms Supramolecular Chemistry Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry (Other) Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds Physical Organic Chemistry Organic Chemical Synthesis Organic Green Chemistry Free Radical Chemistry Organic Chemistry (Other) Computational Chemistry Statistical Mechanics in Chemistry Radiation and Matter Theoretical Quantum Chemistry Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Other) Forensic Chemistry Characterisation of Biological Macromolecules Biologically Active Molecules Biomolecular Modelling and Design Glycoconjugates Cheminformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Molecular Medicine Proteins and Peptides Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry (Other) Forensic Evaluation, Inference and Statistics Biostatistics Large and Complex Data Theory Soft Computing Computational Statistics Statistical Analysis Statistical Experiment Design Statistical Quality Control Statistical Theory Statistical Data Science Spatial Statistics Quantitative Decision Methods Probability Theory Stochastic Analysis and Modelling Theory of Sampling Risk Analysis Applied Statistics Operation Statistics (Other) Experimental Mathematics Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations Mathematical Optimisation Numerical Analysis Symbolic Calculation Finite Element Analysis Numerical and Computational Mathematics (Other) Ordinary Differential Equations, Difference Equations and Dynamical Systems Algebra and Number Theory Algebraic and Differential Geometry Group Theory and Generalisations Category Theory, K Theory, Homological Algebra Partial Differential Equations Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics (Excl. Physical Combinatorics) Lie Groups, Harmonic and Fourier Analysis Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Lattices and Universal Algebra Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis Real and Complex Functions (Incl. Several Variables) Topology Pure Mathematics (Other) Biological Mathematics Financial Mathematics Mathematical Methods and Special Functions Complex Systems in Mathematics Operations Research İn Mathematics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Mathematics Dynamical Systems in Applications Calculus of Variations, Mathematical Aspects of Systems Theory and Control Theory Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods Applied Mathematics (Other) Aerodynamics (Excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics) Experimental Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer Computational Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (Incl. Computational Fluid Dynamics) Fluid-Structure Interaction and Aeroacoustics Bio-Fluids Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Multiphysics Flows (Incl. Multiphase and Reacting Flows) Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Flows Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows (Incl. Rheology) Fundamental and Theoretical Fluid Dynamics Turbulent Flows Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other) Biofabrication Biomedical Sciences and Technology Biomedical Instrumentation Biomedical Imaging Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Diagnosis Biomedical Therapy Biomechanical Engineering Biometry Tissue Engineering Computational Physiology Mechanobiology Rehabilitation Engineering Neural Engineering Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering (Other) Active Matter Design Bioelectronic Biomaterial Bioprocess Design Bioprocess Bioseperation Animal Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Microtechnologies Protein Engineering Bioengineering (Other) Treatment Facility Design Waste Management, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Environmental Pollution and Prevention Environmentally Sustainable Engineering Air Pollution Modelling and Control Air Pollution and Gas Cleaning Solid and Hazardous Wastes Global Environmental Engineering Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Clean Production Technologies Soil Pollution and Control Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Environmental Engineering (Other) Naval Platforms Structural Design Maritime Business Administration Marine Technology Marine Transportation Maritime Transportation Engineering Marine Structures Marine Main and Auxiliaries Marine Electronics, Control and Automation Ship Manoeuvring and Control Naval Architecture Marine Vehicles Management Engineering Ship and Platform Structures (Incl. Maritime Hydrodynamics) Ship and Yacht Design Ship Management Ship Energy Efficiency Deck and Navigation Engineering Ocean Engineering Maritime Engineering (Other) Lighting Circuits and Systems Electrical Circuits and Systems Electrical Energy Storage Electrical Energy Transmission, Networks and Systems Electrical Energy Generation (Incl. Renewables, Excl. Photovoltaics) Electrical Machines and Drives Power Plants Photovoltaic Power Systems Engineering Electromagnetics High Voltage Electrical Engineering (Other) Analog Electronics and Interfaces Digital Electronic Devices Digital Processor Architectures Electronics Electronic Sensors Electronic Device and System Performance Evaluation, Testing and Simulation Electronic Instrumentation Electronic Warfare Electronic Design Automation Evaluation Technique in Electronics Industrial Electronics Photonic and Electro-Optical Devices, Sensors and Systems (Excl. Communications) Photovoltaic Devices (Solar Cells) Embedded Systems Power Electronics Control Theoryand Applications Quantum Engineering Systems (Incl. Computing and Communications) Microelectronics Radio Frequency Engineering Numerical Design Semiconductors Electronics, Sensors and Digital Hardware (Other) Biomass Energy Systems Energy Solar Energy Systems Hydroelectric Energy Systems Geothermal Energy Systems Nuclear Energy Systems Wind Energy Systems Thermal Power Systems Installation Technologies Renewable Energy Resources Energy Efficiency Energy Systems Engineering (Other) Network Engineering Antennas and Propagation Optical Fibre Communication Systems and Technologies Wireless Communication Systems and Technologies (Incl. Microwave and Millimetrewave) Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Signal Processing Satellite Communications Data Communications Communications Engineering (Other) Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management Reinforced Concrete Buildings Steel Structures Earthquake Engineering Granular Mechanics Hydromechanics Civil Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering System Identification in Civil Engineering Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Civil Construction Engineering Complex Civil Systems Fracture Mechanics Coastal Sciences and Engineering Architectural Engineering Wind Water Harvesting Water Resources Engineering Water Resources and Water Structures Transportation and Traffic Transportation Engineering Fire Safety Engineering Structural Dynamics Construction Business Construction Materials Structural Engineering Production Technologies Civil Engineering (Other) Land Management Geospatial Information Systems and Geospatial Data Modelling Photogrametry Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Cadastral and Property Cartography and Digital Mapping Navigation and Position Fixing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Planning Satellite-Based Positioning Surveying (Incl. Hydrographic Surveying) Geomatic Engineering (Other) Electrometallurgy Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering Hydrometallurgy Mineral Processing/Beneficiation Pyrometallurgy Welding Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy (Other) Wastewater Treatment Processes Separation Processes Separation Technologies Environmental and Sustainable Processes Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Electrochemical Technologies Chemical and Thermal Processes in Energy and Combustion Food Engineering Carbon Capture Engineering (Excl. Sequestration) Catalytic Activity Chemical Engineering Design Chemical Process Design Chemical Reaction Reaction Engineering (Excl. Nuclear Reactions) Mass Transfer Materials Science and Technologies Metallization and Optimation Petrochemistry Polymer Science and Technologies Water Treatment Processes Process Control and Simulation Plant Projecting Plant Design Powder and Particle Technology Chemical Engineering (Other) Biomechatronics Control Engineering Mechatronics Hardware Design and Architecture Mechatronics Engineering Mechatronic System Design Simulation, Modelling, and Programming of Mechatronics Systems Micro-Manipulation Engineering Instrumentation Automation Engineering Autonomous Vehicle Systems Field Robotics Medical Robotics Manufacturing Robotics Assistive Robots and Technology Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics (Other) Industrial Raw Material Rock Mechanics and Fortification Drilling and Blasting in Rock Engineering Excavation Mechanics Chemical-Biological Recovery Techniques and Ore Dressing Coal Mine Design, Management and Economy Mining Methods and Mine System Analysis Occupational Health and Safety in Mines Metalic Mines Air Conditioning in Underground Rock Engineering Mining Engineering (Other) Circuit Machines Acoustics and Noise Control (Excl. Architectural Acoustics) Ballistic Systems Biomechanic Dynamics, Vibration and Vibration Control Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage (Excl. Chemical and Electrical) Gas Dynamics Solid Mechanics Resource Technologies Mechanical Engineering Asset Management Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Engineering Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering Machine Design and Machine Equipment Machine Theory and Dynamics Material Design and Behaviors Microelectromechanical Systems (Mems) Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation Weapon Systems Tribology Mechanical Engineering (Other) Compound Semiconductors Glass Cement Technology Casting Technologies Electronic, Optics and Magnetic Materials Physical Metallurgy Functional Materials Wearable Materials Computational Material Sciences Plating Technology Timber, Pulp and Paper Composite and Hybrid Materials Corrosion Material Characterization Ceramics in Materials Engineering Material Production Technologies Metals and Alloy Materials Organic Semiconductors Polymer Physics Polymer Technologies Polymers and Plastics Refractory Technology Elemental Semiconductors Powder Metallurgy Manufacturing Metallurgy Materials Engineering (Other) Micro and Nanosystems Molecular and Organic Electronics Nanoelectromechanical Systems Nanoelectronics Nanofabrication, Growth and Self Assembly Nanophotonics Nanomaterials Nanometrology Nanoscale Characterisation Nanomanufacturing Nanotechnology (Other) Dedector Technology Booster Technology Nuclear Sciences Nuclear Technology Nuclear Applications Radiation Technology Reactor Technology Nuclear Engineering (Other) Wood Based Composites Wood Physics and Mechanics Wooden Buildings and Constructions Fiber and Paper Technology Nonwood Forest Products Industry Wood Protection Technology Forest Industry Management Forest Products Chemistry Forest Industry Engineering (Other) Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Powertrains Internal Combustion Engines Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Automotive Safety Engineering Automotive Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Automotive Engineering Materials Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering Heat Transfer in Automotive Vehicle Technique and Dynamics Automotive Engineering (Other) Petroleum and Natural Gas Reservoir Engineering Reservoir Boring and Drilling Petroleum Engineering (Other) Leather Engineering Yarn Technology Fabric Technologies Fiber Technology Planning Techniques Textile Science Textile Quality Control Textile Chemistry Textile Technology Textile Finishing Apparel Technology Textile Management Textile Sciences and Engineering (Other) CAD/CAM Systems Multiple Criteria Decision Making Industrial Engineering Ergonomi and Human Factors Management Flexible Manufacturing Systems Precision Engineering Manufacturing Safety and Quality Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (Excl. Textiles) Manufacturing Management Additive Manufacturing Machine Tools Machining Microtechnology Packaging, Storage and Transportation (Excl. Food and Agricultural Products) Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering in System Engineering Stochastic (Probability ) Process Technology Management and Business Models Manufacturing and Service Systems Optimization in Manufacturing New Product Development Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Other) Air-Space Transportation Avionics Aerospace Materials Aerospace Structures Hypersonic Propulsion and Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics Aircraft Performance and Flight Control Systems Flight Dynamics Satellite, Space Vehicle and Missile Design and Testing Aerospace Engineering (Other) Marine Geology and Geophysics General Geology Hydrogeology Geoarcheology Geothermal Rock Mechanics Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry Mineralogy- Petrography Geology of Engineering Seismology Continuum Mechanics Applied Geology Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) Biosystem Precision Agriculture Technologies Green-House Technologies Irrigation Systems Irrigation Water Quality Agricultural Machine Systems Agricultural Machines Agricultural Drainage Agricultural Electrification Agricultural Energy Systems Agricultural Automatization Agricultural Structures Agricultural Engineering (Other)
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Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi
Information Security Management Information Modelling, Management and Ontologies Information Systems Education Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice Information Systems User Experience Design and Development Information Systems Organisation and Management E-State Electronic Documentation Management Systems Business Process Management Decision Support and Group Support Systems Inter-Organisational, Extra-Organisational and Global Information Systems Information Systems For Sustainable Development and The Public Good Management Information Systems Information Systems (Other) Translation and Interpretation Studies Early English Languages English As A Second Language Comparative Language Studies Latin and Classical Greek Languages Translation Studies Language Acquisition Language Studies (Other) Media Studies Environmental Communication Journalism Journalism Studies Communication Studies Communication Education Communication Theories Communication Systems Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies Internet Internet Publishing Mass Media Media Industry Studies Media Literacy Media Technologies Organisational, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication Radio Programming Radio Broadcasting Radio-Television Social Media Studies Social Media Applications and Analysis Television Programming Television Broadcasting Transmedia International and Development Communication New Communication Technologies New Media Communication and Media Studies (Other) Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan) Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai) Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye) Anatolian Languages Turkish Folk Literature Classical Turkish Literature Turkish Language and Literature (Other) Family Counseling Career Counseling Drug Addiction Consultancy School Counseling Psychological Counseling Education Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Other) Fine Arts Education Growth Inflation Employment Development Economics - Macro Informal Economy Cyclical Fluctuations Policy of Treasury Monetary Policy Monetary-Banking Capital Market International Finance Economic Thought Circular Economy Migration Economics Space Economy Development Economics Disaster Economy Macroeconomics (Other) Economic Design European Union Economy International Economic Foundation Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics International Corporation Foreign Trade Foreign Trade Policy Economic Diplomacy International Economics (Other) Constitutional Law Military Law and Justice Migration, Asylum and Refugee Law Administrative Law Privacy and Data Rights Welfare, Insurance, Disability and Social Security Law Competition Law Domestic Human Rights Law Tax Law Public Law (Other) City in Human Geography Türkiye Physical Geography Environmental Geography Environmental Impact Assessment Ecology, Sustainability and Energy Economic Geography Development Geography Rural and Regional Geography Cultural Geography Population Geography Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Geography Health Geography Urban and Regional Planning Education Political Geography Social Geography Historical Geography Turkish Human Geography Turkish Economic Geography Transport Geography Countries Geography Habitation Geography Human Geography (Other) Constitutional and Political Theories European and Region Studies Peace Studies Comparative Political Movement Comparative Political Institutions Political Ecology Defence Studies Political Movement Political Communication Political Theory and Political Philosophy Political Science Methodology Environmental Politics Intellectual History of Politics Gender and Politics Turkish Political Life International Foundation International Politics Conflict Resolution Citizenship Political Science (Other) Forensic Social Science Family Sociology Sociology of Family and Relationships Military Sociology Body Sociology Sociology of Science and Information Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology Recreation Sociology Labor Sociology Environmental Sociology Sociology of Gender Change, Underdevelopment and Modernisation Sociology Language Sociology Sociology of Religion Literature Sociology Educational Sociology Entertainment Sociology Economic Demography Industrial Sociology Sociology of Inequalities Youth Sociology Migration Sociology Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Sociology of Law Economic Sociology Communication Sociology Labor and Organisition Sociology Women's Studies Urban Sociology and Community Studies Rural Sociology Sociology of Culture Modernization Sociology Sociology of Music Game Sociology Sociology of Health Art Sociology Cinema Sociology Political Sociology Social Change Social Demography Social Movement Social Theory Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology Quantitative Methods in Sociology Qualitative Methods in Sociology Sociological Methodology and Research Methods Sociology of Sports Technical Demography Television Sociology Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Sociology of The Life Course Management Sociology Sociology of Aging Sociology of Quality of Life Sociology of Child Sociology of Food Sociology of History Tourism Sociology Fiscal Sociology Men's Studies Sociology (Other) African Studies American Studies Studies of Asian Society European Union European Union-Turkiye Relations European Studies Regional Studies Globalisation Middle East Studies Turkish Foreign Policy Studies of the Turkic World International Migration International Security International Law International Relations Theories Politics in International Relations Terrorism in International Relations Conflict Resolution in International Relations International Institutions Far East Studies Security Studies War Studies International Relations (Other) Fine Arts Visual Cultures Islamic Arts Cultural and Natural Heritage History of Architecture Aesthetics in Architecture Painting History Art Criticism Art History Urban in Art History Urban Aesthetics in Art History Art Theory Byzantine Art Contemporary Art Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) Fine-Arts in Turkish Islamic Art Archaic Period Archeology Archaeological Science Obsidian in Archeology Ceramics in Archeology Archaeology of Asia, Africa and The Americas Archaeology of Europe, The Mediterranean and The Levant Maritime Archaeology Digital Archaeology Early Bronze Age Archeology Hellenistic Period Archeology Hittite Archeology Archeology of Islam Archeology of Turks Before Islam Urban Archeology Classical Period Archeology Neolithic Age Archeology Numismatics Medieval Age Archeology Archeology of Ottoman Palaeolithic Age Archeology Landscaping Archeology Archeology of Seljuk Historical Archaeology (Incl. Industrial Archaeology) Archeology of Turks Habitat Archeology Greek and Roman Period Archeology Late Iron Age The Archaeology of Middle Bronze Age Archaeology (Other) Contemporary African History Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary American History Contemporary Military History Contemporary Asian History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary History of Iran Contemporary History of Middle East Contemporary Russian History Contemporary World History (Other) Old Anatolian History History of Old Asia Minor Classical Greek and Roman History Ancient History (Other) History of The Republic of Turkiye Pre-Islamic Turkish History Modern Turkish History History of Central Asia Turkish Savannah Culture Turkish Society and Community Turkish Cultural History General Turkish History (Other) History of Asian Economy History of European Economy History of World Economy History of Finance History of Ottoman Economy History of Turkiye Economy History of Economics (Other) History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval European History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities Roman History History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) History of Ottoman Minorities Intellectual History of Ottoman History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Culture and Art Ottoman Central Organization History of Ottoman Socio-Economy Ottoman Field Service Ottoman Society Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) African Political History American Political History Military Geography European Political History Political Geography in Political History Türkish Political Hİstory Middle Eastern and North African History Ataturk's Principles History of Revolution Political History (Other) Biography Environmental History Gender History Digital History History of Religion Migration History History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism Histories of Race History of Islam Global and World History Historical Studies of Crime International History Transnational History Oral History Local History Historical Studies (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern Latin American History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Russian History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Latin American History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other) Studies in Religious Traditions (Excl. Eastern, Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions) Studies in Eastern Religious Traditions Christian Studies Comparative Religious Studies Jewish Studies Religious Studies (Other) Arabic Language and Rhetoric Hadith Islamic Law Islamic Sects Kalam Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat Sufism Tafsir Islamic Studies (Other) British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Bitlis İslamiyat Dergisi
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi
Translation and Interpretation Studies Language Studies (Other) Ethics History of The Byzantine Political and Civilization History of Islam Medieval Asian History Medieval Folk Culture Medieval Cities History of Seljuk History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History Medieval History (Other) Late Modern African History Late Modern Mediterranean History Late Modern American History Late Modern Military History Late Modern Asian History Late Modern European History Late Modern Balkan History Late Modern Press History Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Urban History Late Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Late Modern History of Middle East Late Modern Ottoman History Late Modern Renewal History Late Modern History (Other) Early Modern African History Early Modern Mediterranean History Early Modern American History Early Modern Military History Early Modern Asian History Early Modern European History Early Modern Balkan History Early Modern Press History Early Modern Naval History Early Modern Urban History Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History Early Modern Latin American History Early Modern History of Middle East Early Modern Ottoman History Early Modern Russian History Early Modern Renewal History Early Modern History (Other) Arabic Language and Rhetoric Hadith Islamic Law Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat Sufism Tafsir
Biyo Anadolu
Iğdır Üniversitesi
Algology Plant Biochemistry Plant Biotechnology Plant Physiology Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Plant Morphology and Anatomy Plant Pathology Botany (Other) Structural Biology Entomology in Agriculture Forest Entomology and Forest Protection
Black Sea Journal of Agriculture
Structural Biology Behavioural Ecology Marine and Estuarine Ecology Ecological Physiology Hydrobiology Terrestrial Ecology Global Change Biology Palaeoecology Population Ecology Radioecology Freshwater Ecology Community Ecology Ecology (Other) Forensic Biology Anthropological Genetics Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Gene Mapping Gene Expression Genetic Immunology Genome Structure and Regulation Genomics Cell and Nuclear Division Molecular Evolution Neurogenetics Optogenetics Genetics (Other) Food Engineering Biosystem Precision Agriculture Technologies Green-House Technologies Irrigation Systems Irrigation Water Quality Agricultural Machine Systems Agricultural Machines Agricultural Drainage Agricultural Electrification Agricultural Energy Systems Agricultural Automatization Agricultural Structures Agricultural Engineering (Other) Zootechny (Other)
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